#i wanna make even longer posts for him but i don't wanna spam too much about him
httpiastri · 5 months
Hey angelll🫶🏻 PLEASE HEAR ME OUT, have you seen Paul with the balaclava on that goes under the helmet??? His eyes oh my god, I carnally need him in the mask, the TikTok masked men epidemic is getting to my head I think
paul :((((
his eyes are so gorgeous.... the dark blue is so pretty, especially in combination with the blonde hair !!! he's crazy
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so pretty :(((
he seemingly doesn't like to wear just his balaclava a lot (i rewatched all of the prema lap videos today heh and he always pulls it off super fast when he pulls off his helmet) and didn't catch it a lot, but i did go back to his monaco podium and saw this:
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the squished, red cheeks 😭 and the head shake?? hello???? im so in love with his hair, its not sane. his post-race hair should be studied honestly because it has a personality of its own
also these aren't with the balaclava either but he just removed it before soooo
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the marks from the balaclava !!! it's weirdly attractive? idk how to explain it?? but it looks so good.... the one by his eye, the one going from under his ear 🥺🥺 and again, his hair!!! the amount of money i would pay to pull my hands through it or braid it or just-
(also if he ever trims it down. i will fight.)(also #2. if anyone sends me a single ask even mentioning his hair, i might have to make a full post about it. just for science, ofc.)
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qxldnya · 1 year
Enemies to lovers
Part 1 part 2 part 3
Jude Bellingham x baller!reader
Taglist now open
Wc: 2k
Warning: past flashback, swearing
⚠️ A/n: PLS STOP SPAMMING ME! I beg man 😭 i will post parts as soon as i can and people spamming me everywhere only puts me off this. If you wanna be apart of the taglist comment down below<3 THANK YOU FOR 900 FOLLOWERS <3
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"A favor?"
You repeat, the words feeling thick and heavy on your tongue. A part of you suspects that he's about to pull a fast one and make some belittling joke at your expense.
Or he's going to ask you to do something completely impossible for him, just so he can prove his point that, haha, you fucked up!
Because there's really no conceivable reason that he would-
"You need me to act as your boyfriend for the wedding thing. Fine. But I need you to..."
He trails off, and you stare in awe as a light pink hue dusts his cheeks. Is Jude... blushing? You'd seen him blush out of rage before, many times actually, but never... shyness? Is that what this even is?
"...It'll be easier if I just explain it first."
Nodding, you feel like you're stuck in some kind of trance as he sits down on top of the desk next to yours. He sighs again, and then those blood-red eyes are focused on you.
"My parents are... fuckin' nutcases. I don't know if you've heard much about them, but they're kinda well- respected in England. Not like your aunt, just pretty influential in politics n' shit."
You openly stare at him, head tilted.
"I, uh, don't follow."
A glare. "So let me fucking finish then, eh?"
Bristling, you bite your tongue and grit out a strained apology. He just rolls his eyes in response and continues on.
"Anyways, my mom's been creepily invested in like, making sure I have a girlfriend so I can 'continue the family lineage.' I'm still 19 so it doesn't make much sense, but it's just for her to show it off I guess."
He makes air quotes with his fingers as he speaks, and you almost want to laugh a bit because the idea of Jude having a wife and kids is just... unrealistic. He looks away, eyes hardening as his tone shifts into something more somber. "So then I had a girlfriend, but we uh, broke up a few months ago."
Hold the fucking phone. Jude had a girlfriend? Like, as in living breathing girl? Who was interested in actually dating him?
Your attempt to conceal the look of shock clearly written across on your face utterly fails, because Jude instantly notices before you can even try to correct yourself. The look he gives you makes your spine go rigid.
"The fuck you looking like that for?"
"Nothing," you say a bit too quickly. "so then what about the rest of the favor?" He scowls for a few moments longer, as if he's wondering if he really wants to pursue an argument right now, then thankfully drops the issue altogether and continues talking. You let out a breath you weren't even aware you'd been holding, feeling slightly victorious at the fact that for once you've managed to avoid a giant mess. It's a nice change of pace.
"As I was saying, we broke up, but my mom doesn't know that. Hell, she didn't even meet my girlfriend to begin with. Was just happy to know I had one, and then bragged about it to all her friends or whatever."
Your fingers begin to drum wildly against your desk. You've got a feeling you know where this is going, and it does not appeal to you.
"But you're single now, so she doesn't know?"
"Yeah. Which is where you come in."
Yep. Laughing nervously, you stand from your seat and grab your bag, slinging it over your shoulder.
"Yeah, look... I know I fucked up with the whole phone call thing, and I'm sorry about that, but I am NOT going to be your pretend girlfriend for god knows how long just because your mom-"
He makes a face, appearing as if you've just gravely offended him.
"What? Why the fuck would I ever want that? Idiot, it's only going to be for one night, not a year."
A short laugh escapes his lips, curt and blunt. “You think I'd enjoy having you of all people as my girlfriend?"
You wince, because ouch, but at the same time, you'd probably reply with the exact same thing had he been the one to insinuate that. So it's fair, you suppose. "Only one night?" Is your hesitant response. "My mom's got a stupid party with her fellow political snobs coming up in a week," he grumbles, leg swinging impatiently.
"I just need you to pose as my girlfriend for the party. That's all."
Mulling over your options, you bite your lip and give him a skeptical glance.
"So that's it? And then you'll- you'll do the wedding thing with me?"
Jude nods. You then start to feel slightly bad, because here he is only requiring you to act as his significant other for one night, whereas you'll be having him act for a week... "Are you sure it's a fair exchange?" You mumble, nervously picking at the seams of your shorts. Rolling his eyes for the billionth time, he hops off of the desk and snorts.
"I get out of having my mom scream at me and get a free vacation to fucking Malibu?"
"The Bahamas," you correct him.
Another eye roll. You silently hope that they stay stuck in the back of his head someday.
