#i was gonna say his real name but i think it makes the post shadowbanned?
1v31182m5 · 1 year
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meimi-haneoka · 4 years
Clear Card chapter 39 - review
Real life really takes the will to do lengthy things away from me, even if it’s for fun.
But I love Cardcaptor Sakura so much, so I take this almost as a “duty” to pay respect to this wonderful series. I love when things are done properly and not left “hanging”, so here we go, even if a bit delayed compared to usual: (long)THOUGHTS ON CHAPTER 39 under the cut!!
I’d like to start with a small consideration before going with plot-centric rants: I have noticed the post with this chapter obtained a lot less notes than usual, but it’s a trend that has been going on for a while. I’m not really sure what could be the cause, it can range from Tumblr shadowbanning posts from the tag search if they include a link (so the posts are not visible that much anymore, despite my efforts to make a second text post), to people preferring other sources to get their chapters (and that’s fine), to the fandom moving altogether to other sites and communities, or....to the fandom’s interest slowly fading away. Since it seems we’re almost going towards the climax, I’m not sure how to react to the latter option. I think this is supposed to be the moment in which the fandom’s interest is the more active, but I could be wrong. Anyway, if that’s the case, then I guess it’s really time for CLAMP to wrap it up.
Without further ado, let’s analyze this chapter!
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The color page was L O V E L Y. Oh my gosh Sakura-chan, look how grown up you appear here. More beautiful than ever. She’s even re-using a sweater from another color illustration, lol. It’s perfectly fitting with the autumn season and I loved it!
Let’s bother her a little more
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Starting off from where we left in ch. 38, Sakura is blown away and Syaoran tries to have The Shadow look for her once again, but....”fooled once, not fooled twice” thinks Kaito, isn’t it? Kaito wants Sakura to do stuff on her own, so he literally “throws” her into a dark tree hole, where her shadow can’t be traced, because well....there’s none. He isn’t looking particularly amused while he does this, well, what I mean is that it’s not like he’s having sadistic fun, causing her troubles. His face is kinda apologetic when he's all “here comes the knight but thanks, no thanks”, as if he understands that Syaoran wants to save her, but he cannot really do otherwise. Sakura needs to do this alone, in order to produce a fitting card. Would you care to tell us readers what this damned card is, Kaito?
The first conversation
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Kaito is in the mood for some memories. Memories of the first time he spoke with Akiho. I found it interesting that he used the verb “having a conversation with” rather than “meeting”, and the reason is also pretty easy to guess: for him, it wasn’t the first time. He saw her (although from afar) when he analyzed her through that ball, to determine whether she had magical powers or not.  And their first conversation didn’t start in the best of ways: Akiho’s first reaction is to run away. But what can you expect from a little girl who was used to be considered a bother and only basing on her magical capabilities, and not as a human being. So when Kaito asks her if he bothered her, her confusion is plain visible on her face: Is he talking to me? Me, who is usually the bothering one here?
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And so she’s surprised big time when he actually shows to be interested to know which book she was reading. NO ONE, I repeat, NO ONE ever did that for her. Remember what environment she grew up in. He is the first and only one wanting to even have a conversation with her (her family only made “questions”). By the way, thanks to Impatient Scans, we actually aknowledge Akiho here might be reading “Momo”, by German writer Michael Ende. That opens a whole new box of questions, starting from “IS THIS where Momo takes her name from? Who gave it to her? What is her real name? Could the story actually be giving plot hints?”
All in all, let me just say I loved this flashback. I always love when there’s a Kaito or Akiho flashback, because I’m so hungry for their background story. I know the story has to sacrifice a bit of the other characters in order to show more of them, because 30 pages are just 30 pages, after all. But it’s ok, that’s also the reason why I’m glad I warmed up to both of these 2, because every month I have more things to look forward to, and I generally am never disappointed with a chapter’s content.
There’s no turning back
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As if on cue, Momo starts an inner monologue on Kaito and Akiho, and how much he changed for her.
