#i will probably go back to my cave for a bit but. MAN. aus. overthinking gameplay mechanics. good shit (inhales like kirby)
crescentfool · 2 years
fully agree that "akira has a palace" and "shadow yu/souji" fics activate the same feral part of my monkey brain lmao, and they often focus on similar ideas as well (lots of joker palace fics will have it be about him putting on facades around people, and i've also seen a couple shadow yu fics where his shadow changes to reflect the person he's talking to). very interesting to see a gameplay feature which is kind of a necessity of the social link system be adapted into a personality trait of the character
hi rage!! thanks for stopping by the inbox- so happy to see a fellow person of taste! 😌 i still need to read more fics of that genre but- they really do have the similar vibe! i remember people talking about how much of a shapeshifter joker is in his differing relationships. and ah!! thats the good shit! having the shadow reflect that kind of tendency too... ALSO VERY GOOD.
there are so many ways in which gameplay mechanics and features can be adapted into fics- and honestly i just really dig it? the vibe of those kinds of fics just really evoke strong memories of playing the games myself, which i love! New Game + AUs / or general timeloop concepts are also some of my favorites... i also like ones that focus on persona usage as well (like personas talking, tapping into character's element affinities and how it manifests, the general exhaustion from awakening a persona/using them, etc.).
ANYWAYS! wishing u a fab day with ur own writing and/or fic reading!! ty again for stopping by the inbox and have a good one!
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i guess i read too much of your merman!suguru au asks that my brain got fried TTTT BUT IN A POSITIVE WAY!!!! 😭😭 it’s just that i have really vivid dreams and ankssjskndksnsks yesterday i got influenced because i dreamt of getting in a silly and goofy fight/challenge with gojo to court merman!suguru but! so i thought why not??? like, THIS SILLY STORY DOES?? MAKES SENSE??
maybe a silly au where reader and gojo, who come from different sides of the same coin (ig same job but different sides?? maybe they’re in different offices of the same job?? i really don’t know, i hope it actually makes sense) and then one day they meet this beautiful merman on the shore. this beautiful creature just sitting on a rock and doing his merman things (what does mermaids/mermen actually do?? maybe reading a slate that is their version of books, or resting to sunbathing a bit? prob also comb his hair? help my mind is swirling in the wrong direction AAAAA……) completely unbothered by their heart shaped stares because completely understandable. so it begins with a goofy courtship. i’m thinking about probably gojo being the first one to make a move? just driven by love and also a bit of spite towards reader. a stupid way to say “look! i’m making my move while you’re still overthinking it! take that!” and reader is just right behind the rock spying them because ‘this guy……….’ but the move gojo makes goes completely rejected? because who in their right mind would gift a merman octopus legs??? useless to say that gojo is absolutely shocked while reader is trying not to laugh. then goes reader, offering the beautiful mermen pearls directly fished from ostriches but they too get rejected!! which is a shock!! because they thought they were doing the right thing but at least. the reasoning could be something silly like ‘are you implying that the pearls i wear are shit?’ 🤨
……….i’m thinking about few silly tries and shenanigans that happen and amongst the many of them geto eventually warms up because . they’re dorks, both of them— but they’re actually very pretty and funny to keep around?? maybe i do not want them to go away?? and it starts subtly. first it comes in the form of hate against time, when geto starts to think that he hates just how brief the time together seems to be. how at every sunset, where the sun is lowering on a side and the moon is shining brightly on the other, he feels kind of annoyed at the thought to have to go back to the lonely underwater cave he calls his home. he really doesn’t want to wait the slow passage of another night that he doesn’t even get to see with his eyes because underwater everything is dark at all times so exactly what does it change? what’s the difference if not his inability to lie down and rest a bit?
