#i wasnt sure if you were asking for snz spellings or descriptions or just general patterns but here u go
sunsetsnz · 28 days
HEART EYES at Torin and Raf... basic question buut: what are there snz/snz patterns like?
AH THANK YOU <3 the fact u already said raf makes me happy bc he goes by raf all the time lmao. also, not basic!! it’s an essential question hehe
raf - sneezes more often than not in multiples and fits. almost softly? not necessarily quietly, but the actual sounds in his sneeze are soft if that makes any sense?? i’m bad at explaining buuut spellings:
hIH’dzzhiew! hAH’tzhiew! hEH’dshoo!
torin - harsher sneezes, only one or two at a time, and not as often (although their nose def got more sensitive after their septum piercing!). it’d probably take something extreme to trigger them to sneeze naturally more than twice in a row (i.e. not including manual inducing). i also think they’ve ‘practiced’ over the years to tailor their sneezes to sound more masc in their opinion, and it comes pretty natural now. spellings:
hrRRSSshuu! hhrRISShuu! hhrRASshhuh!
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