#i was listening to xmas music all day and was consumed by the need to draw something festive 😭 speedran it to finish it today
tomaturtles ¡ 6 months
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Got possessed by christmas cheer, here's some little guys delivering gifts ☺️🎁🎄
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underoossss ¡ 4 years
A Christmas Plan [1 /2] - H.O
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pairing: Harrison Osterfield x f!reader
words: around 2k
warnings: none, just lots of yearning
AN: lmaoooo guess who’s back just in time for the holidays!!! Sorry for being so MIA and my crazy update schedule, things have been crazy in my mind my life and the world. I asked for prompts a while back and @hollandharrison asked for a best friends to loves fic with the prompt “It’s so hard not to fall in love with you.” SINCE ITS XMAS I DECIDED TO MAKE IT A XMAS FIC! This is a best friends to lovers, fake dating, mutual pinning, wedding and oh no there’s only one bed fic! Enjoy! And please leave some feedback I’d love to know if you enjoyed it. Part 2 on Friday!!!!! I hope you like this Rosalie!! ❤️❤️❤️
There’s jazzy Christmas music playing in the busy restaurant, it’s Holly Jolly Christmas, you think as you try to listen over the chatter coming from the various tables surrounding you. The restaurant’s floor is cream colored, shiny, and marble glazed. There are fancy lamps hanging from the ceiling and many plants in expensive looking pots all over the main entrance and windows. One wouldn’t think one the best burgers you’ve tried in your life comes from a fancy restaurant in London like this, or that it’s the only thing you and your best friend order from the menu. It’s only during special occasions that the two of you meet to enjoy them, as the bill is quite high and always a problem. Harrison always wants to pay, and so do you. Right now, though, as fancy dishes like salmon, ravioli and gorgeous little desserts are being served all around, you’re not sure if you can even eat anything at all.
Nervous is an understatement. You arrived at the restaurant 15 minutes early to rehearse what you wanted to say and get ready for the likely rejection that could follow, but from the moment you sat down, you’ve done nothing but fidget with the napkin in front of you. The beautiful swan that had been placed on your plate when you arrived is nowhere in sight, it is only a wrinkled square in your hands.
“The worst that can happen is that he’ll say no.” You whisper to yourself, reaching for the glass of iced water next to your empty plate. “Harrison won’t judge or get mad because you asked.” Nodding to yourself you bring the glass to your lips and look around as you take a sip.
You nearly choke on your water when your eyes land on the main door and see Harrison walk into the restaurant. You’re quick to put the glass down and dab your chin with the napkin in front of you to make yourself presentable again and not caught off guard. Being 15 minutes early didn’t prepare you enough for this. He is like an apparition, dressed in brown checkered pants, a white t-shirt and a plaid brown jacket the host is soon to take from his shoulders. His dark blonde curls are styled backward, just enough to tame them but not too much that they look neatly combed. It’s just… perfect. You can’t look away from him, he is gorgeous, so much in fact that you have to make sure your jaw isn’t hanging right before he spots you. His smile is bright as the sun when he raises his hand a little and waves at you.
You can’t help but smile back as fireworks go off in your stomach from being at the receiving end of his. You fear that these fireworks will fly out of your mouth and ears before exploding around the whole restaurant if you’re not careful. Yeah, that wouldn’t be ideal.
You stand up when he reaches the table and embrace him. He’s warm and hugs you back tightly so you let your eyes close as you take enjoy his embrace. “Harrison! It’s so great to see you.”
“Tell me about it! I’ve missed you so much.” Harrison says once you step back and sit back down. Harrison takes his phone out of his pocket to sit down, then proceeds to turn it off and set it on the table. “It’s been what, two weeks? My schedule has been crazy, sorry I haven’t had time to hang out. You look beautiful by the way.”
You are still looking at his phone, not containing your smile at the small but very meaningful gesture before you meet his gaze again. “Oh! Thank you, so do you.” A chuckle leaves your lips as you glance down at your outfit. It’s a mid-length burgundy silk dress on top of a black long sleeve blouse with ruffles on the sleeves, a belt and black booties. “That’s alright, you don’t need to apologize Haz. We always try to make time to meet every once in a while, and here we are.” Everyone is busy, especially during this time of the year, when any free time is consumed by shopping, gift wrapping or preparing for any Christmas tradition.
Harrison is about to say something else when the server arrives. She’s tall and gorgeous and barely spares you a glance before addressing Harrison, all smiles and charm. “Have you had enough time to check the menu? What can I get for you?”
You move your gaze away from them and focus on fidgeting with the ruffle of your shirt sleeve. Better to let Harrison flirt back and give her his number if he wants without you looking. You’re forced to bite the inside of your cheek and think of something else other than the interaction in front of you, doubting if you’re still going to ask him or not. That all stops when you hear Harrison call your name, which makes you look up and meet his eyes.
He is smiling at you with a curious tilt to his head. “The usual, right love?”
You feel your chest warm at the smile he gives you and the endearment that makes the server twist her lips sourly. She loses all interest in the guy in front of you when you nod at Harrison, answering his question.
His smile turns even brighter for a second and he closes the menu. “We’ll have two of the Chef’s burgers with fries for the side dish and ketchup for the beautiful lady here.” The server nods and writes the order down.
“Drinks?” She asks, her tone much different than it was a minute ago.
This time it is you that speaks up. “Iced tea for me, please, and he’ll have a glass of lemonade.”
“As usual.” Harrison smiles and winks your way.
You roll your eyes playfully, dismissing the feelings your heart is bringing to the surface at the moment. Another server brings breadsticks with dipping sauces over to the table before you’re both left alone.
“How have you been?” Harrison asks while placing his napkin on his lap and reaching for a breadstick.
You take another sip of water. “Great actually. I got promoted at work.”
He puts his breadstick down, a smile appearing on his lips. “What! That’s amazing Y/N!! Congratulations!”
A laugh leaves your lips as you shrug your shoulders. “Thank you Haz. I’m the marketing manager now, which is pretty cool.”
“That’s huge, love, and well deserved as well. You’ve done an amazing job there since you started as an intern.” Harrison continues to praise you and you feel your face and ears burning up at his words and enthusiasm.
You smile, you’ve loved your job from day one and as years have gone by you’ve been constantly improving, but the promotion is still a bit of a shock. With another shrug of your shoulders, you thank Harrison again, knowing that his congratulations are genuine.
“What have you been doing?” You ask this time, wanting to know how filming for his upcoming project had gone. “Filming went alright?”
“Yeah, it went brilliant! We’re all done now but I still have to record some additional audio next week for a couple of days.” His eyes light up and he smiles while he talks about the series, making your heart warm. You know how much he’s worked to get the role and being cast as the main character, the Prince of England in fact, in a Netflix series had been his dream come true.
“So, the Prince of England has been busy.” You tease, resting your chin on your palm. Harrison only chuckles and looks away almost shyly. “I’m so happy for you and so proud, truly. This is going to be huge, Haz.”
“We’ll have to see, but yes I think it can be. Thank you.” He meets your gaze, a soft smile on his lips and an indecipherable look in his eyes. You smile at him for a couple more seconds before the food coming to your table makes you look away.
Your orders are served in front of you and the drinks placed by your side when you remember why you asked Harrison to meet you for lunch. The thought makes you nervous all over again as you pick up a fry and use it to poke the other ones on the plate.
“What’s on your mind?” Harrison asks, looking at you curiously. “Something tells me this isn’t just about your promotion and my new role. You’ve never been so hesitant to eat your fries before.”
You sigh and look at him again, he knows you too well, which is why you think this might work. Summoning all the courage you have you open your mouth to utter your proposal. “My cousin, Travis, is getting married on Christmas Eve.”
“Oh yeah I remember Travis, nice bloke. You need a plus on at the wedding?” Harrison takes a sip of his lemonade before leaning forward, giving you all his attention.
“It’s more complicated than that.” You squeeze your eyes shut. “The wedding is going to be at the family’s country house, but most of the family will go to the house on the 22nd until the wedding. They want to spend time together and catch up then instead of the night of Travis’ wedding.”