then it comes in the form of actually finding their silly ways at courtship kind of….. cute? the three of them don’t even belong to the same reality, but gojo and reader actually put efforts in their gestures and words and that —he will never admit it in front of the two of them, but it actually warms his heart…….. and so one day, when gojo and reader less expect it, geto goes to the surface with a bouquet of corals? and different pieces of marine flora in it (or it could be even something kind of ugly like a bouquet of fishes that leaves both gojo and reader speechless because wtf is that…….) and boom. they find out that geto has accepted their courtship waaaaay before without them even realizing (geto purposefully said nothing to them) so they’ve spent the first weeks?? or a month?? of their relationship courting a merman that had already accepted their advances after all and they live all happily together. just a fluff ensemble sugu!centric because lately my mind refuses to work with other tropes… i just need to give that man the love he deserves 🙁🙁🙁
i don’t even know what to say tbh……. THIS IS SOOOO GOOD ANON I LOVE IT SM URE A LITTLE GENIUS….. sugucentric polycules are my favorite ever too he deserves ALL the love <333 AND MER!SUGUUU OUR BELOVED……… ok but fr tho i don’t think there’s anything i could add this is already perfect??? GOJO AND READER COMPETING FOR THE PRETTY MERMAN’S HEART……. both of them getting rejected 😭😭 I COULD SEE THIS SOOO VIVIDLY satoru gets slapped w sugu’s tail and he scowls at reader all offended bc he takes his pearls VERY seriously…. silly little fish man.
AND WAHHH THE SLOWBURN OF IT ALL….. sugu realizing he appreciates their company 🥺🥺🥺
first it comes in the form of hate against time, when geto starts to think that he hates just how brief the time together seems to be. how at every sunset, where the sun is lowering on a side and the moon is shining brightly on the other, he feels kind of annoyed at the thought to have to go back to the lonely underwater cave he calls his home. he really doesn’t want to wait the slow passage of another night that he doesn’t even get to see with his eyes because underwater everything is dark at all times so exactly what does it change?
anon r u perhaps a writer…. would u write this fic for me if i beg enough…. I’M SOOOO WEAK FOR THIS CONCEPT mer!sugu getting melancholic at the passage of time :((( tying it to his underwater existence is soooo clever too !!! it feels like he associates gojo and reader w the sun …. warmth …… and i think that shifts so easily into love. bc they’re silly little losers but they’re his silly little losers!! and wahhh him finding their attempts at courtship cute 😭😭 i can imagine him watching them bicker w his jaw on the heel of his palm, smiling softly….. <33
AND THEN!!! THE BOUQUET!!!!! ANONNNN THAT’S THE SWEETEST THING EVER… T—T HE WOULDDD HE SO WOULD i love the idea of the fish bouquet but i do think he’d give them really beautiful bouquets… and then maybe some fresh fish on the side LMAO but !!! wawawa…… 🥺🥺 that’s so CUTE the fact that he accepted their courtship but didn’t say anything….. that’s so funny. gojo and reader are losing their MINDS trying to figure out how to charm him while he’s just watching them all lovingly like ”my partners look especially cute today….” HE’S SO SILLY PLS……
okay but i do imagine that merfolk have really specific courting processes AND that they’re possessive by nature so i’m just imagining that in this au… 😵‍💫😵‍💫 like. mer!sugu glaring at any other humans by the shore who might try to flirt with his partners…… giving them both his scales to wear as some kind of jewelry to signal to the other merfolk that these humans are his…. i usually don’t like the idea of sugu being overly possessive but i think it works well w the merman au :33 he’s just a silly little fishy he’s allowed to be a little territorial… as a treat….. he loves his silly little lovers so much and they love him too!!! they only have eyes for him <33
AAAAA ANON MY SWEETIE as u can hopefully tell this ask made me insane i love it so much… IT’S SUCHH A TASTY CONCEPT i feel like i should be paying u for dropping this into my inbox….. i feel honoured…….. if u ever have any other mer!sugu thoughts u know where to find me <33
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markosmate · 3 years
to the dark side
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Pairing; Marko x Emerson!Reader
Summary; Moving to a different state with your younger brothers and mother just to live with your grandfather was hard enough, but falling in love with a vampire and then watching your brother do the same thing? Much different story.