"Whatever, same difference. So yeah, it's a pretty fair exchange.
I mean, we just fake "break up" after the wedding or whatever." He hums to himself a bit, before grimacing slightly. His next words are nothing more but a mumble, and you strain to hear them.
"But, if anything, we're both kinda getting fucked over here." You narrow your eyes suspiciously. "Hey, hold on, I never explicitly agreed to all of this. What do you mean by that?"
A sort of realization dawns on him. He slowly faces you before flashing a sarcastic grin in response, his sharp canines now visible at the corners of his mouth.
"Come on, you didn't think this was gonna be as easy as just saying we're dating and expecting people to believe it, did you?"
Heat rises to your cheeks. "I- I don't follow." "It means," he says, taking a few slow steps towards you. "that you and I are gonna have to actually play the part. I mean if we're both all stiff-shouldered and awkward, ya think your aunt is really be convinced that we're actually dating?"
"I mean, it- it doesn't matter too much, right?"
God, you hope your face isn't as red as it feels. And then Jude is directly in front of you, both of his hands squarely planted on the desk as he looms over you. You're now certain that it is as red as it feels. It's unclear to you if you're more flustered over the blatant invasion of your personal space, or... no, you're not finishing that thought.
"Here's the thing, 'babe,' " he growls, his voice strained. "you can try and convince your aunt about whatever the fuck you want. I'm definitely not complaining if I don't have to bring the whole romance shtick along on the trip. That would be ideal, actually, cause there's no way I'm trying to shack up with you."
His face is now only inches from yours, hot breath slightly fanning across your cheeks. You think your heart has leapt straight into your throat. Since when has it been this hard to breathe?
"But with my family, you're not getting away with any of that half-assed crap. So whether you like it or not - and I can assure you that I for one don't -we're gonna have to get used to acting like a real couple. Otherwise, this isn't gonna work. Understand?"
You physically cannot move, only offering a blank stare in response. He smirks in a patronizing sort of way, seemingly mistaking your bewildered reaction for one of fear. As if he expected you to react this way all along.
"Unless, of course, princess prude here can't do that. So make your choice."
Hold on, is he trying to scare you off?
Oh, he definitely is.
He takes your momentary silence as an answer and chuckles.
"That's what I thought."
You've been described as a lot of things that you can agree with. Easily flustered, hard-headed, passionate... the list goes on. You've also been described as incredibly stubborn. Petty, too. And those statements are just as factual.
"Well, if you change your mind, I'll probably have until tomorrow before I go looking for a stand-in" Jude shrugs, finally backing up from your desk and turning toward the door.
"but otherwise, if you can't do it, we're probably done here-"
All things considered, you're guessing that he probably didn't expect you to stand from your seat and grab him roughly by the back of his shirt. He lets out a startled noise as you yank him towards you, forcing him to face you as your fist bunches in his collar. Pulling him down to meet you eye-to-eye, your response is forced from your lips with a ferocity that surprises even you.
"Try me." You regret the words the momont they leave your mouth. But you're too busy relishing in Jude startled expression to really care. He stares at you for a few moments longer, seemingly dumbfounded, before abruptly prying your hand off of him with a look of disdain. He smoothes out his shirt with a smile.
"Damn, didn't know princess prude had some balls on her."
Trying to maintain your false facade of confidence, you cross your arms stubbornly.
"The joke's only funny once. Don't call me that." And for a moment you swear he smirks, a smirk that's not full of hatred or sarcasm for once, but it's quickly replaced with his normal resting bitch face that you've seen so frequently over the course of the past semester. "Alright," he grumbles.
"Let me give you my number so we can plan shit out." You hand him your phone, and he quickly punches in his contact before carelessly tossing it back to you. It almost slips from your grasp, and you glare daggers at him as you fumble to recover it.
"Watch it, asshole." He just sniggers.
"Yeah, whatever. Anyways I'm blasting this dump. Later, princess prude." "I said, don't fucking call me that!"
You shout after him as he exits the room, fists trembling with anger.
"Whatever the princess commands."
"You're not funny!"
"Don't care." It's the last thing you hear before he disappears out of the room and down the hallway, leaving you to stand in place, furious, and process what exactly you just agreed to. Jude is your fake boyfriend. What the fuck?
It feels taboo to even think about. An even scarier realization that hits you with the speed of a freight train is that to everyone else, Jude is now your real boyfriend.
Crouching down, you wrap your arms around your knees and resist the urge to scream. By the time you make it through the rest of your classes and back to your apartment, you think you're about to drop dead on your feet. You'd been too focused on what had happened back in the empty room with Jude to really pay attention to any of your lectures, instead debating whether or not you should just call the whole thing off and stick to trying to pay your aunt back, or roll with it and move onto the next set of problems that would arise from sticking with it. Is he still going to tell people you two aren't actually dating? Are you still going to be outed as a liar?
God, you hope not. Hell, you'd even written out a whole pros and cons list during your last class, which you were now reviewing from the privacy and comfort of your bed.
PROS: No Tom (Jude is somehow more bearable, cause at least he's not a creep) Aunt + Mom are happy (no guilt-tripping) Don't have to pay aunt Sylvie back VACATION TO BAHAMAS??? Maybe won't be outed for "lying" (did I lie tho) Not permanent I'm technically doing something nice for someone else at
I'm technically doing something nice for someone else at the same time :))))
(kind of, fuck you Jude)
CONS: He's not Tom but he's also still Jude and that means that I have to deal with the asshole for basically a month
Family is gonna ask questions Prep stuff for the fake dating I guess Oh god do I have to kiss him??
Might still have to deal with the Rice thing and being called a liar Have to deal with HIS family asking questions And... that's about it.
