#i'm just tired of all the times I've seen posts preaching self-improvement
222-justfornow-333 · 6 months
I dont know who needs to hear this- but self-care doesn't have to begin, or be,- skin care, nails, lashes/brows, workouts, hair care, etc, or any other "aesthetically pleasing" "glowup"- and I'm just gonna say it- other buzz words that usually rely on societal beauty standards and buying products to fix your life.
what self-care starts with is you, what actually brings you happiness. self-care starts with finding your happiness.- because happiness leads to contentment, which leads to joy.- and once you find that, so much more can fall into place for you, and you won't feel like you have to "fix" your life as much as you'll want to improve and grow in your life- for you.
-taking care of your body is so important. but I fucking hate as someone who struggles with self-worth and productivity limiting mental health issues and going on to what should be open-minded and diverse tags and being flooded with male gaze-i-fied gatekeeping ideas on what makes someone an "it girl".
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