#i've also been thinking on if i should get george and harold anything
secret-keeper-speaks · 6 months
hello again. apologies, i haven't been very active. here's some christmas news for you all because it's in two days: i've been keeping myself quite busy. my mother bought the wrong cake mix for her rum cake, so my father and i had to go get some for her. he's lucky i have a good memory, otherwise he would have made the same mistake she did, mixing up golden cake with vanilla cake. after finishing that, we did a typical christmas tradition. well, another one, technically, since the cake was ALSO a christmas tradition... THE POINT IS, we made gingerbread. we have to let the dough chill overnight, however, so don't expect to see many pictures of them, because they havent quite been made yet.
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theredengineapologist · 9 months
TTTE First Impressions: S6 Eps 2 and 4
Hello Train Fans of the Internet!
Now that I have this blog, I want to try and make it a habit of recording my thoughts about each episode I watch. From what I've observed, I feel like a lot of the TTTE fandom is composed of people who grew up with the show and/or continued to keep up with it until the end. And while I did watch the model series growing up, I actually don't remember anything that happened. 😅 Re-watching it now feels like watching it for the first time. And so I hope that sharing my thoughts here would provide a new perspective (or at least some entertainment).
First Episode for Discussion: Season 6 Episode 2 "Harvey to the Rescue"
This episode introduces Harvey the Crane Engine! And can I just say, I really like how Harvey's prop looks! Like, I look at him and I just want to pick him up like
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I also like how they gave him more of a round, chubby face. I think it makes him look cute and distinguishes him from the others (outside of the fact that he has a crane on his boiler, but you know)
I really liked the scene where Harvey rescues Percy in the end. That was also really neat. It was cool to watch the crane move and the chains go down and the gears turning. Like, I just think it's really cool! Practical effects rule!
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The one thing I found really odd about this episode is that Edward is... weirdly out of character? They have Edward among the other engines who are judging Harvey for looking weird. And I get that they're going for the whole aesop of "being different makes you special". But like, since when was Edward judgmental? He's one of the nicest engines on this railway! And yet here he's making the comment of "he doesn't even look like an engine". And like, THIS COMING FROM THE GUY WHO RESCUED TREVOR THE TRACTION ENGINE?! WHO DON'T EVEN USE RAILS?
Like I get it that it's a kids' show and you gotta get your aesop in there. But I think you can do it without making characters out-of-character. I think there are ways you could potentially have Edward be suspicious of Harvey without being outright judgy. But that's just my take.
Anyway, we also get another entry for the Jameward Relationship Timeline!
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Look at them with their berths in the shed next to each other! They're so married ❤💙
Next Episode for Discussion: Season 6 Episode 4 "A Bad Day for Harold"
You might be asking me, "Why did you skip episode 3?" I didn't. Amazon's just weird about how they published the episodes. So "No Sleep for Cranky" was published as episode 1 when really it's episode 3, and I watched it thinking it was episode 1 and "Salty's Secret" was episode 2 until I looked up the TvTropes recap.
Anyway, I liked this episode. I love Percy and Harold's dynamic and it's always a treat seeing them together. I know Percy and Thomas are the ones remembered as the Iconic Besties(tm). But in my opinion, I actually think Percy, Toby, and Harold have the most fun and interesting dynamic with each other. Particularly with Percy and Harold, I love how they're the kind of friends who will continuously butt heads and tease each other, but you know that when it comes down to it they'll have each other's backs. And that shows here in this episode too.
I like how Harold asked them to load all the mail in his net so he's "not slow like Percy". It's a neat little callback to that one time Harold roasted him and was like "you're so slow, you should give everyone their stamps back" (which, by the way, is one of my favorite roasts in the whole show so far XD).
Also I think this is Harold's first crash? I watched Seasons 1 - 5 kind of fast so if I missed one previously, feel free to correct me.
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I like the little detail of Harold hovering in close to Percy to thank him. That was a nice touch.
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One last thought, as much as I've been enjoying Alec Baldwin's narration so far, I do REALLY miss the buttery voice George Carlin gave to Harold. Carlin's Harold voice is so needlessly zesty and it adds so much extra flavor to his character. Kinda wish Baldwin kept going in the same direction, but I respect him doing his own thing (at least he gave us Fruity James 💅)
That's all for now! 'Til next time,
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