At first glance, you try to convince yourself that both sides are semi-even, but... the cons are mostly superficial or just plain uncertain, now that you look at them. And the pros are stupidly strong and... shit.... The only big thing you'll be sacrificing is your dignity. And your time and patience. No, no. That's still worth something right? Maybe not. Are you seriously about to go along with this? And as if on cue, your phone buzzes with a text from Jude.
From: Jude
6:17 PM
Hey, I told Rice the rumors are true. Might be easier for you and I to keep our story straight. We can just tell him we broke up
You stare quizzically at the message for a few moments, sort of in awe. He still sounds as harsh as ever but this is... oddly considerate of him.
Did someone steal his phone or something?
From: Jude
6:19 PM
Your name in my phone is Princess Prude, just thought you should know.
Never mind.
Definitely the same guy.
From: You
6:20 PM
From: Jude
6:20 PM
Cause it pisses you off
From: you
6:21 PM
was about to thank you for what I thought was a really nice gesture but now all I have to say is fuck you
You make a new contact name for him and send a screenshot.
From: Judyhoe
6:22 PM
The fuck? "Judyhoe?" You've got some meedy insults yk. And the feeling is mutual btw
He sends a middle finger emoji with nothing else, and you suppose that's the end of the conversation.
But despite all the insults, his infuriating personality, and the shit you're probably going to have to put up with...
At least he's not Tom
Naturally, Mason had been the first in your admittedly small social circle to know the truth; he was probably your closest friend on camp at this point. And considering the fact that you had kind of ghosted her since the end of training, you supposed it was only right to fill him in on what was going on.
That, and you weren't sure if you'd remain mentally stable enough if you'd kept all of this a secret.
"Are you shitting me?" Was the first thing he'd said when you'd finally picked up her calls. The whole ordeal had been explained over text - a tedious process, looking back.
But you'd just been too embarrassed to recount everything out loud.
"No," you mumble, rolling over in your bed so you can stare at the ceiling. "I swear I'm not."
You hear him inhale sharply, before he starts laughing like a maniac. Reddening, you clench your fists as you sit up in bed, shouting words of indignation into the speaker as he continues to cackle at your expense.
"You and Jude-" he seems to be almost laughing through tears.
"You guys are faking... This can't be real. You guys are like Arsenal and spurs!" Grumbling, you slouch.
"I know, and yes, it is real."
"Are- are you two sharing a fucking BED on your vacation?" He howls, trying to catch his breath, and you try your damndest not to hang up right then and there as your face goes aflame at his suggestion.
"No!" Comes your high-pitched squeal.
"Me? Share a bed with that asshole? He would probably suffocate me in my sleep!"
"I dunno, maybe it's the perfect time to figure out if one of you has a degrading kink-" Grinding your teeth, you glare down at your phone.
"If you don't shut up, I'm going to end the call." he half-heartedly apologizes as his laughter dissolves into giggles.
You just sigh, one hand rubbing at your temples. This is going to be a painfully long month.
"So..." he starts. "how do you honestly feel about it?" his tone is genuinely curious this time.
Humming, you search for an answer. "I don't know," is your honest reply. "I'm relieved, because it kinda solved three problems all at once but... I'm also really dreading the whole thing. I'm scared something's gonna get fucked up along the way."
A short laugh. "Fair enough. I'll be surprised if you two don't kill each other before the whole party thing." You silently agree.
"So like, to convince his parents, is he gonna have to practice kissing you or something?"
The sound that leaves your mouth is nothing short of a squeak. Oh, you can practically hear him grinning over the phone.
"Oh? Looks like someone isn't prepared. What if he pulls you onto his lap, huh? Wraps his arms around your waist..."
"That's not- Shut up!" is your garbled reply, throat constricting at the thought. "If I didn't know any better, you sound flustered~" he purrs.
No, you protest very firmly. You aren't flustered. You're just grossed out. The thought is appalling to you. One hundred percent. He can tell that you're lying. And shit, why the fuck is it making you flustered? He's a fucking dickhead. And you genuinely do hate him. But he's a hot dickhead, a voice in the back of your head whispers, and you try to beat it over the head with an imaginary baseball bat. Ok. Fine. He's attractive. You'll admit it. And you hate it, because otherwise, you wouldn't be nearly as flushed thinking about all of this.
And why do all the assholes get to be attractive??
You don't realize you've said all of this aloud to Mason until he bursts out laughing again, much to your embarrassment, and then you have to spend a whole five minutes shutting him up. He's not going to let you live this down. Not for a long while. The two of you continue to talk about the logistics of the arrangement for about an hour longer - you pointedly ignore a few of the sly jokes he slips in here and there - before he has to leave for his family dinner
And when the call finally ends, you can't help but feel a tiny bit relieved that this isn't a secret you need to carry alone anymore.
Your phone buzzes with a text.
From: money mase
8:49 PM Just always remember the importance of condoms and good ol birth control
You should've just kept your mouth shut. From: You
8:50 PM I have no idea why you're so convinced that we're going to do anything. This is literally a contract out of convenience.
From: money mase
8:51 PM That's what they all say, mate
From: You
8:52 PM The day I fuck Jude is the day you finally confess to Declan
He doesn't respond to that one. The rest of the night passes without much of a hitch. You do get a few curious messages on your social media asking about Jude, but you elect to ignore them for now, favoring the sweet embrace of sleep.
And when you finally manage to drift off to sleep after what feels like ages of constant tossing and turning, your dreams are filled with brown eyes that burn through your body over and over, until nothing of you remains but charred ash.
From: Judyhoe
8:15 AM Meet me today at my apartment after lunch so we can plan shit out for the party. I've only got one massage class, so I'll be here all day. And don't keep me waiting
Waking up to a text from Jude feels like whiplash. (a/n referenced the best movie to exist;)
And waking up to a text from Jude demanding you to come to his apartment, of all places, more so. And what does he mean by "plan shit out?" You mull over whether or not you should fake sick and bail, gingerly sipping at your coffee. But then comes the reminder that all of this technically counts as an obligation now, thanks to your poor critical thinking skills that are permanently coupled with your big fat mouth
You told him to send his adress. He does, and you can't help but gawk when you recognize the location because holy shit, it's in a really nice area in London. You always seemed to forget that some on the team lives by themselves rather than on camp like you. Simply out of convenience. Your cat rubs against your ankles with a purr, and you pick her up, scratching behind her ears as you silently pray that today won't be a complete disaster on your end.
