#i've been thinking a lot about kellam lately
iturbide · 2 years
Well, we both knew this was coming ever since I posted the ask game😂 8,9, 11,12, 16, 19, 20, 29 and 30!
we all knew it was coming
8. A scene/character moment you really liked?
One of the scenes I don't see talked about much at all but that I think about a lot is the one after Emmeryn's death, following the Shepherds' escape from Plegia and flight to Ferox. Chrom is at his lowest point, crushed by the weight of his failures, by the knowledge that he wasn't strong enough to save Emmeryn and she chose to sacrifice herself rather than let Gangrel win...and Robin reminds him, in that moment, about how powerless they were, not so long ago. How alone they had been, before Chrom offered his hand. They don't make light of Emmeryn's sacrifice, freely admitting that neither of them can match her on their own -- but that together, they can achieve so much more than they can individually. Robin reminds Chrom that he doesn't have to become his sister even if he fights for what she believed in, and assures him that even if he fails, they will be there to help him back up.
I've always loved that moment. It's the first time the game brings up the idea of bonds making people more powerful, and moreover it solidifies the bond that Chrom and Robin will share throughout the rest of the game: Robin promises to help Chrom up even if he should fall again...and I like to think that Chrom remembers that, and it's part of what motivates him to keep Robin by his side even after Validar forces Robin to turn on him once: he believes in those bonds, and knowing how low Robin is going to feel after that event, he wants to help pick Robin back up the same way Robin has helped him up countless times before.
9. What's something that should be brought back in future installments?
Well with the understanding that I am a filthy casual, I love having skirmishes as a leveling option. The older games are really hard for me to play because you have to really prioritize which units you use: there just aren't enough battles or experience to go around, making it impossible to really try to get a good feel for every character. Being able to have skirmishes, and moreover trigger additional skirmishes to level different characters, makes it easier to keep everyone in the same league, making it easier to pick units that will excel at a given map rather than being forced to take the only ones that have a suitable level even if they're poorly equipped (cavaliers on desert terrain please no). I'm really glad that 3H kept this aspect, even if it's mostly present on the lower difficulty modes (and once again it's great for Support grinding).
11. Talk about the game's themes!
"Our bonds give us strength" is probably my favorite thing about the whole damn game okay. I absolutely love that message, that together we are stronger than we are alone, and that it is through our friendships that our skills and talents truly shine. We can make each other better, not by berating each other, but by supporting each other, helping one another back up when we fail and striving to do better in the future. There's such a kind message in there that means a lot to me even now, and I tend to go on about it at length in...a lot of my stuff as you've probably noticed.
12. Your favorite cool details?
Okay this is really minor and silly but the Invisible Threads/Ties map?
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I think this particular map is gorgeous. The colored stones radiating out from the central pedestal where the Fire Emblem sits, the Mark of Grima on the stairs leading up to the platform...just think about how much care and effort that kind of construction would require in the real world. This place is beautiful, and it's frankly a shame that we're forced to view it only as a place of evil. I can easily imagine this being a holy place, one of ancient rite and ritual; too bad we never get a chance to see it in better circumstances.
16. Favorite platonic relationship?
Robin and Lissa. Not because of the game, though (I actually don't like their supports that much) but because they're two people who can relate to one another in a really unique way. Robin is someone who has a Brand they do not want (at least once they know what it is); Lissa is someone who is lacking a Brand she should have. Both of them struggle with this, but the way they struggle -- particularly within the confines of Ylisse -- are likely very familiar, and I love the idea of them relating to one another and finding a confidante they can be open and honest with in ways they can't with others.
19. You get to make one more DLC for Awakening. What do you make?
Already covered! I don't have enough DLC ideas to put out more sadly
20. What do you feel is underappreciated about Awakening?
While I technically covered this one already, I think there are other things that are underappreciated. Like. The whole 'crusade' thing, and how Chrom's father, in Gangrel's own words, called them heathens and butchered countless Plegians. The game brings this up in one chapter -- and then it waves it off because Ylisseans suffered, too, and then forgets about it for the rest of the game. That's kind of a big thing to just drop, especially after a weak "both sides" remark. I don't even think IntSys appreciates the bombshell that really constitutes, given how they treat it -- which is a shame, because handled well it could have elevated the game even further.
29. What's an Awakening alt you want in Heroes?
Grandmaster Robin why are you taking so long to give us a Grandmaster Robin alt IntSys we haven't had an actual Robin since year 1 it's been Grimas the last two times I just want my badass tactician
30. Freebie!
Why doesn't Sumia have more supports??? She deserves so many more than she actually has and honestly one that I desperately wish I could have seen is Sumia and Kellam. Sumia, who has such low self-esteem that she wants to disappear into books and live other lives, Kellam who wants so desperately to be noticed even though no one ever sees him...imagine if Sumia was someone who could see him without issue. Imagine the two of them encouraging each other, bolstering one another's confidence and self-esteem, helping each other out -- Kellam helping Sumia cover up a clumsy mistake, Sumia giving Kellam flowers that help him get noticed. I just think they could have been so sweet and it's a travesty that IntSys wasted such a beautiful opportunity.
Awakening Ask Game
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