#i want him to fold me . hes so strong n big WOOF
prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
Shoji is my underrated king, he’s one of the sweetest people in the entire series AND he definitely gives the best hugs <3
I LOVE SHOUJI ive writtwm him before somewhere he is soooooo lovely
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geekydane · 4 years
Talk to me - Tommy Shelby x reader - Chapter 12
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Warning: Smut. My first ever written smut. I’m sorry in advance!
It was hard finding the everyday rhythm after the whole episode. Going back to work, even though it was only down the stairs and down the hall was a strange sensation. You sat down at your desk a little later than you used to and Lizzie was there already, typing away on her typewriter. She looked up when you didn’t move for a long moment but didn’t say anything. You looked over the papers on your desk and told yourself to let go of all the thoughts that was roaming around about Tommy, Mick King and a possible revenge in the near future. Right now you did as Tommy told you to do and go about your daily work like you used to, like nothing had happened. He said it would calm the people working in the betting shop more, now that the news had spread about Tommy being shot and hospitalized. That might mean that the news about how you shot and beat the thugs to death had slipped as well. Lizzie still hadn’t said anything to you after the first hour so you came to the conclusion that it had.
After a few hours you were back in your habit of filling out invoices and archive the many papers. A few time doing the day the door opened and you looked up every time and expected Tommy to walk in as usual, but it was only some of the clerks that came in with more paperwork. It was in those moments that you thought that, no; everything wasn’t as it used to be and should be. It was in those moments that the inner demon in you started to convince you that you were wasting your time sitting behind the desk. You should get out and do something about Mick King.
In the evening you went home to get some clean clothing to the day after and went to Tommy’s room. He didn’t leave it much, because the doctors told him to stay in bed. The first day you went back to work he was about to get up with you. But Polly passed the doorway and yelled him back to bed and if there is one person Tommy respects, it’s his aunt Polly. You came back to the room and Tommy had gotten himself up and into the couch. He was holding a glass with golden brownish liquid. Whiskey, no doubt. He smiled big when you stepped in and he was about to get up when you signalled him to sit back down with a finger.
“Woof.” He jokingly said, as the signal might be alike to how you would train a dog. It worked though, so you just rolled your eyes at him and went to place your clothing in the drawer that was now yours. As was the one underneath.
“Anything interesting happened today? Couldn’t even hear them yelling from the betting shop.” Tommy snorted. It wasn’t like him to do nothing for so long and he was clearly frustrated. That also meant that you were one of the only things that could keep him occupied for only a small part of the day. You dumped into the sofa next to Tommy and his hands were immediately on you. He grabbed your hip and tried to drag you on top of him but you made yourself heavier by leaning the other way, so he couldn’t move you around.
“Oh come on. Can’t I just have a little fun?” He asked and pouted like a little kid. You giggled and it only made laugh too. It was immediately replaced by the hiss he made when his wound hurt.
“Damn you woman. I can’t resist your laugher.” He said with a heavy sigh. You bit you lip and looked towards his stomach. It was still bandaged under the white button up. There was even a little blood stain on the shirt as well, telling you that he haven’t been staying in bed as he should. You couldn’t say that you really wanted to crawl up on his lap and see what he might do to you. Your new gained memory came with a side effect of a little extra confident in that department, but you still didn’t want to hurt him any further. So you decided that you might actually tell him what has been on your mind the whole day.
“How and when are we going to get back at Mick King?” You asked him very quietly. You weren’t speaking loosely like it was nothing yet but you had definitely opened more up towards Tommy in the last days.
“You shouldn’t worry about that. Come here.” Tommy mumbled and started to pull in you again. You sighed and got a little closer so that he could place his lips on yours. It was a very hungry kiss, like he had been waiting for it for a long time.
“But he shot you.”
“And he’s gonna pay for that someday.” Tommy said against your lips and with strength you didn’t know he had yet, he pulled you over his lap, so that you were straddling him.
“When is… someday?” You asked as Tommy attacked your lips and let his hands run up and down the small of your back. It was a strange position to be in with a man all of the sudden. It wasn’t that you weren’t enjoying it. The thought of Tommy doing more intimate things to you crossed your mind as you kissed back. But it was like Mick Kings face had burned a hole in your memory and whenever you closed your eyes to enjoy Tommy, he was looking back at you in the dark, smirking. Too alive for your liking.
“Tommy.” You mumbled awkwardly against his lips and he sighed, leaning his forehead against yours.