He really didn’t care about anything, before. He couldn’t be bothered to do anything. He was a very apathetic boy, some fans have theorized he could be on the brink of depression himself without even realizing it (again, consider what a shitty environment he grew up in, a den of delinquents).
And yet.
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Among all those criminals, he raised his hand. His voice loud and clear, “I’ll go”. He, the boy who found everything a bother, decided something for himself for the first time ever, and to assist someone else, no less. Momo wonders, to herself, what changed inside of you? Cause something must have changed.
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This was another part I really really loved. All the memories of their travels together. You can see the different countries they’ve been to, and their body language, that implies there was still some kind of “distance” between them. Akiho seems still kinda “wary” of Kaito in these shots (and with a reason, who would trust anyone if they were raised up like she did?). But we can see them being more relaxed and at ease the more they spend time together, and it’s on this time spent together that Momo puts the focus on. It’s where Kaito should ideally start to find the answer to the big, complex question.
What made you do this?
Momo muses over how Kaito learned to do all sorts of things in order to please Akiho and to make her live in a healthy environment (remember Akiho saying that Kaito makes by hand all her meals?), finally not neglected but at the center of someone’s attentions. She makes a random example on the tea. Why someone who didn’t give sh*t about how tea tasted, went all the way down to learn how to make it in a delicious way? I love how CLAMP cleverly used the word 術 with the furigana “sube”, which means “how to do something”, but with the same kanji and the reading “jutsu” it also means “spell”. This probably to imply that some magic might have been included in this learning process, err. XD
I also loved how Momo thinks that Kaito needs to look at the truth straight in the eyes, without turning away. Could he be scared to admit the truth? Loving someone (and hear me again, love of any kind, not romantic love exclusively) comes with a little fear. For someone who never experienced it, all the more. It’s a totalizing feeling that might destabilize you.  If he doesn’t wake up to this, it’s gonna be too late. That’s literally what Momo says.
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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE SHOCKER OF THIS MONTH! Momo and Akiho’s mom knew eachother, and Momo even received her ring and the task to look over her daughter, and Sakura as well. “My Alice, and that girl’s Alice”. I mean, I knew Akiho’s mom was going to be important, but dammit she really looks like she’s been the one moving some plot threads since long time!!! I love this.
The nightmare
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And here comes the part where I start screaming “WHAT THE F*CK IS HAPPENING HERE”. Sakura finds herself in a strange land with big flowers (she’s still tiny, let’s remember that), flowers that can actually speak. At her surprised face, the flowers reply “You wished for this, didn’t you?”.
And then we get to this creepy scene of Akiho appearing out of nowhere, with her experiment outfit, calling Sakura in a dead tone. I was seriously freaking out at the panel composition. Made entirely to evoke creepiness. Apparently, we’re in Alice’s story. Yes. BUT WHICH ALICE?
The strange reality turns into a nightmare. Literally.
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Everything turns dark, Sakura is having another one of her dreams. The “shaaan” and the clocks are a sign of it. MCF appears behind Akiho, who this time is in the same position she was when she was turned into a magical artifact by her clan. Sakura’s face twists in horror even before MCF opens his robe, because she knows who’s under it. The last time she saw MCF in a dream was also the last time she saw who was under it. Her heart and mind scarred irreparably forever. And there he is. Syaoran, dead in his eyes. Sakura’s shrieks “NO!!” in horror, she completely refuses to believe this is a real thing. Now, I don’t really know what’s happening here, because after this, everything breaks and she captures GUESS WHAT, the “Break” card. So it’s hard to determine if it was a real dream or only an illusion. Maybe Kaito made her go into her subconscious to find bits and pieces of what she experienced before, in order to shake her enough to produce the right card. Because, if all of this is coming from her, then it means a part of her brain does remember despite the time rewindings of Kaito. And it’s very important. She saw Akiho’s past when she was trapped inside Akiho’s book, but all of that was erased when Kaito rewound time. Well, not from her heart, however, because she hugged Akiho tightly while crying. So now what do we have here? A part of what she’s not supposed to remember. I think this vision is a twisted mix of horrifying things she saw previously, and indeed her natural reaction is to destroy in pieces what she’s seeing. Quite literally, since the two kanji for “Break” actually mean “Destruction”. Is this the card Kaito was looking for? I’m not sure. Because he said that “Rewind” went quite close to it, and I can’t make out any relation between “Break” and “Rewind”. I still have the impression the card he might want her to make has got more to do with “restoring” things to how they were before. So, if it’s instead Kaito the one who made her see those things, he might have wanted her to wish to bring everything as it was before. HE needed a strong reaction from her. But she made “Break” instead. Will it be ok for him so we can move on to the climax?