Warnings; strong language + mentions of blood
au:// Part 5 losers, have the whole thing mapped out from here hehe I’m excited for y’all to read everything :))
Part 4   -   Part 6
“Be one of us.” David’s words echoed a couple of times through my head. My eyes flickered between Marko and Michael, wondering why drinking from this bottle initiated someone into the group - yet also wondering if Michael was going to accept this invitation they were giving him.
David held the bottle up and out towards my brother, in a silent sort of offering. As Michael stood to make his way closer to David, the other three boys started softly chanting his name in a mocking fashion. My brother grabbed the bottle from David’s hands, and slowly turned it in between each of his own. Star came up right behind him, and began speaking to him in such a low voice that I could barely hear her from where I was sitting.
“Don’t. You don’t have to, Michael.” She pleaded softly and I could my eyes roll involuntarily. Was this her way of trying to tell him not to be peer pressured? It sure didn’t seem like she cared about pressuring him when she was letting her boyfriend lead him to the edge of a cliff.
“Michael.” David whispered along with the boys, eyes piercing into the side of Mike’s head.
“It’s blood.” Star’s voice was louder this time, like she wanted everyone to hear what she had exposed to him. But, after the whole maggots and worms play - he didn’t seem to want to fall for another one of the group’s tricks.
He chuckled nonchalantly and nodded his head in a sarcastic manner. “Yeah, sure. Blood.” And then he raised the rim of the bottle to his lips and took a few big gulps of whatever it was. The boys let out a few scattered cheers, Paul even pumping his fists into the air in celebratory manner.
But the celebration was short-lived, as the four boys’ gazes turned back to me. Marko moved forward quickly, snatching the bottle away from Mike’s grasp before he could chug down all of it and moving towards where I was sitting. He crouched down in front of me before offering the bottle to me with a sly smirk creeping up on his lips.
“Drink some sweet thing. Be one of us, just like Michael.” I still hadn’t the slightest clue what that was supposed to mean - why would drinking some cheap alcohol out of a home-made bedazzled bottle make you automatically apart of the group? The way they were putting things wasn’t making any sense, but I could overlook that for right now. Because in this moment, Marko was looking at me with such hopeful eyes that I almost couldn’t pick up on the deceit hidden underneath it. But I felt like I’d do anything he asked me to, so I reached forward to take the bottle from his hand.
The boys watched on with excited eyes, eagerly anticipating my next moves. I glanced over towards Star, who had Laddie by the shoulder and was leading him away as she watched Michael with a disappointed gaze. Maybe it was blood? Maybe that’s why she looks so shaken right now? Because Michael had drank some even after she warned him not to? I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind - I was probably just overthinking - and raised the rim of the bottle to my lips.
The substance came pouring into my mouth and it burned it’s way down my throat. It tasted nothing like any alcohol I’d ever drank before - it was so much stronger, but at the same time so much more addicting. I wanted nothing more than to keep taking swigs of whatever it was but before I could even process what was going on, the bottle was tugged gently from my lips.
The boys all cheered, their shouts echoing through the cave, as Dwayne and Paul began chanting Michael and I’s names. All of my previous rational thoughts of staying far away from these boys and any of the trouble that came along with them were long out the window by now.
The substance I had drank gave me a drunk sort of feel and all I knew was there was a hot dude giving me what seemed to be alcohol and all of his friends cheering my brother and I’s names around us. David yelled out a “Bravo!”, reaching over to take the uncorked bottle from Marko to hand back to Michael.
Paul let out a loud laugh and momentarily stopped his cheering to lean over and clap me on the shoulder. “You’re one of us, girl! Let the good times roll.”
I wanted to be by Marko’s side, but David had beaten me to it. “Give me a ride, Marko.” The curly blond sent me a quick, mischievous grin before standing up and making his way behind David, beginning to push him around the fountain on the wheelchair.
