#i wrote a mirror verse spirk that i really love
mejomonster · 3 years
star trek fics masterpost (mostly AOS): 
Maybe Not Anywhere (Spock/Uhura, Kirk/Spock, M) -  AU Where everything is the same except Spock runs into Jim before the events of the movie. Mostly PWP, but the plot that exists is heavy on Spock-centric character study. Spock and Nyota deal with the fact their relationship is not exactly ideal, when Captain Pike promotes Spock to first officer, by deciding to break up for a little while and try to convince people they aren't together. Spock ticks off far too many people, and Jim just wanted to get through the Kobayashi Maru - he never meant to ruin everything like this, he didn't know. Meanwhile, Spock wonders if everything would be better off if he didn't feel anything.
Vulcan Make Outs And Awkward Admissions (Kirk/Spock, T) -  Spock gets stuck in a blizzard, Jim finds him and proceeds to mother hen like nobody's business. In the middle of all that, they share some awkward stories because Jim is desperate to keep Spock conscious until they can beam back aboard the Enterprise. (For the most part, what it says on the tin.)
Six People Spock Has Kissed (Spock centric, T) - The six people Spock has kissed - an elaboration on the kisses mentioned in Vulcan Make Outs and Awkward Admissions.
of a kind (Uhura centric, M) - A character study of Nyota and her trek through relationships, dancing around vulnerability, wondering why some people risk it when there is so much at stake. Her fears and her dreams as she explores the universe. In T'Pring, she sees herself. And maybe, the potential to want to understand more then is seen, to be understood in kind.
Can a Person Be a Home? (Kirk/Spock, T) - 'Spock is home, Jim realizes, wonders how tired he is to be thinking such things. It's not a metaphor, either, no, Jim doesn't think it is. He thinks Spock simply is the definition of home, for him. He hopes Spock always wants him.' Spock and Jim, weary from a trip down to a planet of violent mass brainwash, try to unwind and remember what it's even supposed to feel like to not be alone without compromising themselves. If that's even possible.
Fluency In Love (Amanda/Sarek, M, incomplete) -  A collection of snippets of Amanda and Sarek’s life together.
What will they find when I am ripped apart? (Kirk, Spock, E, incomplete) - I love you Spock, written on my heart. The story of how Jim Kirk realizes how in love he is (the answer is: without limit), and his messy attempts to do something about it, to try and make it a good thing for all parties involved. Or, how Jim and Spock go from friends, to friends with benefits, to that awkward grey zone that is unexpressed feelings and misunderstandings of what it all means, to lovers who have been dancing around that eventuality of the universe for far too long with far too much unnecessary fear.
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fuckyeahspones · 3 years
How did you start shipping Spones (brotp or otp, either is fine!)
So I think the brotp thing almost certainly came first, back in the mists of preschool when I was a shipping oblivious baby child. Ships did not occur to me as a thing until I started reading fic later in life (I’m a very slow to warm up demi) and the first one I saw, and wrote for, was Spirk (like most people.) McSpirk kind of grew out of that because who wants to see Bones lonely forever. Then someone, I can’t remember who, challenged me to write Spones, the Healerverse was born, and sometime around there I read quite possibly the best Aliens Made them Do It work I’ve ever read, kianspo’s Infinite Complexities and they were firmly added to my list of ships.
(A side note: My brain does not do OTPs. An infinite multiverse allows me to hold simultaneous not-mutually-compatible ships, each in their own lanes, not detracting from the others.)
Why did you ship them?
So, why I love the ship: First, the two of them are similar and opposite, like photonegatives of each other. Their intellectual curiosity, deep compassion, and underlying discomfort with themselves–both of them are deeply suspicious of their own value as persons, despite that belief being unjustified give them common ground. Their very different social interaction styles give them an opportunity for conflict and growth from both sides.
What are the some of the reasons you like Spock as a character? And McCoy?
They’re my family. I’ve known them since before I was potty trained. I could say I write both of them as self-inserts of a sort, but because they were so critical to my formation as a person when I was teeny tiny, I think the character development goes both ways. Both of them are a big part of who I grew up to be–they gave me examples of how to navigate a world that I didn’t really fit into comfortably. As characters, I love Spock’s curiosity, intellect, and strong moral compass that he couches in logical language. And I love his flaws–his belief that he has to be perfect, his imposter syndrome, and his tendency to reason himself into misery. I love McCoy’s drivenness, his tireless search for solutions to intractable problems, his compassion and caring. And I love his flaws too. The fact that his caring overwhelms him and is expressed as anger. The fact that his teasing of Spock frequently crosses lines (in TOS) and the opportunities that gives ficwriters to show growth and change. 
Some of your fave things about liking Spones: tropes, fics, headcanons, etc?