I have to admit I kinda loved the more creepy and nightmare-ish atmosphere of the last 10 pages. Sakura evidently has got something big going on, and it’s time she talks to Syaoran about this. It’s time she tells him fair and square what’s she’s seeing more and more often. It’s about him too, at this point. She can’t keep this a secret anymore, not when it’s eating her sanity and peace of mind away.
Next chapter is going to be published in the February issue, in stores on the last days of December if everything goes as usual (for New Year’s they always anticipate the release of that issue). So we have another unexpected break as I already said, and I kinda figured it when I saw CLAMP going on a trip 20 days ago. It’s ok, we can do this! If we’re approaching the climax, it make sense that they take vacation now, so afterwards they can work fully straight into the finale.
Thanks for reading this long rant, and I wait for your comments!
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detroitbecomevenom · 5 years
Investigated (2)
Pair: Miles Morales and Reader (you)
Summary: Y/n’s newspaper has gotten her fame even outside of her little school. her articles on Spider-Man are usually well received, well until someone not exactly fond of the masked hero gets a hold of one of them. Now Spider-Man, who is actually the reporter’s boyfriend, Miles Morales, must find a way to save her before it’s too late.
[This is a short series that I’ve written. The first part can be found through my masterlist. I can’t link anything because of the whole shadowbanning linked posts thing on this website lol.]
Y/n opened her eyes and lifted her head up, finally in control of her own vision. For a moment she had forgotten what had happened, then the memories rushed back as she found that she was stuck to a chair with tape over her mouth. This was the cliche situation that she only thought happened in fanfiction written by uneducated teenagers, but this was real.
There was a desk in front of her with nobody actually sitting at it, but she assumed that it belonged to whoever took her. The room seemed to be empty with the exception of herself so it could be possible that she could attempt an escape. She struggled with moving any part of her body other than her head, but that unfortunately made more noise than she had initially expected.
The door behind her opened and the person walked around her, sitting on the desk. Y/ns eyes widened with the sight of him: Wilson Fisk. He smiled, watching her panic in her chair. “Hello, sweetheart. Sorry about the big scene, but if you tell me what I need to know, you’ll be back home safe and sound as soon as you know it.” Y/n felt her heart drop into her stomach, what was she supposed to know?
Y/n raised her brows and peered down to tell him that she couldn’t really speak with the tape, without actually saying anything. He got the idea, peeling the tape off and sitting back on the desk. “What do you need to know?” she tried taking the path that kept herself safe, although she didn’t really have any big secrets that a crime lord would need to know.
Her cooperation brought a smile to his face. He pulled out a picture and unfolded it, showing her. “Who is this?” he asked, keeping the paper as still as he could for her. It showed Spider-Man in action. She was confused, “The person under the mask.” he clarified.
Anxiety built up quickly in Y/n’s heart, just like it would when she takes a test that she didn’t study for. This could possibly be a life or death thing here, yet she had no idea how to win the life option. She took a deep breath, knowing her answer wouldn’t make things better, “I don’t know.” she shut her eyes, waiting for his reaction.
