#i want to see more of clayhill interacting with the trio.
aethergalaxias · 2 years
even though the pilot episode is no longer canon, it has me thinking that we as a fandom do not have nearly enough appreciation for the dynamics it presents bc mostly im seeing stuff revolving around mean steve and fizzy milk. mayor pigface and red's dynamic is hilarious and there is not nearly enough of it. punk!yellow has my entire heart. don't even get me started on arnold g
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gugf · 2 years
Here's a bunch of my headcanons for the main trio. It's either funny or edgy, no in between. Hope you enjoy!
- unironically considers himself "not like other birds"
- his family are literally a bunch of normal ducks living in a pond with whom he constantly quarrels
- has been scammed on every single existing fraud. yes before each of them he said "i know all their tricks! i'm completely sure they won't fool me again!"
- neurodivergent vibes are STRONG
- gay and homophobic
- ignorant as fuck but a proud individual
- curious but at the same time really really stubborn. If he doesn't want to believe in something he completely closes eyes on any evidence until something undeniable (probably traumatic) shatters his perception in the end. this and his arrogace makes him really easy to manipulate
- if Yellow is Red's inner child, and Roy is his inner adult, I'd like to think that Duck is more like "friend he always wanted to have"
- haptophobic, even if he doesn't know about this yet (yes, this hc is entirely based on his and Steak interactions in dhmis 5)
- thinks that Red is the only one who truly understands him, to all creatures prefers to spend time with him. (even if by design)
- surely loves Yellow in his own way. Often tries to teach him, but it's not quite working out. (Fuck, I only now realised that his usual attitude to Yellow could be him mimicking his own family relationships)
- has no clue about how violent the world can be to him... (well soon he'll know, soon he'll know...😢)
- doesn't really like Roy, because he is too touchy
- his attitude is basically could be described as an adult living in a world created by a child
- at this point doesn't really take Yellow and Duck somewhat seriously, it's more like older brother and his younger siblings dynamic
- depression and a mid life crisis (even if i headcanon him being like 20)
- "yes, guys, like, everyone had that thing that you are constantly being stared at by some weird dude who always ruins the weather and you with your imaginary friends boy and duck need to stay at home again, right guys?" ..."you're fired"
- self esteem problems
- he and that guy from Swim And Sleep Like A Shark could well be the same person. like, both have red hair, like horses and have very similar pattern of speech. btw birthday on the same date. also i like to think about him as being a sort of early prototype of Red's character
- somewhat likes being the smartest person in the whole Clayhill, even if it could be annoying sometimes
- the chillest one because knows for sure that he is not in danger
- gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss
- at this point if he sees Roy anywhere near his house, he'll move to the forest without any warning
- he is definitely the most innocent of the bunch, but this totally doesn't mean that he is incapable of violence
- everyone is so mean to me..... 😞🍑 (but they are)
- animal lover, but the pets he allowed to bring home are usually really small, and die after like, a week. Duck and Red say that "it got homesick so it ran back to the forest". even if it's a fish.
- i like to think that he is sorta idolizes Duck and thinks he is the smartest person in the entire world (he's not)
- spends most of his time with him, because they both are really naive and always get dragged in some traumatic adventure. but unlike Duck he has an age excuse
- has A LOT of scarfs and hats. Duck's hobby is weaving so this things need to go somewhere. to this day no one knows what Yellow does with all of that
- has no pride at all. give him a candy and he will immediately forgive you, even if you violently slaughtered his pet rat in front of his very eyes and laughed about this in his face
- literally has no mother. she never existed in the first place. also he is technically older than his dad, because Roy appeared the last of them all
- very easily excitable. shake keys in front of him, and he will be happy for the whole day
- "where's my dad?"
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