#i wish to be laptoppin it up
samsrosary · 3 months
okay thats ENOUGH spending for today. spent £50 on booking bowling for me and my mates (WHY IS IT SO EXPENSIVE), spent £13 on getting a set of ear stretchers as ive wanted to for Ages, spent ~£25 on bandcamp because Music i love You, and then £10 in town on CDs a DVD and some lunch. By jove i shouldnt be given spending money. imagine if i had to pay rent
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samsrowena · 2 years
why do you prefer late seasons sam? genuinely curious bc i would like to appreciate him more lol
oh i am so glad you asked!!!!!
alrighty so. basically. the thing about sam in the late seasons is that he is just so traumatized. like deeply DEEPLY fucked up. and i honestly just find that so very sexy of him
AKLSJFKSKLSL sorry for being deranged but i can't help it. that really is the main appeal for me... but i think also i just have a lot of trouble connecting with sam in the earlier seasons. i still love him i really do! i just don't "get" him a lot of the time???
whereas in the later seasons i'm able to do so more easily through his relationships with other characters like dean (the s10-15 sam&dean dynamic is my fav because for starters they finally stop that whole 'fighting for the majority of the season' thing unlike s4 and s6 and s7 and s8 and s9 lol) and also rowena (there's a post i saw soooo long ago which talked about becoming a sam understander through samwena and i WISH i could find it because. literally me!)
but yeah i mean i definitely agree with the consensus that in the later seasons sam needed more storylines and stuff and that they neglected the hell out of him as time went on (i will forever be furious we were robbed of proper witch sam! and also just like taking his psychic powers away in general)
but to claim he becomes boring or whatever? could NOT be me. he's not the smiley and happy-go-lucky lawboy he was in season one. but he SHOULD'NT be. he has been through so so much and he's so so tired. he's fucking exhausted. he doesn't open up anymore. he's scared all the time (he flinches when someone yells or when a door slams or when there's loud noises like hello????). like literally he has just been tortured and violated and betrayed and every other possible horrible thing under the sun and he is the absolute shell of the person he once was and that's! the! point! like that's exactly what you're supposed to do!!!!!!!
so yeah. sorry anon, i probably didn't convert you to late seasons samgirlism with this answer alskdkfkdkj but maybe these excellent tags by daniel @i-have-doubts left on my late seasons sam gifset will help:
#IT'S SAM. LOOK AT HIM. BOYKING BLOODFREAK UNCLEAN IN THE BIBLICAL SENSE SAMWITCH#he's valid he drinks blood he teaches the future god how to use his powers HE'S A LESBIAN he's a loreboy HE LAPTOPPIN IT UP#he always felt unclean and just wants to make his brother proud#EILEEN THE MOST STUNNING PERSON IMAGINABLE IS IN LOVE WITH HIM AND THEY ARE REAL#the most powerful witch ever and also queen of hell also loves him so jot that down#HE FOUGHT THE DEVIL AND WON. LIKE 5 TIMES#he likes fidget spinners like an absolute moron SOMEBODY SHOW THIS NERD A FIDGET CUBE#he literally doesnt know about oven mitts#he's immune to every torture under the sun but one (1) cayenne pepper flu cure has him in total surrender#HE SHOT GOD BECAUSE HE HAD NO FUCKS LEFT TO GIVE
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