#i'm sorry @ everyone for putting this on yalls dash and i know justification is both not needed and pointless but jesus fucking christ
queerofthedagger · 8 months
Why did you do so little to promote fics or, really, the whole Sandman big bang that you ran? You kept promoting Merlin fic fest while Sandman big bang was running. And yet you barely did anything for it! If you lost interest, why not relegate it to somebody else? There are a number of wonderful fic writers and fanartists who did not get even a fraction of the recognition they deserve because of your own shoddy organisation. And yes, I do know we all do this in all our free time blah blah, but you created this event, and promptly ditched it in favour of another fandom. This is bad fandom ethics, and I think you need to know it.
oh careful babe don't choke on that bitterness you're gurgling there.
real talk for a second because usually I don't answer this kind of shit but let's go there for a moment:
I did reblog SO much sandman bang promo, the round up posts, the masterlist several times even. I did not reblog every individual fic because, and this might be shocking to your sense of entitlement, but even as a mod, I do not read every single fic. i'm not obligated to; you can start paying me if you want to, then we can come back to that point and I'll read whatever you put in front of me. until then, I will keep my preferences while doing my hobby, thank you very much.
The Rare Pair Fest only started up during, like, the last week of the Bang. I've been running that bang for half a year. And i don't know what makes you think that one fest's promo would take away from another fandom's fest posting but ????? it does not. Also people can be multifandon. I get that might be complicated to integrate in such a narrow perspective on fandom, but idk how to explain to you that people can have multiple interest beyond like. touch some grass honey?
Lastly, we did, in fact, promote every single collaboration on the blog and in the server. Individually, again in round up posts, and again in a masterlist. I don't know where you get the idea that we didn't. I don't know where you get the idea that we lost interest, or organized things shoddily. Bangs, and fests in general, don't guarantee you recognition. No one fucking owes you recognition, in fact, not me, not a fandom, no one. And whenever you manage to take a moment away from being an irritating fucking nuisance in other people's inbox, maybe you should rethink your approach to fandom as a whole because you're clearly having issues, and I don't mean this as a burn but as a genuine "this clearly does not bring you joy and maybe you should find things that make you happy instead." You're welcome.
And yes, I do in fact do these things in my free time. Meanwhile you don't even have the courage to put your name to your lil bitch fit. Get better soon.
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