#i was drawing darnell and nene but my computer crashed on my and progress was lost
shadesofnavy · 10 months
So we know you have a BF, a Pico, and a GF but what about a Darnell and a Nene? By any chance do you have a take on those two and if so are they by any chance close friends with your Pico? Most folks seem to have their Picos close friends with their Darnells and Nenes and I wanna know if that's a thing with yours too.
Uhm, informative information time?
-Darnell is 31 years old, 6'6", and works as a mechanic. His full name is Darnell Evans
-Nene is 30 years old, 5'8", and works at a Wal-Mart. Her full name is Nene Wang
-They both went to the same high school as Pico did prior to the shooting
-They aren't as close to each other, but they're in good terms with each other
-Darnell was two grades ahead for his age
-Nene lives in the same condominium as Pico by herself, about two rooms on the same floor
-She often meets up with him in the laundromat across the street, usually in the mornings
-Darnell lives in an apartment with his retired and widowed mother. He lost his father in a car accident when he was 12
-Shortly after the school shooting Nene abandoned her abusive mother and ran away from town alongside a distraught Pico, who would later snap at her to leave him along during a breakdown. They parted ways and met again in Newsground city years later with Darnell
-Nene has had a liking to Pico since their school years despite his knack of isolating himself due to his schizophrenia. She still likes him as an adult and often flirts with him for old time's sake
-Darnell was not at school during the shooting (he was running late that morning organizing the house for his busied mother), but he became somewhat paranoid and quiet upon hearing almost every one of his friends had either died or gone missing that morning
-He and his mother had moved out not long after to a more suburban part of Newsground city, where after turning 14 he was transferred to the same high school Keith and Cherry went to
-After meeting Cherry who had volunteered to show him around he had developed a small crush on the gal, however he kept it to himself upon learning she was dating Keith
-Darnell envied Keith because of that and strongly disliked him mainly because of the latter's sly, loud behavior and open personality, contrary to himself (another reason as to why he doesn't like him is because of how ignorant and underappreciative Keith came off as back then when it came to things such as his wealthy family, friends and overall perfect life seemingly laid out in front of him)
-Darnell hasn't interacted with Keith since an argument that broke out between them back in their senior year in high school
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