“You don’t have to worry about that.” He said with a raspy voice. He tipped your head to the side with the tip of his nose and started to make is way from the area under your ear down to your collarbone. It felt like he was trying his best to distract you from the topic and you couldn’t understand why. Why wasn’t he angry about the fact that he got shot and even when he wasn’t carrying a weapon himself?
“I want to help you kill him.” You blurted out and it was like the air went from Tommy and he dropped his head against your shoulder hard.
“Can’t we just leave it for now I just want to…”
“Tommy we need to deal with…”
“I don’t want you to get involved with this!” Tommy half shouted at you and you jumped to your feet. At all other times you would have cowered away from him but you were too enraged to let the topic go. It sounded like you wanted the bastard dead more than Tommy did. Wasn’t that what he was working toward with his whole business plan in Manchester?
“But I want to get involved Tommy! I want to see the fucking bastard bleed!” You yelled back at him and you balled up your fists at your sides. Tommy sighed at you but looked at a spot over your shoulder. You turned to see Polly standing in the doorway dumbfounded with a hand on the handle. A little knot started to form in your stomach and you stiffened a little.
“Well I guess y/n speaks now.” She said, more to herself than you. Tommy ignored her and stood up with difficulty as he stretched his scares on his stomach. He went to you and put his arms around you from behind as you still stared at Polly. You felt exposed like she had caught you going around naked, so Tommy’s arms were very welcome around your middle. Polly put a hand over her hard and smiled at the two of you.
“I guess you are improving day by day. You two are good for each other.” She said and sounded very sure of herself.
“Can’t you talk some sense into your nephew?” You jumped to the opportunity of involving Polly. She widened her eyes as you spoke but quickly recovered and smiled.
“Does it have to do with some bastard than needs to bleed?” She spoke slowly and calmly. When the words were said by someone else you had to admit that you sounded a little crazy. Who were you becoming?
“Y/n wants to be involved in the whole dealing with Mick King and his men.” Tommy said tiredly and pinched his nose like the idea alone could give him a headache.
“Well I think that sounds like a good idea.” Polly simply said and gave you a sweet smile. She understood you, you could see that in her eyes. But Tommy wasn’t having it and he let go of you to step up to her.
“Polly… don’t…”
“I see no reason why she can’t be involved. You told me yourself that Lady Finch was crazy about her. She doesn’t have to be thrown into a fistfight. Leave that to Arthur.” Polly folded her hands like that were the final say.
“We already got a plan and…”
“Plans can change, Tommy, when better resources appear.” Polly’s statement made Tommy press his lips
“She’s not a resource.” He grumbled. You couldn’t help but smile at that. You knew Polly wasn’t meaning anything negative with it. You really wanted to be involved and Polly believed in you.
“But we know that she’s capable to handle herself now.” Tommy walk to the bed and sat down. He looked defeated. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed heavily.
“Okay okay. I’ll find something for you. But you will carry the gun with you at all times.” Tommy was now addressing you instead of Polly and you walked to him and slung yourself around his neck, kissing him all over. Cheek, nose, eye, jaw and in the end on the lips. Tommy finally huffed out the hint of a laughed and accepted it. He wrapped an arm around you and dragged you closer.
“I’ll leave you to it. Remember God is watching” Polly said with a chuckle and left the room. If she just knew that you hadn’t been able to give yourself completely to Tommy yet, she would need god to watcher over you. You knew that Tommy was holding back because you were, but you were still very insecure about your body after the countless of rapes you had experienced. But the more you shared a bed with Tommy, the more confident you became as his hands wandered over your body and the glances he send you as you undressed. It made you feel beautiful and strong.
Only a few days after Tommy talked about maybe going to work the same day. You looked at him a little sceptical because as you were getting dressed in his room he didn’t look like one that was getting out at bed. You kissed him goodbye and went into the office as you used to. Doing the day you saw both Arthur and John walk to and from Tommy’s office. You smiled and them and looked after them with a curious glance, but they just tipped their hat at you and disappeared out again. They hadn’t done that any of the other days where Tommy had been lying in bed, so you half expected Tommy to appear at some point of the day but he never came. You didn’t think more of it than you were looking forward to get up to the room and see him again as soon you were done working. You hadn’t really left the Shelby residence since the incidence. You had moved yourself from Tommy’s room to the office and back again.
