#i was a ride married to amazement
soracities · 1 year
I have so many things I want to share with you. One of them is the concept of sonder, a word I wish I could carve into my tongue, it sits so heavy there. It's a word that is a bridge that spans the lonely divide between us, disappearing into that blue we can never go to.
When I walk that bridge, I can watch the businessman tapping his foot while he waits for his coffee and wonder if he's running late to a meeting that in fifty years he won't even remember, if his kid or spouse had a bad dream and he stayed up all night with them and needs this caffeine hit, or even if he's just in a bad mood and taking it out on the barista.
I can stand with the kid on the street staring up at the sky and wonder if they're curious or bored or maybe something else, a yearning that they don't have a word for yet because all they know is that the sky is big and someone a million miles away can see it too.
And I can watch my wife with the blanket pulled up over their head but their feet poking out the bottom because sometimes their feet are too hot but the rest of them is cold, and I can marvel at how they must see me at my most vulnerable, my most unguarded, a person all bundled up against the cold and the sometimes unbearable life, and not only do they love me even when I'm made of venom and spikes and claws, they love me when I'm rising up from the ashes again. How do they see me, I wonder. What bridge do they cross into that blue horizon?
i am.....oh my god...........
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