#i'm not eating properly or sleeping properly wtf
noxtivagus · 2 years
nvm it still hurts
#🌙.vent#just need to get this done#i swear i'm not usually like this but. it really hurts oh no#time goes by far too fast n i'm too worn down to keep up with it#sometimes i really do want to just stop caring in these long n tiring moments that seem to take so much of my time#i'm not a negative person at heart no i usually look to the better side of things but#i think yeah i really haven't been taking care of myself#i'm not eating properly or sleeping properly wtf#sometimes i think it's not /that/ bad#but i just finished lunch a bit ago. often i can't manage to completely finish dinner#i've barely slept this week ! only naps in the afternoon n. yeah basically just naps in the morning#i didn't manage to sleep earlier this morning#only a 4 hour nap earlier n i'm so tired but. fuck wait#i don't want to let others down i don't want to be any more of a burden#i was gna say at first oh at the very least i cld try not to let myself down any further#i could. just disappoint myself n take all that weight just on me#but then i would let down the past me that wants the best for me. for me to be really happy#the future me who i know will cry when she looks back at how much i've struggled#bcs now when i look in the past in moments that seemed so difficult#right now despite what i may have thought back then. i'll look back n say regardless of the outcome i'm proud now of all i've managed#and tried so hard to do. years from now i know the way i'll treat my past wld be the same#that won't ever change as long as i stay true to who i really am. keep hope. n remember. everything n everyone#listening to melodies of life rn is making me emotional 🥹 goddamn fuck my regrets i'll find the strength to do better rn even if it hurts#sobs i hate these lyrics i want to just freely dream like i used to when i was young but. if i indulge in that i wonder if i'll lose what#i have in reality. doubts; do people only like the image of me? if i change then will. wait i'm crying again . roses of may#i promised myself i'll hold unto my youth n dreams no matter what. reality is harsh especially for ppl like me but.#i'm not sure how i'm supposed to feel like i belong in this world. i know what i need but maybe i'm not meant for smth so. Real#yk what i'll just do what i can in reality n live in my own way through fiction. if that could. would be enough for just myself.#it's overwhelming too but i'd rather deal with the weight of longing n my passions n ambitions n wishes n hope n tomorrow than.#this feeling of despair i despite so much. life is hard but i'll hold unto myself n what i love n what's important to me yeah
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morayofsunshine · 2 years
tumblr and twitter: omg our idols are so hot when they do archery i just can't
me, scrutinizing their form: 🧐
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stillfrownyclownlol · 5 months
*slams my head on the sink* 100 questions for aidlyn.
I'm dead serious btw. This is long
1. Who fell first? Who fell harder?
Aiden fell first and Ash fell harder. But they are both horrendously down bad for each other 🫠
2. Who is the one who fusses the most? Does their partner mind very much?
They're both kinda fussy in different ways, but Aiden is the one getting hurt more often so Ash is fussing the most. Not that Aiden minds he eats that shit up.
3. What is their love language?
I think I mentioned Ash's is quality time and for Aiden it's physical touch :>
4. Has either ever gotten a hickey off the other? What was their reaction?
I've gotten a hickey from somebody biting me (IN A PLAYFUL WAY get your minds outta the gutter 🤡) so I feel like Ash would get one in the same way?? Like. Aiden just bit her cheek or smth. Cuz he's bitey. And it left a mark. She was really pissed about it 😭 like "Ow wtf man-!"
5. What is something they like to do together?
Oh, they're not picky...Aiden likes doing everything with Ash so he lets her pick. Ash likes doing something calm because she likes seeing him more low energy and relaxed like binging a show or doing a puzzle. If he leans on her she's done. She gone fr.
6. Who would ask the "would you love me if I were a worm?" question? How would the other answer?
Aiden would but just for fun and to not repeat myself lets imagine Ash asking 🤡 lowkey would be embarrassed and ask in the tiniest voice ever. Aiden ofc think this is adorable and tells her in great detail how he would get her a huge terrarium with the finest dirt and lots of food and Ash is just staring at him wondering why he put so much thought into it.
7. Who likes forehead kisses? Who likes hand kisses? Who likes neck kisses?
Forehead: Both :) Aiden likes her reaction and Ash kinda implodes whenever Aiden pushes her bangs back to give her a lil forehead smooch
Hands: Ashlyn, somehow it's easier than kissing him on the face or mouth but still conveys the intimacy she feels
Neck: probably Aiden, but it tickles Ash way too much for them to do it properly. He surprised kissed her nape once and she freaked out, so she threw her head back and broke his nose 🤡
8. Who is the big spoon? Little spoon?
Neither I STAND BY THIS. They sleep facing each other let me have this.
9. If there wasnt enough seats, how would they sit? One on the other's lap? One on the armrest? One on the floor in front of them?
Aiden steals the seat, makes a joke about how Ash can sit on his lap, Ash says she would literally rather sit on the floor, Aiden gives up the seat all pouty, then his restless ass spends the rest of the time finding a comfy spot before sitting on the armrest.
10. Who plays with whose hair?
Aiden 1000000% because he's obsessed with it. In the beginning Ash would pinch him whenever he did it, but after he started braiding her hair it didn't bother her as much. Likes fiddling with the tips or whipping the braid around like some weird ass stim toy lol 🤡
11. Who is clingy?
I think they both are in different ways...Aiden more tho, and he's more obvious about it 💀
12. What is something the other does that makes them flustered?
They're both idiots so they get flustered whenever they're soft with each other 🫠 for Ash, the aforementioned forehead kiss + Aiden praising her, and for Aiden it's whenever Ash touches his face really softly or initiates snuggling.
13. What is something they find attractive about each other?
Guessing this means physically?
Aiden: Her freckles. Or her hair. Or her eyes. Don't make him pick 🤡
Ashlyn: she's hard pressed to admit it but she does like his face- also likes his hands and looking at the scars.
14. What is something they argue about constantly? Is it a deep-seated issue or something small?
Aiden isn't big on fighting in gen, he doesn't have the motivation for it. Ash usually just scolds him for his piss poor self preservation skills and he'll sulk about it. Not above picking a fight about smth stupid if it gets her attention tho
15. How do they comfort one another when the other is upset?
Depends what is bothering them. Aiden usually goes for a hug if she allows it and tries to talk to her. Aiden usually prefers being alone if he feels like he's gonna get upset so it's a little hard for Ashlyn to help him, but normally tries to reassure him that she's not leaving, or holds his hands or face to help ground him. She's a very logical person so she tries to think of ways to solve a person's problem if they're upset, but most of aidens problems are internal/emotional.
16. Who is the better caretaker? Does their partner like being taken care of?
Aiden is better with physical injuries because...he's had them all before multiple times and he knows what to do haha. Ash appreciates the help but I wouldn't say she enjoys it. Ash is better with illnesses, which is great because Aiden acts like he's literally dying whenever he gets a cold (forcing him to spend all day In bed?? Just give him a death sentence while you're at it), so yeah he's a little baby that likes being taken care of.
17. Who steals whose clothes? Does their partner mind?
Most of Ash's clothes don't really fit Aiden...Ash steals his jackets/hoodies on accident because Aiden will give them to her (she gets cold easy) and she forgets to give them back (she's also a little weird about it and sleeps with them). He lowkey gets kinda smug when he sees her wearing them lol
18. They've had a major blowout. How do they handle it?
Like...the care tire blew out? Ash would probably change it (her parents taught her) and while she's at it she'd show Aiden how to do it too (he's never learned)
19. How good are they are communication?
.... C+ Probably rely on the gang a little too much to solve their issues. They're working on it, alr?
20. Who handles the spiders? Who screams directions in the background?
Neither of them are afraid of bugs BUT Ash does not like insects partly because she doesn't know how they'll react to smth. Logically tho she knows spiders are useful so she asks Aiden to get a cup and throw them outside.
