#i'm glad i don't try to keep up with most of the cast anymore bc oh boy
micanthrope · 10 months
Ok im a teeensy bit late to Heartstopper s2 coming out (no pun intended) but i just binged the whole thing and Wow.
After s1 last year I had really high expectations for season two and it did NOT disappoint
I tried not to keep it too spoilery lol ⬇️
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First of all the recap was really enjoyable with all the cast members and i watched the whole thing even though i was all caught up. Usually recaps are just a bunch of important scenes from the last season but i really liked what they did!
After last season i really did want to see more of the side characters, Issac in particular. I feel like season 1 mostly focused of the relationship between Nick and Charlie but season 2 had all these side storylines that gave so much more depth to the side characters.
One of my favourites was Imogen getting explored more with her friendship with Nick and her relationship with Ben. In season 1 i didnt really care for her, but now i think she's definitely one of my top three characters, the others being Elle and Darcy
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And can we talk about Darcy?? The ending of episode 9 and throughout 10 they showed how her relationship with her mum was.
I think it was really important to show that because Heartstopper is a show about queerness, and while i love that all if not most of the other characters have supportive parents, it's important to show that not every queer experience has that. I didn't, and i really empathized with Darcy right then.
Another thing about Darcy, the birthday present she gave Tara was actually iconic. Love that for her <3
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And Charlie's parents make an appearance
Charlie's parents' reaction to him telling them about Nick was kind of surprising tbh, i thought they'd be more happy for him.
Im so glad his family got to meet Nick's, and that scene where Nick told off his dad really just. Hit in the heart. He really doesn't give a fuck anymore and that's amazing.
It was also really satisfying to see Tori kick David for saying that stuff about Charlie lol
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I loved the scene of Tara's birthday. It just felt really fun. And Nick gathering the courage to come out to everyone!! It got a bit awkward, but I'm really proud of him for that <3
Elle and Tao have happened!! I really loved seeing Elle so happy and successful, getting accepted to Lambert. When she came out in her prom dress she looked so pretty i just wanted to go into the screen and hug her. It's just so liberating to see another trans person so happy. My dysphoria's been really bad lately, mostly because of me being sent to a religious school. It's comforting to know i might be her one day. Seeing trans rep on screen is just. Fuck i love her sm.
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That last scene had me crying actual tears. I don't wanna say too much bc im trying not to spoil too much!! But wow. That hit so much harder than any seasin finale ive seen before, except maybe The Good Place. Im so happy to see Charlie overcome all his past traumas and be so happy. Because I used to do that too. And i can really resonate with Charlie, because I also got past that. And those last few frames dude??? Fuck. Yes. I've come to love Charlie so much. And i just. Yeah.
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I could go on abt Heartstopper forever lol. I hope s2 hits the media as hard as s1 did. And season 3 is official!!! September 2024, only a year from now. The actors have done amazing, and im so looking forward to s3!!!
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Every day I'm gladder I managed to pull myself at least partway out of the online SW hype/wank machine
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tsukidrama · 2 years
even if i’d prefer to see all aot at once i think it’s better for everyone to have episodes that way (almost) everyone can see it at the same time you know? movie means released in cinemas which means having to wait for your country to get the movie or for someone to leak the movie and it takes waaayyy longer and spoilers get impossible to avoid. also it means dub version in cinemas and armin and eren’s voices are way too irritating in french for me to watch 2 hours of it lmao but what you said is true and more important imo!! mappa has so much work to do this year (and has already done a lot these past years) and people are always asking them for more, so if they can get it done with the story easier that way then this is what they should do. the only thing i’m excited about for the ending are the titans fights, for the ending ending i think i’ll just watch how my favorite characters look like and don’t even read the subtitles aksjsdkjhd thirst only.
yep, okay, i hear it. i forget that you're in the EU and they've got so many online viewing restrictions. i take for granted my US American ability to look up whatever i so desire on the internet and watch it on my laptop. also to be fair i can't watch any dub either... idk if this is a controversial thing to say or not so don't roast me but. in English, Hange's voice doesn't match up with her voice AT ALL and it bothers me so much that it ruins the entire experience. i watched the first few episodes and tapped out 30 seconds into her introduction. the actress who does Annie is great tbh and i never had too bad an issue with most of the rest of the cast. but i can't get past Hange's voice.. i'll never ever again watch the dub. plus the japanese cast is really iconic anyway and their performances are a big part of why i enjoy the anime as much as i do.
THE OPENING OMG i wasn’t expecting to see annie out of the crystal, mappa got very generous 🙏, pieck and reiner were also very beautiful in that episode i feel so blessed. also i saw this tiktok after watching the episode and it made me think of you lmao
SAAAAME I SCREAMED BC I JUST WAS NOT EXPECTING TO SEE HER. i love the LIVING FOR IT. everyone is TOO beautiful... mappa had no right to make everyone look so damn sexy like what am i supposed to do with this ?!!!@?!?@!!??
lkasjdfhkdjf the tiktok is me and @marsbutterfly for real, i'm the one busting the door and she's coming behind with the camera hfmcs;kjn
WHAT A GOOD CHAPTER (as usual) but the difference between the beginning, annie getting better and feeling alive again, and the ending, reader and annie not communicating anymore…. you really love hurting us. this is needed for the story but damn it still hurts. (dw we still love you). on top of that annie getting better while reader is still struggling and keeping it to herself to not hurt annie is not helping. “She's fine so you’re fine”, right in the feels!
hehe *blushes* stop it... also a mandatory apology. it gets better i promise it gets better! (thank you thank you 😭). i'm glad you noticed reader isn't okay either, bc that gets lost in the chaos sometimes. both of them are struggling and both of them need to deal with their individual issues before they can get anywhere.
