#i was SO FUCKING GOOD at mario super sluggers what is happening to me
dirt-grub · 3 years
why am i literally so fucking bad at mario superstar baseball
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Vigilantes Chapters 59 - 65: Emergency Catch-Up Blog
before I start, please be advised that the following post will contain a potential MAJOR SPOILER FOR CHAPTER 253, which has not yet been released! please don’t be an idiot like me and spoil yourselves, guys. stay safe.
but anyways yes, this is my recap post for Those Chapters of Vigilantes. at long last. hooray! by the way this is barely edited at all, on account of it being a rush job (see re: the “Emergency” bit in the header). just some raw, unfiltered, [CENSORED SPOILER THING] thoughts and feelings! hopefully it’s readable; when I have more time I’ll try and clean it up a bit more.
so now, first off, credit where credit is due because omg
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bless you anon, you saved my life
but let me backtrack! looool so guys, I did a dumb thing and peeked at a spoiler, and read the name “Shirakumo”, and was like FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK and noped out, but it was too late lol. so then I was like “HOW DO I CATCH UP ON THE ENTIRETY OF VIGILANTES IN LESS THAN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS”, fully aware that I probably wasn’t going to do shit and would most likely just spend tomorrow apologizing and shrugging my way through the new chapter. and by the way guys, I’ll go ahead and throw in one of those apologies now, because I’ve had at least a dozen anons implore me to pick up Vigilantes, and I’m fully aware that Aizawa’s past has been covered (including one (1) cloudy boi), and that it’s really good. I just haven’t had the energy to do it! because reading and liveblogging are two very different things, and the latter just takes so much more time and energy honestly. so I kept putting it off and off and off, and now here I am
but then this ask came along telling me exactly which chapters to read in order to get the context I need! so seriously anon, you are the MVP of my week, and I appreciate this so, so much. I am now off to read those chapters, and I apologize to everyone again, but while I will liveblog them, it’ll probably be kind of a rush job due to the circumstances. like I won’t get into every single detail here, because it’s six whole chapters. but I’ll do my best
hmm I don’t know what constitutes the second half of chapter 59 lol so here I am reading the whole damn thing
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personally, Aizawa hated school. he would never ever dream of becoming a teacher. how ridiculous. irrational af
“we’ll have you teaching at U.A. soon enough” psssh. not this man, sister
he’s hanging up on her now. honestly I am glad I did not skip the first part of this chapter lol
some wolfman is chasing the protag of this series whose name I forgot, as well as a little girl and ANOTHER CAT. this series has so many cats?! apparently!?
Aizawa is saving the cat. the hero we deserve
the protag whose name I am about to look up wants to adopt the cat, which prompts Aizawa to launch into a 2500-word essay on why he should not adopt the cat
okay the kid’s name is Koichi. he’s apparently 19 in the series, but I don’t know how old he is in this particular scene though because I have the vague impression that the series at large takes place in present-day BnHA time, which would mean this is definitely a flashback. so. ??
OHO, NOW IT’S A FLASHBACK WITHIN A FLASHBACK!!? so this is the Aizawa past thing everyone’s been all “!!!!” about. well here you go guys
young Shouta is staring at an abandoned kitty in a box in the rain
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he left the cat, but also left his umbrella over it, awww
and he arrived at class all wet. and his teacher says he can go change his clothes, but he’s all “NAH I’M EMO SO I’LL JUST STAY LIKE THIS”, wow
“I’m powerless” jesus christ Shou get a grip
here comes Present Mic to forcibly lift his best bud’s spirits. they’re in second year apparently
Present Mic, and I mean this in the most loving and affectionate way possible, is the most annoying man on the planet
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how was he not just constantly punched in the face at all times. like constantly walking around being punched by people
well well well
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something horrible is sure going to happen to you, isn’t it? here I thought you were probably dead, but I’m kinda getting the inkling [SPOILERS, FOLKS, I’M SERIOUS] you’re gonna maybe show up in the latest chapter of the main series, so I guess not! congratulations I guess?? OR MAYBE NOT
“dammit Shirakumo” oh so it’s like that
their teacher deserves a raise. never thought we’d see another U.A. faculty member more done with life than Aizawa himself
hey Shirakumo is giving Shouta his umbrella back, but what about the cat?! SHIRAKUMO ARE YOU REALLY A NICE GUY, I’M NOT SURE YET
meanwhile he’s stripping naked in the middle of class. oh yes. I forgot Vigilantes was like this
he’s using his cloud quirk to censor himself where it counts