I didn’t know what they meant by that, but they all kept saying it over and over so it had to mean something other than a cheesy initiation. I ignore the feeling in my chest that I had somehow just made a horrible mistake, and continue on partying with the others. I’m just overthinking it after all, these dudes are cool, what could go wrong honestly?
The answer was a lot. A lot could go wrong. David announced that we all had somewhere we needed to be, and Michael and I blindly followed the boys out of the cave and back up to the top of the bluff. I’d gotten on the back of Marko’s bike without a second thought, and soon the five bikes were racing through the slim trails of the woods once more.
It didn’t take long before they pulled up next to some train tracks - David, Dwayne, and Michael parking their bikes on one side and Marko and Paul parking their bikes on the other. I climbed off with a little stumble, still feeling the tiniest bit dizzy from drinking whatever alcohol was in the bottle that they gave me. The boys began walking on the tracks, out and over the bridge. 
“Perfect timing.” David led in the front and Marko grabbed one of my belt loops to pull me into his side as he threw his other arm around Dwayne’s shoulders.
“What’s going on?” Michael’s voice echoed.
“Michael wants to know what’s going on.” David teased the slightest bit. Paul laughed a bit as we walked farther out onto the bridge. “Marko,” He spoke again. “What’s going on?”
“I don’t know.” Marko grinned. “What’s goin’ on, Paul?”
“Wait a minute, who wants to know?” Came Paul’s genius reply - quickly followed by,
“Michael wants to know!” From Dwayne, who had finally spoken up for the first time that night.
“I think we should let Michael, and Ivory,” David paused slightly to begin including me in on their hazing. “Know what’s going on.” The platinum leader stopped a few feet ahead of the boys and turned with Michael at his side, before leaning forward the slightest bit to wrap a cold hand around my wrist. He tugged me gently away from Marko’s hip, bringing me to stand next to him and my brother to watch the three others of the group.
“Yeah.” Paul sung out, body practically buzzing with what I could only assume was excitement for what was to come. David tilted his head with a small mischievous smile and spoke once more.
“Marko?” I turned my head back to look at said boy once more with furrowed eyebrows.
He wasn’t looking at me however, instead opting to stare only at my brother. He lifted his hand and twirled his fingers in a small sort of wave before grinning wickedly. “Goodnight Michael.” Before he dropped with an echoing “Bombs away!” I gasped, my head whipping around to look at David yet his expression hadn’t changed a bit.
Michael’s jaw hung open in pure confusion, only confirming that he too had seen what I had. Paul stepped forward with a similar grin and looked between Michael and I quickly. “Bottoms up, man. Yeow!” He dropped just as suddenly, and was quickly followed by Dwayne who only shot us silent finger guns before dropping down the same opening in the bars that the previous two had. I stared, absolute shock and fear cursing through my blood. Had they just literally jumped to their deaths right in front of us? They couldn’t have, how would that make any sense?
David moved to step in front of us, and with a hand on Michael’s shoulder he leaned in the slightest bit to speak. “Come with us, guys.” Before he, too, stepped off the edge and dropped through the bars. With one short glance at my brother, who was too busy staring at where David had just fallen to notice I was looking at him, I rushed forward and kneeled on the edge to stare down into the fog. A huff of relief left my lungs and I laughed breathily as I stared down at the four boys hanging from the support beams.
The four cheered a bit, finally making some noise once Michael leaned down next to me, curiosity ultimately getting the best of him. “Hey, Ivory!” Marko called up with a grin on his lips, attention then momentarily taken from me as Paul swung his legs up to kick at the shorter boy.
“Michael and Ivory Emerson!” David’s rough voice cut through the other boy’s cheerful shouts. “Come on down!” He taunted, his laugh afterwards cause the nerves in my body to go haywire. I never thought I’d genuinely come face-to-face with the expression about all of your friends jumping off of a bridge, but here we were now.
