#i would explain but then i'd feel too dramatic about a fucking hobby lmao
bravevolunteer · 6 months
trying to do drafts before work vs getting violently insecure about everything hello ??
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callmeghoulshit · 4 months
For the 101 questions!
It’s so many imsorryimsorryimsorry but ily
4, 10, 13, 23, 31, 33, 44, 75, 88, 97
Made the mistake of opening it during work so I lost the notification and forgot :(
Everything under the cut cuz this was an essay.
4. What's the one thing you feel like everyone knows how to do except you?
Oho. Literally everything. Life as a whole. Everyone makes everything look so damn easy and it leaves me wondering what went wrong with me (I know damn well what's wrong with me lmao but I don't wanna change it)
Oh but to be specific it's hard to explain so I hope I make sense but appearances. I know even the prettiest people have their insecurities but it seems like everyone else knows what to do with themselves. Whether it be hair, clothes, makeup. I have to ask my bestie all the time because it's the one thing I don't get is how people are like "imma do this! I think it'll look cool!" Like how are you SURE? How do you just know what looks good in you and what doesn't?
It took me five years to nail my eyeliner. Fucking eyeliner. And it'll probably take me another five to figure out if I can even wear eyeshadow.
10. What's your boring hobby (that you still enjoy anyway)?
This is another hard one cuz I do quite a bit of hobby hopping now. In the span of a year I went from jewellery making, cross stitch, painting, clothes making, and clay. I didn't have any hobbies prior to that, let alone "boring" ones so I don't really have an answer haha.
13. Tell a secret.
See my initial answer was to say my maladaptive daydreaming, except I slapped that in my intro post haha. And anything else that comes to mind is actually unwarranted trauma dumping I think. So we're gonna stick with the MADD but make it dramatic:
I've had seven (there's way more but they're the core ones) imaginary friends since I was 14. I'm currently twenty, and hoping they don't go away, there have been a couple times I've "lost" my ability to daydream and I felt so broken because they stem from a time I was so lonely I only had myself and I love them so dearly. So if you ever see me talking about my OCs (original characters), I mean them. I'm so unbelievably attached and can talk about them forever haha. Maybe if I see an ask game about OCs I'll answer about them hehe.
23. Do you believe in an afterlife?
Nope. No belief in any kind of higher power. My only fear is that you're still somehow conscious after death, just experiencing nothingness. It's mainly because I can't imagine everything just switching off.
31. What are you looking forward to right now?
Hmm maybe getting round to my project where I wanted to make a dress. Maybe it's my delusions of grandeur because I keep hoping it'll turn out perfect haha.
Being able to see my best friend for a proper hangout again too. I miss being able to see her whenever we wanted to <3
33. What's your favorite color in context?
Red. I just really like red. When I used to get up really early and the sun was rising it'd look so pretty and red and pink.
44. What's the earliest dream you can remember having?
I can't remember anything mate haha. It would have to be a weird lil nightmare I had three years ago I think, enjoy
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75. What's that movie you know is bad but enjoy anyways?
Fast and Furious franchise. Admittedly I need to catch up with a few movies. And I know it's far fetched and everything BUT I DONT CARE. DAYDREAM INSPO. ITS FUN. GIMME MY STUPID UNREALISTIC DRIVING MOVIE.
88. What kinds of things confuse you?
Fucking LIFE. Money. Bills. My mum's council tax makes me wanna rip my hair out. I wanna figure out if I can live independently BUT I DONT KNOW HOW MUCH BILLS Are this is so fucking stressful.
Oh and attraction lmao I don't get that shit. I have an ace flagged pinned to my wall but it feels like a lie cuz I'd feel so bad if I realise down the line I'm not ace. Seriously what the fuck is romantic attraction. Tf is sexual attraction. The fuck is arousal. Anyways moving swiftly on
97. What's your favorite word?
Swear words. I can't think right now. Maybe shit, fuck, bitch, cunt or dickhead.
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