#i watched the season finale and this quote paired with Luke's face would not leave me alone
tabbytabbytabby · 1 year
What The Heart Wants
Word Count: 937 words
Fandom: Criminal Minds: Evolution, Criminal Minds
Relationship: Luke Alvez/Penelope Garcia
Rating: Teen and Up
Tags: Coda, Post Episode: s16e10 Dead End, Future Fic, Pining, Soft Luke Alvez, Luke Alvez Loves Penelope Garcia, Introspection, Love Confessions, Getting Together, First Kiss
The heart wants what it wants.
And what Luke Alvez's heart wants is Penelope Garcia.
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heartbreakingwalls · 3 years
I edited it :) - and added a bit more to the Niall part
“Are you sure you want a triple chocolate cake, love?” Louis was out of breath as he ran up the driveway with all his shopping. “Wouldn’t you like something different?”
“Louis, you’ve been baking my birthday cakes for me since I was eight and every year I ask for a triple chocolate cake. Do you really think that’s going to change when I turn 21?” Lottie teasingly asked through the phone he held to his ear. “And honestly, I love everything you bake Lou, it doesn’t matter to me.”
The rain was pouring down now, and Louis was desperate to get inside. He smiled as he fished his keys out of his coat. “Alright then, love, I’ll get started on it now.”
As a big brother, Louis felt like it was his duty to make sure all his siblings had great birthdays. However, due to circumstances that they promised they would never speak of again, Lottie’s birthdays in the past weren’t exactly spectacular, and Louis was determined to make her 21st amazing. There were some things he wasn’t telling her, like his plans to make a make her a huge three tier cake, decorated with literally everything that she loved, from her favourite characters and quotes of TOWIE (oh God, how he hated that show) to her sparkly makeup things that she seemed to adore.
Louis went inside and said his goodbyes to his sister. He put all his shopping away except for his baking ingredients, as he wanted to get started on Lottie’s cake straight away so it would be ready for her birthday on Saturday. He was getting the other ingredients out of the pantry when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist. “Aren’t you supposed to be at work, sir?”, he asked.
“Layla left us early today, I think she was in a good mood”, came his boyfriend’s voice near his ear.
Louis smiled as he put down a large bag of flour on the kitchen counter. He turned around to face Luke and pecked him on his lips.
“That’s nice, but if you bother me at all while I’m making a birthday cake for Lots, you’re going to be sleeping on the couch until Saturday,” he said in a warning tone. Luke and baking did not mix well for Louis. At all. Past experiences showed that Luke should leave Louis to the cooking, after he had set the fire alarm off one too many times that their neighbour had offered to teach him how to cook.
Luke sighed and left the kitchen to Louis, who fell into the familiar pattern of making the batter. He was in the process of whisking the butter and the sugar together when Luke mentioned that they’d gotten some mail that morning. The pair worked in comfortable silence with the occasional crinkling of paper from Luke as he read through this morning’s mail.
Suddenly, he heard a gasp from Luke, who rushed into the kitchen with a letter clutched in his hand. Louis was ready to scold him, until he saw that Luke was thrusting the piece of paper in his face.
Louis did not understand what the hell his boyfriend was on about, but he took the letter from Luke to read it. “What are you saying?”, he said, heartrate rising when he realised the letter was addressed to him. “It’s Love Productions, they’ve responded,” he said. “You did it Louis, You did it. You’re going to be the next winner of the Great British Bake Off.”
“Are you fucking with me, babe?”, Louis was shaking, and he began to read the letter out loud. “Dear Mr Tomlinson, we are delighted to announce that you have been chosen to participate in British Bake Off 2021.”
“Luke,”he whispered. He couldn’t stop the massive grin creeping up on his face, remembering how he put lots of effort into his audition tape of him baking a difficult toffee apple cake that had taken him weeks to perfect before he sent in the final video. “Luke, I got in,” he said softly, looking at his boyfriend. “Yeah babe, you did,” Luke replied, pulling Louis into his arms. “I’m so proud of you”, he said, kissing Louis deeply. Louis smiled against his lips.
Niall POV ~
Niall sighed as he looked across the street at the dive bar. He was supposed to meet up with his brother that night. He could not for the life of him figure out why he suggested that bar. At first, he thought it was just muscle memory, but now, he is starting to think there was probably more subconscious thought behind it. He took another deep breath, then crossed the street and entered the Dolphin. It looked the same as it did three weeks ago, which was when he last visited. The memories however, seemed more vivid and each one seemed to scald him more than the previous one. 
Niall willed himself to shake it off, this was about Greg and he said that he had big news, so Niall needed to focus on that. He found a place at the bar and smiled at the bartender, Sam. “Alright there Niall?” Sam greeted with an answering smile. “Hiya Sam, I’m alright, could be better.” said Niall. 