“That’s what I figured you’d say,” he gloated, watching her carefully open her eyes. He searched around the desk and picks up a pair of scissors, standing up and walking towards her. Y/n felt herself tense up, her own body trying to figure out what he was going to do with the sharp object he now wielded. She shook while he combed through her hair with his own hand, stopping at around her shoulders and cutting the section off. “Now, I’m gonna keep cutting until you think it’s time, to tell the truth.” He took another section, the sound of the blading closing in made tears form in her eyes.
He cut again, “I am telling the truth, I don’t know who he is,” she pleaded, hearing the sound once again, knowing that this wouldn’t last long and the next thing could be much worse. “I’ve only met him once and it was a long time ago,” she added.
The last cut was made and Y/n looked on the ground to see her previously long hair all over the dirty floor. She felt like she was on an episode of Law and Order, but this time she wasn’t sure if the cops were going to save her. A tear dropped onto her shirt, breaking for the first time after she had told herself to be strong. “That’s the thing, though.” he knelt down in front of her, “I still don’t believe you.” He caught a tear from her cheek and wiped it on her shirt. “I’m going to come back later and if you decide that you’re gonna stop telling stories, then nothing else will happen to you. If you think you’re going to try and be a hero, I will warn you now that you’ll only be dreaming of safety.” Fisk locked the door behind him, leaving Y/n in a completely dark room to cry.
“Right now marks twenty-four hours ever since the incident that happened in Brooklyn, New York. The mayor has stated publicly that he is safe as well as recovering from the shooting and everything is being done to find Y/n L/n as soon as possible.” the news reporter read off of teleprompter with a straight face, making sure that he didn’t say anything wrong. “Latest reports from the PDNY say that the shooter has been identified and is a known affiliate with the crime lord and recent prison escapee Wilson Fisk. Now, we don’t know why someone so big in the crime ring would want a high school student that simply tries to help her own community, but we can only guess for now. What do you think?” he turned to the man next to him with the same look as him.
“The most popular thing that I’ve seen from online theorizers was that Y/n was a symbol of peace and Fisk is making a statement. Whatever the reason, however, we still have a heavy heart for this girl. We have no idea what she may be going through, let alone her friends and family.”
Y/n felt as if she couldn’t remember a time where she wasn’t stuck in a dark room fearing for her life. She somehow fell asleep after many hours of staring at everything on the desk in front of her, studying it. Her senses elevated when she heard the door opening, yet there was a new guy that entered. He carried a plate with a waffle and bottled water, “Boss doesn’t want you dead, so here.” he placed the plate on her lap and stepped back.
She raised her brows at him, glancing to her restrained arms and the plate. Was this guy really that dense? Don’t get her wrong, the last thing she wanted was to be demeaningly hand-fed by a stranger, but the situation called for it unless he actually wanted to release a hand. At this point, she would rather have been tortured than having food shoved down her throat.
The whole process was almost dehumanizing and Y/n quietly praised when he had left, although having food was a relief as well. Now she had to wait again, which seemed like the real torture as she started to lose her own mind in the silence and darkness. Sometimes she would hear the door opening, but then realizing that the sound was merely in her head. She thought about Miles, how worried he might’ve been. She had no idea exactly how long she was gone so he could’ve been forced to go to school without her. She thought about Spider-Man, whoever he really was, and if he was trying to find her.
This process went on for days, each time Fisk would come in looking for answers that Y/n didn’t have. Each day got worse, from getting cut and being forced to take LSD to just straight up getting beaten. Today was strangely simple, with him dumping ice cold water over her, then proceeding to ask the million dollar question.
“Are you ready to cooperate today?” If Y/n ever said that she wasn’t almost petrified with fear at that exact moment in time, that would be the biggest lie she would have ever told. She looked up to the man with the straightest expression she could, although the uncertainty of what was about to happen to her now was eating away at her soul.
“I told you, I have no idea who he is,” she raised her voice, instantly regretting it. For a smart girl, she was a real dumbass in situations like this that could literally get her killed. Fisk smirked, shaking his head.