I grinned at Michael and clapped him on the shoulder teasingly before moving to climb down onto the bar across from Paul. My arm strength wasn’t nearly as good as Michael’s, but adrenaline was coursing through my body at such a rate that I didn’t care. “There ya go, girl!” Paul laughed loudly kicking at my legs this time instead of Marko’s. I reacted just as quickly, kicking back at him in a competitive manner as the grin on my face grew. I saw Michael climb down in front of David out of the corner of my eye as Marko began to shout once more.
“Yeah, let’s play a game! Let’s play a game, baby!” He dragged out each syllable of the last word and my stomach flipped a few times at his voice, but I needed to focus more on not falling to my death than whatever it was he was getting at.
Paul laughed along with his friend. “Welcome aboard, Michael.”
David’s chilling laugh echoed once more, and the wind carried his voice to me though I could tell he was only really speaking to Michael. “Fun, huh?” Suddenly the tracks above us began to vibrate, and not long after they began to viciously shake as the horn of a train blared through the night. I felt my stomach squeeze uncomfortably as the boys continued their obnoxious shouts. I glanced over in Marko’s direction for some reassurance only to see him pulling himself up once through the bars before dropping down to hang once more with a mocking grin on his face. He wasn’t looking at me though, his attention was over towards Michael who I could vaguely hear shouting, “Jesus Christ!”
“Yeah!” Paul laughed, suddenly letting go of the bars and falling into the fog below. As if this entire thing wasn’t insane enough, I felt my heart drop. “Oh my God!” I cried, looking down to see if I could spot him but there was still only fog below us. My arms were burning, and I knew there was no way I’d be able to hold on much longer - never-mind try and pull myself up and over the bars to safety once the train passed.
Marko caught my eye and he sent me a wink, eyes sparkling as if he knew something I didn’t. “Don’t be scared, Ivory!” Then he let go as well, yelling out as he fell the same way Paul did.
“Jesus Christ!” Michael’s voice met my ears again, as suddenly Dwayne fell from my side as well, yelling on his way down.
“Guys!” David yelled to the both of us. “You’re one of us! Let go!”
“And do what?” I shouted at him incredulously, was he fucking serious? Were the other three dead right now? And now he was telling us to let go too?
“You are one of us, Ivory.” He assured once more before falling into the fog as well.
“David!” Michael screamed after him. The train finally passed, and the bars stopped shaking in our grasps. I looked over at my brother with wide eyes, how the hell were we supposed to get ourselves out of this one? I watched as he tried to pull himself up to no avail, and right as I went to speak to him I heard shouts from below us. It was the boys - they were alive! How the fuck were they alive?
I glanced over to Michael who was trying to pull himself up once more and felt my grip begin to slip drastically. “I’m gonna let go.”
“What?” His voice was strained and he glared straight into my soul. “No, are you insane? You’ll die!”
“I can’t hold on anymore, Mike. And they survived somehow, there’s gotta be water or something below.” And before he could even begin to protest more, my hands slipped from the bar. I screamed as I fell, the thick fog enveloping me completely and all my senses seemed to be blocked out.
I could vaguely hear my name being whispered over and over again and I was almost completely positive that I had blacked out and was just hallucinating this excruciatingly long fall. Right before everything went dark, a pair of arms cut my fall short as my eyes fluttered closed.
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founders-imagines · 7 years
Imagine the trio with their own kids and their s/o wife (birth to teenage)
Have I mentioned yet that these are some of my favorite hcs to write??? I just love picturing the trio happy. I think all three of them would find some sort of level of happiness and satisfaction with a family, especially sweet Hashi ❤
•Definitely has a lot of kids. Maybe three to five? Hashi just loves them so much, he loves coming home to his kids when their young rushing over to him and giving him hugs all at the same time. A dog pile of tiny Hashi kids on him! So cute. He thinks he doesn’t play favorites, but he totally does. The smallest child is always his favorite; he picks them up and will do that thing dads do when they through their kid into the air and catch them? Totally gives his poor wife a heart attack every time.
