#i wanted to prioritize fiction because i mostly hang out in spaces with fiction readers
reedreadsbooks · 2 months
this is NOT about what your favourite genre is, just the genre of whatever book you like the most (either overall or at this moment)
no “other” option because i want to force people to pick whatever’s closest >:) but please feel free to leave your book along with whatever more specific genre it falls into in the notes
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septembersghost · 8 months
Can you please tell me how you mostly got out of SPN fandom or reached any peace with it? I'm starting to not be able to take it anymore.
hi friend. i'm very sorry you're having a hard time with this, and want you to know i understand. okay, so first of all, prioritize your safety/mental/emotional well-being foremost. this can seem difficult, especially if you're deeply entrenched in the fandom or your primary circle here on tumblr is - there can be a sense of worry that you'll lose your mutuals and connections if you pull back, but i promise your friends will care about you in however you decide to interact. a lot of the fandom is toxic, and rather than that dissipating over the past three years, it seems to have escalated? if that's troubling you, you are well within your rights to pull back.
it's hard to give specific advice because i'm not sure how you're still engaging. are you rewatching, but finding that taxing because of frustration with the poor writing/storytelling or upset about where it eventually concludes? my best suggestion is finding a good place to stop and taking time away from the show for a while, and instead finding something that makes you happier. this never means you can't go back! the show will always be there, there's nothing wrong with taking a break. (i kind of wouldn't suggest doing what i did which was quitting unexpectedly and cold turkey in a rage of upset lmao, but if you can find a place to pause that feels more cathartic than negative, that might be easier).
if not the show itself, but fandom that's distressing you, the best thing to do is step away from bad fanon, don't get into arguments (i KNOW the impulse to fight is strong. it is not worth it. especially if it's affecting you emotionally), block anyone who's being aggressive/triggering, blacklist any terms you need to (this can be everything from crit tags to ships to characters' names to episode titles to writers to the actors themselves. at my worst in 2021 i blacklisted dean - can you imagine? granted, this was an extreme overreaction of distress, but i had to have that space for a little bit just to recover and use tumblr in peace). if you're a fic reader, and finding that's occupying you in a negative sense because it's causing you to dwell too much, set that aside if you can too. again, you can always go back. none of the content is going anywhere. they can't be hurt by you detaching, the story isn't going to change, the characters aren't going to disappear. you are real and your feelings are paramount.
there is no reason to be causing yourself any stress or hurt over a show that's been done for nearly three years when the space around it is so volatile. if you still want to engage, do that on your terms and in a positive way, hang with likeminded fans, focus on the characters you love or whatever part of the story has worth to you, and ignore the rest. it sounds easier said than done, but this is fiction, it's supposed to be fun! if it's not fun anymore, you're right to leave or reassess. you deserve some healing and peace. <3
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