#i'm sort of? working on a pet project w/ ocs but i really haven't fleshed a lot of the overarching plot yet
occasionalsnippets · 1 year
I don't want to be too annoying,but can be doctor MC from amnesia au be victim of scp 6208- amnesia was her name?I like your retrograde motion story and make fanarts about it , so can I ask you to add new headcanons about doctor MC to make them more detailed,please?Sorry if I just bother you or you are too busy for that. I wish you have a good day and don't overhelming yourself;) (I hope you don't mind that I add some of my old and new arts )
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ASdlkajhsd just because the SCP has the same name as the song doctor amnesia AU was based on, I'm going to say it's a possibility. Thank you for the fanart!!
Doctor MC stuff:
doctor mc gives off the impression of someone who’s difficult to approach. but since no one ever tells them that, they think that they’re not particularly interesting which is why people don’t speak to them first
although doctor mc has significantly more morals than some other aus, they’re nowhere close to being an actual “good person”. a lot of things that they let happen (especially after being hired) are to further their own agenda or maintain a relative level of safety for themselves
they’re more similar to original retrograde motion mc in terms of personality than the others
uhh i’m not sure what else to say about them. still literally just some guy but they’ve got a job now
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