21. Who typically tends to initiate intimacy first (this can be a conversation, action or anything)?
Depends on the kind, Aiden definitely seeks out Ash's attention more often (like asking her if she wanted to do the puzzle), but he's a little nervous about physical affection, so in the beginning of the relationship that was Ash. Now that he knows it's usually okay he is more touchy, but now Ash looks for his company more often so she will start conversations.
22. What is something - either character - doesn't like about the other?
Ashlyn: above all, his own self apathy. She is...really not cool with him hurting himself all the time. She also thinks he's way too impulsive and irresponsible sometimes
Aiden: don't ask him! But sometimes he thinks she's very...cold. and it hurts his feelings.
23. Who said "I love you" first?
Aiden, they were already together so he thought he should let her know :P
24. Who kissed who first?
Ash told him she wanted to first and he initiated it (since Ash didnt know what to do)
25. Do they have any pet names for one another?
Ash doesn't really like them, she feels stupid saying them 🤡 the closest is Mr. Durable if he's being an idiot. All her "idiot, dumbass, stupid" are affectionate. Aiden has like a lot of batshit crazy weird pet names for her that Ash doesn't understand at all. Partially to annoy her.
26. Who gets jealous most often? How does the other deal with that?
Pffffff. Aiden definitely. Ash usually doesn't really notice ("he's acting weird...well, he's always weird") unless somebody points it out. She's very pragmatic about it, she just bluntly tells him he's being stupid and that she's not interested in anybody else.
27. Who tends to drive on long journeys? Who navigates?
Ash is designated driver because Aiden is an absolute maniac on the road (even tho he says he's a fine driver) and they have a GPS because Aiden gets to distracted to navigate 💀
28. Do they trust one another? Are comfortable discussing their fears with one another?
I think in canon, and even in this theoretical relationship, they're a bit away from being totally open with each other. But they do trust each other.
29. What's an insecurity they hold about their relationship?
Aiden's BPD, even after everything, will flare up and he thinks Ash will leave him, especially cuz he's so "annoying and pushy", etc etc. This kinda bleeds into Ash's issue, which is the fact that she's putting so much into this relationship and she still feels like Aiden doesn't really trust her.
30. Describe how one would cheer the other up after a hard day.
Ashlyn: she says Aiden is like a kid, because to cheer him up she just has to hold him. A long cuddle session is in order, and some kisses for good measure :> Then she'll offer to go out tomorrow to do smth fun.
Aiden: she's probably overstimulted and exhausted, so he basically preps her/their room so she can relax to the fullest and does all the chores so she won't need to do anything. Orders takeout/goes to the drive-through so she doesn't need to socialize.
31. How would they describe one another?
Ashlyn: weirdo adrenaline junkie who doesn't know when to quit...and an idiot. He's still HER idiot tho.
Aiden: his guardian angel, bless her, because he must give her a heart attack per day at least.
32. Can they communicate private thoughts whilst in company? If so, how?
Not really haha. They're both difficult people to read, and they're not exceptions to each other.
33. Which one of them gives "that look" when they other is acting like a fool?
...Come on 🤡 You guys know. You know it's Ash.
34. How do they address a problem in their relationship?
...they'll probably ignore it for a while 💀 When somebody brings it up it'll be Ash. She is genuinely very invested in the relationship so like, she doesn't want it to blow up in her face haha, so she will look on the internet for a solution (or ask Taylor)
35. How does each significant other view any exes and former relationships?
Ash doesn't have any exes which is great because Aiden would probably be jealous of that too 🫠 Aiden doesn't have any like, real proper exes either. I guess she would be a little curious about his past relationships tho, just because he doesn't talk about them.
36. What is something that would break their hearts?
For Aiden, if she couldnt take him anymore...and for Ash, it kinda breaks her heart everyday that Aiden still thinks she'd leave him behind :")
37. Who is more likely to avenge their S/O if they were hurt or killed?
More likely??? I mean lowkey Aiden but they would both try- don't underestimate Ash's anger lol
38. What would be their ideal evening in?
I feel like they would binge watch a reality TV dance competition show or smth along those lines. Order a bunch of junk food, top it off with ice cream...Ash would probably fall asleep on him at like 1am and Aiden would fall asleep a little bit later because he sleeps easier with her next to him :)
39. Do they dance? If so, who's better?
They both dance!!! Ash is, ofc, an excellent ballerina and she knows some ballroom dancing. Aiden is better at freestyle and stuff like that, but Ash is better on a technical level.
40. What is a song that reminds you of the relationship?
Bro I suck at picking songs 😭 LOWKEY LOWKEY Acting My Age by The Academics 😭 Or No Time To Explain??? By Good Kid?? GODDDD I SUCK AT THIS SO HARD- Vampire Empire, Big Thief?? I'm gonna cry 😭
41. Who sings to the other? Are they any good?
Aiden tries to serenade Ash all the time lmao 🤡 he's not a really good singer or anything, but he's not terrible...
42. Who teases who? What about?
Aiden teases her more, but she'll drag him if it's necessary. He definitely type of guy to say "Omg you had a crush on me?? That's so embarrassing" when they've been dating for 6 months...
43. Who gets up early? Who stays in bed late?
Aiden can't sleep, so he gets up really early. Ash actually likes sleeping so if she can she's gonna sleep in 😭
44. Who's more likely to bring the other coffee or breakfast in bed?
One of the things Aiden can do in the kitchen is use the coffee machine!!! So he will bring her coffee in bed! No breakfast because...he doesn't know how to make breakfast... and he doesn't wanna cause her trouble by burning the pan or smth stupid like that 😭
45. What's the worst thing the other can say to one?
Ash: for him to leave her alone and to not talk to her again.
Aiden: telling her to leave like everybody else does in his life (he pushes people away)
They actually make me mentally ill /pos
46. If they were ever in a life or death situation, who risks their life?
HA. They both do, no questions asked.
47. If it ever came down to it, who is turning to the darkside to save the other?
Mm. I think they would both do it, but Aidens morals are pretty loose when it comes to Ash lol. If you asked him to kill somebody to protect her he wouldn't feel that bad about it.
48. If they ever had less that 5 mins to tell their partner something before never seeing them again, what would they say?
Ash: To not be scared, because she wants him to know she's going to do whatever she can to find him again.
Aiden: absolute mess, telling her how much he loves her and that she made his life so much better and worth living (Aiden, buddy-)
49. Is there a word or gesture that makes either of them melt?
Ashlyn: I'm serious, the forehead kiss, she literally stops functioning 😭
Aiden: When she looks him in the eyes, he knows she doesn't like that very much so he feels really special. Bonus points if she's holding his hands or cheeks.
50. Who's the romantic?
Aww, definitely Aiden. He's so silly about it all. Doodling their initials together, daydreaming about her, getting her gifts.
51. Are there any characters who ship them?
Taylor and Logan lowkey.
52. Who cooks? Who does the dishes?
Ash definitely cooks, Aiden can barely make Ramen. Aiden usually does the dishes to be fair between them, but Ash needs to supervise because he's prone to leaving grease or not cleaning the utensils properly (he wants to finish quickly)
53. Who eats healthier? Who's got the sweet-tooth?
Aiden is like a human garbage disposal, he eats the worse trash food humanely possible (and somehow is still not sick); his diet is basically fast food joints, convenience store snacks, and soda 💀 So Ash eats healthier... BUT Ash is the one with a sweet tooth. She really likes stuff like cookies, cakes, and chocolate. Aiden prefers salty and savory snacks (tho he does like candy, ex. gummy worms or lollipops, stuff like that)
54. What's something that they don't really care for but tolerate because the other has an interest?
Ashlyn: Video games. In general she finds them kinda stressful and loud, but she watches him play for fun (especially horror games)
Aiden: ballet shows. He ADORES watching her dance but like if she's not on stage he's not gonna be into it...
55. Who spoils who? Does their partner tolerate it? Do they secretly enjoy it?
Aiden absolutely spoils Ash, he has cash to burn, so why not on things she wants? :) lowkey Ash finds this a little weird, especially if he gets something really expensive (like this espresso machine he got her one Christmas) but she doesn't really have the heart to complain besides a "You don't need to spend so much on me..."
