#i'm just going to go back to pirating all my music don't tempt me
chenziee · 6 months
youtube really going kissanime on me, huh
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nanoa1foryou · 5 months
Tagged by @glamorousdrama <3 <3
Star sign: One of them.
Favorite holiday: Idk man. World children's day. Or women's day. Those are pretty dope.
Last meal: Vegetable noodle stir fry. Unfortunately it didn't turn out as great as the one I made before with chicken.
Current favorite musician: Currently? Käärijä, with Bess as a close second.
Last music listened to: Riivattu by Bess is in my head right now so I guess we'll go with that. I may have ended my cooking session on Portrait of a Blank Slate by Lovejoy.
Last movie watched: Pirates of the carribean 3: at world's end. I suggested pirates, sister suggested the third one. A team effort on that.
Last TV show watched: Hannibal. Finished it and then watched the first episode again.
Last book/fic finished: Hot damn, haven't finished anything in a while. Most likely some fic, but I'm pretty sure out of books it is some social work theory book. Wish I had time to read more of those, they're really interesting, especially anything from a multicultural perspective.
Last book/fic abandoned: Any of my academic books really. Just no time to finish any of it.
Currently reading: Still going strong on Nabokov's Lolita (have not read a page in months). Also started up on the tenth book in the Fazbear frights series. Friendly Face is promising but I'm scared (hah) something bad will happen to the cat, so I am mentally preparing myself.
Last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: I spent like good while looking at dozens of pictures and gifs of Bojan Cvjetićanin to get the curve of his eyelids right. Drawing is fun like that.
Favorite online fandom memory: I look fondly back on a lot of my fandom memories. Though nothing has had quite the same effect as this past year with the Kääryleet. I'll say the mcytsexyman brackets. That was a good time.
Wait no, I just remembered! There used to be a weekly post on the Dice Camera Action subreddit relating to the newest episode. And I just loved how engaged and wonderful and welcoming that whole fandom was. The fics, the theories, the fanart! It was such a shame to see it get so abandoned when things got tough. I've been enjoying seeing the resurgance, now that the dust has had time to settle.
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: All my old fandoms have dragged me back these past few years, from Jedward to Fnaf. What am I supposed to do now?
Honestly, I'm just waiting for mcc to pull me back in.
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: Sekasin. It's such a good series, I love it to bits.
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: I have a picture of Bess on my desk waiting for me to keep drawing. And then my billion other hobbies that obviously also need to be picked up. Most of all maybe the lace bed spread. Fucking forever project, that one.
Tagging: @reunalordi @isapun @zomb1edude @darkerthanblack-666 @khihi @ominousmotion
No pressure, just having fun!
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himbo-kronk-stan · 2 years
Top 5 Lazytown songs for the meme
You know, this took me forever because I was originally going to take an afternoon to listen though the LT Soundtrack and really analyze for this answer- but eh screw it, being able to think of songs on the top of my head says a lot about their staying power and what they mean to me. (It also took a while bc if you save an ask you’re answering as a draft tumblr buries it.)
5. You are a Pirate; I set this as my alarm in 2018 and I still wake up to DO WHAT YOU WANT 'CAUSE A PIRATE IS FREE- YOU ARE A PIRATE! YAR HAR-
It's such a fun song, and one of those times you can tell Robbie got lost having fun with the kids. The "Wind at your back lass ware-ever you go!" lyric is so cute. Of course I can't listing to it without a jolt though my body like I just woke up, but that's worth it.
4. Always a way; I also downloaded that onto my phone in 2018- the same year a started collage and finally learned how to drive. Playing/Sinning that song prevented/helped me though a lot of panic attacks. Sometimes you just need a douse of unapologetic hopefulness and boy dose it deliver.
3. Íþróttaálfurinn; It’s so cute and fun, you bet your ass I try to sing and dance along to it alone at home, and it’s a good way to learn how to pronounce his name!
2. Good to be bad; You can hear Robbie's accent, the acting is so silly it fits wonderful with every character that has "villain" as a job title, and theirs the old mic/radio slice near the end I love that!!! I'm tempted to say this this is tied with another song but I don't want to cheat..... Wait, that's what a proper willan would do!!! This spot is tied with Wooof Woof Woof, I always play it right after Good to be Bad. It's delightfully theater kid villain and just adorable, plus it was made so Stefán could tap dance! What more could you want? I think for a sound track made to get you to dance, the best ones at it encourage that musically without having to literally tell you too (I know, I know, preschool show, but some interviews have said that they hoped different ages would respond and I remember being 5 when it aired and 13 when it came back, you lose kids in that middle with a Dora the explorer approach)
6. -Honorable Mention- LazyTown Forever; It's not technically an official song but
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It's not my best singing or anything but you can defiantly hear my voice pretty prominently if you already know it, and that's soooo cool. The whole song is such a sweet thank you to Stefán and the rest of the crew, I'm really grateful I got to be apart of that.
Versti Fantur; Man it just slaps. Master of disguise is fun too but the vibe hits different. Robbie is singing is resume, Glanni is laughing to himself about a score he’s about to hit. It’s very fun sinister, the main part kinda has an Eartha Kitt Yzma vibe and then it gets all gloating cheerful just to swing back.
