#i was also being assaulted with SO many heartst*pper and str*ngr things posts so they had to go as well
cloudbells · 8 months
Hi there, question for you: do you filter any tags? What are they, if you don't mind sharing? (even just a yes or no answer is helpful if you don't wish to elaborate)
Just FYI, I'm going around and asking this same question to others in the community (so please don't feel targeted or anything like that), but if you wouldn't mind answering this question, I'd be very curious to know your answer!
If you do answer, please consider tagging your reply "#filtered tags ask" for convenience, and if you're inclined to copy/paste this ask into others' ask boxes, it'd be much appreciated 🙏
Yes I do! And no I don't mind sharing. Anyone who's spent time on my blog (or time just speaking to me) knows exactly what I hate, so I'm not revealing private info here lol. I'm just gonna share a couple screenshots cause I don't feel like listing them
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I mostly block FYP things for this account because my follow list is very small, so I want to see everything posted. My main account has a bigger variety of things muted though tbh
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