56. Who tends to be the level-headed one? Who is feral?
Ha 💀 Ash genuinely does her best to be level-headed...but deep down they're both feral.
57. Who reminds the other to wear a coat when it's cold out?
Ash. Aiden is one of those guys who goes out into snow In like jeans and a t-shirt to buy ice cream, so she crams him into a jacket...he lets her, cuz she zips it up for him and he gets a little goofy over that.
58. Do they hold hands?
..yeah :)
59. Is there a spot they tend to kiss or caress habitually?
Aiden brushes her hair back, so he touches the area around her temple/back of her ear a lot. Also kisses the palm of her hand whenever she holds his face. Ash kisses his cheek a lot, near the corner of his mouth.
60. Are they willing to show PDA? If not, is there a reason?
Well, Aiden doesn't really have a problem with it, but Ash is a little reluctant because it tends to draw unnecessary attention to herself and she does not like. Being perceived.
61. How would they describe their S/O in one word?
Ashlyn: "...interesting" (on a generous day, otherwise shes gonna say idiot 🤡)
Aiden: "incredible!!!"
62. How would outside characters describe their relationship?
Tyler calls it "barely functioning" which annoys Aiden to no end. Taylor thinks it's sweet how dedicated Aiden is to Ash...even though she's a little worried about him. In general everybody is kinda...pleasantly surprised the relationship hasn't exploded yet.
63. How would they describe one another while sleeping in the same bed?
Aiden normally kicks while sleeping so the first time Ash woke up with her shins really sore and bruised 🤡👍🏽 She's also not a fan of him snoring lmao. Aiden thinks she's a blanket hogger but, well, he won't complain about that. She also tends to curl up into a ball which he finds cute.
64. Would they ever answer the above question if it was asked to their face? How would they react?
Maybe when they were older and already living together, otherwise she needs to explain why they fell asleep on the same bed at the same time...lol
She'd be a little embarrassed that he finds her cute when she's sleeping haha. Aiden on the other hand would feel terrible about the kicking thing, AND the snoring (since she doesn't sleep with her earbuds in) 😭
65. Who tends to take the lead with intimacy?
Well, for kissing, Aiden tends to initiate it more, because he has a better idea of what you're supposed to do. But Ash sets the pace, if she doesn't want to do smth or stop, she tells him.
66. Have they ever been caught kissing? What would be their reaction if they were?
I dont think a peck is embarrassing...I guess this is like an open mouth kiss, but if they were doing that, I feel like they would only do it at Aidens house whenever it was empty because Ash is kind of paranoid about that stuff. If she got caught she would like. Die. Girl would be redder than her hair 🤡 Aiden would be a lil bit flustered depending on who caught them, but mostly annoyed at being interrupted.
67. Have they ever kissed anywhere questionable?
....In the phantom dimension lowkey
68. Who is more vocal? Who is the better kisser?
Aiden is just a loud person in general. He sighs a lot (he's lovesick fr), and sometimes he starts mumbling about how pretty she is and how in love he is with her.
They're both pretty bad kissers lol 🫠 Aiden loses his breath very quickly and Ash is super stiff.
69. If they were to go shopping, who holds the bags? Who decides where they go?
Ash doesn't really like shopping...? Lowkey stressful and she doesn't like getting new things. Aiden goes shopping because he has the money for it (he likes buying clothes) but he wouldn't make Ash carry his own bags lol
70. If they went out to dinner, who is paying? Would there even be a discussion?
Aiden. Ash usually tries to pay for herself but Aiden is pretty insistent about it, and he's SO rich that she has a hard time feeling bad about it.
71. If someone were to insult their partner, how would the other handle it?
Ashlyn: would snap back with something equally rude, but she's not super worried about Aiden, he has a thick skin and she knows that.
Aiden: will kill them with his bare hands. If Ash lets him.
72. If someone flirted with or showed an interest in their partner, how would the other react?
Ashlyn: probably surprised, she forgets not everybody knows about his massive baggage lmao. Teeniest tiniest bit jealous...
Aiden: absolutely the type of guy to swoop in, put his arm around her, and call her babe in front of the person. Will probably pull her away from the situation and then death glare at the person from over his shoulder :>
73. Who knows the other better? Why is this?
I think they both know each other pretty well, but Aiden knows all this useless trivia about Ash because he's obsessed with her /hj
74. Who's more likely to bail who out of jail? Would they give the other one shit for it?
Ash absolutely 💀 (it's with his own money too). She definitely gets on his ass for getting arrested over smth stupid like vandalism or "being a public disturbance" (and when he's older for stuff like driving under the influence or smth)
75. Which - if any - other famous ship's vibes do they emulate?
Man idk any famous ships :0 Like, what, an unhinged guy x girl clinging so hard onto those hinges? Guys let me know if you know any!
76. Are they soulmates? Do they believe in that?
I dont think they believe in spiritual stuff like that haha. They just know they love each other ^_^
77. What is something they would never forgive the other one for doing/saying?
Hhhhhh there's definitely a timeline where Aiden kills a person for Ash and I don't think she would ever really get over that, even if she still stayed with him. For Aiden...is hard, because it would be stuff that's not in character for her...maybe if he wasn't getting better and she left him. He would feel betrayed that she "abandoned" him when he was at his weakest. But even then...idk if she apologize for it I think maybe he would take her back...idk idk, they're complicated 🤣
78. Who has memorised the other's medical history?
79. Also, are they each other's first contact in an accident?
Technically its their parents but they would call each other right away, and when they're older Aiden would definitely change it to Ash. Doesn't help that they tend to get into accidents together tho 😭
80. What tropes could be applied to this relationship?
Grumpy x Sunshine, A Couple with Emotional Wounds, Battle Couple, Cannot Spit it Out (because fuck me that's why), Devoted to You (Aiden to Ash), Fire-Forged Friends...I'm this close to putting Heroes Want Redheads but...I'll control myself-
81. Did they have a meet cute? Or was it a train wreck?
More like a bus wreck, she literally ran away from him 💀
82. Make their relationship into a list of A03 tags.
Hm...Idiots in Love, Biting, Mutual Pining, Obsessive Behavior, Complicated Relationships, Blood, Hurt/Comfort, Bruises.
(All of this list is fluffy shit so let me think about the darkness for a second)
83. Who gets frustrated more easily? How does the other calm them down?
Ashlyn lowkey, she gets irritated when she feels like she's not being understood or smth isn't going to plan. Most of the time Aiden will try and talk to her, which has a 50/50 chance of working lol
84. Have they ever almost lost one another? How does it effect their relationship?
LMAO yeah 😭 they HAVE lost each other and they both blame themselves hard for it, it makes Aiden even clingier and more overprotective than he normally would be, and Ash is hard on herself because she feels like she can't protect him when it's her job.
85. Their partner is tipsy. How do they handle it?
Ash: semi-regular thing she deals with as an adult. He is usually a reckless drunk person so she tends to redirect his attention towards herself (so he will shift into flirty drunk mode lol) and hopes he'll fall asleep soon :p
Aiden: he'd get upset because Ash would never willingly drink enough to get tipsy- lowkey his first thought is that somebody drugged her 🤡 (Ash probably just didn't notice her own limits) she's a pretty quiet drunk tho so she won't cause him too much trouble. She's also more affectionate which he guiltily enjoys
86. Who gives the best gifts? Who gives the more thoughtful? Who goes for expensive?
Okay, so...like...it's not like Aiden goes for expensive gifts just cuz they're expensive, it's just like. Sometimes he just so happens to get something that is expensive for her! And he knows her pretty well, so he knows what she likes. Ash is always kinda nervous about gift shopping because she feels a little...apprehensive about buying people stuff...but she's not bad at it, it just takes her a while.
87. If they ever lost one another in a public place, how do they find the other?
Ashlyn: She just calls him on her phone lol, if she doesn't have it on her she will just walk around looking for him because...he's kind of hard to miss-
Aiden: Definitely starts yelling her name really loudly and bothering all the other people in the area asking if theyve seen her💀
88. What's the darkest secret they have ever told one another?
I feel like for Aiden it would be telling her about his past and stuff :p Ash doesn't exactly have a dark past or anything, I think at that point it would just be saying some dark thoughts she's had.