You finally pick up a fry and eat it, breathing in deeply to explain the most important detail. “I want to ask you to be my fake boyfriend that week.”
Harrison chuckles in disbelief, clearly thinking that you’re joking. “What?”
“Please Harrison, you’re an actor and one of my best friends so you know me better than anyone. Which make the chances of us getting caught in the lie very slim.” You look into his beautiful blue eyes to try and convince him. “Christmas is the worst time for single people. You remember my cousin Gladys?”
“Yeah. Superficial, conceited and can’t stand the conversation not being about her.” Harrison rolls his eyes. “Not to mention she’s always been rude to you.”
“She got married.” You state somberly. “Which means that because we’re the same age, every dating question from my family will be directed at me, and they’ll compare me incessantly. Not to mention her teasing and criticism will be even worse now that she has ‘accomplished’ something I haven’t.”
With another sigh you look down at your food, instantly regretting asking Harrison in the first place. You dip another fry in ketchup and chew it silently as you look around the restaurant. Harrison is staring at his food, seemingly lost in thought and hesitant to say anything. “You know what, never mind. Please forget that I asked, it’s a dumb request.”
You’ll deal with your nosy and presumptuous cousin on your own. You’re used to her criticism anyways, so you can take three more days. She’ll probably talk about her about her nose job all the time and her wedding ring, or if she’s bored, she’ll comment on your appearance. You hate it but you’re used to it.
“I’ll do it.” Harrison’s voice breaks you out of your own thoughts.
“What?” It is your turn to have a tone of disbelief. “You’ll really do it?”
“Y/N, you know you can always count on me. If this will help you have an enjoyable Christmas, then of course I’ll help you.” Harrison reaches his hand out to grab yours, its freezing and his warms it up in seconds. “Besides, can’t say no to a wedding.”
That brings a laugh out of you, your eyes glazy as they look into his. Gosh you love him, you love him so much. Will being in a fake relationship with him for three days hurt your heart once it’s over? Absolutely, but a selfish part of you wants to know how it would be, to date him whether it’s real or just pretend.
“Only if you’re sure.” You speak up, not wanting to force him into anything. “It’s only until the wedding. You’re free to spend Christmas day with your family, I wouldn’t want you to miss it.”
“I wouldn’t have said yes if I wasn’t, love.” He squeezes your hand, a soft smile on his face. “So, now that you’ve told me what made you so nervous since the moment I walked in, how about we eat.”
You chuckle and nod. “Thank you, Harrison. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Harrison smiles at you again, in that shy way he had previously done, before he steals some of your ketchup. “Now, tell me more about your promotion.” He says and takes a bite out of his burger.
The days seem to fly by between your lunch with Harrison and the 22nd. You were swamped with work all week as you got everything done and ready to leave for the holidays. It was a perk though, because it didn’t let you overthink every single scenario you could encounter with your family while lying to their faces. Hopefully you won’t be caught in your lie, and you won’t end up more heartbroken than you expect after your fake relationship with Harrison ends.
There’s a knock on your apartment door that brings you out of your own head. You take one last look around your home, making sure everything is in order before you go and greet Harrison by the door. His smile is soft just as his curls look, especially with the cream-colored sweater than brings out his eyes.
“Hello, love.” He gives you a hug. “Ready to go?”
You nod your head yes when you step away. “All ready, let me grab my bags.”
“I’ll get them.” Harrison says, stopping you from picking up your suitcase and doing it himself. “Not because you can’t but because I want to.”
You chuckle, that’s what he always says, and it always makes your heart skip a beat. “I know. Thank you.” You lock the door and make your way to the elevator where he two of you share a look before giggling.
“Last chance to back out.” You say, using a smile to mask your nerves. You need to get your feelings in check if you’re going to fake being his girlfriend. He must not know you’re actually in love with him, you’ve tried that before and he never took a hint. No use trying it now. “Oh, and what about–”
“Don’t worry about your dress, I got everything under control.” He bumps his shoulder against yours and smiles. “Trust me.”
He had asked you if you had your dress ready for the wedding during the same lunch you had asked him to pretend to be your boyfriend. Upon hearing you still had to go shopping for it, he had asked for your best fitting dress and claimed that he’ll handle the dress shopping. It took some insisting but finally you had agreed and given him a dress the next day, trying not to become anxious at the thought that if anything were to happen, you’d be dress-less on the day of the wedding.
Harrison opens the door for you when you both reach his car before placing your suitcase on the trunk and getting into the driver’s seat. “Here we go.” You smile, letting out a deep breath. “Who gets the aux cord first?”
“You’re the guest of honor, you’ve got dibs.” Harrison hands you cord and starts the car. “I hope you have some Christmas songs there.”
“Mhm.” You nod scrolling through your playlists to find the one you made for today. “I have a whole playlist ready.”
“I knew it.” He glances your way with a soft smile as he drives into the main road and starts to make his way to the highway. “You have Mariah Carey, right?”
You laugh. “Do you even have to ask?”
Half an hour has gone by when you bring up the plan for the next three days. The scenery that surrounds you is beautiful, though still not covered by snow, and Christmas songs are still playing through the car’s speakers. “So, let’s go over what will happen once we get to the house.” You take your journal out and find the small to-do list you had written down ever since you got the idea.
“We’ll pretend that we are a couple. If anyone asks, we got together during that trip we had with friends over the summer and we don’t have to kiss on the lips.” You keep your eyes on your journal when you bring up the kissing part, knowing that if you kissed him there would be no going back to being ‘just friends’ anymore. Your friendship would be gone. “I won’t make you do that.”
“Okay.” Harrison says, keeping his eyes on the road. “We can say that our friends set us up during the trip to finally tell each other how we feel, and we’ve been together ever since.”
“Right, good idea. If they ask why they haven’t seen us together in our social media, we’ll go for the ‘we don’t need to post pictures for our relationship to be real’ route.” You glance to your right to see his profile, looking for any reaction but his face doesn’t give anything away. “And if at any time, any of us wants to stop the lie, we can.”
You look out of the window now, not wanting Harrison to see the longing in your face. The one thing you want most of the lie to be real so there will be no stopping it from your side, if you have to fake a break-up it’ll be because Harrison asks you to.
“I don’t think anyone wants a break-up during Christmas.” He chuckles and you can see on your peripheral that he’s shaking his head and smiling. “Do I know everyone that’s going to be there?”
Going back to the journal you scan the list of guests and nod. “Pretty much, yes. The ones that will be staying until the wedding are my parents, granny, my aunts Ruth, Katherine and Cass, their husbands, my 2 younger cousins, Travis with his fiancé and my dreaded cousin.”
Harrison keeps nodding as you mention the people on your list only noting that he doesn’t know your cousin’s fiancé or your aunt Katherine, but other than that he’s met all of them.
“You shouldn’t let your cousin get to you. You know?” He says after a few minutes of silence. “Just ignore her. She craves attention, if you don’t listen to her, you’ll piss her off.”
“It’s harder than that I’m afraid, she seeks out to bug me specifically.” You laugh. “But now with you, dearest boyfriend, she won’t comment on me being single while bragging about her husband and being a trophy wife.” You take his hand that’s not on the wheel and give it a squeeze.
The smile he sends your way makes an even bigger one takes over your face. “I can instead brag about my beautiful girlfriend.” Harrison says squeezing your hand when you laugh and nod.
“Alright, if you want to.” You shrug, your eyes still trained on his face. The light coming from his window makes his hair look almost golden, and it takes your breath away. You feel your ears burning though when he turns to you briefly and catches you staring.
“Y/N?” He asks, moving his gaze back to the road.
“Hm?” You wonder if he’s going to ask you to let go of his hand, but another squeeze proves you wrong.
“Relax okay, it’ll be fine.” He brings you hand to his lips and places a kiss over your knuckles. “Now, do you still have that greatest hits playlist you made a while back?”
Your heart is beating a mile a minute and it’s threatening to climb out of your throat at Harrison’s kiss, only fueling your longing. Not trusting to speak right away, you clear your throat before you answer. “Yeah, I have it right here. Any requests?”