“The regular?” asked Sam, when he noticed that they didn’t have time for idle chit-chat as the crowds near the bar started increasing. “No, I’d like a little stronger tonight, please.” Niall internally winced, hoping Sam would not ask for details. Thankfully, Sam seemed to understand and didn’t push. Instead, his face contorted into one of sympathy and he went away to get Niall’s drink, probably something of his own making.
It had been exactly three weeks since Niall proposed to his ex and got rejected in front of everyone he loved. He had been planning it for weeks and all he got in return was “I’m sorry Niall, but I thought we were on the same brainwave here. I’m beginning to lose the spark with you, so I was thinking thinking that you took me on this date to break-up.” Niall had been devastated. He had spent the past three weeks moping around his house drinking a dubious amount of alcohol until Greg called a couple of days ago, wanting Niall to meet him at the Dolphin because he had some big news. If it was another baby, his next Christmas present from Niall would be a pack of condoms.
Someone slid into the seat next to him and he looked up to see Greg, who was wearing a black bomber jacket and sunglasses.
“You know those sunglasses make you look like a douche?”
“Fuck off Niall, you’ll understand fashion when you’re older.”
Niall just rolled his eyes at his brother who prefer to act younger than he was.
“So why’d you call me here?” Niall was eager to leave this bar full of melancholic memories and get back home to get back to the Netflix show he was binge-watching.
“Well little brother, you know how we got drunk a couple of months ago and we thought it would be funny to sign you up for the Great British Bake Off?” Niall nodded, not knowing where this was going. “Well apparently, they really liked your audition tape, and want you to join the next season of the show!”
Niall just stared at him dumbfounded. He was a baking enthusiast, but he never thought he’d be god enough to go on what is possibly the most famous baking show in the world. His audition tape was nothing noteworthy, just a video of him making an apple and lavender sponge, a strange combination of flavours that Niall came up with on a whim. The flavours weirdly worked well together and they must’ve impressed the producers of the show.
Greg didn’t seem to notice his shock as he carried on talking. “The show starts in July, so you have just over 3 months to prepare. Of course I’m always here to help if you need anything, but I don’t think I’m quite as skilled around the kitchen as you are.”
With renewed enthusiasm, Niall grabbed a napkin from the counter and started making his list of things he wanted to go through in preparation for the Bake Off tent.
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wolfpawn · 5 years
I Hate You, I Love You, Chapter 46
Chapter Summary - Tom comes home to see that Danielle has prepared for their guests, leading to the pair having a bit of fun in the shower before Benedict and Sophie arrive. SMUT
Previous Chapter 
Rating - Mature (some chapters contain smut)
Triggers - references to Tom Hiddleston’s work with the #MeToo Movement. That chapter will be tagged accordingly.
authors Note - I have been working on this for the last 3 years, it is currently 180+ chapters long.  This will be updated daily, so long as I can get time to do so, obviously.
So, according to Wikipedia, Tom lives in Belsize, a beautiful, leafy little area in North London, so I googled houses there and they seem to be in all shapes and sizes. Using that, I decided to make Tom have a beautiful, three-story townhouse, for no other reason than why not?
Oh, and Jeremy and Francis, as far as I am aware, are totally fictional.
tags: @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog  @jessibelle-nerdy-mum @nonsensicalobsessions @damalseer @hiddlesbitch1 @winterisakiller @fairlightswiftly @salempoe @lys-syl @youcantcatchafallingstar
If you wish to be tagged, please let me know.
“Elle!” Tom looked around the kitchen in shock. He had gone to meet with Luke regarding the BAFTA Tea Party the night before the Golden Globes and had arrived home with not long to go before their guests were arriving, to find Danielle’s day’s work in front of him.
“Is it okay?” she asked, walking back into the kitchen, having been out the back garden for some reason, a few stains on her t-shirt showing she had not gotten through the day unmarked as she usually joked, worried that what she had cooked and prepared were not suitable for Tom’s friends.
“Not…Elle, this is amazing, how did you do all of this?”
“So, I may have done the same as yesterday.” He frowned. “Only a couple hours of work, then cooking and cleaning.”
“Cooking and…darling,” Tom came over and wrapped his arms around her. “I cannot tell you how amazed I am by how this all is, it is incredible.” He grinned. “It looks like it was done by a professional caterer.”
“Tom, it’s a couple of fucking pieces of prawn in a bowl with lettuce, onion and cherry tomatoes.” She scoffed.
“Darling, you are sublime.”
“This is known.” She grinned.
“Is that your way of telling me the next season has more Dothraki?” Tom asked excitedly.
“No, I am merely quoting the books.” She replied, leaning up and kissing him. “I need to get showered and changed. I got a text from Sophie, Ben’s parents cannot take Christopher this evening, so they are bringing his travel cot and I have the spare room ready for his Royal Handsomeness and Mac is currently protecting the back garden from what I assume are birds and cats.”