89. Would they ever consider marriage?
They don't really have strong feelings about it, Ash just asked him for the tax benefits.
90. Would they ever consider starting a family?
...I think Aiden is more into that idea than Ash is.
91. Who likes kids more? Who can't stand them?
Man okay neither of them dislike kids- Ash is just awkward around them and doesnt know how to take care of them 😭 Aiden has a lot of fun playing with kids but he's not exactly a responsible babysitter either lol.
92. There's a puddle in one's way. What does their partner do?
Ashlyn: ...??? Lmao she's not gonna do anything, maybe try and jump over if they really can't go around it 😭
Aiden: he's gonna jump in the puddle. It's for his enrichment. If Ash doesn't wanna get wet tho, he'll probably try and pick her up and put her on the other side lol
93. One has hurt their leg on a hike. How does their partner carry them?
Aiden is stubborn about that stuff and he's hurt his leg A LOT so he's only gonna lean on her for support. If Ash hurt her leg he'd carry her on his back.
94. Their pet has caused destruction. Who puts the pet in jail? Who defends the pet?
Ash is the disciplinarian, she's putting the dog in pet jail 😭 Aiden is probably going with the dog, he definitely contributed to the disaster...
95. Who gives flowers to their partner? What sort of flowers do they like?
Idk I feel like they're not big on flowers. Ash doesn't want smth that's gonna die in a few weeks- I feel like the only time they'd give each other flowers is if they were chilling in a meadow or smth. I think Aiden puts daisies in her braids.
96. Who reads the newspaper? Who wants to see the cartoons?
Aiden isn't big on reading- Not that Ash is either, but she'll skim the paper and give Aiden the funny strips.
97. How do they wake their partner up? Is it difficult to rouse them?
Aiden is a very light sleeper, so she just needs to call for him or touch him to wake him up. Ash is like....mid level, so Aiden will do annoying stuff to wake her up, like touching her foot with his (it's cold as balls), or tickling her nose with her blanket. 20% he'll start singing too.
98. Who would burn the world down for who?
It's easy to say Aiden, but I think they both would :>
99. Who gives off "they said no pickles" energy?
I guess this is an unpopular opinion but like i just don't think Ash would care enough to go to the register, even if they got his order wrong 😭 So imo Aiden-
100. Make a meme of this ship.
Another one...? Alr
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Jung Wooyoung Reaction
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♡ Pairing : Jung Wooyoung x Reader
♡ Warnings : couple arguments, swear words, fluff afterwards. Read at your own risk.
♡ Taglist : @azriel-owns-my-heart @spoorti09 @toxicccred @cherryxsang @k-drizzle @kodzukein (please send in a request if you want to be added to the taglist.)
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You slowly open the door of the KQ building's dance practice room to find your boyfriend, alone, practicing his ass off for the new comeback. You had never seen Wooyoung so pale, serious, and frustrated. You instantly walked inside the room, and to the corner to turn off the speakers. "WTF Y/n? " You heard his loud voice almost scaring you but you took a deep breath, collecting yourself as you turned around.
You walked towards him with an angry frown on your face. "Jung Wooyoung! Have you lost your fricking mind? It's literally 2 a.m." Wooyoung let out a frustrated sigh as he looked down at your figure, "For Fuck's sake we're not having this conversation again. I've told you already that I'll be very busy with this comeback."
"Doesn't fucking mean you skip your meals and sleep. Have you gone insane." Wooyoung takes a deep breath and his hands run between his hairs. "I'm not in the damn mood to listen to ur bullshit baby. Leave, Now." You could feel that his patience was running short today but you didn't give a shit about it anyway.
"Do you fucking think I'm just going to walk out of here? No fucking way." Wooyoung completely lost it at that point and the next thing is, you heard his loud voice screaming at you. "I SAID FUCKING LEAVE Y/N " You flinched at his loud voice and the way his hand jolted upwards.
The movement definitely didn't go unnoticed by him, his eyes instantly widened as all the anger in him drained out. His eyes watched the way your soft beautiful eyes slowly teared up, it made his heart feel like thousands of arrows were thrown at it. His hands shakily reached out to hold your shoulder as soon tears welled in his own eyes.
He felt horrible to even make you feel so unsafe, "Baby, Forgive me. I-I'm sorry." His voice came out almost like a broken whisper as he softly pulled you into his embrace. It completely shattered his heart into pieces when he heard your soft sobs. A tear slowly rolled down his eye as he tightened his hold on you. "P-please forgive me baby, I didn't mean to be so harsh with you." His shaky voice barely resonated throughout the room as he buried his face into your neck.
After a few minutes of staying in the same position, enjoying each other's warm embrace after a long time, you both slowly calmed down. You were the first one to pull away as your hands cup his cheeks and pull him down for a soft kiss. Wooyoung instantly melts into the kiss, as his hands pull you closer. You slowly pull away to look at him, "Now we gotta go out of this place and feed you before you pass out." Wooyoung chuckles softly as you pull him out of the dance practice room.
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This was honestly so good to write and the concept I chose was something I wanted to write very badly. And truly, I was very much concerned for woo at some point in 2021 and 2022. Like there was a point where there was a drastic change in his weight and I was CONCERNED. But now that I know it's his choice and that he is healthy, eating properly, I'm the happiest for my babie.
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silver-and-stars · 29 days
It's interesting but so far the FL doesn't sit right with me, since she is trying to scam a family into marriage (her pattern being : marry a man, orchestrate the divorce). First she is drugging the grandma and yes it helps her sleep but WTF. Don't give drugs to people without their knowledge and consent. What if, since she is aging, she takes other medications that don't mix right with it.
But what doesn't sit right the most with me is that her direct target is a man who has depression. She is trying to take advantage of someone who is literaly ill, struggling with addiction (alcohol), mentally very vulnerable and in a bad place. And she is gaslighting him toward marriage ("no I don't want to marry you, I'm just shopping."" No this is just for your daughter" when she is clearly trying to by the daughter's affection to get herself into this family). She is having a kid stalked by her uncle and she is using that motherless child, who isn't doing well herself (wanting to not exist, being closed off and neglected by her ill father) to get close the depressed dad. She actully plans on being the good mother-in-law to that kid, only to then get a divorce and get the money of the dad. How gross. If she does manage to get into his good graces that way, after she falls in love with him, I hope it back fires hard in her face.
So I cannot root for her or even like her.
Also I don't like the grandma much : she used to beat her son, all she wants now is a new heir for their powers and she handles his depression very poorly. Telling him to get up and get better doesn't work. "Pull yourself together" is such a insensitive and cruel thing to say to a clinically depressed person who sunk into alcoholism. Get him medical attention, get him help. Educate youself on the matter.
And here I thought the father was doing something nice for his son : trying to at least get him out of his solitude by drinking with him. But no, it's a set-up to meet a girl. Do you truly thing he is in any place to get married ?! You know what's would happen irl ? Either it will get too much for him and he will nope out by offing himself. Or he will just give up and give in, marry her, they both will be miserable because marriage and love doesn't fix depression and she will divorce him to take him money, leaving him to feel even more worthless (not that he is, I don't believe people have "worth").
I'm honestly not confident this show will handle all those mental health problem properly (bulimia, depression, alcoholism etc), seing they are already quite fatphobic (not suprising coming from Korea) with the thinness=beauty, the mean nicknme (Dong Don't Eat), the button popping scene and the actress in a fatsuit. Like wow. Douche bag.
I hope I'm wrong though.