Harrison tells you the song he wants you to play and starts to sing along when it starts to play over the speakers, but you can’t focus on it. Your eyes and your thoughts are on the hand that’s still holding yours between both of your seats, the way they look intertwined and the warmth that his gives yours. How are you going to keep your feelings in check for three days when one tiny kiss has you in a frenzy?
Hopefully, you’ll figure it out in the rest of the car ride.
—— part 2 coming soon——
Tagging: @sunflowerspidey @hollandharrison @peeterparkr @soft-haz @angelhaz11 💖💖
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theretirementstory ¡ 4 years
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Good morning, its going to be a warm day and I think I am going to take advantage of the fact that I was out of bed early this morning by having a little walk and then reading in the garden. So what have I done this week? Well apart from the usual, washing, cleaning, EATING (of which I seem to do a lot) baking, shopping etc the other thing that has taken up a lot of my time has been getting out into my garden. I would like to say I was gardening and to be honest I have done bits here and there but the majority of the time has been taken up just sitting with a coffee reading a book. I am not a sun worshipper and when I sit my mind usually wanders to other things I could be doing however this lockdown has brought a sense of calm to me: no one is going to knock on my door, who cares if I haven’t washed up straight after a meal, there is no rushing out to appointments. Some people say that there is no routine to their day well if that is how you like to live, make a routine. I live alone, have no-one to please but myself and could easily have stayed in bed until noon. Instead I get up around 8am, and do exactly as I did before (obviously without going to class and groups etc). Those extra hours have been used up pottering in the garden, listening to music, relaxing (something which I really think I need to continue doing) and generally keeping to a routine. I had wanted to wash the paintwork down on the landing so on Monday, I managed to get two doors and frames done – well no need to rush! I had washed and then sat outside with the washing blowing on the airer a coffee in hand and my book to read……...what a life. I then had a message fest with my friend “Gertrude Jekyll” what she doesn’t know about plants isn’t worth knowing. So we were discussing how best to deal with the hedge in my garden she came up with some good ideas and I will consider these when (and if) I can find a gardener to come and sort it all out for me. After being at home for the weekend, I had planned to go shopping on Tuesday, well I looked in the freezer and found something for lunch and dinner so no need to shop. Instead I was with my new best friend “the mower” and together we tackled the back garden. I also found time to do some knitting and then I decided to continue my search for ancestors. It really is time consuming but I find it so interesting too. I was up and out on Wednesday to clear more of the weeds from the gravel in my side return, it is jolly hard work and I can only do it for so long then I have to give up. I managed to get the water switched on for the tap in the garage so that makes things a lot easier for watering my seeds and the other plants in the garden. Talking of which, I had dug a hole as a friend had phoned to say she would drop off a hydrangea for me, and then I had decided to plant a miniature rose which was obviously pot-bound. Imagine my surprise when I discovered not one but three separate plants in the pot. I had also re-potted my house plants which went from 5 to 9 plants. I must admit, I am not a fan of house plants, I bought an amaryllis the first Xmas I was here and since that time people have just brought me them as presents, very kind but not if you really hate tending to them, plus there is always the problem of where to put them. Again I found time to knit and also look for ancestors, this meant that I had rather a late night/early morning bedtime. So on checking the freezer on Thursday I found enough food for meals that shopping was taken off the “to do” list again. I had also promised to take the dust down on the staircase and give the stairs a good clean. How many jobs that I want to do require so much bending? Yet again my muscles were crying out for me to stop but “no pain, no gain” I continued. Afterwards due to being totally worn out, I did knitting and then just made and received telephone calls. The forecast says we are due rain on Saturday which pleased me as it will be good for my garden, so fingers crossed. Shopping day arrived on Friday and off I went to see what goodies I could pick up. I made sure I had eaten lunch before I left so as not to be tempted and I did really well until the last shop and I gave in. It’s no good either because I seem to live by the “when it’s gone it’s gone” principle and find that I cannot save things for another day. Next week, I will not be tempted! Anyone know a good hypnotherapist? My friend rang to say that she would be calling with the hydrangea, so I went outside and decided to plant the last rose. My garden has gone from one rose to five in no time at all. I also got the hydrangea into the place I had designated for it, and while wandering round the garden I noticed shoots coming through on the seed mats. Now that really was the best news I am so looking forward to them really taking shape and providing a place for butterflies and insects. We had a shower of rain on Saturday although the remainder of the day was just cloudy. No outside jobs for me today, I was going to sew. I brought the material down and the pattern, then decided I could not be bothered! Instead, I settled myself with making some lovely meals and doing a little bit of knitting. Plus I put a couple of DVD’s on to watch. Unfortunately, I was interrupted by telephone calls (not that I really minded) the DVD’s can be watched again. After two episodes of “The White Queen” on tv, I headed upstairs to bed. I enjoyed watching “The White Queen” when I saw it in England, and have enjoyed it again here, however, I had not realised that Eleanor Tomlinson was in it and last night I had to remind myself that Lady Anne was played by Faye Marsay who hails from Loftus in North Yorkshire a place I know well. How are my family I hear you ask? Well, my gorgeous granddaughter is benefitting from this lockdown, as she is having such a wonderful time with Mummy and Daddy (when he gets home from work), her speech is really improving and she has now taken to singing and dancing (her magic paintbrush is her microphone), so not to be outdone on the video call, Grand-mere used her hairbrush as a microphone and we had a walk up my stairs so that she could see another of my cuddly toys. “The Graduate” is still holed up in Newcastle, and has taken time away from his studies to produce some fantastic meals for himself. He keeps messaging me to see that I am not going “stir crazy” and in turn I am concerned that he may be too. I send him photos of my garden and I know that if he could he would be over here reclining on the sun lounger I bought for his visit last year. Good news is, its in the garage and just awaiting his next visit. We were given the news on Monday evening that the lockdown would continue for another 4 weeks until 11 May (a date to be remembered in our family as it heralded the arrival of that bundle of fun that is my granddaughter) then news last evening that “seniors” will be allowed out after 11 May……….I can see it now, all those older people who have been confined will be bursting to get back to normal. For me, being a “senior”, I think the only thing that will change significantly at first will be more walking but not necessarily into town, I will be taking walks to discover new places in the countryside close to home. All the old gang have been in touch, Anie, Monique, Marie-Therese and I even messaged Jony in Paris a couple of times this week, which I hope he found enjoyable and a break from the boredom. Until next week ……...
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xladymalice ¡ 7 years
some cute and unique asks - Answer Time
Soooo... I’m finally able to answer the questions you asked me the most.
Let’s see what we have here...
Oh yeah, I should’ve warned ya that I am rather boring with this, sooo...
have fun?
1.  have you ever been in love? Yes, I was. Two times actually. The first time was a child love... it was even a summer love. It lasted for the summer holidays and ended as sudden as it started. I was nine back then and didn’t know that I was in love with the boy. We both had felt attracted.. like... there was something. Something real and special but we both ended up lying to each other. Then our ways parted. I’ve never seen hima gain. The second time it rather complicated. It was not a good one, so I won’t talk about it. Let’s say I know how a heartbroken soul feels like. I haven’t been in a real relationship back then, but it still hurt me deeply. This second love is the reason why I don’t trust anyone on romantic feelings. I’m very difficult with this topic.
10. what’s your favourite animal? Phew... animals and I are a difficult topic. We kind of share a love-hate relationship because my parents have never allowed me to have pets. So I’m not used to them and don’t like them that much anymore. My favorite animal though... hmm... Probably dolphins... maybe even sharks. Harmless one would be a cat tho.
11. what is your favourite song right now? Ohh... I’m listening to so much. But I think currently it’s this one.
13. do you like sunny days or rainy days better? That’s some hard question. I think it depends on my mood? Sunny days motivate me to work more than usual. I like the warm tingly feeling on my skin. But I don’t like heat too much, so I rather sit in the shadow of trees and draw. I think I’d prefer rainy days to relax though. I love the sound of the rain. Especially in the evening. You see, I’ve got a skylight right above my bed. I love the sound of the rain hammering against the window. It’s so nice.