Tom looked out, and sure enough, the dog was scouring the tree branches above him for something, but unable to see anything. “You are so efficient, so on that note, how about we continue being efficient and have a shower, together?” he grinned wickedly.
To Tom’s surprise, Danielle frowned slightly. “Can I ask you something?” worriedly, he nodded. “Are you always this…I guess the word is driven?”
“I’m afraid I don’t follow.”
“Have you always been this alert, wanting to…?”
“Have I a high sex drive?” Tom finally figured out what she was trying to say.
“Honestly, I have not been like this for a few years.”
“And now?”
“Now I want to more than I have in a long time, and the reason for which, in my somewhat educated opinion, that being I know me better than anyone, is because I find you, the sexiest little minx, you are beautiful, alluring, you have the most beautifully plump breasts,” he kneaded them as he said so. “And do not get me started on that delicious and tight quim of yours.”
“You’re hard again, aren’t you?” Danielle shook her head as she smiled.
“Enough to herd cattle, as you have said.”
“Quick shower,” she grinned, grabbing his hand and making her way to the third floor of Tom’s townhouse, the taller Briton all too happy to follow her.
They made their way into the bathroom, Danielle turning on the shower before turning and kissing Tom, pulling his shirt out of his pants and unbuttoning it as he pulled her t-shirt up, groaning at breaking the kiss only as long as was required to get it over her head and then attacking her lips again.
Sloppily, they unclothed one another before Tom grabbed Danielle by the ass and pulled her up and pressed her against the tiled wall of his shower, grinding his bare and leaking cock to her abdomen, before finally positioning himself as best he could against her. Danielle’s contribution to the act was to snake her hand between them and guide him to her core, sighing as he filled her. Slowly, Tom began to move, trying to get the angle that would give his partner the greatest pleasure, finding it more difficult considering they had never used such a position before. Danielle noticed there was a manner for her to steady one of her legs on the handle Tom inexplicably had in the shower, so she did, allowing her to take some of her weight from Tom, who in turn, focused more on thrusting into her as a result.
It was not their most graceful of couplings, but it was amorous and highly pleasurable in its coarse nature. Danielle nipped and Tom’s lower lip, pulling it slightly as he hissed before leaving open mouthed kissed down her throat as he moved in her, her hand fisting the hair on the back of his neck as the water cascaded down on them. Danielle felt the pleasure slowly build in her, but she could tell from Tom’s movements that he would reach his own peak long before her, already nearing it by the sounds he was making. “Tom!”
“I, God Elle.” He rasped, loving how she felt around him.
“Come on baby.” She encouraged.
“You?” he moved slightly to allow her slide her hand between them and slowed himself as best he could.
“There, fuck, there,” Danielle begged as Tom altering his position caused him to brush against her in the most exquisite manner, both inside and out, with the help of his pubic bone.
Tom drove into her with renewed gusto until he felt her walls tighten around him, gripping him and causing increased pleasure on his own behalf. Leaning in and kissing along her collarbone, he waited for her orgasm to finish before moaning loudly, unable to stave off his own any longer and filled her as his mind, and unbeknownst to his brain, his lips, chanted yes, again and again. Panting, Tom pressed his forehead to Danielle’s, the water still pouring over them. “I love you, Danielle Hughes.” He declared in rushed breaths, looking into her eyes.
Danielle gripped her lower lip between her teeth as she smiled back at him. “As I do you, Thomas Hiddleston.” He gently and slowly lowered her to the ground, “You’ve been working out more.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You can hold my ‘wholesome’ ass for a fair amount of time.”
Tom growled before pinning her to the wall of the shower, his blue eyes filled with anger. “Don’t you dare start that,” he warned, “You are incredibly sexy and I would not alter your appearance for anything.” Danielle’s smile in return was somewhat small, not fully believing him. “I just told you I love you, that has to mean something to you, you believe that, don’t you?”
“Of course.”
“Then why would you not believe me when I say I love your physical appearance too? You were the one, only ten minutes ago asking me if I have always been so easily turned on, I said no, so what do you think causes me to get so aroused around you?”
“You’ve starting sniffing pheromones?” she asked cheekily, laughing a moment later when he chuckled and kissed her again.
“I find you very attractive, and I love these sexy breasts, I told you already, they fit so perfectly into my hands.”
“We really should be getting ready,” Danielle stated, though her tone told of her unwillingness to do so. Tom looked at her for a moment. “What?”
“Do you…?”
“Do I what?” she looked at him suspiciously, not knowing what he was trying to ask, but then she noticed that his gaze was almost fearful, “What Tom, do I what?”