Unfortunately, things are already looking glum. The stares are even more prominent today. Probably a result of Jude's confirmation with Declan about it all. You even overhear a huddled group of girls whispering as you pass, shooting you a few glares. You try your best to ignore it all, but by the time you slide into your seat at lunch, you want to do nothing but hide.
It'll pass, you think to yourself, desperate for consolation. He's basically a high class celebrity, so of course it's a hot topic. But it'll pass soon. Old news. Despite your anxiety about, well, everything, everything pass by far too quickly.
It's 4 PM before you even realize it. Wait, why are you so worked up over this? It's just a stupid meeting. Nothing weird is going to happen. It's just a result of everything Mason said last night. And even if you have to practice being... being a couple, it's not like he's going to do anything
Right? You should bail. But as you pull up his messages and start typing out an excuse to remain hiding at home with your cat, you can practically envision Jude calling you "princess prude" again, and it's all the conviction you need to erase the stupid message, grab your bag, and stride as you confidently head for his apartment.
The confidence lasts for a whole twenty minutes, until you reach the lobby of the apartment building. You're not sure if it can even be classified as a lobby, it looks more like a resort. There's even a bar to the right.
You instantly feel out of place, suddenly hyper-aware of your admittedly plain looking clothing in contrast to the other walking around in designer brands. Not because you couldn't afford them but because it wouldn't fit you.
Shit, maybe you should've worn something your aunt gifted you... You catch a few people giving you sideways glances, some hostile, others curious. Probably recognizing who you were. Pulling out your phone, you retreat to a corner and quickly send a text to Jude.
From: You
4:25 PM I'm here please come down idk how this place works and the posh people are staring at me
From: Judyhoe
4:25 PM are you serious
You wait for a few more minutes, idly shuffling your feet as you try your best to stay out of everyone's direct line of sight.
Not just because you definitely look out of place, but also because the people living here probably know Jude. Which means they also probably know about Jude.
Which means they also probably know about you. And there seems to be very mixed reception to that. And then you spot him coming into the lobby, adorning a plain black tank top and matching black sweats. And for a second, you want to laugh, because he looks just as out of place as you do.
But he very obviously isn't, judging from the way that everyone greets him as he passes.
He offers nothing more than a nod of acknowledgement in response, even to the two glammed up girls that try to rest their hands on his arms in an attempt to stop him long enough for a brief conversation.
He just shrugs them off and keeps walking, narrowed eyes scanning the room in search of you. Stepping out of your little hiding place, you try to nonchalantly raise a hand to catch his attention, hoping that no one takes much notice of you.
Jude spots you, and his eyes narrow even more as he storms over to where you awkwardly stand.
"Why didn't you just come up?" He hisses, stopping right in front of you. People are staring. "I- What do you mean?" His voice drops an octave, and hushes to nearly a whisper. "Do you know how this looks? How much attention we're drawing to ourselves?
"Shit, I told Mason to tell everyone it was true, but I didn't want it to be a fucking spectacle."
Trying to keep your expression neutral, you respond through gritted teeth.
"I'm sorry that I don't know how to navigate your huge apartment lobby. There's so many stupid hallways and rooms down here, why does it all look so fucking fancy and expensive?"
"What?you're literally a fotballer you are loaded."
"Yeah, but not posh loaded, everything is in the bank you i do not show it off dickhead," you huff indignantly, eyes darting around nervously. Jude looks like he wants to say more, but it quickly comes to his attention that the two of you are on the verge of causing a scene.
There's quite a few people watching the two of you, some more obviously than others. The two girls that tried to hit on him are muttering something to themselves and "subtly" pointing at you, something the both of you are quick to notice.
You can't help but shrink in on yourself, feeling exposed and more than a bit humiliated. Why the fuck couldn't he just act normal and wait until you were in private to tell you this? Jude's eyes flicker from them, then back to you. Then, with a scowl, he grabs your hand - not your wrist this time and pulls you along behind him to the other end of the lobby where he first appeared from. You can't fight the blush that works its way onto your cheeks as his calloused palm envelops your own. Since when is hand-holding this embarrassing? You feel as if you're committing an act of public indecency.
Thankfully, your previous anger helps to combat the unwelcome feelings, and you silently fume as he pulls you into one of the several elevators lined up along either side of the hallway. Punching the button to one of the highest floors, he finally lets go of your hand, and you can't help but sigh out of relief.
There's an awkward moment of silence as the elevator begins to rise. You stare at the excessive amount of decor. It's a fucking elevator, why does it need a mini- chandelier?
"I... thought you'd come earlier." Jude breaks the silence first. "London traffic ," you muttered. More silence. The silence lasts for the rest of the elevator ride. The doors ding open with a merry chime. and Jude steps doors ding open with a merry chime, and Jude steps out, hesitating briefly to ensure that you're following before striding down the hallway.
You trail behind, marveling at how your shoes slightly sink into the plush carpeting. The whole place is impressive to look at, actually, and you get lost in the painted gold embellishments on the light blue wallpaper.
So lost, in fact, that you don't notice when Jude abruptly stops in front of a door, turning to face you. You look back just in time to face plant into his chest.
Letting out a startled yelp, you quickly jerk back and lose your balance, falling straight onto your ass. He just stares down at you, dumbfounded, as you rub at your nose with a wince. Why the fuck is his chest rock solid? You think to yourself, groaning.