“I offer you freedom for one name, yet you still turn me down. It’s a shame, you had so much potential,” he walked back towards the door, only to let another man in. This new guy had a professional camera and a computer attached to it. He turned Y/n’s chair to face the camera and adjusted it as if he’d done it several times before.
“You know what to do, sir.” the man was typing away on his computer, which Y/n assumed had something to do with the camera’s function. She felt duct tape being slapped against her mouth, something that she hadn’t felt since the first day she was here. She looked at herself on the screen that showed the camera’s view and it felt like the person staring back wasn’t her at all. Her hair was short and eyes bloodshot from lack of proper sleep, this wasn’t her.
Fisk stood in between Y/n and the camera, probably for a dramatic reveal. The record light turned on red and he began talking. “Good morning Brooklyn. Hold your applause, as I can’t really hear you. This message is most likely not for you, but you can help spread it.” he spoke in a way that you would only hear while taking one of those standardized tests on the computer. “With that being said, Spider-Man needs to show up at the address shown on the screen by tonight or there will be consequences.”
He stepped to the side slowly for a dramatic reveal of Y/n, who stared longingly into the lens. She was cold, wet, and exhausted, almost the exact opposite of who she thought she had been on the daily. She felt his hand touch the top of her head. “Your little friend is waiting, so why not stroll on by alone. No cops or all they’ll see is a dead body,” he cocked a gun and held it to the side of her head. She shut her eyes tightly, knowing that he wouldn’t really shoot her even though the threat was still very valid. “Cut it,” he told the guy behind the camera and Y/n watched as the red light went out.
Y/n was conflicted. She didn’t want to be the reason that Spider-Man was killed, but she also wanted to stay alive for at least a little longer. She wanted to see Miles again and feel his lips against hers. If the beloved hero dies just so she could have a nice life, would she even be able to tolerate that big of a weight?
Fisk had left her and the camera guy alone in the room. He was in the process of putting his equipment away when they locked eyes. “You’re a pretty little one, aren’t you?” he teased, zipping the camera case shut. “It’s too bad you’ll be killed soon.” With that, he shut the door.
It had been a few hours since the recording and she watched the door open again, this time with Fisk and a few guys. “It’s moving day, sweetheart,” he chimed as the guys started to free her hands and legs from the chair that she hadn’t moved from in such a long time. When they finally stood her up, her own legs gave out on her, making her fall into the man next to her.
Her own exhausted led to cooperation, which made her willingly get in a suspicious van without resistance. All she wanted to do was sleep, or maybe take a shower, but mostly sleep. The vehicle stopped and Y/n was once again pulled out to the middle of some warehouse, waiting for who she assumed to be Spider-Man.
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go-redgirl · 5 years
Baltimore Is A Cesspool
Funtran Tran1 month ago
You look so young, beautiful and smart! I hope you awake many young Black Americans!
View 2 replies
Mary Amezcua1 month ago
Unfortunately, you will find this problem, in most urban blue cities and states, look what they’re doing to CA!37
Mr Theron1 month ago
So happy you are back! I was afraid you had been shadowbanned and I couldn't find you! God bless you and your family!47
Solving Politics
Welcome back Tracy! Racist is what leftists scream because they can’t compete on issues!
Casey Dude1 month agoI'm soooo tired of a fake media that's obsessed with race. 
ALL Americans look the same to me... We are all Red, White & Blue. Americans want to help thier fellow Americans in the inner cities, 
But they're being held hostage by the corrupt con-artists who run the citys. 
Just pray we/Trump can break the "spell". God bless.
REPLY DuffousTurd 711 month agoI 
love to find new Americans that have woken up...new sub (:
Zaphod Bebelbrox1 month agoGlad to see you Tracy. 
I thoroughly enjoy hearing you speak. 
May God bless you and keep you and yours always
MIHAI COZEA2 weeks ago
Dear Tracy you are a great american patriot, greetings from a white man from Canada.