“and inside this cloud... is this charming little creature” lol we think he’s talking about his penis but then he pulls out the cat! WELL NEVER MIND THEN SHIRAKUMO
so Shouta is sitting around thinking emo thoughts that are gradually giving way to some decidedly un-hetero thoughts about Shirakumo, who’s doing that shounen thing where he smiles with his eyes closed while being silhouetted against the bright sun. maaaaan. Aizawa you are hella gay my dude
okay next chapter and they’re being assigned internships
Shirakumo’s hero costume is... well let’s just say it’s a good thing he’s got such a badass quirk
he’s riding around on that cloud like Goku. like a fucking Lakitu from Super Mario
now the teachers are talking about the three boys and whether they’ll be able to land internships
“Yamada shouldn’t have a problem. his voice quirk has applications in battle, rescue, and entertainment. but the boy’s a bit distractible.” okay first of all how the hell would Mic ever rescue a person with his quirk. fucking scream them to safety or what. and second, by distractible you mean punchable right. again, all the love
oh my god he’s so cute
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lmao this is seriously my favorite picture of Aizawa ever. GO GETTEM SLUGGER
so Shouta is getting bullied by some guy with a decidedly Katsuki-ish quirk, except he shoots jets of fire out of his hands. but anyway he says that fighting Shouta is boring. SHUT UP, YOU. YOU’RE BORING
Shouta is so emo. but he really does want to be a good hero, he just doesn’t know how. he seems very frustrated
he’s lecturing Kumo on not giving people-food to the cat. and now he has picked up the cat and is cradling and bottle-feeding it like an infant. bless
this manga really has a gag panel of the cat pissing on Shirakumo afterwards, like. see this is another reason why I haven’t exactly been in a rush to read it sob. my sense of humor doesn’t really seem to align with Furuhashi’s
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high school Midnight is the coolest person I have ever seen and I want to be just like her when I grow up
aaaaand she is literally not wearing any clothes except that belt and those boob-holsters. which, I mean, it’s not like she really dresses any differently in the main series, but this being Vigilantes, I’m sure we’ll get another half a dozen pages showing extreme close-ups of her costume from various angles. again, another area where this series and I don’t quite see eye to eye, but it’s all right since we’re just passing through here
and one year later they wrote a literal law limiting how much exposed skin a hero costume can show. oh Midnight. meanwhile I forgot how much this series makes me appreciate Horikoshi, flaws and all. I’ll take a thousand Minetas over this shit honestly. at least Mineta always gets his comeuppance. but anyway
they have named the cat “Sushi”
Midnight is straight up taking the cat lmao
Yamada got an internship. one down, two to go
Midnight’s back and showing them a video of the cat pooping. one joke about the cat’s bathroom habits in a single chapter was not enough, we’re going for two. not like we have anything more important to cover, like Aizawa getting an internship and something terrible and tragic happening to his boyfriend. let’s just keep talking about cat poop
okay here we go, Midnight says her boss will take them as interns
“Loud Cloud” lmao. home run hero name. GOAT
so Shouta’s chasing a villain and nearly got crushed by a safe that he threw at him, but he’s being saved by some guy who I’m guessing is his boss
oh my
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this is the kind of weirdness that only a manga can get away with. I wonder how this idea came into being and whose idea it was, Horikoshi’s or Furuhashi’s. maybe the two of them hitting each other up back and forth in a text chain. “so I’m doing Aizawa’s flashback now, who do you want to have him to intern under?” “hmm I don’t know but I was thinking literally Prince”
Prince is chewing Shouta out something fierce
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I thought I was prepared for these Aizawa flashbacks, but some things you can never be prepared for
lol he asked Shouta how he fucked up, and Shouta started listing all of his tactical errors, and Prince interrupted him and is all “I’M TALKIN’ ‘BOUT THAT GLOOMY FACE” listen son just who do you think your intern is. THAT’S JUST HIS FACE LEAVE HIM ALONE
he says Aizawa wears his stress all over his sleeve and bums people out
he’s telling him to smile! now where have we heard that philosophy before
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I’m just reblogging this panel because of reasons
so Shouta is sulking in the locker room, and Shirakumo is showering off and says his MO is to keep smiling even when he screws up
now Midnight is texting Shouta 500 cat pictures
lmao we can’t see Shouta’s face, but Kumo is streaking in and is all “THERE’S THAT SMILE, SUNSHINE!!!!”
oh shit the goggles belong to Shirakumo. the gayening. and they were roommates
Shouta’s using his quirk!
and the bad guy is all “I don’t need my quirk to crush you” and straight up demolishing the fucking pavement yikes
and Kumo is leaping at him from above and whomping him on the head
yay they caught him. and Shouta is...