So when you entered Tommy’s room after a long day and you found it empty, a knot instantly formed in your stomach. You went to search for him in the house but didn’t find him, or any of the brothers. In the dining room were Polly, Esme and Ada. They were surrounded by most of the Shelby kids. They looked to you as you stood in the door looking around.
“You looking for Tommy?” Ada said while having her toddler on her knee, bopping up and down her leg so that he was giggling hysterically. You nodded at her and Ada looked at Polly.
“He’s out. Didn’t he tell you?” She asked and you quickly shock your head. Out? Where did he go all of the sudden? As far as you knew he hadn’t left his room so he couldn’t have made any appointments. Polly sighed and motioned for you to sit down with the rest of the ladies.
“He couldn’t sit still for that long. I’m sure that if you weren’t here he would have been back in the office the moment he left the hospital.” She explained. You didn’t like the sound of that at old. The fact that he didn’t care much for his health like that was horrible, even though it was better after you came along.
“Don’t worry about him. John and Arthur went out with him. I’m sure it’s important if he leaves without saying anything to you. They will be back soon. They are always home to warm the bed at night.” Esme said with a smug smile and Ada made a face at her. John’s youngest daughter came up to you as you sat down. She handed you a teddy bear and you couldn’t stop smiling at her excitement to show off her toys. You knew that you wouldn’t be able to relax if you went up and waited for Tommy in his room. So you stayed with the ladies and the children and occupied yourself with playing with the oldest of the children.
It was dark outside as you stood in one of the children rooms. Esme had decided to stay in the residence instead of going home since the brothers hadn’t returned. The oldest of John’s children had been angry as she had a room for herself at home but she had to share a room with her sister in the common house. You watched as Esme tried to tug the girls in as you stood at the window, looking down on the dark street.
“You need to get some sleep y/n.” Whispered Esme as she had finally made the girls settle down. You put a hand on your shoulder to guide you out of the room and a shutter went through your body but you noticed that you didn’t have the sickening need to get away from her as you would have done not many weeks before. But you were still hyperaware. She bit you goodnight and went to her and John’s room. You were alone on the hallway and it looked incredibly longer when you were standing there only with a dim light from a single lightbulb in the middle of the hall. You sighed and walked down to Tommy’s room that you almost could call yours too since more and more of your clothing creeped their way into his drawers and you was rarely home at your own apartment.  
You lay in bed for hours waiting for any sound of the brothers coming home. You couldn’t sleep without knowing he was home safe. When you finally heard a car pull up to the house you went to the window in your bare feet and watches as Arthur clapped Tommy on the shoulder and they were laughing together. John was speaking to Tommy when he looked up to the window you stood in and caught your eyes. He smiled up to you and held a hand up as a greeting. You waved back sweetly but you could feel that you were a little mad that he hadn’t told you were he went. What if something happened while he was still recovering?
“Hey gorgeous.” He said as soon he enters the room and took the cap off. You stood with your arms around yourself as you were only in a sleeping dress. He went over to you and dragged you into his arms and kissed you lovingly. You kissed him back but huffed at him as soon he let you go again.  
“Where were you, Tommy? You are still supposed to take it easy!” You snapped at him, or at least you were sure you sounded at least a little angry.
“I had to get back to work eventually. I’m fine. I haven’t busted any stitches. You can have a look if you want to?” Without another warning Tommy started to shrug off his jacket and take of his clothing. You blushed hard under his gaze as he stripped down to only wear his trousers. He still had the bandages around his middle and there were no blood seeping thought. At least he took a little care of himself which made you almost as happy as the fact that he was standing half naked in front of you.
“Still in one piece.” He said proudly and spread out his arms for you to embrace him again.
“You didn’t come to the office.” You reminded him as you pressed your nose against the bottom of his chin.
“With good reasons. I was in Manchester.” He said. You tried to lean back so you could look at him with a sour face but Tommy held you tighter against him.
“With good reasons. You are going to like this. I promise.” Tommy finally unwrapped his arms around you and took your hands as he let you to the bed. He sat on the edge and you stood between his knees. He ran the backside of his hands along your curves. The motion making your knee long dress slip a little up, exposing some skin on your upper tights. It was like Tommy was transfixed on the little piece of skin.
“So what did you do exactly?” You put your hands on his shoulders and massaged them a little. He hummed and closed his eyes for a moment. But he still spoke.