Rene Harper2 weeks ago
Live in MD area too!!! Thank You!!! I  am so happy to know as a black woman that I'm not the "only one". I'm glad I found yr channel.🤗
Frogs86471 month ago
I am so happy I found your channel! 
Thank you for your words of common-sense. I thank God and pray for our President and America every day!
Don Quijote1 month ago
Anything or anyone who threatens the 90% threshold of democrat voting must be squahed/smeared
Jim Clark1 month ago (edited)Agree with you 100%. 
 Your comments regarding racial stereotypes that you have been called, and subsequently owned, is pretty much how many of us in the Caucasian community feel about being labeled as racists.  
We also see that in the same light as it pertains to Donald Trump. That is part of the reason why his poling numbers among many of us have not wavered, the left has lost it's collective mind. 
 I never want to see anyone fail, harmed, or otherwise abused, skin color be damned, but I have just come to accept that I am a racist because I was born with a skin tone that is lacking in pigment, a condition that I had absolutely no control over. 
 I think there are many people that are starting to see through the leftist lies to be honest with you. It is what it is. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.Read more
Norm Babbitt1 month ago
Thank you for speaking out on this.  Portland, Oregon, where I live has become a haven for loiterers, homeless (lying all over downtown on the sidewalks with lots of cursing and yelling obscenities, and mis-behavior, Antifa radicals and protests galore, including against the use of straws!  The police are given confusing orders, and seem afraid to do anything much.  I don't blame the officers.  
They're in between a rock and a hard place, not wanting to be condemned for taking any action.
I AM A VIKING1 week ago
And yet Cummings will shed SOME CROC TEARS over ILLEGALS as his own voters live in poverty......so thanks Elijah!
charles davis1 month ago (edited)Thank you. 
As soon as the MSM became controlled by socialists, many still believe what they say. I went to high school with many blacks that felt as you, they were Christian Conservatives but didn't realize it. 
Thank you again for changing your life and chose to take control. I was not a Trump fan when the whole thing began, but when I saw the debates, he impressed me more at each debate. 
The one that will always stick in my mind is when Dr Carson was called out, who can't hear very well so he stopped at just past the edge of the curtain out of view looking confused. 
I saw all of the candidates walk past Dr Carson giving him taunting smiles and continued on their way. Well Trump was called, started his walk and he saw Dr Carson standing by himself because he could not hear the moderator. 
Trump came to a complete stop behind Dr Carson, told him it was his turn to go out . No, he didn't walk past laughing at Dr Carson  , he made sure to show Dr Carson the respect he deserves. That was my defining moment, Trump is getting my vote.Read more
Firecracker CT1 month ago (edited)
Hello, my fellow Patriot, and welcome back! 
 You hit so many great points. Detroit, San Francisco, Baltimore and LA are trashed. Blows my mind. You spoke the truth when you said they're all Democrat run cities and basically sunk. My perpetual question is why some former Democrats wake up and see the light, like you did, and some keep eating the bullsh*t sandwiches the Democrats hand out? Apparently people don't do their own investigation into candidates. EC should be ashamed of his district. 
 The "squad" makes me laugh! Since when is someone of Palestinian descent, "a woman of color"? On a job app, she's white. If I were black, I'd be pissed she's acting like she knows what blacks have suffered in the past. 
"The 4 Nitwits" are trying to make a name and push an agenda; they offer zero real value and I consider them all dissidents. 
Omar may find herself in a fraud lawsuit if people keep digging dirt on her and her alleged marriage to her brother so she should sit down and shut up! 
AOC = millennial bust and a joke, talking about consider not having kids, gonna build a train from here to everywhere and the world will end in 12 years. 12 years?? 12??? Not 11?Didn't know she had a mathematical science deree, because she comes out with some numbers no one can understand, like trillions of dollars for, 
"The Green New Deal". I don't have a clue who the black girl in their "squad" is, how and who she represents or what she stands for. Aah... "Racist." 