I love post-Mirror, Mirror recovery fics. I think that the two of them resolving that trauma makes a really good TOS starting point for the relationship. I also love the pigtail pulling. Spock is so deadpan it’s not always as obvious that Spock gives as good as he gets. And, though I’ve seen it more rarely, I adore when it’s made clear that part of their differences of opinion on medical matters are because Vulcan medical practice is substantively different from Earth’s practices, so they are really, at lest at the start, truly baffled by each other.
When I saw your submission in the inbox I got very excited because I am a BIG fan of your work! 
I totally am the same as you, I don’t do otps either -- I am a very big multishipper. I, too, to quote your words, am able to “hold simultaneous not-mutually-compatible ships, each in their own lanes, not detracting from the others”. My brain doesn’t work that way. I can understand why people may only be fixated on one or two ships but the world is too complex and so full of interesting possibilities that I can’t choose to keep to one or two options.
I am so glad someone challenged you to write the Healerverse because that is such a wonderful ‘verse and your writing is impeccable. I also enjoy your gen work too! It’s rarer to find good gen writers so it makes me happy when I can because sometimes I just want to read a story, an adventure, and not necessarily have anything romantic going on. And that fic of Kianspo’s is so great!
All those reasons you listed about Spock and McCoy their dynamic are reasons I love them too. It also makes writing them very satisfying.
I do love their interactions can provide the ability to show growth and change -- something I think a lot of people need to see more in media, especially with the rise of the lack of critical thinking and analysis on the internet, which is dangerous during these times. If we cannot see how people can change and become better people, how can we emulate that and be able to guide people to change and become better themselves? We, unfortunately, do not live in a perfect world, and as a result, we as humans are going to be raised imperfect. The best we can do is try to become and do better every day. And to believe that characters can only be one dimension or always be one state of being is...well. We rob ourselves of the opportunities of the tools available to us. (I’d go on but that would be a terribly long digression.)
It’s fascinating that so many people who have answered these questions and given answers have talked about growing up with these characters and their world, and how that is a significant factor in who they are as people. 
Post-Mirror, Mirror fics are wonderful, though I can understand why it’s not for everyone. It does provide this opportunity for them to become close, to heal from trauma, and start a basis for a deepening of their friendship (and more, if one is inclined). 
You’re right, Spock really does give as good as he gets -- both he and McCoy are very witty, intelligent people, and McCoy is one of the few that can keep up with him in that respect. That’s always interesting to watch. 
And also, a very good point about them being truly baffled due to differences in how medical practices are between their two cultures! It would be nice to see that show up in fic again more, it definitely was a hallmark in a lot of older stories I’ve read. Maybe someone might take the mantle after reading this post? (That’s probably wishful thinking but one can hope!)
For those who wish to read PrairieDawn’s fics, you can here on AO3! And anyone curious, you can read Kianspo’s Infinite Complexities here.
[ We’re doing a Spock & McCoy appreciation weekend, so send your answers to these questions or anything related you’d like to send! ]
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Oh lordy, @lovelybydecay tagged me in this nice little “Get to Know the Author” post! Thanks, love! 
Author Name: beautygraceouterspace on AO3, with some little ficlets and drabbles here! 
Fandoms You Write For: at the moment just Star Trek AOS, but I have written for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Teen Titans, Harry Potter, Supernatural, and probably a few others. 
Where You Post: AO3 baby, but I’ve got an ancient ff.net account floating around still. 
Most Popular One-Shot: Going by Kudos (and overall Hits), “Sometimes, A Feeling” (which is my least favorite thing I’ve ever written by the way, but god the spirk fandom is strong). 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:  By hits, "Resurrection: The Year After”, clockin’ in at 6,485. By Kudos, “These Ghosts Are Not My Own”, at 340.
Favourite Story You Wrote: I’m legitimately really proud of “Going Beyond”, but I think “Resurrection” is still my favorite. It was such a labor of love, and I put so much research and time and effort into it. 
Story You Were Nervous to Post: “I Have No Strength From Which To Speak” because I was really worried it was too brutal. I asked for a lot of feedback on that one before posting it. 
How Do You Choose Your Titles: Very late at night either via song lyrics or my stupid poetry brain. 
Do You Outline: Sometimes but like... I don’t follow it. I’m not a sociopath. 
Complete: 27
In-Progress: 4
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started: Sigh... one day I’ll go back to my mirror verse/political intrigue fic... one day... 
Do You Accept Prompts: Mmm... yes and no? If I request them, then sure. But a lot of times the requests I get are for stuff I hate writing (pairings or really fluffy nonsense) and it just kills my muse immediately. 