“Find me…”
Danielle expected him to break out in his goofy grin and begin to chuckle, but after a few moments, he didn’t, causing her to erupt in laughter, earning her a very hurt look from Tom. “You honestly think I don’t? Oh, you silly, silly, silly man.” She laughed, cupping his face in her hands and forcing him down for a kiss. “I forget sometimes that even with a legion of fans and even with awards for sexy asses, there is always a chance you would suffer esteem issues. Let’s see, apart from my blatant adoration of your delectable derrière, I adore your eyes, your high cheek bones, your freckles, especially the ones on your chest, I melt when I see the trail of hair from your naval down your abdomen and I cannot ever put into words how much I fucking love your big juicy cock.” Tom stared at her wide-eyed. “Is that in any way what you wanted to hear? You are incredibly sexy Tom, not just to the girls who want you because you’re famous or because you are the gentleman every girl wants, your insecurities are as sexy as anything else about you, because they are human fears, making you all the more desirable in my humble little opinion.”
“Elle,” his nostrils flared slightly and his lip quivered.
“What is going on Tom, you’re clearly worried about something?”
“I’m scared.”
“Of what?”
“Fucking this up.”
“Good.” His eyes widened as she said it. “It means you care, and yes, we both will screw up from time to time, but hell, we’re both human, so get some shower gel, wash the stench of sex off yourself and let’s get ready for our guests, shall we?” she smiled before reaching passed him to get her shampoo.
Elated that she was not running scared from his voicing his fear, Tom did as requested, watching as she rubbed her shower gel onto herself, not paying him much heed. “I never realised how this can take two people comfortably.” He commented as she was able to put her body wash back on the shelf without rubbing into him.
“You’ve never had fun in here before?” Danielle enquired.
“No, never,” Tom admitted, earning him a slightly suspicious glance. “What?”
“Can I ask why that is in here?” Danielle pointed to the handle.
“I have no idea, it’s been here since before I bought it,” Tom admitted, looking at the fixture.
“Fair enough came in handy anyway.” Danielle shrugged, going back to washing herself. “Tom!” she warned as she felt him snake his arms around her. “You are fucking insatiable, if you’re done, then get out or I will have to put the water on cold.”
“An empty threat,” Tom grinned. Inhaling deeply, Danielle closed her eyes and reached over, turning the temperature to the lowest setting. “Fuck!” Tom almost tripped over himself getting out of the shower as what felt like glacial temperature water hit him. “How the hell are you still in there?” He asked, looking at Danielle, who was not looking comfortable, yet still in the shower.
“Triathlon.” She shrugged, “First ones start in April; you get used to cold water.”
“You are insane,” grabbing a towel, he wrapped it around himself. “Elle, please, get out, you’ll get sick.”
“How can I, it’s lovely and warm again,” she smiled, going under the water again to wash out the conditioner that was in her hair, steam rising again showing she had increased the temperature.
“Kicked out of my own shower, you are taking over the house.”
“I am female, it’s what we do.” She grinned; chuckling, Tom left to get ready.
“Hello handsome little man,” Danielle beamed as Christopher looked up at her.
“Thank you for letting him come,” Sophie stated.
“What, will you go way out of that, thank you for still coming and saving me.” Danielle took the nappy bag and immediately made for the stairs so Christopher’s belongings would be where they were needed. Ben and Sophie following her.
“Is Tom around anywhere?” Ben asked, noticing the severe lack of the other man.
“Gone for a quick walk with Mac so that he’ll be settled when there are people here.”
“Mac is here?”
“Yeah, Diana and Sarah came yesterday with him so we are keeping him here til Christmas with us. I think Tom is just happy to have a dog around, he always wanted one.” Danielle smiled. “So this is where Christopher get’s to go for a snooze.”
“Its baby proofed.” Ben noticed, realising there were even safety plugs in the sockets.
“Yeah, I never checked if he can escape travel cots, so I said I would make sure he would be safe in case he did,” Danielle explained. “Am I coming across half mad?”
“And the shortlist of people we can trust to look after Kit in an emergency has now grown.” Sophie declared.
“I’m honoured, I think. How is the bubble?”
“Is she calling our baby a bubble?” Ben asked his wife, who smiled and nodded.
“Don’t say it too often, I think she only calls it that because she finds it amusing when people use the word.” Sophie hinted.
“I do, I really, really do,” Danielle admitted. “Tea?”
“Yes, Sophie took so long getting ready, I feel like there’s a drought.”
“Do men ever stop moaning?” Danielle asked the other woman quietly after Ben left the room.
“Not that I have seen, wait til you’re married to one, I think it increases then.” The other woman stated as they made their way to the stairs.
“I thought the middle floor was best, so he is close enough by and you said you were bringing monitors.”
“Honestly, you are too understanding, thank you.” Sophie smiled. “Have you met anyone else before, who else is coming?”
“Right so, I have met none of these people, but the names I have heard are Laurie and his wife, damn it, I better Google her name and remember it.”
“Jo Green,” Ben informed her from the stairs.