21. what is your favourite word? What is up with this question tho? Like... I’ve got several asks about this one x’D My favorite word.... “suggestive” maybe. Like, I’m not sure if you mean my most favorite word to use while talking or in general. But since I do talk very.. uhh... suggestive with a double-meaning behind the most sentences, this will be the perfect thing to describe it. Oh boi, I love hinting at things.. especially dirty ones. >D (Or as some of your guys noticed... it’s also “fuck” for me... sorry)
25. what are you thinking about right now? Oh boi, I’m actually thinking about too much. My heads a constant mess filled with the most weird ideas. Right now I’m thinking about some dirty Swapfellcest in a club. Like.. this idea has kept me busy for a month now.  I can’t stop thinking about how the Bros act out of Game-Mode and flirt with each other. This keeps me all.... aah.. flustered? I love the idea of aggressive flirting, not caring how others would look at it. Just to hide somewhere dark and uh.. have fun. Shit, why am I again thinking about SMUT. Frick, I’m weird. (Usually I think about food, rolf. I love to cook and bake)
26. what emotion do you feel most often? I guess I feel anxious, worried and stressed the most. I’m usually under permanent pressure of duties, expectations and other stuff. RL is super shitty. That’s why I rather sink into my lovely fantasy bubble and draw. If I’m in a good mood, I feel weird and funny. My sense of humor is off.
27. what is your favourite season? It’s probably spring. I love to watch the nature get all green and nice again. Also it’s slowly getting warmer. And well... my birthday is in spring, sooo... x’D
30. do you prefer the moon or the stars? Frick, that’s hard. Uuuh... I guess I’d prefer the moon. The moon changed it’s shape, manipulates the earth and tide... I love how it brightens up the night or let’s the darkness consume it all. Yeah, I think I’d chose the moon.
35. what is your favourite thing about yourself? Fckkkk... I don’t know??? I don’t like myself really??? But if I had to say something, it would be -ironically- sympathy. I am a very nice person who always tries to help everyone. I am good at making people laugh and forget about their sorrow for a little while. I think this is a good character trait... I mean.. everyone needs someone to lean on and I tend to be the person to do this.
37. who is your favourite music artist? Phew... uhh..  that’s hard. When I was younger, it was Shakira. She was my Idol back then and she was the reason I wanted to learn belly dance, haha. My favorite music band is Skillet. I love them. “What I believe” is my most favorite song of them. I’ve gifted my best friend Satsu a dogtag with the lyrics of it “You are what I believe”. I’ve got an ask about uh.. About a good artist?? I don’t know if you mean like.. drawing ones.. hah. There are so many tho. I can’t list them up... xD
40. when was the last time you cried? Hmm... I think... it was... two weeks ago? Yeah.. something about this. I’ve had a very hard fight with my mother. My mother is like my best friend who supports me no matter what. Since I’m also her friend, I’m also carrying her burdens... she hasn’t got that many friends anymore and she’s very, very old (She’s 60.) Sometimes she’s in a bad mood and lets it all out on me. We tend to fight hard then... and the last time was very unfair, since she used unfair arguments against me. Just like a mother can be. I’m actually a very sensible type of human. I cry easily even if I don’t want to.
44. what do you think about when you can’t fall asleep at night? That’s hard to answer. It’s always something else. My mind is constantly busy. I’m worrying about friends, family and life. My darkest thoughts are about death though. Sometimes I’m even wondering why I am alive. There’s no sense in being alive in the first place. I don’t beliebe in god, but I do believe that there is something powerful outside that can manipulate us. So yeah.. it’s all random and mostly negative. The only times I feel good - even not able to sleep - is when I talk to my friends. Chatting and fooling around keeps me alive and happy.
46. what is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for you? I am so simply to be pleased. Like for real. I’m happy about the smol things in life. So the nicest thing... maybe the gift of my best friend last xmas. She made me cookies and put a sticker on it which said: “You are: Awesome Cool Special GODLIKE” She made me almost cry about it, because she crossed the godlike answer. This was referring to my obession League of Legends. I felt so happy about this lil’ shit. It’s nothing big but it brightened up my day when I felt down. For me... the nicest thing is to make me laugh, if I feel down. And I can be a vry, toxic and depressive shit if I feel down. So the nicest thing is laughter.
50. do you have a nickname? The most call me by my short name of my real name. I kind of don’t want to put it here do. My other nickname’s are: “Little Satan” “Mindenluder (german ftw)” and “Minx” (Miststück in german tho XD)
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finnband18 ¡ 6 years
Finn Stuff
Great gigs on the weekend Canberra On Saturday thanks to Al and Tracey, and a bit of a sad one, Sunday as it was our last gig at the Home Tavern. The pub has been sold and Trevor is taking some time out to re asses. We have been playing at the Home Tavern for 12 years doing our first and last for the Wonderful Bigee Blues Club, The BBF will be ongoing in a new venue, Many thanks Trev for 12 years of support.
We were supposed to be at the Native Rose this Sunday but were double booked and will now be on the 16/12/18. Stormcellar are on this Sunday and I will be there to support, come and have a drink with me….the beer’s great
What About That 2669
Some strange things happening in this world, was a time when our countries leaders were the best and fairest….now we have Scum Mo.
What About That 2670
Probably going to annoy some with this, but our generation, whilst having some of the best minds are also the greediest generation ever….how did this happen, well I would suggest the self-funded retirement has a lot to do with it. Not suggesting you shouldn’t prepare for your retirement but it shouldn’t be mandatory.
When I was a kid 20% of the population gambled on the stock market, now that number would be up around 90% plus, and remember the Stock market is no fairer a guarantee than a punt on the horses and before you say aught, think back to 2008. Another one coming soon watch this space.
Jam Stuff
Don’t forget if you all bring a friend….(C’mon I know you have them), our numbers double.
Sign on 7.30 pm both venues
Wednesday on guitar Chris Turner and Bill Crossland on Bass as Al doing a gig with PJ O’Brien .
Grand crowds last week both venues good stuff
Musos Club jams website at:- http://jim0408.wixsite.com/musosclubjamnite
Celebrate New Year's Eve and welcome 2019 with dinner & party at The Vault Port Kembla. Dance and party the night away with the fabulous Kerrie Sweeney and her band, with special support performance by Veronique Sweeney DE Havilland.
Tickets $100 per person at www.vault.events or 0468 405 833.
