#i wanted the poll to last two day but i cant do that lmao
priscirat · 1 month
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hi i am Checking your Interest. for ave mujica charms :D
charms would be acrylic charms, 3" (7.5cm), double sided (one character name side/one doll name side), circle split ring, priced 12-15 euros (to be determined)
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420technoblazeit · 1 year
anyway masterlist of responses to ppl's random messages on this form
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hunters grab ur salt or hwatever. call my blog the winchesters bc we're time traveling in this fuckin car
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im about to write a fix it where htey bring back crowley bc everything the writer's team did post-his death made me so goddamn angry. he adn cas die in the same episode and theyre like teehee. the antichrist brought cas back but not him bc idk. cas is Special. adn then they dont let rowena resurrect him im so alskdhgsadgasdgsadglhaldga
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oh fukc are there angel robots in this. i keep making posts about gabriel spn adn people mistake it for ultrakill mayb i WILL play htis
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i cant explain but like. hte type of cat that's black and white but the black adn white kinda meld together yk what im saying? lik,e an oreo milkshake
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i handed in two of my final assignmetns last night so hopefully soon! im hella behind in one of my classes htough so we'll see
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ive stayed up till 3 about 3 times in hte last 5 days. one of htose was bc the spn season 1 finale was a two parter adn i forgot and wanted to get to hte part where they got hit by the truck, another was bc i got really into a session of apex legedns, and the third was bc i had a final assignmetn and pissed away the rest of the day spn postign so. i think ur right
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hwy are you the coolest person here what the fukc. like omg what's ur numberrrrrrrrr
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WOE, DISCREET SUPERNATURAL REFERENCE IN MY MINECRAFT SMP BE UPON YE. it's a good nickname htough c!aster uses nicknames all the time for ppl anyway lmao. we've already got old man for sleep, princey for lux, dog breath for kota, etc etc. it fits
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so fuckign true broski n boy am i having a time. i bought a crowley print a couple weeks ago but hte shipping for a print was too much money so i just bought a bigass sticker adn ykw. it worked. i also found out htat the artist now draws apex legends so im winning here
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holy shit wait is htis just. literally a copy of super smash bros fuck yeah ill play that what the hell. why didtn u tell me about this sooner
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this was on hte submission for judas. um,,,,, ,,, yeas
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no youer so right. somebody did send a drawign in the drawing box of like. their little furry oc with hearts saying 'kys' adn i laughed so fucking hard at it. i didtn post it bc i wasnt sure if they were serious or not, i assume htey werent considering how cutesy it was but uh. yeha
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sedn it to me im srs. i used to be hte biggest sabriel shipper back in the day before my brain apparently decided that angsty drowley shippign is superior. i love gabe though he's my fave
also im not puttign it here but someone sent a monologue? from somethign called fictional googology???? ??
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LISTEN BITHC. WHEN QSMP GET'S HTE LORE ROLLING ILL DO IT. OR MAYBE GO TAKE A LOOK AT MY FUCKIGN BLOCK PEOPLE U EVER HTINK ABOUT THAT??? ?? anwyay im gonna b on wynne's vault hunters server u should go check them out n give them a follow theyre really cool
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jesus fucking hcirst. u might as well just shoot me in hte leg dog
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eddies-house · 11 months
Underground update! 😍 im so pleased that a longer chapter won out. thank you for giving us the choice 🖤
Her character is getting more concrete in these flashbacks. Her choosing to sit on her own rather than with Steve to avoid his friends, being known as one of the shy ones, her berating herself over thinking anyone would even be interested... its all so heartbreaking. I feel like loneliness is such a big theme in this chapter, she was lonely at school and she's lonely present day, thinking everyone has essentially been having a laugh at her expense.
Especially Steve, so he was there for the falling out that she describes as heartbreak, helped her through it and cant not have known there were bigger feelings there for Eddie, whatever happened. Yet Steve still chose to get his 'selfish needs' met with him. Thing is, his needs being met wasnt her issue at all, just who he chose to meet them with. The way Steve thinks about this kinda makes me think it might just be hooking up, no big feelings, and i cant decide which would be worse, him choosing someone who hurt her just for the hell of it or that they do genuinely like eachother. But then if they do really like eachother, where does that leave R? I need so much more information! The flashback parts seem to say Eddie was into her just as much as she was him, which even Steve saw! (Plus Eddie's internal conflict over selling, not wanting to become his father - so sad 😢) I wonder how a conversation went between Eddie and Steve after last chapter. I kinda want them to call their thing off, but what if they are in love and stuff? I mean, I dont think they are..
And then R and Eddie's interaction present day, she thinks hes a liar but whhyy? What did you lie about Eddie?! I mean, he says nothing.. so who's in the wrong here? And he seems just as angry at her.. I need more info before i pick a side 🤣 and then her feeling so alone, not wanting to bother anyone and feeling so isolated from all her friends 💔 Plus still having to go into work because bills and just the stress that situation will have caused her, felt it big time. I hope Will in particular doesn't let her keep feeling that way.
Then both boys at the coffe shop and thier totally different approaches was interesting. Steve getting straight in her face didn't do much good, and Eddie's peace offering.. yea it was sweet, but pal, it's going to need much more than a coffee. Loved this as always, got me in all the feels 🖤🖤
you have no idea how excited I was when I woke up and this was in my inbox 🥹 I LOVE YOUR COMMENTARY AND I LOOK FORWARD TO IT EVERY TIME
lmao me worrying about it being 9.9k when the poll said like 10k-12k IT WAS ALMOST 10 OKAY but it needed to end where it did
Yeah loneliness fucking sucks even when you do have people around you cause it’s like well why are you lonely? And it’s just this thing you can’t really explain so you self isolate and make it worse especially in times of need. UGH SHES REALLY GOING THROUGH IT
I can’t say a lot but Steve done fucked up
we’ll have to see their story unravel more to see who’s right about the past and whether Eddie actually lied or not cause after all, there’s two sides to a story and then there’s the truth.
yeah Steve is a little inept in that way, tbh everyone is just so emotionally stunted in some way or another in this situation 🫤
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