“Thank you, and then there is some guy he was in college with, Francis Dubois and his wife, and Jeremy from RADA and his husband.” She listed off.
“No Luke?”
“No, apparently he is coming later in the week to discuss stuff with Tom, so I was going to go back to Wales with my paperwork, but my car is fecked, so now I am just going to say hello and leave for a while when they are talking.”
“Won’t Tom let you borrow his?”
“I am not touching the steering wheel of that car.” Danielle declared. “Not a hope in hell.”
“It’s just a car.”
“That is worth nearly half my house.”
“You overestimate the cost of a Jag,” Tom commented as he walked back into the kitchen with Mac trotting over to the water bowl, drinking his fill before curling up in the new, and in Danielle’s opinion, overpriced bed Tom had gotten him.
“It was free, he put his ugly mug in front of a camera for a few minutes and they gave him a free car for his troubles.” Ben joked as his friend embraced him.
“You’re just jealous,” Tom dismissed.
“Are any of these people going to have a problem with Mac, not everyone likes dogs, much less big ones?” Danielle asked, looking at Mac, who seemed to realise she was talking about him and looked up at her.
“If they do, the door is there, he is staying here, they are not.” Tom declared. “He’ll just lie there and watch everything, won’t he?”
“That’s his usual style.”
“So as long as one of us remembers he’ll need to take a piss at some stage, it’ll be fine.” Ben shrugged. “I think he has Kit’s attention.” He noticed his son reaching towards the dog. He looked to Danielle, who gave a small nod and knelt down, giving Mac the option to come over if he wanted, with ears forward and tail wagging slightly, the dog came slowly to the toddler, his nose twitching slightly to see if there was anything of note in the youth’s hand. “Gently, Kit,” Ben stated in a soothing voice. Mac stayed still as Ben took Christopher’s hand and gently stroked it down the canine’s neck. “Isn’t he lovely and soft, Kit?” Seemingly delighted with his attention and compliments, Mac nudged Ben’s hand before giving it a small lick, his tail wagging throughout. “Maybe we should…”
“Oh no, we are not even thinking about getting a dog, not for at least a couple of years, I am not going to juggle work, two kids and a dog.” Sophie declared. “It would not be fair to the poor thing. You can both come and play with him if you get an uncontrollable hankering.” She added, pointing to Mac.
“I’m sure Mac won’t mind, will you, boy?” Mac just walked over to Tom, licking his hand and sitting in front of him for him to play with him.
Ben just looked on, his face showing his own slight disappointment, mumbling something akin to ‘not fair’ in the process. “Men are as bad as children,” Sophie growled.
“Worse, kids can be distracted easier.” Danielle laughed.
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kimmytalks · 6 years
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So I basically live on Netflix like any typical university student. I spend a lot of time browsing through the endless catalogue that netflix offers and I completely understand how annoying it can be to spend so much time finding something to watch.  I compiled a list of some of my spring favourites of shows I’ve recently watched!  It’s sorted by genre to make it LOADS easier to find something depending on what you’re feeling. If you find something you like, check it out and spread the word! Let me know what you think of the show! I’d love to discuss your favourite characters and gush about it!
Marvel Shows 
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“You were right... what you told me over the radio that night. Not everyone deserves a happy ending. ”
The “devil of hell’s kitchen” A.K.A Matthew Murdock steals the show as New York City’s very own blind vigilante (who also has a job as a defense attorney). It will literally leave you on the edge of your seat. There are two seasons, two villains that Daredevil goes up against while fighting a bigger underlying villain in New York City.  There is SO much action, there’s romance, it’s electric and everything you would want in a TV show. 
Plot: ✰✰✰✰
Action: ✰✰✰✰✰
Favorite Character: Elektra Natchois, Matthew Murdock
Overall: ✰✰✰✰✰
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“You know why everyone wants to be the king? Cause of the crown.”
Meet Luke Cage, a bullet-proof black man in NYC. Loyal to Harlem, Luke decides to start using his abilities to start cracking down on the unusual crimes in the area. 
This show has amazing dynamics, all of the characters work hand in hand with each other and the bonus is that you get to meet some other important characters such as Claire Temple, Misty Knight and Jessica Jones. The story line is moving, the action is incredible and i loved how unapologetically black it was. 
Plot: ✰✰✰✰ 
Action: ✰✰✰✰
Favorite Character:  Cornell 'Cottonmouth' Stokes, Luke Cage
Overall: ✰✰✰✰
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“Those who do evil to others - the killers, the rapists, psychos, sadists - you will come to know me well. Frank Castle is dead. Call me... The Punisher.”