(gonna put the rest under a read more as i feel myself rambling)
and pieck was here!! the reason of her visit was not very welcomed but it’s still good to see her. she was acting smart as usual and even planned a strategy, it was such a good characterization! my girl always knows what she is doing. oh and jean and connie were unexpected! it was a bit of fun before angst coming at full force. though even during the argument connie was trying to make things easier and it was really cute (like with the bits of grass). moments like this really show the work you put into your writing.
i know 😥 it's not a one-and-done appearance! pieck will be a major player throughout the story. thank you ❤ people seem to really enjoy the boys and i love that! i'll find a way for them to come back, i didn't realize i'd love them as much as i do now. connie is SO underrated he's really empathetic and he gets pain because of his mom.
i also think that Connie, Jean, & Armin would be pretty protective of reader since they've had so many of their friends die, and Mikasa is ??? genuinely not sure what happens to her post canon, i'm still deciding how i'll write her into the story. some of them like Connie come to realize it more quickly than others, but in the end they're just happy she's 1) alive and 2) relatively easy to visit. he's a good boy.
about the situation, i tend to agree with reader, this is not their responsibility to fix what eren did, even though it’s probably just me wanting annie and reader to live a happy life in peace asjkhe. but then annie accepted to go while reader was so sure she would refuse and i think i was as shocked as her. i have a bad feeling about this trip, you’re not going to let us relax next chapter either uh akshfjhjfd
i'll go into a LOT more about that, it's a whole ass plotline. Annie also wants Annie and Reader to live a happy life in peace. in time it'll become clear why she doesn't just say "no, and go fuck yourself" from the beginning. communication isn't happening so reader is just having to come to her own conclusions.
next chapter is probably gonna be a little bit sad, but it's also going to be mostly about Papa so. you'll catch a slight break?
annie cuddling so easily is such a change from cold hands cold heart, it’s nice to see her so comfortable with someone. making reader feel safe and remembering the years in the crystal was such a soft moment betweens two storms (lol).
there are intentional parallels in chapter 6 with cold hands !! yes! to illustrate that now Annie is comfortable with reader and willing to open up about everything she never did. except for, achieving that communication hasn't been the emotional fix-it reader wanted and expected. nothing is 'fixed' or 'better' yet but at least now they have the tools to figure out what's wrong in the first place.
when reader talked with papa and he said “At least I know she’ll come back this time, with you here” the fact that he thinks she wouldn’t come back just for him is heartbreaking. i know it was a way to be comforting but it sounds like he thinks that if annie didn’t come back the first time was because he wasn’t a good enough motivation, it is really sad, even if justified as annie has a complicated relationship with her father. they need to put their stubborness aside and have a father daughter talk.
oh it shatters me. i've actually already started writing a scene where he and reader talk about what it was like for Papa the first time Annie for Paradis, so we'll definitely see that addressed.
oh they'll talk. and you're gonna be so mad at me when you see how it happens...
then, the whole storm/weather doesn’t seem to announce something good. considering how annie is acting and feeling right now i really hope pieck will be true to her promise and keep an eye on her. or that one of the other warriors do it.
on the same note, i hope annie sees that reader isn’t doing good either and that both of them need help, and what she is doing might not be the best for reader. but it’s a delicate situation for everyone involved.
our girl is really going through it right now 😩😓 i don't think Pieck would make a promise she couldn't keep.
you're so right. i wish that i could tell you i wasn't gonna take the story in the angstiest direction i can think of to get them there! 🤪
there were so many nice details : like the weather being different in a different country and the characters not prepared for it fully, annie wearing flannel (gay), the car arriving and the black smoke in a way of showing bad news coming in a perfect setting, characters still interacting during dialogue (like connie and the grass again), papa being suspicious going just “in town”, and how the cats were acting during the storm! well some of them aren’t really details but you know.
i know what you mean! and again thank you, you nailed it with your interpretations and i love hearing your commentary you beautiful soul. it's interesting that you to say it read as suspicious for Papa to be vague about where he was; you may be onto something there!
finally, the ending… i would just be repeating myself and this ask is long enough but everything hurts in this chapter. thank you for providing us such a long, well written and beautiful chapter.
i hope you have a good week! -j
THANK YOU AND YOU KNOW I LIVE FOR YOUR SUPERLONG MESSAGES ! AND I FUCKING LOVE PLEASE THEM NEVER CHANGE. and also so sorry that i hurt everyone so early in the year but if y'all stick around i swear it'll be worth it
it's off to a nice start already! you too 💕
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