The gags. #1 I bought some shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day. I told my girlfriend she drew her eyebrows too high. She seemed surprised. My dog used to chase people on a bike a lot. It got so bad, finally I had to take his bike away. I'm so good at sleeping. I can do it with my eyes closed. My boss told me to have a good day.. so I went home. A woman walks into a library and asked if they had any books about paranoia. The librarian says "They're right behind you!" The other day, my wife asked me to pass her lipstick but I accidentally passed her a glue stick. She still isn't talking to me. Why do blind people hate skydiving? It scares the hell out of their dogs. My friend says to me: "What rhymes with orange" I said: "No it doesn't" What do you call a guy with a rubber toe? Roberto. What did the pirate say when he turned 80 years old? Aye matey. My wife told me I had to stop acting like a flamingo. So I had to put my foot down. I couldn't figure out why the baseball kept getting larger. Then it hit me. Why did the old man fall in the well? Because he couldn't see that well. I ate a clock yesterday, it was very time consuming. #2 A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair. I know a lot of jokes about unemployed people but none of them work. What's orange and sounds like a parrot? A carrot. Did you hear about the Italian chef that died? He pasta way. Why couldn't the bicycle stand up? Because it was two tired! Parallel lines have so much in common. It’s a shame they’ll never meet. My wife accused me of being immature. I told her to get out of my fort. Where do you find a cow with no legs? Right where you left it. When a deaf person sees someone yawn do they think it’s a scream? As I suspected, someone has been adding soil to my garden. The plot thickens. How do crazy people go through the forest? They take the physco path. And the lord said unto John, "Come forth and you will receive eternal life". John came fifth and won a toaster. What did the traffic light say to the car? Don’t look! I’m about to change. I just wrote a book on reverse psychology. Do *not* read it! What did one hat say to the other? You stay here. I’ll go on ahead. Why wouldn’t the shrimp share his treasure? Because he was a little shellfish. #3 Xmas jokes What happens to elves when they behave naughty? Santa gives them the sack. What kind of music do elves listen to? Wrap. Why didn't the skeleton go to the Christmas party? He had no-body to go with. Who hides in the bakery at Christmas? A Mince Spy! What says 'Oh Oh Oh'? Santa walking backwards! What do you call a greedy elf? Elfish. What do zombies eat with their Christmas dinner? Grave-y. Who delivers presents to baby sharks at Christmas? Santa Jaws! What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Can you smell carrot? What’s the best Christmas Present? A broken drum - you can't beat it. Which of Santa's reindeer has bad manners? Rude-alph! Why did Santa put a clock in his sleigh? He wanted to see time fly! What does Santa suffer from if he gets stuck in a chimney? Claustrophobia! Why does Santa have three gardens? So he can ho, ho, ho. What do you get if you combine Santa and a duck? A Christmas Quacker! What do snowmen eat for lunch? Iceburgers! Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing? They always drop their needles! What happened to the thief who stole a Christmas Advent Calendar? He got 25 days! #5 What is Santa's dogs name? Santa Paws! What falls at the North Pole but never gets hurt? Snow. What never eats at Christmas dinner? The turkey – it’s stuffed. Where does Santa stay when he is on holiday? At a Ho-ho-ho-tel. What do you call Frosty the Snowman in May? A puddle! Did you know that Rudolph the Reindeer never went to school? He was elf taught. What did Adam say the day before Christmas? It's Christmas, Eve! What do snowmen usually wear on their heads? Ice caps! Where do you find chilli beans? At the north pole! What is a librarians favourite Christmas song? Silent Night What do you call a frozen elf hanging from the ceiling? An elfcicle! What kind of motorcycle does Santa ride? Holly Davidson. Why does Santa go down the chimney on Christmas Eve? Because it 'soots' him! How do you know Santa is good at karate? He has a black belt! What do you call an old snowman? Water. What do Santa's little helpers learn at school? The elf-abet. How much did Santa pay for his sleigh? Nothing - it was on the house! What does Santa say at the start of a race? Ready, set, Ho! Ho! Ho! Where do snowmen keep money? In a snow bank. What type of cars do elves drive? Toy-otas. Why does everybody like Frosty the Snowman? Because he is so cool! What do you call a cat on Christmas Eve? Sandy Claws. #6 Knock knock. Who's there? Mary. Mary who? Merry Christmas. Knock knock. Who's there? Snow. Snow who? Snow use - I've forgotten my name! Knock knock. Who's there? Hannah. Hannah who? Hannah partridge in a pear tree! #7 A couple of rednecks are out in the woods hunting when one of them suddenly grabs his chest and falls to the ground. He doesn't seem to be breathing; his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other redneck whips out his cell phone and calls 911. He gasps to the operator, "I think Bubba is dead! What should I do?" The operator, in a calm soothing voice says, "Just take it easy and follow my instructions. First, let's make sure he's dead." There is a silence..........then a shot is heard. The redneck's voice comes back on the line, "Okay, now what? #8 Different slant same joke. A woman was walking down the street when she was accosted by a particularly dirty and shabby-looking homeless woman who asked her for a couple of dollars for dinner. The woman took out her purse, extracted ten dollars and asked, "If I give you this money, will you buy some wine with it instead of dinner?" "No," I had to stop drinking years ago, the homeless woman replied. "Will you use it to go shopping instead of buying food?" the woman asked. "No, I don't waste time shopping", the homeless woman said. "I need to spend all my time trying to stay alive." "Will you spend this on a beauty salon instead of food?" the woman asked. "Are you NUTS!" replied the homeless woman. "I haven't had my hair done in more than 20 years!" "Well," said the woman, "I'm not going to give you the money. Instead, I'm going to take you out for dinner with my hubby and myself tonight." The homeless woman was astounded. "Won't your hubby be furious with you for doing that? I know I'm dirty, and I probably smell pretty disgusting." The woman replied, "That's okay. It's important for him to see what a woman looks like after she has given up shopping, hair appointments and wine!
0 notes
leopoldobabcock-blog ¡ 7 years
Dinner For My Love.
Dinner celebrations may be very taxing events for the range as there is actually a considerable amount of pressure to receive as well as make an impression on. At first, laborers were sent out home for a quick supper provided through their spouses, however as the workplace was eliminated farther from the property, working males needed to giving themselves with one thing transportable to consume during a break in the center from the time. Call Supper Your Means and also have our team develop an unique meal, delivered and also established in your personal home while your somebody special is at work ... and when they get back, you possess a fantastic dish and also romantic setting expecting them. And also if you desire to thrill your familied member along with an added exclusive charming meal, yet feel that your culinary capabilities are actually just certainly not up to damage, the Date Night-Romantic Dinner Present Container is actually the excellent solution.
You should absolutely look at deciding on a place that will certainly hold a more significant ability from individuals, instead of be actually amazed on the day of your fundraising dinner only to locate that you won't have also area to seat all your invited attendees in attendance. There are actually lots of interruptions on Christmas time in many families as well as you perform not really want Xmas dinner destroyed given that one meal is actually proving tough or impossible or even (paradise forbid) receives burned, dropped on the flooring, or consumed by canine. There is actually nothing at all wrong using this obviously, yet there are actually so several excellent recipes easily accessible for Sunday supper cooking food that this seems to be weird that so many would certainly turn to this exhausted aged heritage rather than spicing concerns up possessing a spicy taco covered dish or even sugaring the handle some fantastically scrumptious as well as essential to create dessert. Designated motorists in your gathering receive totally free nonalcoholic fruit beverages at Tropical cyclone, 3221 Donald Douglas Loophole South at the Santa monica Airport, where Joli Starr's Band conducts two programs as well as a pan-Asian four-course dinner as well as French bubbly tribute highlight the evening. If your relatived is an individual who ases if verse; maybe a romantic motion would certainly be to spend the time alone along with all of them, and after supper you may desire to put on some soft music and also rest near to each other and also check out verse or a love story which are going to assist bring that cozy informal sensation to both from you. I do like Yorkshire Pudding yet our experts rarely possess a total roast supper in these times such is actually the style, our company utilized to possess it along with sauce which I assumed was actually the norm just about everywhere until I fulfilled a lady from Birmingham many several years earlier. That night, the President will definitely possess supper with the Justices from the Supreme Court, including his effectively verified nominee Justice Neil Gorsuch," mentioned the initial White Home document, which was significant for highlighting occasions promoting Trump's first 100 days in office. You've listened to please click the up coming article industrial, Beef ... it's just what's for supper"; in our house, the saying is actually Poultry ... that's exactly what's for dinner." If chickens were to ever leave, I honestly presume our experts would certainly deprive.
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teenathiel72035-blog ¡ 7 years
The best ways to Participate in Secret Dinner Objective!
You do not have to search very much in the states from The golden state or even Nyc to discover one of a lot of 1000s of their bistros. So as to be actually a lot more successful at the workplace as well as typically in your life, you ought to eat 5 times every day in small portions. We don't have a Del's yet in California, yet our Santa clam Monica area crushes it. Our team don't possess a Grille in Long Island. Dear friend, expecting you tomorrow, Wednesday August 17 great jazz music, a tasty supper with excellent bourbon. And I have already referred to the exception coverage that makes a significant variation that relocates our local operations supervisors. Making certain that you possess a good food will keep your customers happy as well as leave behind feeling pleased. That was really one of the cleaning crew that highly recommended the caterer for supper. If you feel you could serve for great deals, at that point that is completely satisfactory to host a larger wedding rehearsal dinner in the house. Even magazines that supply much healthier eating options generally health-fit-beauty.info have a casserole, large tossed salad, and even a healthy and balanced treat you have the capacity to organize these activities. The 'Wild West Sunset Supper Trip' has you throughout the spectacular Sandy Lowland desert for a wonderfully timed 1.5 hour experience. Participating in those solutions is the 1st authorities activity that many individuals do on Xmas Day. For $500, bold eaters can easily take pleasure in an uncommon opportunity to eat at a table dangling high over Delray Coastline. This delectable breakfast cereal was developed by the Kellogg siblings in 1894 as well as an 8-ounce box cost 25 cents in the '50s. When you purchase lobster to become delivered to your residence, you are actually not paying out the middleman, which means a large reduction in the amount of you are spending. Effectively, once more, as our team discussed, our experts think the large option in the short-term is takeout. In today times our experts are listening to a considerable amount of talk regarding making an individual for your business, brand and/or online presence. The primary thing you need to perform when creating web content for your internet site is actually to determine your key phrase or even phrase.