Frank Castle is a murderous vigilante in NYC. I’m going to give you guys a bit of a warning, it is VERY brutal and gory.  To fully understand the backstory of Frank you have to watch Daredevil Season 2. He’s back from the “dead” and has new battles and villains to face, including someone very close to him. You get to fully understand the way Frank’s mind works...to an extent and how corrupt the U.S government really is.  I’m someone who doesn’t mind gore so I really enjoyed this and the story line will keep you on edge. 
Plot: ✰✰✰✰
Action: ✰✰✰✰✰
Favorite Character:  Frank Castle
Overall: ✰✰✰✰
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“The Carrington impulse is to throw money at a problem and if that doesn't work, lie.”
From the FIRST episode this show leaves you gasping for air. Who doesn’t love watching rich people’s drama? The Carrington’s are one hell of a family, tons of drama and money crowd them. There’s mistresses, secrets, lies and murder (just like any good drama). 
This show honestly will make you laugh with Fallon’s wits and sarcasm as well as her raunchiness. The show also brings up some good social discussions such as immigration and racism. If you’re a fan of shows like Empire and Scandal you’ll definitely want to check out Dynasty.
Plot: ✰✰✰✰✰
Drama: ✰✰✰✰✰
Favorite Character:  Fallon Carrington, Steven Carrington
Overall: ✰✰✰✰✰
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“I don't follow the rules. I make them. And when necessary, I break them.”
Riverdale has kind of gotten confusing this season but the drama still prevails. I was a huge fan of the Archie comics as a kid so I do actually really enjoy the spin CW has taken with it.
It’s full of drama, heartbreak, conspiracies and friendship ordeals. The core 4 (Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Archie) solve murder mysteries in their small once innocent town. They stand up in social movements and protest against issues that would ruin the social well-being of the town. 
If you like murder mysteries, witty teens and  small town drama, you’ll want to check this one out if you havent already. 
Plot: ✰✰✰
Drama: ✰✰✰
Favorite Character:  Betty Cooper, Toni 
Overall: ✰✰✰
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“You and I have very different ideas of nothing. I've had to scratch and claw for everything I've got. So when someone hands me a credit card, that street bitch just comes out.”
It follows three young girls who become a music trio in Atlanta. This show’s acting is incredible and the drama will continue to keep you on your seat. It EVEN deals with very real issues, even incorporating some recent social justice movements in the episodes.
The shows talks about current issues such as: racism (episodes dedicated to Black Lives Matter), the foster care system, sexual assault, domestic abuse, and addiction. I loved every minute of Season 1 and it leaves on such a huge cliffhanger!!! 
Bonus: The music is INCREDIBLE, and can be found on spotify as well.
Plot: ✰✰✰✰
Drama: ✰✰✰✰✰
Favorite Character:  Alex Crane
Overall: ✰✰✰✰✰ 
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THE 100
“Who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things ”
The 100 is honestly one of my favourite shows ever (with the exception of Season 3). It’s everything I would want in a post-apocalyptic show about delinquents in space. 
These kids are incredibly witty, smart and brave-hearted. Imagine being a kid thrown to a radioactive  Earth and having to fight for your lives against the Earth and enemies. There’s romance, there’s so much action and you get to admire the main characters of the show as if they were your own friends. In the first few seasons they’re fighting against the grounders (people who survived the radiation on Earth), then they make an alliance, it’s broken a few times and now they have to go back to space because Earth is now uninhabitable again. There is a Grounders plot which is also pretty well done but I prefer the scientific plot that the show started with. You’ve probably seen tons of GIFS on here about The 100 so what are you waiting for?
Plot: ✰✰✰✰
Drama/Action: ✰✰✰✰
Favorite Character:  Raven Reyes, Bellamy Blake
Overall: ✰✰✰✰
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"It’s strange. A lot of the time you don’t register the important moments as they happen. You only see that they were important when you look back."
If you enjoyed Skins you’ll probably enjoy watching James and Alyssa accidentally become fugitives after they get bored and run away from home. 
This show is honestly a mix of everything and I absolutely loved every minute of it. If you have a dark sense of humour, you’ll enjoy the witty remarks from James and Alyssa alike. They’re an odd pair the both of them but they care for each other a lot and watching their relationship progress through ten episodes (needs to be more). 
The quotes are powerful they make you think about life, love, sex, relationships and everything in between.
Plot: ✰✰✰
Drama/Action: ✰✰✰
Favorite Character: James
Overall: ✰✰✰✰
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“This ain’t Disneyland, this s*** is the f*****g Bronx. Either you be strong, or you be gone. All I find, all I keep. Either you beat the world, or you get beat.” 
First of all, I am so sad Netflix decided not to renew this gem of a show. It follows a group of kids in the hip-hop/disco scene in New York City, specifically the Bronx. 
I really enjoyed this show, it was really different and I loved the musical numbers included in it. The fashion was everything and every single character is so lovable. 
The show also discusses the poverty in their community and the gang violence that surrounds them. This post doesn’t do it enough justice but seriously, it’s awesome and you should check it out.