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anantaru · 6 months
hi yoru :D i saw a really cute heizou keychain on someone's bag in the train and immediately thought you!! so:
how are you doing?
have you been eating and sleeping properly?
have you hydrated yourself frequently? (genshin thirsts do Not count, by the way. /j /lh)
remember to take regular breaks from work or writing
if you haven't been doing very well, and if it's winter for you right now, i'm draping a soft, fluffy blanket over you and offering you hot cocoa with marshmallows. if you're in the tropics, my sincere condolences (/j /lh) and i'm instead offering you headpats, hugs, and hot or iced cocoa, whichever you'd prefer :>
hello love 💓 i apologize for the late reply 🙇🏻‍♀️ but to answer your sweet questions:
i'm doing very well, just quite busy with rehearsals rn 💓 how about you? i'd love to hear it 🤭 also yes i'm actually drinking so much water, i have ballett every day all day so i'm naturally moving a lot and one of my best friends actually gifted me a stanley water bottle YOU GUYS ITS SO BIG LIKE WTF I WAS ACTUALLY SHOCKED 💀💀 the thing is tho i tend to forget it all the time so i'm like 🧍🏻‍♀️
also i will gladly take your hot choccy and everything else 🫣 it's currently quite cold where i am so it's very appreciated 🙇🏻‍♀️💓 also thank you for taking your time to type this out to me, this made my heart all warm and i'm so happy to have you on this blog sweet nonon 💓
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cursedvibes · 1 year
Sukuna looks so ugly in Megumi’s body lmao
Anyway!! Spoilers.
Wtf is going on with Yuji? How is he not dead? That’s interesting. And yup Sukuna is straight up trying to kill the kid.
It looks like Megumi’s is trying to fight back and regain control of his body but I would really kinda hate if he succeeded? Like are you telling me that he just happened to be another character with restrictive vessel potential?? It does feel a lil bit like bullshit so I hope it doesn’t go that route, with Megumi taking control.
Also Gege really said fuck Hana. I don’t think she died at all but huh. These weekly releases are agonizing, so many things happening and you gotta wait weeks until the new web of events weaves itself.
Yeah, idk what it is but I'm not really feeling that Sukuna. Maybe because Megumi makes him look even more like a school yard bully. Good on him for experimenting, but sometimes you have to accept that that dye job is just not working for you.
Well, Yuuji got punched through some buildings before (when being attacked by helicopter guy) and came back relatively unscathed. Even when he had no CE Higuruma called him an "unbreakable doll", that's gonna be even more true with CE. Compared to Shibuya he improved a lot, we just didn't really get to see it before. Besides, Sukuna didn't actually penetrate his chest, the force of the hit just ripped his back. And that punch alone managed to hurt Sukuna too.
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However, while I didn't expect him to die, I was surprised by how quickly Yuuji bounced back. Proven once again, Yuuji's a tough boy and Kenjaku had complete faith in him. I'm sure his anger at Sukuna also gave his natural capabilities an extra boost.
Sukuna might be trying to kill Yuuji or at least incapacitate him, but he's doing a bad job at both. Generally, he's been pretty tame so far except for that Nue attack. As we can see by his point count (or lack thereof), he hasn't killed a single person yet. Terrible Culling Game player He also went oddly soft on Hana. She was right there in his arms and all he does is rip her arm off. He doesn't even eat it. Considering that Angel can probably regrow or reattach limbs, that's not a very consequent method to take care of a problem. It might take longer because she's exhausted after Jacob's Ladder, but it isn't a life threatening injury. Shows he is struggling way more than in Shibuya, which is partially his fault for not properly taking care of the problems that are thrown at him.
Yeeah...I expected Megumi to come into play somehow, but it does feel a bit tired to have yet another twitching vessel. However, even if he did get back full control, I don't know how that could be a permanent state. I still don't think he suppresses Sukuna as easily or well as Yuuji. He'd have to be constantly on the lookout, even sleeping might be difficult because Sukuna is gonna try to overwhelm him. And they have to kill Megumi to get rid of 15 fingers of Sukuna for good. It's not like he can just vomit Yuuji's finger back up. The chances that he succeeds at all beyond hindering Sukuna during a fight are pretty low though. Between Sukuna & Yuuji, Kenjaku & Geto, Toji & Ogami's "grandson" and the reincarnated sorcerers, Yuuji is the only vessel who regained control over his body. But maybe Megumi will be #2, who knows...won't be easy though and as long as Sukuna is inside him, he has to die one way or another.
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shuxiii · 6 months
shuuu!! a jimin smau?? I'm so excited aaajdhfjkd
I'm not gonna lie I was surprised when I saw it was from you but it's always good to step out of your comfort zone and try new things sometimes so I'm proud of you 😊
and Roblox it's such a cool approach to the "lovers by being protective siblings" trope because normally it's always highschool bullying or something with a motorcycle (for some reason there's always a motorcycle involved)
and I'm finally free from school!! so I can properly give all of your stuff the deserved attention they need 😊
I know I'm a sweet nothing lover but I love all of your stuff and I've been meaning to catch up on your other smau's for so long now so expect me to show up here more often!! I couldn't contain myself and I read the latest cat page update and I'm so ready to go back to reading it you have no idea hsjdjshsk
but anyways I just came here to say I'm really excited and happy about you branching into new stuff it's always good!!
have a good Sunday shu!! (if it's still Sunday where you live if not, have a good Monday!)
bye bye shu <3
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hoochieblues · 1 year
tagged by @aria-i-adagio, tysm! Tagging @highwayphantoms, @carabas, @1ichen and anyone else who'd like to play. No pressure :)
Do you play an instrument?
Not competently, especially since I fucked up my fretting hand. A little piano, some guitar. I'm terrible, but I have fun. Back in my 'I'm with the band' phase, I learned how to blow harp, which is a skill nobody really needs and is mostly about standing on pedals.
Favourite book characters?
Arrgh. I love many fictional darlings in many different media, in many permutations of be them/fuck them/eat them/fix them, so I'll pull out the most recent rather than choose. The Exorcist's Damien Karras (novel), the man so emo he's actually embarrassed to be alive, but who still finds optimism on the bleeding edge of duty (or does he?). Honorable mentions to Esme Weatherwax and Lady Sybil Ramkin, bc Discworld novels were a bright spot for me for years.
What’s your star sign?
Aries, but with an Aquarius moon (VIII) and Virgo ascendant (V). I used to make enough beer money off doing natal charts, palmistry, and tarot that I can explain what this means and why it both is and is not important.
Favourite colour schemes?
I am maximalist trash. Bring me your jewel tones, pair them with wind-bleached wood and copper flower pots and patchwork blankets. One day I'll live somewhere I can paint the walls and everyone will be sorry.
Naps or long sleep?
Long sleeps. I don't sleep well and I have chronic fatigue/pain/bullshit so I'm always tired. "Naps" are usually what happen when I black out and wake up with a panic attack bc I don't know wtf is going on, where I am, or potentially what species I am. One day I will try an intentional one.
What languages do you speak?
English. I read more than I speak in French, German, Italian, and Spanish, but I wouldn't trust myself conversationally unless the conversation is reaaallly simple. I once nearly got arrested in Germany in part due to this fact.
I mean, not to get heavy, but... I just spent the past 4-5 years putting myself back together (the biggest WIP) after extensive trauma processing, and I would like the happy now, please. I dream of being able to live in the space I need with the ability to have loved people around me. I want bad movie nights and kitchen table pizza and reciprocal friendships and other things I've found hard to achieve (in part because the horrors. You know. They're endless.). People whose weirdness complements my own, and vice versa. I'd like to be better about not isolating myself, bc I'm humbled when I'm reminded people actually do like having me around. (Buuh???) I'd like to get off TERF Island and go somewhere that feels like home, but I'm sick enough that free healthcare (and being broke) restrains me.
I aspire to get off my ass and properly rebuild my life/career, including my writing. To share stories that people love, that I'm proud of and that were written without constraint, financial necessities, or house style guides. I'd like to make a difference in my community (to have a community to make a difference in) and enough land access that I could take on more of the "difficult" foster dogs I have to turn down bc space.
Long hair or Short Hair?
I wore it short when I was a kid (mostly bc it's very thick and curly and no one in my family knew shit about curly hair) but it's been mid-length for a long time now, mostly to provide a canvas for the colours I like putting in it. I think I'm going hot pink and orange next.