“I made sure you got a meeting with Lady Isabella Finch. You are going to Manchester this Saturday. John agreed to drive you.” He opened his eyes and looked at you as you froze and stopped massaging his shoulders.
“I… I have a meeting? Without you?” You asked a little unsure how that would work.
“If there is anyone that can persuade her, it’s you. She adores you.” Tommy said with a charming smile.
“But Tommy you know that I can’t... speak with her.”
“She was very understanding last time we were there. I’m sure you will do fine. I trust you will get the deal done. You wanted to be included and I made it happen because I want to include you. I want you to work with me on this goal and went you come back to Birmingham with the deal in your hand, I want you to show it off at the next family meeting.” He held your gaze as you stood there dumbfounded. He believed so much in you that he practically placed the whole deal and Manchester adventure in your hands. You wanted to be included and he had giving you the whole responsibility. It was scary to think about but you were also very proud of yourself that you had made someone trust you so much that he would do something so big. It would give you a chance to get back at Mick King but also a chance for Tommy to relax a bit longer.
“I don’t know what to say.” You mumbled.
“Just say you will do it.” Tommy simply said and you bend down to kiss him. He grabbed you by the waist and tumbled you over to lie on the bed next to where he sat. He crawled over you and placed himself half on top of you as he started to attack your neck with small kisses.
“Everything for you, Tommy.” You moaned.
“Everything?” Tommy mumbled against you skin. You thought for a moment what that meant and what position you found yourself in. And for the first time since the rape you thought to yourself that you actually didn’t mind it. The way Tommy’s hands slowly worked their way up and down your body made you feel all warm inside and you couldn’t deny how beautiful you felt.
“Everything.” You repeated him and in one smooth motion he had laid you down on the bed, hovering over you. You both looked down to the space between the two of you. His middle still wrapped in the bandages.
“It’s okay. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” He assured you and you nodded. But it was not the only thing you thought about while looking down. The thought of anyone coming near your abdomen was a little frightening but if there was any one you wanted it to be, it was Tommy. He would also understand your hesitation if you just spoke up about it. Your breath caught when Tommy started to leave sloppy open mouth kisses down your neck and when he reached your collarbone his fingers reached the bottom of your loose shirt and pulled it up. You let him remove it and tossed it to the side of the bed. The chill air hitting the bare skin of your stomach and arms. He let his hand run over your stomach as he started to work his way down your body with small kisses. You couldn’t help but moan and it was like it ignited something in him.
“Is it okay if I…” He started but you pulled him to you by his arm.
“Tommy I have to… I may not be completely… normal… down there. You know… I’m afraid you will be disappointed if I can’t…” You stammered through your explanation but he slowly lowered himself onto you.
“We don’t have to do this, if you can’t…
“No I want to. I just… I don’t feel like a whole woman anymore. So I just wanted to warn you if it isn’t… good.”
“Y/n. There is nothing about you that can ever disappoint me. You are the most amazing woman to me, whole or not. You are all I want.” Tommy was holding your gaze as he spoke and you were almost about to tear up when Tommy smiled at you awkwardly.
“Please don’t cry. I don’t want to be a fella that makes women cry in my bed.” You both laughed at the situation and you dried your eyes with the back of your hand, trying to calm yourself. Tommy let a thumb run over your cheek as he kissed you sweetly. You started kissing him back, really feeling his words in every movement between you.
You started to feel the growing tension between your legs and lifted yourself up against Tommy. You used the opportunity to slip off your skirt. Tommy took your face in his hands as you fidgeted with the buttons in his pants. When you finally got them up he tried his best to move out of them, without having to break the kiss. The awkward horizontal dance made you giggle against his lips. You could feel his smile as he tried to let his tongue slip between your lips. He swallowed your last giggle and you became a tangled mess of arm, legs and flying underwear.
He was hovering over you as you spread your legs for him. It was like the air around you became a little tense but Tommy was fighting it for you by giving you a mischievous smile. You felt his hand move down your side, over your hip and found its way between your legs. The brush against your inner tight made you jolt. It excited you more than it frightened you. Tommy looked you in the eyes as he was looking for accept and you nodded. His thumb brushed the sensitive knot and you gasped so loudly. It only encouraged him as he started rubbing circles on you. It felt much better than you could have ever imagined.