Plot: ✰✰✰✰
Drama/Action: ✰✰✰✰
Favorite Character:  Marcus “Dizzee” Kipling, Mylene Cruz
Overall: ✰✰✰✰
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This one is basically hot off of Netlix’s production company, it came out March 16th. It’s currently on it’s first season and has a total of ten episodes! (Super-easy to binge and re-watch) Where do I even begin with this show? It made me so nostalgic of being in high school and I honestly wish I had a squad like this during those years. It follows Monse, Cesar, Olivia, Ruby and Jamal through their first year of high school freshmen and all the ordeals that come with your first year of high school. There’ the boy drama, figuring out who you are, helping your friends and all that stuff everyone remembers from high school. But throw in the fact that these kids live in an inner city, they have more issues they’re dealing with such as gang violence in their community.The show also does a pretty okay job at discussing the racial issues all of the characters face (such as Olivia’s parents deportation) cultural appropriation and Monse’s struggle with her mother leaving her. I honestly fell in love with this show and all of the characters. If you’re looking for a good pick me up show this is the one to watch. They’re a really dynamic group of kids to watch and honestly who can’t help but laugh at Ruby’s sarcastic remarks? Or even Jamal’s constant clap-backs and schemes with Ruby’s Abuelita. The season finale will leave you in tears so don’t say I didn’t warn you! (which is why I need all of you to watch it right now so we can get it renewed for season 2!)
Plot: ✰✰✰✰✰
Drama/Action: ✰✰✰✰
Favorite Character:  Honestly? All of them I can’t choose a favourite.
Overall: ✰✰✰✰✰
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birdwithfrenchfry · 7 years
My forever OTPs Masterpost
 Okay so I am a classic fan-girl. I can love a lot of tv-shows, but what gets me addicted are the shows with amazing characters and relationships. You know those ships that steals your soul and you daydream about then instead of your own life? The ships where they are imperfect, but they make eachother better. Yup, those ships. 
(These are in no special order, because all my forever OTPs are my babies.) 
1. Buffy & Spike (Spuffy) - BtvS
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She is the vampire slayer. He is a vampire. They started of trying to kill each other. But somehow they never did.. Long story short he fell in love with her. Helped her save her sister. Helped save the world. He was there for her when she felt broken and lost. Sure, these characters had one of the roughest stories I’ve ever been invested in, but I never stopped loving these two characters. He hurt her, but then he fought to get his soul back. For her, to be the kind of man she deserves, 
Favourite quote: 
Spike: You listen to me. I've been a live a bit longer than you, and dead a lot longer than that. I've seen things you couldn't imagine, and done things I prefer you didn't. Don't exactly have a reputation for being a thinker. I've only my blood, which doesn't exactly rush in the direction of my brain, so I make a lot of mistakes, a lot of wrong, bloody calls. A hundred plus years, and there's only one thing I've ever been sure of -- you. Hey, look at me. I'm not asking you for anything. When I say I love you, it's not because I want you, or because I can't have you, and it has nothing to do with me. I love what you are. What you do. How you try. I've seen your kindness and your strength. I've seen the best and the worst of you, and I understand with perfect clarity exactly what you are. You are a hell of a woman. You're the one, Buffy.
2. Rory Gilmore & Jess Mariano (Literati) - Gilmore Girls
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Okay so who was Rorys best boyfriend has always been a BIG part of the Gilmore Girls universe. Imo no one even compares to Jess! Bad boy moves to small town. Boy meets girl. They fall in love. Their connection was real and they challenged each other on so many levels. Their relationship was pretty brief, which sucked. But Jess came back for a visit on several occations and he was always the one to get Rory back on track when she felt lost. He understood her better than anyone. No one will ever convince me these two didn’t get together in the end, even if we never got to see it happen. 
Favourite quote: 
Rory: We're studying. Jess: You're studying. I'm prying into your personal life.
3. Kate Austen & James “Sawyer” Ford (Skate) - LOST
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Okay so I have no words to tell you how much this ship meant to me. It was my first ship where I actually were a part of a online-fandom and these are friends I still have now, 10 years later. But THESE characters.. her sass, his nicknames.. they break my heart. Lost gir & lost boy. Together they were perfect, with a chemistry that still to this day can make my heart skip a beat. 
Favourite quote: 
Sawyer: You taste like strawberries. Kate: You taste like fish biscuits.
4. Emma Swan & Killian Jones / Hook (Captain Swan) - OUaT
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So I’m a Disney addict. Like, I moved to the other side of the world twice to work for The Mouse. Fairytales has always been my thing, so me being addicted to Once Upon a Time was a given from the start. I was a casual viewer for the first season, but then this man (Captain Hook!) showed up, and my life has been all about Captain Swan since that moment. He was a villain (but not really, he wanted revenge for his first love) and then he met Emma who is sunshine and everything good. She has been alone most of her life and her walls are so high no-one can get close. Together they make each other better. He works hard to be a good man for her, and she finally finds someone who will never leave her and treats her like the princess she is. They are so good together, true love. 