Tea or coffee?
I drink both and I have what is essentially Ely's big gay tea shelf from Go Fish (1994), plus I love my matcha, but lbr I mainline coffee by the quart (chronic fatigue again). I've never been rich enough to be too gourmet about much, but I love my single estate fair trade nonsense. I'm considering becoming fully insufferable and grinding my own beans. And yet, there's still a lot to be said for 4am greasy spoon coffee, so I guess I can appreciate variety?
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Bring a book character to life or go into a fictional world?
Oooh. Tough. I had a Goncharov joke ready to go here, but I'll be good. Because I love Ray Bradbury and I also re-read Tom Reamy and Katherine Dunn recently (Blind Voices/San Diego Lightfoot Sue and Geek Love, respectively), I'm going to say I want to go into whatever weird shared universe spec fic authors were all creating in the 70s/80s, where magic realism was a thing and carny culture was repeatedly being used as a stand-in for non-exclusionary diversity.
The Howl's Moving Castle Principle probably applies here, too: take me somewhere I can consort with demons to get a well-cooked breakfast, flee from my problems, and somehow own my own home while refusing to do anything more constructive than be a sulking pile of slime. Seems reasonable.
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bouqetofmemes · 1 year
Bro wtf
Spoilers here
"What happened?!" Y/n asked, running down the stairs and barely tripping "Where is lord Barrymore?" You all then heard a pounding on the door of the manor After it was opened, a villager came inside, breathless and looked shocked "The demon hound. The great hound is here!" Said the villager "No!" "The hound?" You all put on your coats and ran as fast as you all could to where the rest of the villagers were They were chanting the song that the old lady sang when you guys first got there "What's happening?" Sebastian asked, disturbed  "Snap out of it! What are you all doing?" Bardroy asked a woman Lighting struck and there he was, lord Barrymore, murdered Sebastian went to go investigate The villagers were asking for forgiveness and Angela passed out
Your mind was spinning, lord Barrymore dead? You all had solid evidence that he made up the demons hound, was it actually real? But he made up the demon hound to keep control, he used it to his advantage! Was he telling the truth and lies? Was he telling the truth or not? Was the demon hound real but not kill anybody and only lord Barrymore? You were shaking, it was all so confusing!  You were so confused, you didn’t notice that the itchiness on your face was pain as you scratched it harshly 
You all went back inside to try and process what was happening 
"Well, this was unfortunate, master, mistress. To think, all this happening after the case was closed. I'm sure you two are a bit annoyed." "Are you quite finished?" "Where is Angela?" "We left her resting up in her bed for now. She seems tired yes she does." "It's to pitiful to watch, the poor bird." "This village isolated itself completely from the rest of society out of fear of the demon hound's curse." "He was covered in bite wounds. Maybe the villagers are right. Maybe it really was the demon hound." "Maybe he's upset at being blamed for lord Henry's misdeeds." "Yes, maybe. For now there's only one thing we know. It wasn't human." "The hound, then."
You were waiting in bed for Ciel to get finished putting on his nightwear when Sebastian asked a question "Is something the matter?" "It's about what you said earlier-"
Ah, yes, those words that Sebastian let out, it scared you, and made you confirm most of your suspicions, suddenly, you got an idea
"Ciel, Sebastian, you know those stories about werewolves right?" Y/n asked sitting up and crawling over to the end of the bed "Yes, why?" "So, what if the demon hound could disguise as a human and be in the village during the day, then at night, it turns into a demon hound and punish the people who broke the rules?" "I guess you could be right. But there is a slim chance of that. I deem it to be a fairytale that’s all.”
"Come on, let's go, you need sleep." Ciel said, pushing you to the bed
It was the next morning, you were eating your breakfast with Ciel, mey Rin and finnian came in and complained about Angela being gone, the servants went out looking for Angela while Sebastian stay with you two.
"You know, I'm quite interested. What color is your blood?" "At any rate, it looks as if we do need to hurry now." Ciel said, drinking from his teacup  "Go out there and put on a good show from me and N/n, am I clear?" "Perfectly, my young lord."
"Come, this is no time to be playing with a puppy, Y/n wants to get things done and over with."  "Master, mistress!" "Certainly, I shall finish it off at once." The demon hound came back up but then started sniffing the air "It's smells irresistible doesn't it dog? This is what you want, right? Inukko, the treat no dog can refuse." "Dog treats?" The servants asked The dog happily jumped towards Sebastian for the treats "Look out, Sebastian!" Mey-Rin warned "There is only one way to properly train a bad dog. You must teach the creature to obey your every commend using rewards and punishments." "Firstly reward!" Sebastian jumped up in the air to bite the dogs nose, making the dog happy The servants took a couple of guesses of what Sebastian was doing "And now... punish!" Sebastian jumped up in the air once again and kicked the dog in the nose, sending him flying Sebastian was giving the dog rewards and punishments left and right "Well I suppose I did ask him to put on a good show." "And finally, a hug!" Sebastian ran up to the dog with wide opened arms and started levitating with the dog, then letting the dog go letting it hit the ground
You and Ciel walked up to the hole that Sebastian had created and told him to come up "Yes sir." You all heard rumbling and Ciel grabbed your wrist to pull you away from the water coming out of the hole
Sebastian came out of the water, talking about how it was a resort of the queen, a luxury need for the central attraction so Sebastian made the hot spring  You were just standing there, wondering how his skin tissues were doing Wait, HE HAS A NAKED MAN IN HIS ARMS, WHO IS THAT? "If I couldn't find a hot spring or two for my master and mistress, well then what kind of butler would I be? The idea simply unthinkable." The naked man started licking Sebastian's face happily, making Mey-Rin bleed and blush "Pluto!" Angela yelled, running for the man and the man running in an.. animalistic way?
"I'm sorry for the confusion, this is Pluto. I found him last month. I've always been a big dog lover, and he was so adorable I absolutely had to take him in." "Adorable?" The two servants asked each other "He does kind of have a bad habit of turning human when he gets excited." Bardroy lost his rocks and started yelling while Sebastian asked Angela a question "I beg you sir, please take him with you. I know it's an imposition, but would you bring him to live at the Phantomhive manor?" Bardroy called the man a monster, resulting in you hitting his arm "He needs a firm hand. I think if Sebastian were there to train him, he would become a good dog." "No, thank you. I'm a butler, not one hell of a dog trainer." "Why not? I'm sure Y/n would like to play with him in his dog form when I'm busy" "Master, is this an order?" Sebastian asked, glaring at Ciel  "It is I think I'll find it amusing in several ways."