When I hear that word, I tune out the rest of the conversation. Some people think "racist" is a hurtful word because anyone who isn't an actual racist knows they can't prove they're not; what the word "racist" tells me is the opponent has no valid argument. You're a bad@$$, girl. Keep up the great work! Great to see you're back.
0 notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
🔴WARNING: YouTube Is SHADOW BANNING Bitcoin Videos! + PROOF Whales Buying MASSIVE Bitcoin!
All right. Welcome back, everybody, to all Tarquin Daily Course, you subscribe to this channel for our daily videos on everything going on in the cryptocurrency space today. A lot of exciting things to talk about in today’s video. Before I get to this, I want to spend a few minutes talking about the shadow band problem that’s happening and it’s happening to the bigger Bitcoin cryptocurrency YouTube’s. So if you put the word Bitcoin in the title or description of any of your videos doesn’t apply to the past videos, but any videos in the past few days and going forward, it seems that these videos get shadowbanned for a period of time. So we did an experiment yesterday in yesterday’s video and this video right here, we did not use the word Bitcoin or anything related in the title or description. Guess what? That video performed normally, as in, it did not get shadowbanned by YouTube. So this is 100 percent YouTube’s algorithm picking up videos that mention the word bitcoin in this video. In the video, you’re watching right now. I’m sure you’ve noticed I decided to put the word Bitcoin in the title again. I mean, it’s just SVO, our channels about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. It hurts us if we can’t put Bitcoin in cryptocurrency in the title and description. So what this means is because the word Bitcoin is in the title, probably in a couple of hours after I released this video, I expect this video to get Shatto banned. YouTube will shadowban this video for a period of six to 12 hours, at least in our experience. But when I say shadow band, what YouTube is doing is this video will not show up in your subfield. This video will not be recommended to you and it won’t be recommended to anybody on YouTube. Even if you search the title of this video in the name of our channel. You will not be able to see this video because of the shadow band. After about 12 hours in our experience, the videos get put back to normal again. As in, they’re visible again. You can see them in yourself and feed they will be suggested. But as you can imagine, this kills all momentum. So I’ve been trying to email with YouTube premium support. They seem willing to help. But so far, they have yet to acknowledge the actual shadow banding problem. In my opinion, this is just speculation, but in my opinion, we are collateral damage. My theory is that YouTube is trying to crack down on these live stream scams and we and some of the bigger bitcoin and crypto YouTube channels are getting caught in the crossfire, unfortunately. And I’m sure you can understand. You know, as a content creator, this really hurts us. You know, we make videos so people can watch them. So YouTube shadowbanning us, you know, really hurts. Morale hurts our bottom line. Hopefully, this gets worked out soon. Do me a favour. Take two seconds. Hit the like button. Give this video a thumbs up. That’s what I need you to do. If you want to support the channel liking the video, it’s not going to stop the shadowban, but it will help us before and after the shadowban. And hopefully, our video can perform somewhere around normal. If everybody likes the video. So I wanted to clue you in as to everything that’s going on with our channel. But, you know, this is bigger than our channel. This is about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency in general. So anyway, that being said, let’s get into some recent news. The Bitcoin whale population has been spotted increasing in the wild. Whales have been in solid accumulation mode since January of 2020. That means whales started accumulating at the beginning of the year and then all through 2020. This is macro bullish. So whales are entities that hold 1000 Bitcoin or more. And you can see the data here. You can see how our wallets that are holding 1000 Bitcoin or more have been increasing since January. Now, to go further because it’s not all about the whales, right. Bitcoin supposed to be for everybody to go further. We’re seeing retail buying Bitcoin as well. So here what we’ve been seeing this all year, but this is updated data addresses holding more than one Bitcoin, reached a new all-time high again. So minnows are accumulating, too. Well, I guess one Bitcoin wouldn’t be minnows. I guess fish are accumulating as well. Anyways, at some point, people won’t be able