"Look where you're fucking walking," Jude mutters with a glare, extending a hand for you to take. Prick. You bat it away, stubbornly standing on your own with only a tiny bit of struggle. He just rolls his eyes and turns to unlock the door, cursing as he fumbles with the key. It jingles a few times, and then the tell tale click of the lock gives way. When the door is open, you can't help but eagerly follow him inside, admittedly curious to see what a rich boy's apartment looks like. Does he have a master bathroom? TV's everywhere? Maybe some gold bars lying around? It's just a whole lot of nothing, much to your disappointment. He throws his keys on the kitchen counter as you take in your surroundings with a raised eyebrow.
The whole place is... minimalist, to say the least. Save for a few dumbbells lying around, a couch in the living area, and a clean and tidy kitchen, the rest of the space is bare. There's obviously appliances and a large flatscreen TV, but you'd really expected... more. Maybe some gold curtains, a regal throne even. Jude walks over to the living room and throws himself on the couch.
"Is your nose ok?" He asks, kicking his feet up on the ottoman in front of him with his arms folded behind his head.
You're not sure if it's the sudden privacy, the recent memory of colliding face first with his chest, or the fact that his pose just really... accentuates everything, but it's then that you really realize just how tight his tank top is, how clearly it defines every dip and curve of his muscles underneath and... no wonder you busted your nose.
Shut the fuck up shut the fuck up shut the fuck up
Forcing a nod, you swallow thickly.
"Uh- yeah." He grunts in response, then finally hunches over to rest his elbows on his knees - much to your relief - before sending an apathetic glance your way.
"So," you mimic uncertainly, finally taking a seat as far away from him as possible.
"The party is in six days," he says.
"And let me tell you, there's gonna be a lot more to it than just acting like you're obsessed with me and... vice versa or whatever. You're gonna be around more..."
He trails off, scrunching his eyebrows. "How did you put it? "posh" people, innit. So yeah, you're gonna need to learn how to act proper and, y'know, when to finally shut the fuck up."
He says that last sentence with a smirk, and you glower at him from your position on the couch.
"Are you serious? 'Act proper?' What, you think I'm some kind of barbarian?"
A wolfish grin stretches across his face. "You? A barbarian? Nah, you're too ditzy to be a barbarian."
Ditzy. Your father's eyes darken as he leers down at you, teeth grit together. You try not to cry, ignoring the way your eyes water as the broken plate trembles from within your grasp. "Fucking brain-dead," he slurs, breath reeking of alcohol. "That's what you are. You gonna grow up to be as ditzy as your mother? Huh?"
"Don't say that." You can feel anger rising, reddening your cheeks, but you do your best to remain calm. He shrugs, your serious tone going unnoticed.
"Ditzy. There, I said it. I mean, you probably don't know shit about the customs, so-"
You stand, still trying to maintain your composure but everything feels a bit fuzzy now.
"I said, don't call me that." And the fucker just laughs, glaring at you like he's challenging you.
"Why shouldn't I?"
"Because. I don't give a shit about the other nicknames, but that is something I don't want you calling me." Jude glowers at you for a few moments, before relenting with an eye roll.
"Fine. Jesus." And then he's blabbing off stuff about fancy customs, and you're finally starting to calm down, trying to tune in on what he's saying.
"My dad's kinda seen as the authority of the household, even though that's really my mom, but if you see him, you need to address him with respect."
You couldn't help but giggle a bit.
"Is that funny to you?"Jude's voice cuts through your thoughts, and when you turn to look at through your thoughts, and when you turn to look at him, he seems pretty pissed.
You just shrug, not really sure what to say. And Judd does not like that. "Hey, you might think all of this is a joke and that's fine, but my dad's cool. So just be respectful, asshole."
"I never said I wasn't going to be!"
"Then don't laugh when I tell you to be respectful!" You don't have a response to that, you'll admit. "Bitch," he mutters under his breath.
"Dick wad," you respond just as quietly.
"The fuck did you say?"
"Nothing, you stuck-up asshole." And the tension's back, thick in the air and hanging onto every spoken word. You stare each other down for what feels like an eternity, before you finally fold. This is all so exhausting.
"Ok, we can't do this anymore." He wrinkles his nose. "What?"
"This!" You gesture to him and then yourself. "We keep going for each other's throats and it's like, how are we supposed to pretend to be in love, when everything feels like a constant fight?"
"Not my fault."
"It's both of our faults!"
"You basically insulted my father," he growls. "You got pissy when I told you not to call me 'ditzy!' It was a simple request!" Jude groans, flopping back onto the couch to pinch his brow.
"Fine. What are you suggesting?"
Folding your hands together, you give him a stern look. "A truce."
He raises an eyebrow. "Which means...? Cause let's get one thing straight. I refuse to act like your little buddy buddy. We aren't friends." Sighing, you rub at your eyes.
"Ouch. That's not what I was aiming for, but thanks for the confirmation."
He just grunts, crossing his arms like a petulant child. "Ok, so then what?"
"No more fighting. No more trying to rile each other up every second of the damn day. That's what it means."
You stick out your hand.
"Just until the vacation is over. Alright? I'm not asking you to be friends." Jude looks at your outstretched hand suspiciously.
"So you're gonna actually listen to what I have to say about the party? The shit you're gonna have to learn?" You nod. "And you're gonna need to listen when I tell you not to call me something."
He thinks on it for only a second longer before grabbing your hand to shake it.
"Fine." And when the both of you let go, you almost want to celebrate because, score! Your fake-boyfriend maybe doesn't totally hate your guts anymore. Jude just scoffs, reaching into his pocket to fish out his phone.
Taglist: @valerysimps @like3dbypierregasly @enjoymyloves @capriaura @neymarssideboo @mad-die45
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marshmellopie · 6 months
[This post updates constantly!]
–My name is Half-Price, but you can call me Price, Mello, or Kālā too!