Lots of hosting providers offer limitless storing and data transfer speed, yet this additionally essential to recognize that your website has enough space to operate with no limits. My biggest pet peeve - eating with one's mouth available (as well as creating a lot of noise while doing so- yuk!) that produces this just about difficult to consume with all of them.
0 notes
mrjeremydylan ¡ 7 years
My Favorite Album #208 - All Our Exes Live In Texas on Rufus Wainwright 'Want' (2004), sex and genre-blending in Rufus songs, and how musical taste can end romantic relationships
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This episode is like being a guest at the best Rufus Wainwright themed dinner party of all time - and believe or not, no alcohol was consumed before or during recording.
Elana Stone and Georgia Mooney - half of Australia's premiere Americana quartet All Our Exes Live In Texas - drop in ahead of their US tour to explore Rufus Wainwright's two 'Want' albums, how they reflect his languid sexuality, genre-bending ambition, relationship with his musical siblings and parents, and why loving and hating Rufus can both lead to the end of romantic relationships. Plus, we record the pilot episode of my new podcast 'My Favorite Cereal'.
Listen in the player above or download the episode by clicking here.
Subscribe to the podcast in iTunes here or in other podcasting apps by copying/pasting our RSS feed - http://myfavoritealbum.libsyn.com/rss My Favorite Album is a podcast unpacking the great works of pop music. Each episode features a different songwriter or musician discussing their favorite album of all time - their history with it, the making of the album, individual songs and the album’s influence on their own music. Jeremy Dylan is a filmmaker, journalist and photographer from Sydney, Australia who has worked in the music industry since 2007. He directed the the feature music documentary Jim Lauderdale: The King of Broken Hearts (out now!) and the feature film Benjamin Sniddlegrass and the Cauldron of Penguins, in addition to many commercials and music videos.
If you’ve got any feedback or suggestions, drop us a line at [email protected].
- All Our Exes Live in Texas on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Buy tickets to their upcoming Australian tour here.
- Buy ‘Want’ here.
- Jeremy Dylan’s website, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook page.
- Like the podcast on Facebook here.
- If you dig the show, please leave a rating or review of the show on iTunes here.
207. Eilish Gilligan on Counting Crows ‘August and Everthing After’ (1993) 206. Katie Brianna on Rilo Kiley ‘Under the Blacklight’ (2007) 205. Pegi Young on her biggest influences, from Janis to Joni, Clapton to the Dead 204. Margaret Glaspy on Bjork ‘Vespertine’ (2001) 203. Iluka on Marvin Gaye ‘What’s Going On’ (1971) 202. Veronica Milsom (triple J) on The Shins ‘Wincing the Night Away’ (2007) 201. Charles Esten on Bruce Springsteen ‘Born to Run’ (1975) 200. What’s Your Favorite Aussie Music? with Benmont Tench, Duglas T Stewart, Natalie Prass, Sam Palladio and Jeff Greenstein 199. Showrunner Jeff Lieber on Gregory Alan Isakov ‘The Weatherman’ and how music fuels his writing process 198. Jack Colwell on Tori Amos ‘Boys for Pele’ (1996) 197. Benmont Tench on playing with Bob Dylan, Jenny Lewis and Ryan Adams and the worst advice he’s received 196. Ella Thompson (Dorsal Fins, GL) on Renee Geyer ‘Moving On’ 195. The Shires on Lady Antebellum ‘Own the Night’ (2011) 194. Duglas T Stewart (BMX Bandits) on Beach Boys ‘Love You’ (1977) 193. Dan Soder on Queens of the Stone Age ‘Like Clockwork’ (2013) 192. Kingswood on The Beatles ‘Magical Mystery Tour’ (1967) 191. Comedian Becky Lucas on Michael Jackson ‘Bad’ (1987) 190. PVT on Brian Eno ‘Another Green World’ (1975) 189. Middle Kids on My Brightest Diamond ‘Bring Me The Workhorse’ (2006) 188. The Bitter Script Reader on Tom Hanks ‘That Thing You Do’ (1996) 187. Carly Rae Jepsen ‘Emotion’ (2015) with CRJ Dream Team Roundtable 186. Sarah Belkner on Peter Gabriel ‘So’ (1986) 185. Mark Hart (Crowded House, Supertramp) on XTC ‘Drums and Wires’ (1979) 184. Emma Swift on Marianne Faithfull ‘Broken English’ (1974) 183. Owen Rabbit on Kate Bush ‘Hounds of Love’ (1985) 182. Robyn Hitchcock on Bob Dylan ‘Blonde on Blonde’ (1966) 181. Dave Mudie (Courtney Barnett) on Nirvana ‘Nevermind’ (1991) 180. Brian Koppelman on Bruce Springsteen ‘Nebraska’ (1982) 179. Nicholas Allbrook (POND) on OutKast ‘The Love Below’ (2003) 178. 2016 in Review: What the hell? ft Jeff Greenstein, Rob Draper & Cookin on 3 Burners, Melody Pool, Lisa Mitchell, Emma Swift, Brian Koppelman, Mark Hart (Crowded House), Davey Lane and Alex Lahey 177. Harper Simon on The Beatles ‘White Album’ (1968) 176. Andrew P Street on Models ‘Pleasure of Your Company’ (1983) 175. Matt Farley (Motern Media) on why The Beach Boys ‘Love You’ is better than ‘Pet Sounds’ 174. Lisa Mitchell on Regina Spektor ‘Begin to Hope’ (2006) and her favorite albums of 2016 173. Peter Bibby on Sleep ‘Dopesmoker’ (2003) 172. Slate’s Jack Hamilton on Stevie Wonder ‘Innervisions’ (1973) 171. Showrunner Blake Masters on Drive-By Truckers ‘The Dirty South’ (2004) 170. Taylor Goldsmith (Dawes) on on their new album ‘We’re All Gonna Die’, loving LA and the albums that inspire him 169. Sadler Vaden on The Rolling Stones ‘Goats Head Soup’ (1973) 168. Guy Clark biographer Tamara Saviano on ‘Dublin Blues’, Guy’s songwriting process and his musical legacy 167. What does Trump mean for music? 166. A Tribute to Sir George Martin, The Fifth Beatle with Davey Lane and Brett Wolfie 165. John Oates on Joni Mitchell ‘Blue’ (1971) 164. Jimmy Vivino on the birth of the Max Weinberg 7, his relationship with Conan O’Brien, country music and the future of rock’n’roll 163. DJ Alix Brown on Transformer (1972) by Lou Reed 162. Taylor Locke on Doolittle (1989) by the Pixies, the album that inspired 90s alt-rock 161. Harts on Around the World in a Day (1985) by Prince and jamming with Prince at Paisley Park 160. Mark McKinnon (The Circus) on Kristofferson and programming the President’s iPod 159. Alan Brough on A Walk Across the Rooftops (1984) by The Blue Nile 158. Peter Cooper on Pretty Close to the Truth (1994) and why we need Americana music 157. Will Colvin (Hedge Fund) on One of the Boys by Katy Perry (2008) 156. Julia Jacklin on Extraordinary Machine by Fiona Apple (2005) 155. Japanese Wallpaper on Currents by Tame Impala (2015) 154. Montaigne on her album Glorious Heights (2016) and its inspirations 153. Alex Lahey on Hot Fuss by the Killers (2004) 152. Jack Moffitt (The Preatures) on Physical Graffiti by Led Zeppelin (1975) 151. Mike Bloom on Axis Bold As Love by Jimi Hendrix (1968) 150. Hey Geronimo on Drowning in the Fountain of Youth by Dan Kelly (2006) 149. Mickey Raphael on Teatro by Willie Nelson (1998) 148. Jack Ladder on Suicide by Suicide 147. Rusty Anderson on Hot Rats by Frank Zappa 146. Kenny Aronoff on The Beatles 145. Bob Evans on A Grand Don’t Come for Free by The Streets 144. Chris Hewitt (Empire) on New Adventues in Hi-Fi by REM 143. Dr Warren Zanes on Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers 142. Dr Mark Kermode (Wittertainment) on Sleep No More by the Comsat Angels 141. Van Dyke Parks on Randy Newman by Randy Newman 140. Imogen Clark on Heartbreaker by Ryan Adams 139. Jesse Thorn on Fresh by Sly and the Family Stone 138. Stephen Tobolowsky on The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars by David Bowie 137. Ben Blacker on Blood and