#i will also probably just pick which costume suits lloyd more for the scenario
twohundredpower · 2 years
for the maskerade festival, lloyd will be cycling through two different costumes! 
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to start, he’ll be dressed up as fang-- an alternate version of himself from one of the tales of mobile games! fang works for the white lions, a group of knights sworn to protect the capitol and keep things peaceful for everyone. as fang, lloyd is a little more standoffish than usual; he takes his job very seriously, and will go out of his way to make sure everything around him is in order (this includes stopping certain clowns from causing trouble). during this particular story setting, lloyd has lost all of his memories of his friends, so he won’t recognize anyone from home.. or any of his spirale friends, since he’s going to think that he’s actually fang. expect some confusion, intent desire to get back to eden to maintain his post, and some shock if you call him by his real name (no one’s supposed to know it!).
you might also see lloyd walking around as a werewolf from time to time! he’s going to be Very hungry, with big cravings for steak and other meat.. and whenever he’s in that particular costume, he’ll be staying far away from the forge. there’s way too much silver in there..
his personality will remain about the same, but he’ll definitely be a bit more.. dog-like. as if he could even act more like that than he already does.
you’ll be able to find lloyd at the following events!
heckin’ halloween hunt
menacing monster massacre
ofiuco’s monster mash
mistwood’s merry maze
this post will also serve as a starter call, so feel free to hit the like if any of this interests you! capping at 4 for the time being!
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