–He/Him primarily, I also use Xe/Xem and They/Them
–Asian/Pacific Islander, predominantly Kanaka Hawaiʻi. Aloha kākou! ʻŌlelo au i ka ʻōlelo Hawaiʻi, akā ʻaʻole nui loa... ke ʻaʻo nei au. (I speak Hawaiian, but not much... I'm still learning.)
–DNI: Basic criteria, NSFW/Fetish blog, proshippers (Spamkris ETC).
–Depending on my mood I may type in all lowercase (or all uppercase), keysmash, and sometimes use emojis/kaomojis ٩( ᐛ )و
–I bounce between hyperfixations, but the ones currently invading my mine are:
• Spamton G Spamton (Deltarune)
• Hunter/The Golden Guard (The Owl House)
• Simon Petrikov (Adventure Time/Fionna and Cake)
You'll mainly see Spamton, but I will occasionally draw other hyperfixations, or maybe my sona.
–I mainly draw! Sometimes I animate, too. I also love roleplay and writing, but I'm too shy to share that ^^;
–Ask box is always open and I love asks/comments/etc!! In fact I BEG you to give me asks /hj. You can ask me things or I can make Spamton reply instead if you'd like to know more about him. I might take a while to respond because I'm nervous ANSJSSJSJ and I take even longer if it's a request (which I don't mind! I enjoy y'all wanting to see content of my Spammy). Sometimes I may not answer your question at all if it's out of my skill level or something I legitimately cannot answer, I'm sorry!
–I have bad paranoia and anxiety online so I have a hard time reaching out to others, and I take a while to respond in conversations because I take a while to formulate something to say. I'm honestly scared for my life here LOL I constantly fear saying/doing something wrong or coming off the wrong way!! I wanna make friends/moots but I'm too scared to say hello!! I appreciate all of you, though, and I fanboy over all of your guys's wonderful art. I ramble a lot in the tags whenever I reblog things so please bear with me, I have a lot to say X]
–I tend to disappear randomly for days to weeks at a time. I lose energy and motivation online really easily, or my anxiety flares up and I get scared to do literally ANYTHING online. I get scared to reblog, to post, or even to like things?? And it's often hard for me to come back.
–DO PEOPLE CARE IF OTHERS LIKE/INTERACT WITH THEIR OLD ART?? I scroll through people's older artworks a lot just because I either like seeing the improvement or I'd like to see other posts y'all made, but I accidentally interact with them sometimes when I don't mean to, sorry if I do that– I don't mind if people spam like my art or interact with my old stuff though!
–I'm also on Instagram (same user), but I've become more active here. I love reading the tags on reblogs here they're so funny/nice and I read every single one JAKSJJSKDJS
Here are some some of the tags I use for my posts:
• [HALF-PRICED SPAMTON] ; Art I make of Spamton!
• [THIS IS 4 ME?!] ; Art people have made for me! I love you guys nasksnssjdn ;;
• [PRICE SPEAKS] ; Answers to asks!
• [PRICE RAMBLES] ; Posts without art, literally just silly little rambles!
• [COME BACK SOON] ; WIPs and unfinished projects.
Anyway that's it for now! Thank you for reading this, you're cool :]
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kingprinceleo · 2 years
hii it’s me again! I am once again hungry for answers. /ref
Alright so, I notice that you keep bringing up vampire au shadow’s unique means of creation, if you can I would really appreciate if you elaborate on that I am very curious 👀 Also, what organization (?) is shadow working for that makes him go after sonic’s friends in the lil comic about shadow getting got? It seems from the wording that there was something else telling shadow to do that. And ik shadow just hates vampires in general because selfish gross creatures blah blah but is there anything specific that happened to shadow to be so adamant on killing them? (If that was even his motive? Does he wanna kill them all??) oopsies this is longer than I thought again
Oh yeah and I hope I don’t bother you too much with my random sprees of likings and reblogs, sometimes I just see one of your posts and then remember to check your art and I can’t stop because there’s so much and I need to show my likes reblogs and appreciation or else I feel weird and bleh. Yeah idk prolly just more dumb anxiety things. I also am once again going to rant about how cool you are because you just understand them!!! So well!!!!!!! It genuinely makes me so content inside to see the Characters of my Heart™ portrayed in such a way that somehow is so balanced and perfect for them (in my opinion lol) dkbskshdksn okay bye <3
HELLO AGAIN, I will feed for as much isnt spoilers :)
I can't really elaborate more than hes just built a little different in this au lol, he's able to heal really fast, heal other people with his blood, and he tastes good!!! Shadows suspects this is a result of his weird alien DNA blood , and every day hes tilted about it.
But something I don't think I've mentioned yet is that his blood has healing properties because it was intended to be transferred into Maria! She was born a very weak and ill girl so Gerald completely changed course with project shadow and turn him from a weapon to a cure for her.
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I really thought more people would notice it, but it's GUN lol. GUN hates vampires, and even more specifically Sonic bc he's a little bastard vampire shithead that doesn't like obeying them. So Shadows and GUNs objectives line up enough for shadow to work with them for a period of time.
And shadow wants to kill vampires because haha, they fucking killed Maria (and everyone on the ark, including Gerald) and sent him to angel Island. So, yunno he kinda has a bad taste in his mouth because of that. He's got even more of a grudge towards eggman because his relations to the rest of the robotnik family. So he wants to Extra Kill him.
And no the like spams dont bother me at all /gen!!!!! I really enjoy them!!!
And AAAAAAA TY,,,,, I try so so hard when I think about how they interact with each other and EEEEEE it makes me so overjoyed that it's working well!!!!!