Chocolate on Elvis Costello & the Attractions 136. Jonny Fritz on West by Lucinda Williams 135. Adam Busch on A River Ain’t Too Much to Love by Smog 134. Kelsea Ballerini on Blue Neighbourhood by Troye Sivan 133. Natalie Prass on Presenting Dionne Warwick 132. Josh Pyke on Badmotorfinger by Soundgarden 131. Kip Moore on Born to Run by Bruce Springsteen 130. Koi Child on Voodoo by D’Angelo 129. The Cadillac Three on Wildflowers by Tom Petty 128. Julian McCullough on Appetite for Destruction by Guns n Roses 127. Danny Clinch on Greetings from Ashbury Park NJ by Bruce Springsteen 126. Sam Palladio (Nashville) on October Road by James Taylor 125. Steve Mandel on Blood and Chocolate by Elvis Costello 124. Brian Koppelman on The History of the Eagles 123. Benmont Tench on Beggars Banquet by the Rolling Stones 122. Jimmy Vivino (Basic Cable Band) on Super Session by Al Kooper, Mike Bloomfield and Stephen Stills 121. Holiday Sidewinder on Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid by Bob Dylan 120. Ben Blacker on Aladdin Sane by David Bowie 119. EZTV on The Toms by The Toms 118. Jess Ribeiro on Transformer by Lou Reed 117. Whitney Rose on Keith Whitley Greatest Hits 116. Best Albums of 2015 with Danny Yau ft. Jason Isbell, Dan Kelly, Shane Nicholson, Tim Rogers, Will Hoge and Julien Barbagallo (Tame Impala) 115. Phil Spector’s A Christmas Gift For You with Jaime Lewis 114. Xmas Music ft. Kristian Bush, Lee Brice, Corb Lund and Tim Byron 113. Sam Outlaw on Pieces of the Sky by Emmylou Harris 112. Jason Isbell on Sticky Fingers by the Rolling Stones 111. Ash Naylor (Even) on Houses of the Holy by Led Zeppelin 110. Burke Reid (Gerling) on Dirty by Sonic Youth 109. Lance Ferguson (The Bamboos) on Kind of Blue by Miles Davis 108. Lindsay ‘The Doctor’ McDougall (Frenzal Rhomb) on Curses! by Future of the Left 107. Julien Barbagallo (Tame Impala) on Chrominance Decoder by April March 106. Melody Pool on Blue by Joni Mitchell 105. Rusty Hopkinson (You Am I) on ‘Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era’ 104. Jeff Greenstein on A Quick One (Happy Jack) by The Who 103. Dave Cobb on Revolver by the Beatles 102. Justin Melkmann (World War IX) on Coney Island Baby by Lou Reed 101. Kacey Musgraves on John Prine by John Prine 100. Does the album have a future? 99. Corb Lund on Gunfighter Ballads and Trail Songs by Marty Robbins 98. Bad Dreems on Unknown Pleasures by Joy Division 97. Davey Lane (You Am I) on Abbey Road by the Beatles 96. Dan Kelly on There’s A Riot Goin’ On by Sly and the Family Stone 95. Ash Grunwald on Mule Variations by Tom Waits 94. Stella Angelico on The Shangrilas 93. Eves the Behavior on Blue by Joni Mitchell 92. Troy Cassar-Daley on Willie Nelson’s Greatest Hits 91. Lydia Loveless on Pleased to Meet Me by the Replacements 90. Gena Rose Bruce on The Boatman’s Call by Nick Cave 89. Kitty Daisy and Lewis on A Swingin’ Safari by Bert Kaempfert 88. Will Hoge on Modern Sounds in Country & Western Music by Ray Charles 87. Shane Nicholson on 52nd St by Billy Joel 86 - Tired Lion on Takk… by Sigur Ros 85 - Whispering Bob Harris on Forever Changes by Love 84 - Jake Stone (Bluejuice) on Ben Folds Five by Ben Folds Five 83 - Pete Thomas (Elvis Costello and the Imposters) on Are You Experienced? by the Jimi Hendrix Experience 82 - Dom Alessio on OK Computer by Radiohead 81 - Anthony Albanese MP on The Good Son by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds 80 - John Waters on Electric Ladyland by The Jimi Hendrix Experience 79 - Jim DeRogatis (Sound Opinions) on Clouds Taste Metallic by The Flaming Lips 78 - Montaigne on The Haunted Man by Bat for Lashes 77 - Guy Pratt (Pink Floyd) on Quadrophenia by The Who 76 - Homer Steinweiss (Dap Kings) on Inspiration Information by Shuggie Otis 75 - Best of 2015 (So Far) ft. Danny Yau, Montaigne, Harts, Joelistics, Rose Elinor Dougall and Burke Reid 74 - Matt Farley (Motern Media) on RAM by Paul McCartney BONUS - Neil Finn on The Beatles, Neil Young, David Bowie and Radiohead 73 - Grace Farriss (Burn Antares) on All Things Must Pass by George Harrison 72 - Katie Noonan on Blue by Joni Mitchell 71 - Harts on Band of Gypsys by Jimi Hendrix 70 - Tim Rogers (You Am I) on Bring the Family by John Hiatt 69 - Mark Seymour (Hunters and Collectors) on The Ghost of Tom Joad by Bruce Springsteen 68 - Jeremy Neale on Graceland by Paul Simon 67 - Joelistics on Graceland by Paul Simon 66 - Brian Nankervis (RocKwiz) on Astral Weeks by Van Morrison 65 - ILUKA on Pastel Blues by Nina Simone 64 - Rose Elinor Dougall on Tender Buttons by Broadcast 63 - Sarah McLeod (The Superjesus) on Siamese Dream by The Smashing Pumpkins 62 - Keyone Starr on The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill 61 - Chase Bryant on Defying Gravity by Keith Urban 60 - Brian Koppelman on Southeastern by Jason Isbell 59 - Michael Carpenter on The Beatles White Album Side 4 58 - Pete Kilroy (Hey Geronimo) on The Beatles White Album Side 3 57 - Mark Wells on The Beatles White Album Side 2 56 - Jeff Greenstein on Colossal Youth by Young Marble Giants 55 - Laura Bell Bundy on Shania Twain, Otis Redding and Bright Eyes 54 - Jake Clemons on Surfacing by Sarah McLachlan 53 - Kristian Bush (Sugarland) on The Joshua Tree by U2 52 - Kevin Bennett (The Flood) on Willis Alan Ramsey by Willis Alan Ramsey 51 - Lee Brice on Unorthodox Jukebox by Bruno Mars 50 - Davey Lane (You Am I) on the White Album (Side 1) by The Beatles 49 - Joe Camilleri on The Rolling Stones by The Rolling Stones 48 - Russell Morris on The Rolling Stones by The Rolling Stones 47 - Mike Rudd (Spectrum) on England’s Newest Hitmakers by The Rolling Stones 46 - Henry Wagons on Harvest by Neil Young 45 - Megan Washington on Poses by Rufus Wainwright 44 - Andrew Hansen (The Chaser) on Armchair Theatre by Jeff Lynne 43 - She Rex on BlakRoc by The Black Keys 42 - Catherine Britt on Living with Ghosts by Patty Griffin 41 - Robyn Hitchcock on Plastic Ono Band by John Lennon 40 - Gideon Bensen (The Preatures) on Transformer by Lou Reed 39 - Harry Hookey on Blood on the Tracks by Bob Dylan 38 - Rob Draper on Faith by George Michael 37 - Best of 2014 ft. Danny Yau, Andrew Hansen, Gideon Bensen (The Preatures) and Mike Carr 36 - Doug Pettibone on Wrecking Ball by Emmylou Harris 35 - Ross Ryan on Late for the Sky by Jackson Browne 34 - Michael Carpenter on Hard Promises by Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers 33 - Davey Lane (You Am I) on Jesus of Cool by Nick Lowe 32 - Zane Carney on Smokin’ at the Half Note by Wes Montgomery 31 - Tony Buchen on Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by The Beatles 30 - Simon Relf (The Tambourine Girls) on On the Beach by Neil Young 29 - Peter Cooper on In Search of a Song by Tom T Hall 28 - Thelma Plum on Stolen Apples by Paul Kelly 27 - James House on Rubber Soul by the Beatles 26 - Ella Hooper on Let England Shake by PJ Harvey 25 - Abbey Road Special 24 - Alyssa Bonagura on Room for Squares by John Mayer 23 - Luke Davison (The Preatures) on Green Onions by Booker T and the MGs 22 - Neil Finn on Hunky Dory by David Bowie and In Rainbows by Radiohead 21 - Neil Finn on Beatles for Sale by the Beatles and After the Goldrush by Neil Young 20 - Morgan Evans on Diorama by Silverchair 19 - Emma Swift on Car Wheels On A Gravel Road by Lucinda Williams 18 - Danny Yau on Hourly Daily by You Am I 17 - J Robert Youngtown and Jon Auer (The Posies) on Hi Fi Way by You Am I 16 - Lester the Fierce on Hounds of Love by Kate Bush 15 - Luke Davison on Green Onions by Booker T and the MGs 14 - Jeff Cripps on Wheels of Fire by Cream 13 - Mark Holden on Blue by Joni Mitchell (Part 2) 12 - Mark Holden on Blue by Joni Mitchell (Part 1) 11 - Gossling on O by Damien Rice 10 - Matt Fell on Temple of Low Men by Crowded House 9 - Pete Thomas on Are You Experienced? by Jimi Hendrix (Part 2) 8 - Pete Thomas on Are You Experienced? by Jimi Hendrix (Part 1) 7 - Sam Hawksley on A Few Small Repairs by Shawn Colvin 6 - Jim Lauderdale on Grievous Angel by Gram Parsons 5 - Mark Moffatt on Blues Breakers by John Mayall and Eric Clapton 4 - Darren Carr on Ten Easy Pieces by Jimmy Webb 3 - Mark Wells on Revolver by The Beatles 2 - Mike Carr on Arrival by ABBA 1 - Rob Draper on Highway 61 Revisited by Bob Dylan