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he’s trying. they’ll coax a real smile out of him yet! just show him a Youtube compilation of Logical Ruses
now he and Shirakumo have matching pairs of goggles. I’m just gonna assume this means they are married
the fire hands bully guy from earlier is coming over to start some shit again
he says he also realized the importance of eye protection through his internship. and Mic says he stole the idea from him
now the class is partnering off for two-on-two battle training, and Kumo is partnering with Shouta
they’re going up against Mic and Fire Hands, and for some reason they’re making a wager of it. whoever loses has to stop wearing glasses. this is easily the stupidest thing I have seen in this series yet, not to mention the most accurate
Kumo’s grinning at Shouta and saying the goggles symbolize their friendship and they have to defend them. you know, lovable scamp stuff
now Shirakumo and Shouta are double teaming the Fire Hands guy and taking him out in seconds because OF COURSE THEY DID. lol he never fucking stood a chance
but Shouta’s handing the glasses back and says that two-on-one isn’t fair so he’s calling the wager off
aaaand Fire Hands is snatching them back and stomping on them. and says he doesn’t need them
listen you dingus, yes you do fucking need them. and also he says he didn’t lose! wow this guy really has his head up his ass. I’d say he reminds me of a CERTAIN SOMEONE, but you know what, I’ll give Mr. Certain Someone his fair credit though, because he managed to get his shit together long before his second year. Fire Hands still needs to grow up
the teacher is telling him he missed the point of the exercise, and FH is literally ignoring him and running off wow
apparently Mic also gave up his sunglasses and got himself a pair of goggles. well we know that’s not gonna last. and for that matter, Shouta’s gonna change out his goggles for a different model as well. ohhhhh some tragedy is on the horizon I just know it, this is gonna hurt
Shirakumo says the three of them should start their own agency. ahhh. buddy I’m here reading this from the future, and I gotta tell you, son... shit’s awkward as fuck
and he’s pointing out all the different ways they complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses
Shouta says he can’t do anything on his own, but Kumo says that just means he’s suited to teamwork
Kumo’s inviting Midnight to join them, but she’s declining lol
Shouta’s looking at the sky all dramatically. oh baby this is it isn’t it. things are about to get rough
“one week later”
now we’re cutting to Mic and Fire Hands and FH replaced his sunglasses with a pair of goggles. goggles are just the in thing now
Fire Hands talks about Aizawa so much I’m starting to ship the two of them now as well. damn Shouta how many high school boyfriends did you have??
so they’re fighting off some toad monster and it’s absorbing all their attacks
meanwhile Shouta and Kumo are literally helping kindergartners to cross the street
look at this
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it’s beyond my comprehension how anyone could possibly mistake this man for anything but a future teacher
even Kumo is commenting on how natural he is at working with kids
oH MY GOD the kids waved goodbye and said “bye Eraserhead” and it prompted a little smile
Kumo says Shouta psychs himself out and convinces himself he can’t do stuff, but really he can do just about anything if he puts his mind to it. aww. and he’s right!!
oh shit here comes the toad
so this toad’s name is Garvey, and he’s literally wanted for murder oh shit. and he has a Fatgum-like quirk that can absorb attacks and store them up to release them
and some idiots hit him with a combined attack that ended up powering him the fuck up. well shit
so Prince is placing a rose in between his teeth and getting ready to fight this toad off. do it I believe in you
now a lot is happening all at once, jesus. Shouta and Kumo were trying to evacuate the kids but then the toad just appeared right there like wtf, and then Prince also showed up out of nowhere and went to hit the thing with a flying jump kick
aaaand he’s getting blasted into a building
oof. and getting even further blasted now. welp
Kumo’s protecting the kiddos with his Nimbus quirk!
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is this bitch fucking dead now. I can’t believe they fucking Obitoed my bro Shirakumo
so now the toad is looming over them, and Shouta realizes he’s the only one left standing, and all his doubts are filtering into his mind as he desperately tries to think of how to stop him
and Shirakumo’s... gourd... thing... is klunking in out of nowhere, and it has a little speaker on it, and it’s all “YOU GOT THIS AIZAWA” and wtf. this is like something out of a weird fever dream
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so now he’s leaping fifty feet into the air, somehow, and thinking that his Erasure quirk will at least level the playing field. well all right then! you go boy
now it’s raining and of course bolts of lightning are dramatically hitting the ground all around them
Shouta’s kicking off the lil power toad lumps one by one lol
literally just jumping all around and kickin’ stuff
oof he took a bad hit. but he’s sitting back up!