Tysm for the ask 🥺🥺🥺🥺❤️❤️❤️❤️
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retphienix · 3 years
It's been 6 years :)
On March 30th, 2015 I decided I wanted a gaming side blog. (so we're early, but shush, it's the month for me)
I didn't know what I'd use it for exactly, but I had ideas- something I always have even if most of them only get as far as daydreamin' or writing out before closing them :P
For proof on the lack of direction the blog initially had- the March 30th date is the anniversary of my first post, an in-depth and lengthy review of Dragon Warrior Monsters for the GBC.
If you know the blog then you know "Extremely long and in-depth reviews" aren't the norm around here. As a matter of fact, that first post is the ONLY one I've done!
The closest I've come to ever repeating that would be the (word of the day) Directionless video I put out on Hades to get a grip on the concept of making videos, but that wasn't nearly as much of a 'review' as that first post is.
Tangent, definitely planning on trying my hand at videos some more for the foreseeable future. Probably not gonna use the tagline Full Impressions that I tossed as a whim for the Hades video but yeah- I'm excited to try my hand at a few videos :) tangent over.
It didn't take me long to come up with what I'd like to do for the blog though :)
A few months later I liveblogged a challenge run of FFT where I used only Ramza- a solo run. - Which maybe only happened because I tried a nuzlocke run a year prior on my main account-
(Nuzlocke | FFT challenge run)
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Thanks to that haphazard liveblog experiment I started to realize a couple things which became the primary motivators behind this blog.
1) I LOVE sharing experiences. No brainer, I'm sure, but being able to share my experiences, and compare them with others' experiences, and just that mutual sharing is uplifting and feels good to do.
2) Liveblogging is an EXCEPTIONAL motivator to buckle down and play all those games I said I'd play (cue everyone laughing because I'm still way behind and have an immeasurable backlog).
But I mean that, on both respects. I have plenty of motivators toward the blog today, but if I were to be concise it's pretty much "It's easier to beat games if I liveblog them- otherwise I get distracted and play other games" and "I love sharing experiences and thoughts with people about my favorite thing- games."
Since 2015 I've tackled around 70 games as full playthroughs, and an untold ton as one offs or just to ramble about for a bit.
I've had a lot of highlights over the years, and I don't talk much about it as an overall experience so I thought for the anniversary I'd try to do just that. Not everything- I can't say I have photographic memory that would bring all of it up without prompting after all :P But whatever comes to mind as I browse some of my old stuff- as well as some thoughts on what I'd like to see in the future.
It's gonna be a bit self-centric I assume as I type this preamble to it, so let me say outright that this blog wouldn't be half of what it is without all the people who've given it the time of day over the years.
From recommending games they love or appreciate, to comparing thoughts, to offering kind words for analysis I've done over the years, to pointing out when I'm dumb and misread a situation :P- to, yes, even the people who decided "Fuck this guy's ramble" and deleted my captions before reblogging my gifs way back during Hamtaro (Of COURSE I remember that! It's amusing lol).
This is better because of others, because of the interactions and the people I've gotten the chance to chat with or befriend. It's just a liveblog more or less, my own little bit of fun I toss out for myself if for anyone- so seeing others enjoy this or that from the work I put into sharing my experiences or thoughts is always a joy in itself :)
Anyway, onto selfishly rambling about some tidbits of the past :)
Also sorry but no, opted to not shove a ton of photos in, it does have a handful of links to old posts though :P
This'll be disorganized as heck as I'll add to it over time before I feel it's worth posting (or the tumblr post editor becomes a hassle and more or less forces me to).
FFT Solo Ramza Challenge: Considering it was roughly the first thing this blog has done, it's also something that's stuck in my head a lot more clearly than most of the other stuff I've done to be honest lol.
In truth, this is partially because FFT is my favorite game, bar none. But it's also because the whole experience was pretty new to me. Prior to it I had really only done one self-imposed-challenge that wasn't requested by the game in some manner and that was a nuzlocke run of Blue version.
So adding a challenge to my favorite game was a fantastic experience!
Notes I just wanted to say today about that run: If anyone enjoys FFT I honestly recommend giving it a shot for the unique story it lends itself to. I do recommend skipping the rules until after the second battle but that's up to YOU to decide.
My first post on the subject is me complaining about spending 4 hours grinding out the second fight and, despite hyperbole being my natural state, that was NOT hyperbole.
It DID take 60~ restarts to beat. It DID take 4 hours. The reason is that that 2nd battle is RNG as HECK, you HAVE to have Delita do some meaningful actions, you HAVE to have the enemies miss and make poor plays, you damn near HAVE to crit a few instances to save yourself from taking too much damage.
It's a numbers game to the extreme, so I wouldn't fault anyone for 'cheating' and skipping the 2nd fight for the ruleset lol.
The memory that stands out the most for that run is actually isolated in a post in which Ramza (Purrick in this run) talks like a total badass as just ONE DUDE running into a room full of enemies. I just think on that as a great encapsulated view of what it was like. The run started off face grindingly difficult, but because FFT is a game that offers so much freedom to the player it was extremely easy to 'break' the game into making Purrick overpowered as hell.
That's something I love about some tactical RPGs, I love having the ability to play smart so that I can play stupid later on, and breaking the game into making him one shot god is certainly a good payoff for playing smart early on :P
RetQuick: I miss RetQuick, it was primarily a short experiment I did in 2015 where I'd play a game for a short span of time (REALLY short, like 10-20 minutes) and record that for the purpose of making gifs and saying a short piece on what I thought.
It's one of those formats where the purpose was pretty shallow- but had a reason. I wanted to try making some gifs with some tools that existed online, so I made an excuse to do just that.
I also wanted to play a TON of games, usually through emulation on my sister's PSP, and this let me do that.
These two minor goals came together and so I spent a while making RetQuicks which were honestly more fun to make than they had any right to be. I mean the gifs were tedious but the playing? The thought sharing? The end product ocassionally having more appeal than just a photoset? It was fun.
I'm thinking whenever I have trouble picking a game for the blog I'll revisit the format... sorta.