Thanks for the ask @lazycraze1991 that was fun!
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popliar · 4 years
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Ateez in Seoul, 8 and 9 February 2020
Olympic Hall at Olympic Park
No one will believe this but I actually had my holiday with @flywithturtles planned before I knew the dates coincided with Ateez's Seoul concert dates. But it's true! I have the WhatsApp conversations to prove it!! Anyway I secured the tickets and all was well.
This is the first concert I've been to where they were handing out masks, making sure everyone had hand sanitizer and checking temperatures as you entered. Haha. Well they also checked our temperature going into the Line Friends store that day so, that's corona virus life. I was actually really worried the concerts would be cancelled, given so many other events have been, so it was a relief that it went ahead.
Structurally this is the same as the show I saw in August last year, after Wave/Illusion: starting hard with pirates, a lighter middle section, and a mythology-heavy last third. And then the encore which went for ages.
What's great to see is that the gaps and pacing downsides of the previous year have been corrected and improved. The pacing has been tightened up, the banter and ments flow much more smoothly and the show just feels very professional and well run.
Here's my post about last year's show: https://popliar.tumblr.com/post/187095347758/ateez-in-sydney-11-aug-2019
It's a shock to realise they've only been around one year four months but they were able to fill out a full 2.5 hour set, every song solid. And KQ spent proper money on this, the production was good - it's not like LAVISH but there were good stages and fancy screens and new VCRs and plenty of back up dancers, and it all worked well. There were maybe too many fireworks on the first night (I hate it when it obstructs the choreo) but they'd adjusted well on the second night.
Surprising but welcome - they had English subs for some of the ments. I don't think they were "live" subs because sometimes they'd get ahead of what the members were saying. But it was helpful. Even without them, body language and tone says a lot. Though I'm regretful that I don't understand Seonghwa's acrostic poems or all of their stupid jokes lol.
The show is called Fellowship and they leaned into it hard, asking Atiny to be part of their shared journey and to stick with them forever. It's a familiar refrain from other shows, but each time I find it both surprising and effective - this very overt, explicitly stated entreaty to be a fan, to enter into this imagined relationship, the appeal to reciprocity. "We've made you happy, make us happy too, be with us and we'll be with you."
But you can know a thing and it can still be effective. I did love the shows. I want them to be happy too!
A list of observations and random things:
Spoilers follow, I'd put it behind a cut but I can't figure out how on mobile haha
-first VCR to open the show expanded on the Treasure theme.
-Desire opens with blindfold choreo. Was this a gift for me? THANK U.
-for Lights, they had cute moments where they held up little speech bubbles over each others heads. They paired up with Hongjoong and Mingi, San and Wooyoung, Seonghwa and Yunho, and Yeosang and Jongho. Both nights, Woosan held hands. On the second night Yunho held Seonghwa's hand and Seonghwa was like a shy maiden. Mingi and Hongjoong had very strong flirty energy. Yeosang and Jongho are cute.
-the VCR in between part 1 pirates and part 2 fun boys showed what felt like a series of different dimensions? An ocean, a mountain, fields of flowers, cosmic surrealism, etc. As though each of them was alone somewhere in time and space.
-During If without you, they threw out balls to the crowd as gifts (mini riots ensued). Mingi put the empty basket on his head both nights, what a beautiful fool.
-Night 1 was the first time with the light stick! Hongjoong announced its official name: Lightiny (light of destiny) but also Tinybong lololol. The light stick is super pretty. I was tempted but didn't have time the first night. The second night it was sold out when I arrived!!!
-The VCR in between parts 2 and 3 is the really intriguing one. It paired them up into the Lights pairs again. Yeosang and Jongho searched for each other in a hall of billowing drapes. Mingi and Hongjoong were rockstars (with great lipstick). San and Wooyoung were mirrorverse versions of each other. Yunho and Seonghwa put together the pieces of a puzzle in a set that reminded me of both Treasure and Wonderland.
-In the intro to Say My Name on the first night, Hongjoong went halfway down the stairs then turned around, went back and grabbed his mic, then went down again lol. The second night he very firmly took his mic before descending the stairs lol.
-The final VCR before the encore showed them uncovering items on pedestals as though in a museum: a camera, a gramophone, a painting, a book of poetry by Yeats... Then they all created a painting together. When viewed through a red screen (like the puzzles in their albums) the pattern revealed a compass. They then all showed their wrists to reveal each had a compass tattoo.... WHAT IS THIS OT8 SOULMARK FIC!!!!!
-They said they had planned for every audience member to have this compass stamp (the Fellowship again) but it was cancelled due to health concerns. But we could see it with our true eyes, right???? On the second night, the 99s swarmed Seonghwa at this point to try to look down his shirt. I see. I see. (Later on Hongjoong also tried to peek into Mingi's shirt also fine just fine.)
-Early in the show Hongjoong said there would be clues through the show about the next steps in their concept/narrative. The hourglass and compass were very recurrent but these are not new. Hmm. I wonder.