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funnybunny365271 ¡ 7 years
Eighties Kids Incorporated Halloween Songs
I looked up Halloween in yahoo for my son and came across a bunch of songs with conventional Xmas tunes. Why It's Great: The picture of an elephant balancing on a spider web will have kids laughing, and this traditional people track and kids's rhyme is an effective way to get children to observe counting in a completely fun approach. The lyrics may be a bit darkish, however the fast pace of the track and Rihanna's extremely belt-in a position chorus make for one hell of jam for a Halloween dance ground. Mutts has a ebook membership; a goose, one reader, resorts to nursery rhymes quite often. Although a lot of the songs within the Halloween playlist are perfectly tremendous to be performed at any time of the year, this particular little gem should be reserved for the Halloween season and may fire up some nostalgic excitement together with your friends. With the $3.75 obtain comes the fitting to make up to 5 copies of each copyrighted song for no extra charge. It's also an effective way to observe counting—you may sing it as excessive as your youngsters can rely, as those elephants will all the time wish to name one other buddy over! On the sixth day of Halloween my real love gave to my six goblins gobbling, five scary spooks, 4 skeletons, three black bats, two trick or treaters, and an owl in a dead oak tree. Songs just like the Pumpkin Man, the Halloween associates, happy Halloween , twinkle twinkle candlelight, and trick or treat are some songs that will only make you snort even for those who surrounded by scary issues. If these 6 songs simply aren't enough or you just really need to take your Halloween occasion to the next level, be sure to Hear Dwell from 8pm-Midnight on Saturday, October twenty ninth for our Commercial-Free Halloween Home Social gathering mix. An excellent fraction of Halloween decorations make the most of the song for his or her sound packing containers, it is replayed on the radio all season nearly in every single place, and it has been featured in Halloween specials such as Alvin and Chipmunks's Trick or Treason; Futurama, The Big , Blissful days, and lots of others. Go to The Studying Station on-line the place you possibly can listen to song samples from our entire collection of award-profitable CD's! In true punk rock type, this tune talks about conformity, but while additionally containing imagery of Halloween. The scary halloween music is a necessity to the Halloween get together or different related actions. L.Okay. Alchin from Nursery Rhymes, Lyrics, and Origins discusses some of the violent and controversial origins. As a result of HI THERE it is SJP with awesome cleavage and it is spooky as hell from the movie Hocus Pocus. And present nonsense rhymes that were a part of this oral custom could be used or adapted to make references https://www.soundtrack.net/album/frozen/ to present occasions. The author may try to explain their rhymes — often sufficient, with a parody origin. Their tune Halloween Night time” is a fun get together tune to bounce to, though it lacks a few of that Halloween creepiness that some individuals take pleasure in. Much less horrifying, extra fun: Our round-up of the perfect Halloween movies for kids, ranked from least to most spooky, ensures a fantastic evening in when the trick-or-treating is finished. It's a traditional '50s model music and a great way to introduce the development I - vi - IV - V in the important thing of G. Also, a nice call and response - choose your half. We agree with Stevie Marvel — it would not at all times pay to be superstitious — but we will still be just a little apprehensive about breaking mirrors and crossing black cats on Halloween. Easter Songs and songs about the Easter Bunny with lyrics and music to listen to. Lead vocalist Karen sings about dancing into the afterlife in this synth-pop Yeah Yeah Yeahs track. And, with a whole month, I am considering you could possibly get your guitar class in form for a Halloween recital. This frighteningly free album over at is a group of creepy songs that's comprised of three sections - Cinematic and Soundscapes, Rock and Dance, and Fiendish Songs. I might avoid storytime as properly in the atrium — the lights flash on and off they usually use spooky voices for elements of the story. Madison's Halloween occasion clogs up State Street for a complete night, by some means taking a city that's already at occasion level eleven, and turning it up even more. If you happen to're throwing a Halloween bash and want some spooky and silly Halloween music to set the mood, here is a playlist loaded with child-friendly Halloween songs which can be sure to get your little company transferring and grooving. Elevating Children Community: Child Karaoke - Choose and play top-of-the-line nursery rhymes and songs out there for young youngsters. But because the traditional Halloween rock picture of Gene Simmons hoarking blood down his face alone can take any Halloween social gathering to the following stage, all the time present aktual reside footage each time doable. Halloween falls on a Monday this yr, which implies you can easily go to 4 parties on four consecutive days. Discover a number of most interesting books for kids, hand-picked by specialists at Children's Bookshelf. Hardcore punk pioneers the Useless Kennedys used the Halloween holiday as symbolism in its remaining single, ragging on people who are solely keen to repersonalize themselves sooner or later out of the year, urging them to place social rules in a really private place. Thief: Lethal Shadows comprises a number of nursery rhymes, all of them relatively disturbing (and accurate foreshadowing). From worksheets about the historical past of Halloween to songs and actions for young learners, and from a scary webquest to https://www.soundtrack.net/album/frozen/ audio serializations of literary classics, we have got all of your spooky wants lined! This 12 months, the children held arms as they paraded into the cafeteria on Thursday morning, the place senior residents had been consuming their morning tea and having breakfast. If you may get everyone to decorate up in a Halloween fancy costume costume for the class it is going to make the entire expertise more enjoyable! Even people who have never seen this film are normally accustomed to the tune the Time Warp,” but for our list we select Sweet Transvestite.” Within the tune, Frank N. Furter talks about himself, and mainly informs Brad and Janet that they're going to be his captive company till he hooks them up with a phone. DLTK has a very cool bingo card generator that makes it straightforward to create your individual customized Halloween bingo cards.
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