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: If I ever get my ass in gear and get back to “Alternative Action”, that one. Like... my plan for it is so good, but... zero motivation. 
If interested, tagging: @anxiously-going, @trekkele, @jimkirkachu
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soyraktajino · 7 years
hi i’m having a really shitty day here’s a really embarrassingly detailed analysis of a fall out boy song that reminds me of spock regaining his memory after st:iv 
please don’t reblog this this is mostly a self-care post 
like if you read 
G.I.N.A.S.F.S by Fall Out Boy 
(Gay Is Not A Synonym For Shitty) 
the majority of this song works best from Spock’s perspective but the song itself changes perspectives (”you almost pick up the phone”/”i almost pick up the phone”) because it’s intended to be a love story between two broken boys who can’t admit to each other that they’re in love (which is. kirk/spock as hell)
I've loved everything about you that hurts, so Let me see your moves, Let me see your moves Lips pressed this close to mine, True Blue
this works as both Jim and Spock -- “I’ve loved everything about you that hurts” because they love each other through their insecurities and through the things that no one can understand and that hurt them to no end (Jim’s traumatic past ie Tarsus IV, his constant fear that he’s not doing enough for his ship; Spock’s internal turmoil over his conflicting cultural perspectives). 
also merriam-webster defines “true blue” as “unswerving loyalty (as to a party) ie a true-blue romantic, completely faithful and loyal to a person or idea” which i think is beautiful in that unswerving loyalty is. both of their defining factors. 
But the prince of any failing empire knows that Everybody wants, everybody wants To drive on through the night If it's a drive back home
yeah i’m not 100% on this i just like it conceptually as like... Jim and Spock driving back to their apartment in San Francisco (or taking the BART or smth) and wanting the drive to last forever because once they get there, y’know, they’ve gotta try and figure everything out. at least driving home holds the promise of maybe everything’ll work out. 
(pre-chorus 1) Things aren't the same anymore Some nights, they get so bad You almost pick up the phone
so my favorite fic about post st:iv basically has Jim ask the bridge crew to help re-arrange their apartment before they get there - hide all the things that’d suggest they were married, because you can’t just. force him into a marriage he doesn’t remember. so Spock stays in the guest bedroom. 
“things aren’t the same anymore/ some nights they get so bad/ you almost pick up the phone” sometimes Jim misses Spock so much he just wants to reach out to Spock and tell him everything, forget letting him figure it out on his own. but he never does. 
(chorus) Trade baby blues for wide eyed browns I sleep with your old shirts And walk through this house in your shoes, I know it's strange It's a strange way of saying that I know I'm supposed to love you I'm supposed to love you
this is my favorite part ok 
“trade baby blues for wide eyed browns” because Bones’ eyes (literally, literally called baby blues in-series) and Bones held Spock’s katra, wide-eyed browns as Spock’s eyes obvs and wide-eyed works because wide-eyed to the new world around him that he’s gotta relearn 
“i sleep with your old shirts and walk through this house in your shoes”  so like Spock was only dead for like a few weeks at most between st:iii and st:iv so it’s. incredibly hard to say what the fuck happened to all of his stuff. there’s no way Jim could’ve thrown it out. so i like thinking of this from either of their perspectives -- Jim wearing Spock’s old shirts (he wouldn’t know, anyway) as a comfort and walking through their home trying to empathize with what Spock must be going through...... but more than that, it’s really from Spock’s perspective because of the next part of the chorus. so Spock wearing Jim’s old shirts (he wouldn’t know!!) because he subconsciously knows he has an attachment to them somehow and walking through the house trying to remember everything that Jim remembers about them 
“it’s a strange way of saying that i know i’m supposed to love you” is Spock’s realization that he and Jim were bonded. and it’s really painful because he knows he’s supposed to love him, he knows this is something his past self must have felt, but he doesn’t understand it for himself. as much as he may want to. 
I've already given up on myself twice Third time is the charm, third time is the charm Threw caution to the wind But I've got a lousy arm
i don’t have a spirk meaning for “i’ve already given up on myself twice/ third time is the charm, thirt time is the charm” because the irl meaning of it is that pete’s tried to kill himself a couple of times (7 minutes in heaven’s alternate title is atavan halen, a play on van halen, because his suicide attempt in 06 was with an overdose of atavan; i think his other attempt was when he was a young teenager iirc) and he’s really tongue-in-cheek about suicide which. i identify with so strongly because when i was 17 i planned out my suicide attempt and didn’t go through with it and now that’s in my medical history and it’s such a pain in the ass to have every psychologist ask about it, i was just a terrified kid and i didn’t see any other options, it was 5 years ago, i fixed it myself by getting myself help. anyway the “third time is the charm” is also related to a verse later, “you saved my life that night on the roof of your hotel” because patrick climbed his ass up there and talked him off the ledge. like this is overtly a song pete wrote about his affection for patrick. (pat’s eyes are blue and pete’s ex-wife ashley’s eyes are brown and they’ve definitely been seen wearing each others clothes). and patrick singing it is just. so emotional for me. 