-In one ment on night 1, Jongho spoke to all his hyungs informally and it was HILARIOUS. He did something similar on the second night, patting Yunho on the head and pinching Wooyoung's chin etc.
-During Star 1117 on the first night, Hongjoong and San started crying. Then in the following ment, they and Yunho and Wooyoung were crying, and Seonghwa and Jongho were teary. Yunho cried so hard (missing his grandfather!) that during Hongjoong's ment, Mingi quietly went over and gave him a towel. There were like five members in between that he passed to give him the towel, it was so sweet I'll cry. Night 2 felt more joyful and upbeat.
-Some ppl really left way too early like before the encore. The encore is half an hour long omg! You missed out on so many songs!!!!!
-On night 1 between main set and encore the crowd didn't quite know what to do. Huge kudos to the fans who led some cheers otherwise it would have been so quiet. Second night was better and also they kept the light sticks on while we were waiting which added to the atmosphere.
-They didn't sell a couple of sections in the hall at all, they were curtained off. It's interesting to think BTS had their first Muster here at around the same point in their careers. Like BTS, Ateez too are more popular globally than at home. They were beaten quite handily in voting on music shows by SF9 this comeback, who are more popular at home than internationally.
-It is great being in a huge fandom like BTS but also you know this is actually a great time to stan a group like Ateez. They're big enough to be exciting and have good shows, they are interesting and still developing, they're still playing intimate venues... They're good!!!!!
-A few of them had fake neck tattoos. San helpfully labeled himself "San" on the second night lol.
-Hongjoong briefly went off stage during sunrise On night 2. Hopefully just a technical issue.
-Treasure and Precious choreo start and end in the same place, echoing their musical connection.
-They had different encore outfits for Answer each night, before changing into hoodies. On night 2, Yeosang saw some of the others had scarves/banners tucked into their back pockets and was like "where's mine????" Instead of a banner, Yunho had a baseball cap. Seonghwa took his off and Hongjoong tied it around Seonghwa's wrist.
-For Star 1117, everyone held up their mobile phone lights. On night 2, San repeated the request in English too. Very pretty to see all the lights.
-On second night, Seonghwa and San got their mics and necklace tangled up during a ment lol.
Pirate King
(Introduction ment)
Medley: Twilight, Stay, My Way
(Ment, lightstick announcement)
If without you
Say My Name
Dazzling Light
Hala Hala
Thank u
Star 1117
Dancing like butterfly wings
Setlist from: https://twitter.com/updateez/status/1226112679728812032?s=19
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idanwyn-et-al · 5 years
I wanted to make this an eloquent post, but...
...better rambly & less eloquent than never posting it at all.
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Stormblood (well, three months after it launched) marked my turn to FFXIV after a little over a year away. I had a painful situation on Balmung, and just couldn't take any joy in this game that I'd been playing since beta, not even on my old main Thessalae Soemrblyss on Goblin. However, good friends of mine eventually tempted me back, first to Thess and then, when the RP community wasn't really kicking off there (at the time, at least), back to Gwyn Trahaern, as Idanwyn still was at the time.
I brought her to Mateus, gave her a better name and a number of character adjustments, and just kinda sussed out the RP scene while catching her up on PvE & crafting/gathering. Eventually, almost 2 years ago now, I found The Halcyon Assembly and liked that their search info included a newspaper, since Idanwyn is a reporter. I went to their house unannounced, found a bunch of people ready to drop into character to hang out, and I've been happier here since than I ever was on Balmung. I feel like my character and I have really come into our own within the RP community now; she's so much richer and more fun to play, and I have a pack full of very dear friends in my FC (even if we don't always get along).
This FC is full of brilliant, creative people who work within the expansive lore of this game to create something that feels almost tangible; stories, characters, and experiences that linger long after the events have passed. I'm looking forward to interacting more with people from other FCs over this upcoming expansion, especially with the cross-world visits, but I'm also happy to be the editor-in-chief of our tiny newspaper as well as head chef for our lounge nights, and will always enjoy creating content for my little friend-family. Love the <HA:RP>ies.
This expansion has truly changed the course of my life, because it introduced me to real friends. It was also an amazingly beautiful world to explore with a very emotional storyline. Idanwyn has always spoken fluent Hingan (Doman, back in ARR/HW) and it was fun to explore that part of the character's life, to show that this chef and food & lifestyle columnist with the heavy brogue in Common was actually quite articulate, occasionally even poetic, in Hingan. My pale runt of a pirate-raised Roegadyn who is too cowardly to wield weapons nevertheless has proven herself to be warm, funny, insightful, kind, and even capable of lasting love, something I NEVER thought she'd really have. She also has a best friend in @ritzcraft 's Okuni, who is pictured in a bunch of the farewell screenshots above, and that's a friendship I treasure both in and out of character. (I love you, Saelzswys!)
I'm very much looking forward to Shadowbringers; it's all downloaded and ready to go. However, Stormblood will always have a huge place in my heart, and I will definitely still be visiting many of the achingly beautiful locales it gave us--to roleplay, to listen to the music, to reminisce and indulge that fluttering nostalgia twisting under my ribs that has already started.
Thank you all for being there, too, even if you're skipping over this now. This community is just the best.
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See you in The First.
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