Favourite quote:
Killian: With all this talk of authors and the book, we've never discussed one fact: I was a villain. Emma: But you're not anymore. Killian: Neither is Regina, but she still lost her happy ending. If we're to believe the rules of the book, then it's only a matter of time before I lose mine. Emma: Wait. If you're afraid of losing your happy ending, that means you found it. What is it? Killian: Don't you know, Emma? It's you.
5. Clarke Griffin & Bellamy Blake (Bellarke) - The 100
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Aka. my sun and moon, king and queen of the ground, and all-around adorable hurt puppies. Started out not liking each other very much, but  found themselves working better as a team and as leaders of their people. They have a deep connection, and work together perfectly. She’s the brain, he’s the heart. They have tried doing things on their own, but turns out they work better together. Clarke and Bellamy trust each other completely and they would die to protect each other. Plso their chemistry is insane, been shipping these since like..the second episode. We are now on season 4 and they STILL haven’t kissed. I feel the Bellarke strong this season, so I think it will happen soon. But as long as I get to see these two working together I will go down with this ship with a smile on my face. 
Favourite quote:
Clarke: Thank you. For keeping me alive. Bellamy: You don't make it easy.
6. Katara & Zuko (Zutara) - Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Prince Zuko, firebender. Katara, waterbender. Opposittes, night and day, yin and yang. So this ship never happened, but that doesn’t stop me from still daydreaming about them and reading tons of fan fiction. They were enemies turned friends and together they were amazing. This is the kind of ship where I feel so blessed that we have internet. There’s just so many fics and fanart out there about these two silly babies. 
Favourite quote:
Katara: What are you doing? Zuko: Keeping the rocks from crushing you. Katara: Okay, I'm not crushed. You can get off me now. Zuko: I'll take that as a "thank you."
7. Zoe Hart & Wade Kinsella (Zade) - Hart of Dixie
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Big-city doctor moved to small adorable town. Meets bad-boy Wade. They argue. They have a LOT of chemistry. There’s a lot of on and off all through this series, but it was wonderful to watch. This show just makes me feel good, and these two love-birds made it perfect. Wade grew up, Zoe learned that she didn’t have to follow her big plan and let her heart decide where and who her home was. Perfection. 
Favourite quote: 
Wade: Maybe I'm not 100 percent sure that you wouldn't hurt me if we started things, but I know that I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you. And I guess that I realized it's worth the risk.
8. Robin & Barney (Swarkles) - How I Met Your Mother
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Okay, but do I really have to explain this one to anyone? Everyone knew these two were perfect together. Barney & Robin were funny as hell, they loved each other even with all their little quirks. Perfect pairing and I will ship them until the end of time. (and I will never ever forgive the writers for that ending). Rude. 
Favourite quote: 
Barney: I love everything about her, and I’m not a guy who says that lightly. I’m a guy who has faked love his entire life. I thought love was just something idiots thought they felt, but this woman has a hold on my heart that I could not break if I wanted to. And there have been times that I wanted to. It has been overwhelming and humbling and and even painful at times. But I could not stop loving her any more than I could stop breathing. I am hopelessly, irretrievably in love with her. More than she knows.
9. Veronica & Logan (LoVe) - Veronica Mars
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Yup, that’s LoVe. Silly puppies who are just great together even when they don’t want to admit it to themselves. The original series ended so suddenly that I never got closure when it came to Logan and Veronica, so I was SO happy that they made a revival movie and it was PERFECT! These kids have been through so much, they just need to be happy! 
Favourite quote:
Logan: I thought our story was epic, you know, you and me. Veronica: Epic how? Logan: Spanning years and continents. Lives ruined, bloodshed. EPIC. Veronica: Come on. Ruined lives? Bloodshed? You really think a relationship should be that hard? Logan: No one writes songs about the ones that come easy.
10. Isak & Even (Evak) - SKAM
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Okay so for those of you who don’t know this show: SKAM is a Norwegian show that follows a group of teenagers through High School. And in season 3 Evak stole all of our hearts. It’s all about falling in love, coming out and a bit of mental health, all done perfectly. They are so cute and amazing, even when they were breaking my heart. What makes this show so great is how realistic it feels, and you smile and hurt with them. 
Favourite quote:
Isak: Du er ikke alene. (You are not alone).
Honorable mentions
Jackie & Hyde - That 70′s Show
Luke & Lorelai - Gilmore Girls
Fiona & Steve - Shameless (US)
Jeff & Annie - Community
Willow & Tara - BtVS
“You don’t love because: you love despite; not for the virtues, but despite the faults.”
                            - William Faulkner
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