#i was gonna make a joke about it being a self portrait but i couldn't make it a funny joke
hexados-on-a-string · 3 months
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hexados on a string what will they do
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hermitcatlongposts · 1 year
Sprite Animations
Hello! I'm here to talk about my sprite animations in my upcoming touhou-clone game.
This was even more overwhelming than portrait artworks. Because to animate is to draw even more when just drawing once overwhelms me. But here I am at the end of it.
Let's start from the easiest to hardest.
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Bellhead Monk was a smooth sailing because since long ago I always knew that all I needed was to just extend his arms and reverse. His main theme of attack is about expansion and shrinkage.
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Here's all 3 frames. I love how I briskly redrew the gray fur piece to deform instead of going the lazy route and just move only the arms and call it a day. I'm always afraid of sounding like a self-lusting narcissist, but it is very unexpected; the way even the smallest things I do as an artist make me feel proud of myself. Maybe I shouldn't be concerned about projecting the perfect humble gentleman image. Maybe creating art to make yourself happy is the point of life. Sorry, I got sidetracked.
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Next one is Buckethead Knight. He's harder but only because I shot myself in the foot by drawing the first frame without coming up with the animation idea. If I did know motion he would perform, I would've put the sword and the shield on a separate layer from the rest so I wouldn't have to awkwardly erase and redraw things.
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oh now that I look at it straight like this, it looks like a death animation, doesn't it. Well, he will anyways, tough luck.
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I cannot remember the reason why I put these two in one gif. They're not duo boss. For Flaskhead Alchemist and Lamphead Scientist I felt curious about utilizing particle effects and keep the actual animation frames as simple as I can because I'm suffering from skill issues.
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But even with that being said, this one's a bit of a step up because it's one more frame than previous two character.
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The spinning staff is separate sprite because it still spins on while the body animation stops at the last frame.
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Now, I could try the similar thing as Buckethead Knight and make a slashing (more like just swinging around) animation with only his one arm moving. But the time inevitably comes where I have to cut the "lazy and smart, haha" bullshit off. He moves all parts of his body so it's time to draw every frames from scratch. Ok, forget my big talk. I was joking. I'm still a piece of garbage. Due to the absolute requirement of outline thickness consistency, all these sprites are first drawn in 512x512 pixel canvas and then shrunk down to 128px inside the game engine for pixel per unit to camera size technical yada yada. But his long sword, or rather a bamboo stick couldn't fit inside the 512px canvas. What I should've done is to simply resize the canvas to 1024px and draw in the sword. But I was stupid and drew the sword in separate file and now it's kinda awkward relationship which slightly stops me from uploading his full resolution frames. But it doesn't really matter, you're only gonna see a very small 128px version in the game anyways. So here's a bunch of screenshots of the frames seen from the engine:
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And 3 frames of physics:
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Tho I didn't have the hutzpa to do it on the lower part.
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But can I gush a bit about the base frame. My expectations are constantly at absolute lowest and I always get happy when it actually turns out great. (subjective) I really hope it stays this way forever. God I hope it won't be the case in the future where after I practice art seriously it gets reversed and I always have too high expectations and live in a constant state of disappointment and hatred.
Thank you so much for bearing with me while I take on this overwhelming challenge. I'll go now and do less overwhelming but even more bulky task to the finish line. Until then, cheers!
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Fifteen things I noted about CR2E69 “The King's Cage” and the Talks Machina about it :
Oh my god. The master debate ad. "I will master debate Liam O'Brien as long as it takes until he comes (...) to the realization that I am even more of a furious master debater than him !" The little pause after "comes" (hahaha) is just a gem on top of a treasure. Matt makes the LONGEST FACE PALM. Sam : "Have they fired us yet ??"
I'm glad that Nott and Jester had the time to talk, and that Jester admitted to the concealing of Nott's flask on her own. Their talk didn't resolve everything (and of course it would have been weird if it had !) but it was good nontheless.
WHAT ??? We been knew Obann as a drow was a disguise, but I was not ready for the connection : he is the demon Yasha saw in her dreams !!!
Oh man, the first two rounds were hard ! Beau : "The lid [of the sarcophagus] hits him, but we fucking couldn't ???"
Taliesin and Ashely doing a "Pack tactics ? Pack tactics ? Packtics ?!" joke made me think of the tumblr meme on the snails.
When Obann was killed by Fjord, I knew my stress was far from being over. Because again, even if I don't know exactly what happens in this episode, I know that ere will be heart break. And the next round turned everything : in a few seconds, Obann charmed Yasha, the Laughing Hand jumped and tored through Beau and Fjord, and Fjord tried to teleport him and Yasha away only to discover she would not go with the Nein anymore... Terrible
"The creature is not willing"
The end of the battle is a terrifying game of "running but not enough up front that we leave our friends behind, but enough uo front that the bad guys can't catch up, but not enough up front that we leave our friends behind..." I have flashbacks of the fight with the blue dragon and Jester being alone. Taliesin was afraid, it was visible, to lose another character !
This is the image I've seen : Jester, crying, with her hands to Yasha who is full of murderous and evil intent as the doors are closing... Oh my god this image !...
Taliesin, coming with the Brooklyn Nine-Nine meme : "Oh, self-crit ! Those are rare."
I'm so glad Caduceus is here for the Nein. The end was very emotionnal and they all reacted exactly the way their character are gonna react : Fjord is mistrustful, Beau ask questions, Caleb is thinking in terms of power and plans, Nott is creating an acceptable answer, Jester is focused on saving Yasha. But Caduceus is the only one who says : we have to move, we have to get out and tell everybody, because this is big !
What a way to send Ashley off for the last time, though ! What an episode !
Dani has a portrait of Yasha that says "Gone Killin' " in huge meme letters and I think that's beautiful.
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Travis doesn't have a backup character, and jokingly says that if it comes to it, he will just "bring Chutney into the game". DUDE !!!! DUUUUUUUDE
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