to accumulate one bitcoin. I’m sure you realize that Bitcoin has this future person owning one whole Bitcoin is out of the question. People will just be able to stack Satoshi. I mean, owning one whole bitcoin is out of a lot of people’s reach already. But the data suggests that at. This time, people are still accumulating and reaching the threshold of one whole Bitcoin, and that’s also what Mike Novogratz is saying. Mike Novogratz, he’s a very he’s been very vocal lately about how he’s seeing hedge funds interested in buying Bitcoin. He says hedge funds are buying Bitcoin. And he says that you know, retail people are buying Bitcoin as well. And of course, you know, Mike Novogratz, he is the poster boy for former Wall Street turned crypto. He was on CNBC again just yesterday talking about two things. He talked about how people are buying Bitcoin because Bitcoin is hard money. And he talked about his moustache. What are you doing, Mike, with your portfolio besides growing a moustache? You know, I grew the moustache as my growing moustache, and I don’t want to keep it until, you know, the quarantine is over. I got I think it might be Christmas at this point, but I still am very bullish hard assets. I think there’ll be a push too hard assets. There is a very decent chance. Much higher than it was before some stagflationary or inflationary environment. And so I’m still on a lot of gold. I love Bitcoin. Next Tuesday, we have the Bitcoin having where the inflation rate gets cut in half. And so you talk about inflation and fiat currencies where the Fed is printing money like it’s a money-printing machine. And in the Bitcoin space, you know, there’s money supply gets cut 50 percent. And so big deal there. We’re seeing lots of new investors in that space, hedge funds that are buying it, not just as individual managers are buying it in their fund. I think you’ll see some announcements soon of that or, you know, investor lenders out. And so all positive stuff in terms of flow in that space is that’s where the bulk of my risk is. It’s been a fun environment in the Bitcoin space after a long desert. We now really have real activity. So, yeah, Mike Novogratz also brought up the Bitcoin, having now us all to coin daily. We will most likely be doing a live stream an hour or two going into the having. So going into this clock hits zero, we’re going to be having a little having Livestream party. And really, I hope you guys understand the magnitude of the having, in my opinion, that the having is a thousand times more significant than any AWALT coin partnership. This is a celebration of bitcoins, hard money policy and public hard money policy. And this is only the third having to ever happen. You’re going to be able to tell people in the future if you’re so inclined, you’re gonna be able to brag. I was around before the third having I stacked some CITO sheets before the third having think about it. Hardly anybody was around for Bitcoin’s first having a handful of people were around for Bitcoin. Second tapping. You know, would you consider those guys like the. Oh. In the future. You and I are gonna be consider the O’Jays. It’s gonna be a point of pride that we stacked some satoshi is before this clock struck. Zero. So that’s what I’m thinking. I’m really the link in the description to probably this tweet or maybe a tweet like this where we tagged at Team YouTube and we’re trying to nudge them to, you know, clear up this Bitcoin content censorship. So if you wanted to look in the description and just give the video a little like a little poke, a little nudge. And that’s it for me today, my friends. My name is Aaron at Old Quinn Daily. By the way, guys, make sure you’re following us on Twitter. You know, we’ve been updating everybody on Twitter about this Bitcoin censorship, you know, as new information comes out. And, you know, we also tweet and read, tweet, cool stuff like this. This is about the distribution of Bitcoin hash rate. And it’s just, you know, stuff that we’re thinking about in real-time in a lot of people. A lot of people follow us. And, you know, you should be following the people if you’re, you know, in this cryptocurrency space because you want to stay in tune and stay educated and figure out, you know, what are the good projects, whether that’s, you know, Bitcoin. I like to hear, like, what are the arguments for Bitcoin and against Bitcoin or maybe old coin projects you should be following, you know, the teams on Twitter to see what they’re about anyway. That is it for me, my friends. This is Aaron Adult Quinn Daily Cinnabar.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/warning-youtube-is-shadow-banning-bitcoin/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/617641995659313152
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