“Tommy.” You whimpered as he started to insert the first finger into you. He breathed in sharply as you closed your eyes and let your head fall back against the pillow. He started pumping into you and soon after added another finger. You had been so afraid that you wouldn’t be able to feel anything. That you would have been completely numb or worse; disturbed by the feeling of something against your clit. But Tommy knew what he was doing to you and he continued the motions and the sloppy kisses throughout your first orgasm in years.
“You look so beautiful.” Tommy murmured as you squirmed underneath him, riding out your high on his fingers. You felt beautiful under his gaze. He looked at you hungrily as he removed his fingers from within you. The sudden emptiness made you shoot your hips up against him in an attempt to take the pressure from you. You whimpered against his mouth.
“You are so impatient.” He mumbled and you just answered him with a little sigh. You reached up towards his lips again as he lifted himself a little. You needed him to touch you and to kiss you again. You felt it like a prickling all over your body.
“Tommy, I need…” You tried to explain but as you looked to him what was going on, you saw how he was pumping himself. You breathed in sharply and reached down to let your hands take over. The way he was twitching around under your touched made you even wetter for him and you were both a moaning mess as he lined himself up against you.
“Yes.” You whispered into his ear to the unspoken question you knew he was asking himself. You wanted it to happen. You needed it to happen so bad. He pressed against you and you held your breath as he slide inside slowly. You were surprised by the feeling of being filled out. You had been so afraid of this moment for so long that you had waited until now. But it felt right. It wasn’t painful and it wasn’t loose.
“You feel so perfect.” He confirmed to your unspoken thoughts. He held you close as he started moving. His head fell against your shoulder and he nipped at your skin. You wrapped your arms around him and as he moved you could feel the texture of his bandages scratch against your upper arms. You had never wanted someone as bad as you wanted Tommy. You wanted to do him right. You wanted to protect him as much as he protected you. You wanted him to stay in your arms. On top of you. Beside you. Inside you. The feeling of his skin against your felt like the most right think in the world.
Tommy sped up and your toes curled as a natural reaction and you dug your nails into his back. He was chasing something good with his wild motions and you met him halfway with every thrust.
“Tommy.” You moaned and he lifted his head to face you. The sweaty hair around his face. The slightly open mouth. He looked wild like an animal but still so beautiful. You let your hand sneak around his neck and guided his face down to yours. It was hard to kiss between both of your moans but you didn’t care. You could feel a shift in the way that he moved that it wouldn’t be long and the knot in your stomach told you that it would take you long either.
“Y/n… God I… ” He whispered your name against your lip and in the next moment you gasped for air as he placed a thumb back on you clit. He forcefully stroke it and you were sure your vision went black at the edges as you filled your lungs with air in a big gulp only to be able to whimper his name so loud that you were sure someone would have heard it. You contracted around him in pulsing movements and it was the last thing that made him become undone. He looked you in the eyes as he let out a roar. You could feel the heat deep inside you and you brushed away his wet hair from his face to look at him properly as he came down from his high.
His weight was a little heavy on you. You had slumbered down on top of you and his head was again buried in your neck. His warm breath tickling your skin. You wrapped your arms around him again and closed your eyes.
“Thank you.” You whispered and he immediately lifted his head.
“Thank you?” He repeated questioningly.
“I never thought I would be able to feel like this. Thank you for proving to me that I’m not worthless.” You said with a gentle smile.
“Don’t ever think about yourself that way.” He rolled to the side and finally pulled out of you. It was strange how fast you could get used to be filled up and you couldn’t wait to feel like that again. Now he pulled you half on top of him, making sure that you weren’t laying on top of his wound. He pulled the covers over the two of you and settled in. The peace that fell over you when you were lying in his arms at night was a safe space. Nothing could happen to you as long as you were in his arms and no creepy sounds could be heard over the sound of Tommy’s heavy breathing as he slept free of his own nightmares.
@im-the-colourless-sunshine @fearthequeer595 @sununicorn @i-love-you-green @imnotsomewhore @imnotuglyimjustpredebut @hi-there-x @namiknows @imnotsomewhore @captivatedbycillianmurphy @irishgirl1995 @stalker83005 @stressedandbandobessed7771 @tuliptx @stydia-4-ever @ladymelissastark @yoheyyosup @calciferthelivingfire @actorinfluence @theamuz @affection-rabbit @jenepleurepasbaby @mango978 @csigeoblue @independentgirl @sweatydragoncloudknight @kiaoizz @rosedunne-shelby @greedysiren @adelinekam weebllespaces ldynblack  @barnestann​
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