•He’s the nice parent. Not that his wife isn’t nice to their children, but he’s the one that spoils them and lets them get away with things. You just know that at least one of his children are going to be a troublemaker, pulling pranks on him and he just lets it slide until they get into their teens.
•Omg, dad Hashi dealing with rebellious would be the most hilarious thing ever. Any time they do something they’re not supposed to, like idk skipping curfew, he’s just going to do that thing he does when he’s sad. He’s not even trying to guilt trip his kids, he’s just like that lol. Eventually they straighten out just because they don’t want to hurt their father’s feelings
•He would be the sweetest husband too, always making sure to make time for his family aside from work. He knows that him being away on missions can be rough for his wife, and he even when he has to work late he gets that it’s stressful for her. So whenever Hashi feels like his wife is getting too stressed out, he will leave some afternoon work for Tobirama (which he’s annoyed with but puts up with it because even though he’s a big grump he loves his nieces/nephews) and come home early with flowers for her. Hashi will take over for the night, letting his wife catch a much needed break
•I hc Mads as actually loving his children, and being really comfortable with them when they’re small. I think he’d be open for having one child, maybe two at most. He doesn’t want to be overwhelmed with children, and deep down he would be terrified of not being able to protect them like he couldn’t protect his other siblings. He would think two is a good number, resembling him and Izuna without echoing their lost brothers.
•As his children grow older and become for self sufficient and able to make their own decisions, he will be more serious with them. He will absolutely not accept any backtalk or questioning of his decisions or actions, and when they’re teenagers he sets more rules in place. Madara is just being controlling and overprotective in that way. He becomes more awkward with his kids once they’re teens, and he hides it with being stern and serious, not because he doesn’t love them.
•lord help him if he had a daughter, especially a teenage daughter. He would try his best to be in tune with her, but he’d come off as being more tone-dead to her issues and that’s probably when his wife would step in and take over. A daughter would be life’s way of paying him back for any sexist comments he had said before in his past too, and damn would he know it, not that he’s ever sorry
•Madara would be an okay husband most of the time to his wife, albeit a bit disconnected at times. He’s not the most attentive guy nor romantic, but he would show he cares through little things like cleaning up when she’s not looking and sharing tea with her. His feelings translate better inside the bedroom, he is more comfortable expressing himself like that than through any sort of romance
•In an AU where Izuna lives, Madara would want him to be a big part of his kids’ lives. He would want to train them together, show them how he and Izuna soar with each other. These would probably be memories he will cherish the most, training his children alongside Izuna (can you feel the feels rn because I do)
•Unfortunately I think he would be the most distant father out of the trio, and the one least likely to have a child. He doesn’t really want children, and is satisfied with being a good uncle to Hashirama’s kids. But, if his wife got pregnant he would accept it gradually. Even if they weren’t married yet, if they both agreed that it was the best course of action he would then marry her quietly, like it had been the plan all along.
•He’s so awkward with an infant? Like he can’t believe they are so small and fragile. Tobirama is paranoid and is afraid of accidentally harming his baby. He leaves most of the child care to his wife. Tobirama will absolutely use work as an excuse to duck out too, the little shit lol. He’s just a terrified dad who is overprotective and overthinks everything.
•As they get older it slowly becomes easier for Tobirama to care for his child. He’s still not going to be affectionate though, and will rarely give praise, much to the dissatisfaction of his wife. She’s going to have to be the loving and kind parent. Tobirama also relies on Hashirama and his own children to help him and his wife, since he has so many his kid has automatic friends in his cousins to help take care of his child. Tobirama is secretly extremely grateful for this, but he’d never tell Hashirama
•This man is stone cold and serious with a teenager, especially if they go through a rebellious stage. He’s definitely an authoritative parent. If his child inherits his wit and sassy nature, which with his luck they totally would, he would eventually cave and through the sass right back at them and win every time because he is the original sass master™.
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