"... rate, our work here is done." "I seem to recall you were forced to eat your words earlier. Would you like to say it again now that it's true?" "Why don't you do it for us?" "This case is now officially closed." Sebastian said proudly 
You and Ciel were now bathing in a hot spring, relaxing after the long day. "Excellent, this is just perfect." "Allow me, sir. Traditional hot springs service. You see my lord, this is how the Japanese enjoy hot springs." Sebastian drifted a try with cookies and tea towards you and Ciel, Ciel grabbing his tea cup first and you grabbing the cookies "It is a nice addition." Ciel and Sebastian were talking about worries when Pluto came inside of the water and started swimming like a dog and howling 
"Nice and snug, don't ever forget me, dear Pluto." Angela kissed the dog on the cheek before Bardroy started yelling to Pluto about putting clothes on
After everyone said their goodbye's you all went back home
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noxtivagus · 2 years
evening has come again huh
#🌙.vent#i'm really sorry for the vents lately but i need a way to let it out. & this. this is as far as i can go with that#i need to do better again i know i can i have to :') people waiting for me. others n me....#last night i downloaded a game for my friend. for her. & then another friend i told her i'll reply before the day ends :< 'take your time'#she said but sob she opened up abt smth n i wna help i really do & fuck it just hurts too bcs i know the ppl around me are. struggling too#i try not to put others b4 myself if i'm struggling like rn but :< i hate the helplessness. wish i cld do smth more for you#i wish i could at least be enough to help them. for you for you whoever you are i would always be willing to make these sacrifices#i'm gna cry it's been so overwhelming lately bcs i'm filled with so much hope and despair simultaneously#what do i do? which do i choose? how do i decide? how am i supposed to do. enough. find a balance#n then other friends i haven't gotten to replying yet today bcs oh i'm too worn down right now n i hate it so much i'm sorry#& other than all the stuff i want to do for myself and for others there's also things like school n#it hurts you know? i'm very much aware i've been worrying my family lately. i can't. sleep properly. i can't bring myself to finish eating#:< n then it also gets overwhelming when i. look to better things. bcs it gen makes me v happy when. idk i feel inspired or creative or wtv#but it hurts when it's also simultaneously so overwhelming bcs it's so hard to do something with it#& thinking of good memories. how fleeting those moments were. how times have changed. but also of. of how more may come#but maybe. maybe only if i'm better. if i'm not this hollow husk of my usual self? fuck i know i'm too harsh on myself. unnecessary pressur#i'm more than it i know. but at times it's just so hard to feel better when i'm. 🥹 i really really don't want to be a disappointment.#for others n. for myself.... bcs i know as always in the future. wtf the fuck happens then. i do know that parts of me will never change.#wnvr i look into my past i'll always know that i deserved being more kind to myself. bcs i'm human too.#this empty feeling of being stuck somewhere being hope n my despair hurts v much bcs it's so contradicting & overwhelming#n i wish in these moments i cld be enough for my future self. n for those around me#i wish i was better at communicating! tell everyone i know how much i appreciate them! how much i wish they'd stay in my life#i wish i cld really just say but i'm afraid that my honesty might scare you away. so instead i hide. you probably don't feel the same nyway#crying it hurts i think past experiences have made me too used to people leaving. but i can't be vulnerable enough to be#soft enough to the extent of being so honest. i've been hurt before when i was kind n younger n naive sure but oh so innocent#struggling sad n it was so bad then that i. oh i remember how it hurt.... i refuse to let myself go through that extent of loneliness again#i wish though that. i could. revive my mind. my motivation my inspo my creativity hasn't exactly dulled but it's become more passive#am i afraid that if i really be myself then i'll be alone again? if i'm weird if i'm too honest n soft n. i don't know.#it hurts feeling like i'm stuck with being too little n too much at the same time. how do i. just be. enough. for you. for me.#it hurts i'm crying i'm sorry i'm so sorry fuck i'm so overwhelmed n lost i don't want to think right now it feels so empty n i'm tired
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faerielovesanime · 2 years
Banana scandal got me so mad im loggin onto tumblr to rant....
First of all, the author fully bullying taehwan after giving him all this childhood trauma and end up with severe abandonment issues??? WAS THE ENDING.
Taehwan was sexually assaulted by Mike his guardian while being the token immigrant eldest child forced to survive in a foreign place alone with no one to turn to at a young age. THIS onto of the racism, isolation, and bullying he received throughout his childhood. He strived hard to be the nurturing older brother, got good grades internships, the unproblematic child, and mr.popular. He kept majority of his relationships at arms lank to not get hurt by anyone nor to disappoint anyone.
The next time he was assaulted was by Yeonwu. Kissing someone unconscious WOULD FREAK ANYONE OUT. If a friend did that to me in high school regardless of sexuality or gender I WOULD CURSE THEM OUT. seeing as yeonwu and taehwan were friends for years and end up in same college your telling me the only time they could genuinely talk was that night??? And taehwan wasn't even initially upset when talking to yeonwu again he was being his usual politely conditioned self. He only became sadistic when yeonwu (idc who the fuck gets drunk off 1 beer??? It's like 12% alcohol fucking hate these story lines) jumps him. Then he remembers their last encounter where he was jumped as well. Like wouldn't that piss any normal person off but because taehwan liked him he started the start of bdsm relation. Yeonwu was down bad im sorry yall he woulda sucked his dick regardless drunk on 12% alcohol, sober, fever induced, possessed by a demon whatever plot device it was he was gonna eat him if taehwan dropped it out...
The bdsm relationship was seen as bad??? Whatever they didnt really talk it out properly with safe words and such but the author made it seem like it was all bad when all of the toys were yeonwu's and taehwan was just actually making him use them. Taehwan didn't even know how to use them so why was this all put on him being sadistic when yeonwu willingly went to him everytime?? Of course taehwan felt superior they were doing a S and M play wtf??? And outside of the bdsm they were getting to know each other again...they were only fuck buddies for like what 2 months acting like it was 2 years and taehwans feelings were slowly developing over that short 2 month period.
Yeonwu actually not liking bdsm play??? Just like him dating random men he didn't even like on the app??? He came from taehwan stepping on him??? I'm confused on what yeonwu actually likes cuz what. His self esteem issues and religious parents upbringing were all valid but I think he laid the blame on taehwan way too thick.
Taehwan reenacting the high school kiss to saying he should have responded with kissing him back and yeonwu going along with it made me sick. The scene was cute but yeonwu still dumped him after lol
Taewhan still sleeps with the light on. Wakes up in a terror if he actually goes to sleep cuz he has fucking sleep paralysis from being assualted in his sleep. Wakes up angry and swinging is not funny or normal...his roommate knowing this and think he's desperate to be around people all the time instead of popular. No one knows the real taehwan cuz he's still scared to let people in besides Emma a side character who lives far away and barely confides in.
The professor at his school just being there and not being addressed??? While taehwan did everything to bring yeonwu's stalker and assaulter to justice. Only yeonwu gets relief while taehwan's assaulter living it up as a professor wtf is this? Taehwan beating that guys ass, trying to find a solution GENUINELY for yeonwu and gets put down by yeonwu so he reacts in the way there relationship is built on and tries to sleep with him yeonwu tells him to fuck off he does and they cool the relationship, later he does all this research to find his attacker after another incident and just leaves the info for yeonwu to do with as he pleases. No one does that for taehwan he's doing what no one did for him.
They really shouldn't have shown me taehwans point of view of wallowing and craving any type of attention. The man was literally screaming help for like 20 chapters with no answer. Still unanswered cuz he's more dependent on yeonwu then ever.
Idk my rant is all over the place but I'm just saying taehwan didn't deserve to be abandoned for 2.5 years like it's cool whatever if you wanna break up for a bit and establish an actual relationship. Idk how tf yeonwu got Conditioned in a 2month bdsm relationship he all of a sudden hated but go off I guess.
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anna-t-dote · 2 years
So. I honestly don't know why today of all days after the very long day we had yesterday but something *clicked* in my brain, and I properly deep cleaned and tided my room for the first time in over 6 months. This is a task that I've been putting off mostly because I've been surviving. Eat, sleep, go to work, go home, rinse, repeat for nearly a year. And it took me less than 6 hrs. I don't feel relief. I feel, a bit calmer. Its a lot tidier but if anything I'm more annoyed. A task thats given me anxiety for well over half a year took under 6 hrs. Wtf is wrong with me.
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worldwright · 3 months
Good evening !
Apparently, I indeed yell when I sleep, fortunately I informed my friend yesterday that it may or may not happened so he wasn't that frightened when it happened lol
My upper body hurts a bit, because relying on crutches, not that bother me a lot -my upper body is almost all muscles, but my knees are completely fine !!!!! Omfg that's so cool, no pain ? Wtf, that's what people feel like normally ?!
I'm getting mittens with better padding soon because my hands won't make it I swear, but normally I'm not walking up a hill any time soon so that's fine
Also, I bought candies yesterday and I like them quite a lot but I still don't know how I'm supposed to eat them lmao
Have a wonderful morning my friend !
aaaaa that's so exciting!!!!! knee pain BEGONE!!!!!!!!! and now you have the option to walk w/o crutches a Little if you feel like giving your shoulders a break!!
