#i'm feeling really protective of this series because people are being so overly judgemental
trisexyual · 2 months
so many of the things people are complaining about in DD2 just sounds like it's coming from people who never played the first game or don't have a clue how Dragons Dogma games are played at all.
no multiple character saves? in the first game.
unable to change your characters appearance immediately (but you can and you don't need to spend real life money to do so). also in the first game.
no easy way to fast travel everywhere on the map? in the first game.
not to mention the micro transactions. you guys are blowing those out of proportion. they are all completely optional AND items you can get relatively easily in game if you just play the game.
optimization issues are an ever occurring thing that consistently happens with newer games. it's not okay but it's not like DD2 is the only game that suffers from this.
it's also not an easy game. it's designed to kill you at every point in the game and you are meant to have to try multiple times to succeed.
i just don't think the level of negative criticism DD2 is getting is fair.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
This theory isnt very thought out, but, judging from the quote about something being different about Tam from the Linh pov, what if Glimmer is the secret child of Alina and Alden, and a beguiler as well as a flasher, and she's the vacker secret that alvars always rambling about
oo that's an interesting thought! I must admit I'm not that great with theories, so I don't know how much insight I can provide, but I am definitely intrigued. Glimmer is a character I'm incredibly interested to learn about, so I hope we get to see more of her soon!
The Linh short story has been released since you sent this ask, but it doesn't provide that much more aside from the four girls featured in it coming to the conclusion that Glimmer is definitely evil (though I don't know if I take their word for it. Not saying they're wrong but they were emotionally invested and overly sure, which affects how I trust their conclusion)
The quote you mention seems to offer the most substantial proof of this theory, so lets look a little closer at the implications. "Tam seems...different[...]His time with the Neverseen...changed him." That's her exact wording, though it also mentions that this is a truth that Linh has been trying to hide from and finally admitting this is a struggle. Her brother's actions and choices are confusing her, his support of Glimmer infuriates her, and she's mad at him. He's not the same person he was before the Neverseen. On the one hand, that makes total sense as its a major traumatic event and of course he wouldn't be the same, but if we were to compare it to Keefe's time there (which I've mentioned it feels like everyone did during Legacy) Keefe didn't really change at all.
Tam's relationship with Glimmer is probably the most confusing, as he's advocating for her and saying to trust her and making judgements on what her actions would be when we, as the readers, don't know anything about where this came from. And considering how avoidant Tam is of other people, it doesn't seem to line up with his character that he'd let her in so quickly, even going as far as defending her. If we compare that to his other friendships, I don't think he's that supportive of anyone else, not even Linh. Now before you misconstrue that, I don't think he's closer to Glimmer than he is to Linh. I think he's more protective and observant of Linh and sees her as his responsibility, while with Glimmer she's not someone he has any inherent responsibility more, so he can support her in different ways that he doesn't with Linh, if that makes sense.
All of this to say that his actions don't seem to align with his character as we've come to know him, so what's with this sudden shift? It's possible that he's been beguiled into submission and support and is still under the spell of beguiling, however it works. We don't know a lot about the ability and have never seen it in action, so that leaves a lot of room open for things to happen and for Shannon to mess around with things because there aren't any concrete rules set in place for it. If Glimmer is a beguiler, that could explain Tam's actions.
Of course, in a series like this, who people's parents are is a rather big deal, and the only other beguiler we know of is Alina, so naturally she's who we think of. And as she has drama with a past relationship with Alden, it could make sense that if Glimmer had a dramatic parent reveal it would be them. My main objection to this is Glimmer's ability as a flasher, as that's not an ability that's been very present in Alden's section of the family tree. I don't know how else to word that so I hope it makes sense. However! Orem Vacker is one of the most well-known flashers in the elven world, so it's not completely unreasonable for Alden to be able to pass on that ability even if he doesn't have it himself.
I will say explaining it away by just saying that Glimmer might have two abilities would be interesting, but I'm not sure I 100% want Shannon to go that route. it would be cool to see a new ability, as we have a lot of Flashers in the series already, so I could get behind her having a second, secret one. They said it's possible but rare to have more than one ability, and that polyglots are the ones who typically have more than one. But not just them! So, I don't think it's impossible, but I don't know what Shannon's doing!
but regardless of whether or not it's true just the implications that would have are so interesting to think about. The Vacker family drama...we already know having children with more than one person is frowned upon, so that would bring a whole host of social issues into their life. Does Alden know about this other child or is he also shocked to find out about Glimmer's existance? And could Alina still serve on the council? Because Glimmer is her child, but if she's part of the Neverseen does the bond that supposedly prevents people from making clear decisions still exist? Would this be public knowledge or something to blackmail with?
So many questions...I don't think this is a completely unreasonable theory, nonsie! I'm curious who Glimmer will turn out to be, so I guess we've gotta hang around for the next year to see what happens in book 9! Though knowing Shannon even more questions will be raised and we'll have to wait for book 10...
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