Kumo’s disembodied gourd voice keeps shouting encouragement at him though, idk. so there’s that
he says Shouta’s strong and he won’t lose, and Shouta is all “RAHHHHHHH.” you guys, if 1-A ever found out about this flashback they would never let the man live it down. hell I’m not gonna let him live it down. okay then. Mr. RAHHHHHH
he’s doing some weird stuff with his capture weapon now. I think maybe he grabbed a rock with it and chucked it at the guy
and now the guy is shooting all his toad lumps at Shouta all at once! WELL ALL RIGHT THEN
yooooo Shouta literally grabbed them all with the capture weapon and he’s CHUCKIN’ EM ALL INTO THE DUDE’S MOUTH Y’ALL THIS IS SOME REAL FUCKING SHIT LMAO GET WRECKED
so the guy is blowing up from the inside out. yeah that’s what you get for murdering Shouta’s childhood friend you piece of shit
and Shouta’s collapsing in exhaustion but happily shouting “SHIRAKUMO I DID IT” before he passes out. oh my god don’t tell me Kumo is already dead and Shouta just hallucinated his voice or some shit. THEN WHO WAS GOURD omg
oooooof here we go
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[places both hands on Shouta’s shoulders and looks him dead in the eye] son I don’t know how to tell you this, but Shirakumo has been dead for twenty years
wow can someone just fucking tell Shouta already so he stops depressing everyone and making an idiot out of himself. geez how long are you all gonna stand around despondently shooting knowing looks at each other in the rain
so they’re picking up the gourd speaker thing and OF COURSE it’s visibly broken and there’s no possible way Kumo’s voice could have been coming out of it. especially since he has been dead for twenty years. here’s a picture of his grave. oh shit what’s that little grave right next to his?? OH MY GOD IT’S THE CAT. OH MY GOD
oh fuck me
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so now Fire Hands, who is trying his best to be comforting but is just SO BAD AT IT, is all “Aizawa you went toe to toe with this thing and beat it YOURSELF!! ALL ALONE!!!” jesus christ I need a minute
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I mean. I knew going in that this was going to be Aizawa’s sad childhood flashback about his friend Shirakumo whom something very terrible happened to. it’s not like I’m even surprised. I knew what I was getting myself into here. but damn that still hurts
do you guys think that having a permanent image of his best friend forever immortalized as a cheerful seventeen-year-old, and being forever haunted by the memory of that seventeen-year-old being cut down in the prime of his life, might have given Aizawa Shouta lasting trauma which carried over into his adulthood and makes him do desperately reckless things when children are at risk, such as leaping into battle against an army of villains all alone. dammit now I want to grab every single problem child of 1-A and shake them roughly and scream at them for all the sleepless nights they have doubtless caused this man
so now here he and Mic are both being sad
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aww Mic. I’m sorry I keep wanting to punch you in the face. it’s just reflex
and now it’s one year later and the class is gearing up for the sports festival
well look who is almost fully done with his metamorphosis
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you will soon be a beautiful butterfly
he is literally going to sleep in the middle of class. well depression makes people tired. sigh
he’s got his familiar goggles now! and he’s kicking FH’s ass and lecturing him on how to fight better. damn his character development is complete
and he’s helping FH to his feet aww. definitely boyfriends. this man gets around
his teachers now say that Shouta has gotten too complacent, if anything, and phones everything in once he knows he’s got a passing grade, and only gets passionate when it comes to practical exercises
and now we’re cutting to the gym and Shouta is indeed training passionately while Mic sits in the corner looking bummed. all these kids have been through far too much in their young lives
Shouta’s handing in his career aspiration form, and he wrote that he wants to start his own agency and focus on “fighting, and nothing else”
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his scruffy facial hair is already starting to come in now. it’s true what they say, having a tragic past does indeed make you hotter
anyways but can we get this boy a hug!? anybody?? hello??!?
now they’re graduating and Shouta is disappearing in a poof of smoke and now there’s this big panel with flashbacks to his career up to the current point in Vigilantes!
and we’re back in the ~present~ and he’s telling Koichi to take good care of that cat. aaaand, I guess that’s that. geez. that was a lot
so there you go! the Aizawa flashbacks! they were very sad! all in all I really enjoyed them! so now, if Shirakumo isn’t actually dead (seeing as it’s a shounen manga that pays homage to comic books, so safe to say that People Not Actually Being Dead is a Certified Phenomenon, like it’s definitely a THING THAT CAN SOMETIMES HAPPEN), well then. tomorrow’s chapter is sure going to be interesting to say the least. lulz but maybe I’ve got it all wrong though. guess I’ll find out!
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