I think I got the automatic feeder set up properly, FINALLY, after like 4 attempts over a year LMAO. I still have to give them their meds at the sane times as before, but that's ok, the routine helps me keep on track anyway :3
d&d this afternoon!! I'm having trouble planning -- tbh it doesn't seem like anything interesting is gonna happen, but I don't want to Plan for it to be boring......... like the solution is to throw some fun weird encounter at them, but. planning is hard >:c
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I hot a sample pack of this tea and. fuckinggggggggggg. it is SO GOOD. tastes like stargazing
it was CRAZY windy yesterday, but today it's just kinda drizzly lol
hanging out with my friend was great!! I got a new book and a candle and some new storage bins for above my desk (it keeps accumulating junk. I should just get rid of most of it, instead of creating more places to gather junk, but. :/ SOME of it actually needs to be there lmfao)
recorded some more of the book, but it turns out there IS actually an audiobook of it at the library lmfao. it's just on CDs and doesn't have a digital version
today's a chill day! doing laundry and recovering from the time change lmfao
hope you have a lovely evening, friend!!
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jinx-on-mars-19xx · 7 months
Hello gorgeous boi,
How are you coping, Tesoro? 🥺 I know how incredibly difficult this is for you. For everyone involved. Do you need anything that we can help you with at all? 🖤
How is Mama faring? Is she aware of everything that’s going on, so you think? 🥺
You are an amazing, compassionate, loving, selfless son, and I KNOW if knew all you have been, and are continuing to do for her, and how you’ve been making an effort as best you can to take care of yourself, AND everyone else as well, she would be SO proud of you, and SO grateful. I know how much she loves you, and the fam.
You make her (and my!) world much better places simply by existing.
Sending love, hugs, and sparkly healing vibes xx
(You don’t have to post this, I just wanted you to know we’re always thinking of you and the fam, and we are SO proud of how beautifully you are handling this completely un-handlable situation) ❤️‍🩹
Thank you 🥺🖤
I know I don't have to post it but it's very sweet and it's easier to explain everything in an answer than just trying to solidify all my thoughts in a new post. I don't deserve such caring people, thank you 🩷
Mom finally got to come home yesterday (that's why I was slow). She's mostly sleeping but I think she's aware. She keeps apologizing and telling us we're doing good so I think she's a little better mentally. We had a home health aid out this morning and mom answered all the questions properly and remembered it was dads birthday. The poor guy 😅 At least he's not spending it in a hospital. I'm genuinely worried about him- he told me last night he keeps thinking he should call his mom to update her but then remembers she's not here anymore. I hate that he has so much to deal with.
She's more cognitive but exhausted. She can't really get up yet and she's swollen EVERYWHERE from the IVs. She can barely eat and hasn't for a few weeks but... We're all trying our best. I'm just begging the universe to let us keep her for as long as possible. She doesn't want more surgery or radiation or anything... Glioblastomas don't wait long from what I've read. She's been sick and beaten down her whole life but is still the sweetest person you'd ever meet. I don't know why this is happening. Two types of cancer for one person?? Wtf...
Sorry, I'm trying to keep my emotions about it controlled but it's hard. I need her. It's as simple as that. But I don't want her in pain... My parents deserve better than this but they're handling it... Well. I think.
I don't think I need anything but I appreciate the understanding. I'll be slow on here because I have to focus on her. I hope you're all doing well, I miss you all and writing but I'm at least trying to keep up with updates. Once she heals a little from the surgery I'll be back more. It's scary but... We've got this. I love you all so much 🖤🖤🖤
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
i am so so sorry for not being active here but i had a lot of stress because of university shit etc (i still do but not as much as i did last week) (and this week)
you should adopt me as a sister frfr!!
yes about hanbin: he said that you both are already planning the wedding??? you should have told me… #betrayed
and i took my nails off (if thats how you say it😟) and they were no and i had to cut my natural long nails 😔😔
no cuz i lost a lot money now on enhypen albums (i love them sm wtf its so sudden but after i found out that they were in poland (i found out sbout this during they were there) my enhypen fangirl era came back and yk i bought the dark blood album i dont remmeber what version but its dark blue and i pulled sunghoon and sunoo(AGAIN) but i wanted heeseung and jake #depressed (i got jay post card tho) and i csnt find people who sell the original photocards☹️ LIKE GIRL IM ABOUT TO GO CRAZY ABOUT HEEJAYKE LIKE OMFG NOOO NAHH WTF WHAT::;;;;::;;:::&&&&
how did the macarons taste like (good bad mid) ?!??,,? i will buy you a whole macarons factory just so you csn eat them everyday for free 😋😋
DONT CALL ME A ROOKIE!! its the first time it happened (taking a nap and then not being able to sleep again) like i take naps almost everyday because they are so lovely😔😔 but yes no school no university no anything for a long time😋 (just work) (like 20€ per week) (im teaching 2 people english so not a real job tho)
anyway my brother (6 months old) (literally 18 years age difference💀) is so annoying but so cute like bro i hate him sometimes and then day after i love him the most😐😐😐
oh and my hesrt was broken by a guy… he has the same name as i do (unisex name) we were 8-9 years at the same school and he had a crush on me 5 years ago but i didnt have a cursh on him back then so i told him that we are just friends and now since 2-3 years i started to have a crush on him but now i found out that he has a crush on deomeone else (this is mainly the reason why im so delulu rn) (i was always delulu but this is literally getting so out of hand) i also started kind of disliking zb1 i mean not that i dont like them anymore its just im not keeping up with their content now as much as i did like bro my ult groups are always changing (once it was shinee then svt then got7 then nct then gidle then enhypen then txt then svt again then treasure then zb1 and xikers and now its new jeans, le sserafim, xikers, ateez and enhypen (just that i dont keep up eith xikers and ateez content that much)😐😐😐😐 get me some help like i literally love them for a time then lose interesy in them and find another group and then its repeating all the time ykyk omg im so no
i understand bro i went through it myself so don't worry 😭 how's it going? i have no idea how you choose your college in germany so if you wanna talk abt it i'm interested 🤭 hope you'll be able to go wherever you want
bitch you're already adopted ‼️ i've always wanted a little sister
yk i didnt know how to tell you this cuz i'm a bit shy..... but he told you now so you know!! i'm not fully a betrayer!!
OH THEY WERE NATURAL??? the length was so pretty i thought it was not. it's a shame you had to cut it
enha have me on a chokehold fr this cb pure you don't understand 😀 they're also my ult but i've been not keeping up as much as before with their content. this album was just soooo good and now i'm in this enhypen shit forever bro like that's it they got my interest back
girl the macarons were awful. too sugary (i should've expect this from algeria they love getting diabetes...) </3 i felt like i was eating blocks of sugar there was no other taste i wanted to cry ok. waiting for you to buy me a macaron factory or else im gonna have to marry someone who makes them properly.
this may seem like 'not a real job' but even this is very important on your resume when you'll look for work later! it's still a great experience
that's every little brothers 🙏🏼 i have two and there's days i wanna crush them to the ground and days i wanna give them everything </3 but the age difference between you two is so big!! you know what's cool about that? you can design that kid 🤭 you can teach him how to be a good person, give him good taste, everything! that's the best thing about younger siblings
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hE HAS ANOTHER CRUSH NOW?? HOW COULD HE MOVE ON FROM THE PURE??? nah he has no idea what he's missing rn 👹 don't be heartbroken over... a man 😧 okay?? move on too >:( he's no heejake >:(
ABOUT THE ULT THING. i have no idea how ppl keep the same ult for such a long time like.... i mean mine are pretty much stable too but yk there's time where you lost interest as you get into a new group. i always end up coming back to my ult but there are period yk. when i see people holding fanbases for example i'm amazed cuz how do you diligently wake up everyday and do everything about one and onlY ONE GROUP??? AREN'T YOU TIRED??? AREN'T YOU FED UP WITH THEM AT SOME POINT???
plus my problem is i'm here for the music only 🙏🏼 i don't like the music my ult put out? honestly i'm not hyping the comeback or anything. my older sister listens to kpop and fr no matter if the song's good or not she votes on every music show, she streams the song, eveRYTHING. i don't even do all that when i like the song tbh... i think it's funny to see how everyone has a different way of stanning
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