“threw caution to the wind but i’ve got a lousy arm” is just a really nice phrase for either Kirk or Spock saying ‘fuck it’ and trying to hint that they’re in love but the hint wasn’t received 
i know this verse is really weak on the spirk just let me have this alright 
And I've traced your shadows on the wall Now I kiss them whenever I'm down Whenever I'm down Figured I’m not figuring myself out
god i love this verse too. (”figured i’m not figuring myself out” is pete’s tongue-in-cheek way of addressing biphobia, how ‘’’’’you’re either straight or you’re gay’’’’’’, look at this bi ICON)  
anyway this is definitely Jim. “i’ve traced your shadows on the wall and i kiss them whenever i’m down” no one literally traced anything ok he’s traced with his fingers shadows of Spock on their bedroom wall from his memories of them together and kissed them whenever he’s down... whether or not you want to imagine an incredibly depressed jim kirk actually kissing a wall is up to you my depressed little gay ass would 
(pre-chorus 2) Things aren't the same anymore Some nights, they get so bad I almost pick up the phone
“things aren’t the same anymore/ some nights they get so bad/ i almost pick up the phone” is a mirror of the first pre-chorus with “you” traded for “i” -- now it’s about Spock instead of Jim. now Spock wants to reach out to Jim. 
(see chorus lmao)
Born under a bad sign, but you saved my life That night on the roof of your hotel "Cross my heart and hope to die Splintered from the headboard in my eye" Photo-proofed kisses I remembered so well
oh FUCK i always thought it said “bullet-proof” kisses because that ties it in to another song on Infinity on High, but photo-proofed kisses makes my heart ACHE; because these boys were constantly followed by the paparazi especially after pete came out as bi. pictures that caught them kissing were. proofed to erase that because the label didn’t want the mixed publicity. fuck me UP
anyway yeah this verse is also hard for me to make a spirk interpretation of because i know the actual story here so well. they were on tour and pete just, has depressive episodes and he climbed up on the roof of patrick’s hotel in the middle of the night and patrick talked him down. (which -- you could romanticize this so easily but pete doesn’t, he just comes right out and says “you saved my life”, because pete wentz fucking gets it and the only time he romanticizes mental illness is when he does it sarcasticly, and the sarcasm is biting; especially because these boys know all too well how their fan base is. a bunch of mentally ill teenagers. they talk about it a lot in a way that... it feels so much like how when queer folk talk about queer issues. we don’t have to step around shit like we do when we talk to allies. it’s such a comfort. that’s what fall out boy feels like to me, it’s written by these boys who know what it is to be deathly sick and who’re talking to kids who’re deathly sick themselves.) 
sorry fuck i... have a lot of feelings about fall out boy. 
anyway, spirk 
Born under a bad sign, but you saved my life That night on the roof of your hotel "Cross my heart and hope to die Splinter from your headboard in my eye" Photo-proofed kisses I remember so well
“born under a bad sign” can refer to genesis and spock being reborn but it can also refer just to spock being born into adversity. also jim’s a fucking pisces and so am i and listen, it’s the worst fucking sign okay 
“you saved my life that night on the roof of your hotel” could like. theoretically. just be something that happened. a small memory. they’ve gotta go to some stupid starfleet thing because let’s be real jim’s always under question as the captain of the flagship and spock’s always under question as a vulan in starfleet and. i think for the both of them the “you saved my life” is less urgent than ‘i was actually going to jump off this roof’ and serves as more of a ‘you made me believe in myself again’ because they do that for each other. so. often. 
listen i don’t even know what ‘splinter from your headboard in my eye’ means for the song meaning irl, i’m just ignoring this
“photo-proofed kisses i remember so well” the little Vulcan kisses they give each other all the time as small comforts through the day aren’t recognized by the press or the brass so they can do it in front of everyone as much as they like, as long as they’re discreet -- fingers pressed against each other at their sides, while passing each other in the hall, etc.  
i’m repeating the chorus here because i fucking love it 
(chorus) Trade baby blues for wide eyed browns I sleep with your old shirts And walk through this house in your shoes, I know it's strange It's a strange way of saying that I know I'm supposed to love you I'm supposed to love you
Tumblr media
anyway this is the gayest thing i’ve ever typed out in my life, it felt really nice to do, thanks for your time
if you actually read this whole thing you are entirely too good to me and i don’t deserve your friendship, but thank you so much this really means a lot to me
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