#i’m so tired of people acting like realism is necessary in shows that deal with like fucking zombies
sourstiless · 2 years
to be perfectly honest, i’m real tired of mainstream media trying to make people sympathize with racist, abusive little white boys, forcing poc to sit and watch people who look like them be brutalized by said character while yt people sit and eat up their dumb little sob stories. and then we’re just expected to be okay with it because it’s “realistic for its time”, and when we complain about it we’re “overreacting”
i don’t give a fuck if it’s “realistic” y’all’s show deals with 15 year olds with superpowers and inter dimensional monsters and supernatural beings on an episodic basis. nothing about that screams “realistic” to me, so why does realism suddenly become so fucking important when it comes to mistreating marginalized communities.
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