#i'm the most happy dedus in the universe
rudnitskaia · 29 days
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Mau: Pizza for a kiss is only on Fridays! Rocky: Tsk, that's a pity...
If you've heard someone's inappropriately loud happy scream, that was me. My husband just gifted me a commission with RoMaunce from one of my favorite artists. 🥹
Just look at them, LOOK AT THEM! ✨😭✨
The amazing artist who did this masterpiece is @erikaerai (also here are the links to her VK blog and her Telegram channel) ✨💖✨
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randomcanbian · 1 year
Do you recommend any good Blue Lions fics? I really can't find any good one that catches my interest because most are either just Edelgard bash fics or have the discomfort ship (dmlth)
Anon, you and I are in the same boat 😭 (Also lmfao, D*mileth being a discomfort ship is such a big mood (and thank you for the term ahaha)--love them platonically, but them romantically (if not in a polycule with another girl) makes me break out in hives 🥲)
I tried my best tho! Took me a while to answer this cause I had to take a deep dive into my bookmarks--I tend to gravitate towards Black Eagles / Golden Deer fics because of the risk of Edelgard-bashing from BL fans, so I don't have a lot of AM fics on-hand :(
Disclaimer: I didn't include shippy BL fic one-shots, as I assumed you're looking for recs that would feature more of the crew / things found in AM but not in other routes! But if you're down with those, I do have a bunch of BL/Hegemon!Edelgard x Byleth fics on hand 😂
1. Our Own Paths by jtav (WIP)
Byleth meant only to rewind time and knock away a dagger. Something goes wrong and Edelgard becomes a half-mad beast. Dimitri begs her to save his sister and Byleth reluctantly agrees. (rcb note: Technically an AU, but eh. Anyway, it's one of my favorites among the fics I've discovered recently. In the author's notes this is what it says: "This is very much AM El with all that implies. But…this is also a story that believes radical reform was necessary by an author whose favorite route is CF" and it's really evident in their fic ehehe. It's an exploration into the trauma and guilt and grief that Edelgard's war sets onto Fodlan--while it may have been ultimately necessary (armed reformation vs "peaceful" reformation which may merely prolong the suffering of the people, if it would even work at all), a righteous cause and the promise of a brighter future still can't wash away the blood that's been shed or the horrors that they've all endured. I also love the conflict that comes up between the Adrestians and El--both parties learning from each other their reasons for the roles in the war...just, really really good stuff :) )
[Alternate Universe Fics]
1. An Eagle Among Lions by AMX004_Qubeley (Completed)
The morning after her and Byleth's wedding, Emperor Edelgard von Hresvelg wakes up in her old bedroom in Garreg Mach to discover that she has brown hair, only one Crest, ten happy and healthy brothers and sisters, and a bad habit of sleeping through her professor's lectures. (rcb note: Let's assume you aren't the same anon as the one who recc'd this to me hehe. Anyway, I gush about this fic here :) )
2. outwit even death by Volossya (WIP)
In which Byleth saves the Edelgards of Silver Snow, Verdant Wind, and Azure Moon by dragging them through time to the beginning of Crimson Flower. Fodlan will never be the same. (rcb note: not really BL, but it has AM!Edelgard at least? Just wanted to recc it, I find it really interesting :) )
3. The Lion and The Lotus by WithPatienceComesPeace (WIP)
The Prince of Faerghus unites with a mysterious Professor from Duscur to uncover the Truth about the Lambert Assassination. (rcb note: The MC is an OC, and the fic follows the Blue Lions, however Byleth is the Black Eagle's Professor. I confess that I've mostly just read the few parts that had Byleth in it, but I did check out some other chapters and they looked quite well-written and interesting! From what I gathered, Duscur is sort of a fantasy!India and that's where the MC is from. The worldbuilding is amazing, altho I don't know what the plot is haha, but I'm certain it's good. I love the MC interacting with Dedue and Dimitri, and the former 2 bonding over the culture and grieving the loss of Duscur together. The MC's interactions with the other BL's great as well, and from what I've read, the author has a great grasp on their characters! Once I'm done with my Byleth-centric binging I actually do plan to go back to this fic and read it in its entirety :) )
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