I already reused it for a short stint to show clips I had no plan on expanding into a playthrough, but that died as well as it was too similar to Tidbits posts (another tag I no longer really use).
My thought is to rebrand retquick as something of a tryout for what game comes next. Play a handful of my backlog games for an hour or so each and say some thoughts before saying which one I'll continue as the main game for that period of time.
Old Tag Stuff: One of those things that only sticks to me since I made the decisions but it's always funny for me to look back on my old posts because I was apprehensive as hell toward making my posts visible. The reason my early playthroughs on the My-Tags page are variants of Ret instead of just "The name of the game so people can find this post" is because I felt like a liveblog would just spam the tag to hell-
Something I don't remotely feel bad for doing anymore.
So I avoided getting any sort of spotlight for quite a while on the blog for little reason.
Why Retphienix?: This is just a dumb thought I wanted to share and I'm sure I've said before.
It stands for retro!
Ain't that dumb and also not a real shorthand? lol
I think I have some sort of deer in headlights anxiety towards naming things, I mean do you think I think Full Impressions is a good summation for a video? I don't. But perhaps that's overshadowed by the other inexperiences and anxiety driven decisions that had- doesn't matter.
Retphienix is Retphienix because I sat there in 2015 and thought "Well... what do I name an alt account?"
My main is Redphienix, which yes, is ALSO a terrible name AND is misspelled. But it's that because of sentimental reasons. As a kid I misspelled Redphoenix when making my gamertag (I knew how to spell Phoenix back then as well, I was too excited about xbox live and misspelled it) and it's become something of a sentimental misspelling.
So I wanted to make a mix on that for my game blog, but I had no idea what. In the end I thought "RetroPhienix? I don't know. Retphienix is closer to Redphienix. I'll do that" and so it was done.
And just like how Redphienix is both bad and misspelled but exists because of sentimental reasons- Retphienix has acquired the same 'flavor' in my eye lol.
Aspirations for the blog: I have no immediate ramp up plans or road map or whatever, and in truth I'll be happy if the blog stays just as it is forever- up until tumblr ends- I cry over lost posts- and I reopen it on another platform.
But I do have blurry half-considered daydreams that I'd like to see happen for the blog through some hard work or shifts on my part.
One is something I'm already doing kinda, hence my embarrassing means of bringing it up a lot lately. Videos- I want those. I wanna make some looks back on series people don't talk about that I enjoy, I want to make videos sharing my thoughts on games I beat for the blog (like what full impressions kinda was, but I don't think they'll have a unified name from here on out). Maybe retrospectives, but mostly when I think of making a video tied to retphienix or me in general it's me looking at a game that said something to me, and saying it louder with my own interpretations on it.
You know the kind, videos where they talk about a video game but not the whole thing- just a singular message they really heard loud and clear from it intentionally or not. I dig those and I know I end a lot of games having plenty to say that could be directed into such a format.
We'll see.
And I'm along for the ride on that one as well- currently I'm keeping my eyes on whatever is directly next, which happens to be "I plan on playing Omori, if it clicks as something to talk about I would like to take a shot at that in a video too!"
The other is that I'd like to build a small community. Wouldn't know the first thing on doing that in a modern sense, but just a little online friend group to chat with and play games together. Something that could open up multiplayer and coop experiences being better shared on the blog and would just in general expand my gaming to what it used to be back on the 360 when I had a large group to play with.
Since the 360 era ended I've pretty much closed off- stopped playing competitive games due to lack of interest- and slowed down to playing all games either solo, with randoms (and no mic usually), or with my cousin. It's a rare instance when I play with some good people like @gamesception or another friend of mine, John.
When I diverted from playing competitive games nonstop toward other genres I didn't intend to also cut out all my online gaming buds, it just kinda happened, and I never really put any effort into rectifying that.
So more or less I'd like to one day sit down and work on a discord server, and then buck up and put the leg work in to make some gamin' buds again, but that's such a vague concept anymore.
Sounds all sad and what not but it's more ambivalent, I made decisions that
changed how gaming worked for me after the 360 and this is just where it landed for better and worse- I'd just like to see if I can make it a little better :P
General things I think when I think retphienix: Honestly? I think of how much fun I've had over the years and how thankful I am to have had an outlet that encouraged me to explore more of the medium.
I REALLY love games. I went to college for games, I've written LEAGUES about games, I've played countless games, my childhood was games, my adult life is games- games games games yada yada yada.
So when I think of retphienix I think of how without it I probably wouldn't have explored a lot of the corners of gaming that I have.
I genuinely, and I mean this, might not have sat down and beaten FF7 for myself and would have considered the amount I played as a kid to be enough.
I might not have played Chrono Trigger yet, and I KNOW I wouldn't have played Chrono Cross, and I'm happy as hell to have played both of those. CT was a mind blowing moment for me that showed me just how good an RPG can be, and CC gave me miles to think of in terms of innovating an RPG and how beholden to the narrative a sequel should be (I don't feel CC should have been chrono at all lol).
I DEFINITELY wouldn't have given New Vegas another chance. And I know I'm a sourpuss on NV, I've been that way since I maxed my achievements on the 360 for it, but replaying it really did reveal to me how exceedingly negative I was being.
My memories had become "It's brown and a boring location >:(" and "The factions all suck and it doesn't do anything with the idea of bad factions >:(" and became "It's... a little brown guys, not a big fan of the area" and "They didn't do enough with exploring the gray factions" while adding "Wait. This is pretty damn fun. And 90% of the additions are stellar. And I forgot about Dead Money, my favorite dlc in any game ever with a story that tears at my heart every time I think of it, NV good actually?"
Faxanadu would have remained a cool game I saw on SSFF and not a game I played to the end and fell in love with the aesthetic feel it has!
Also that's a game I cheated like crazy on lol, I would do it again! Save state scumming games meant to be rudely difficult is only fair :P
I probably would have never sat down to play through Windwaker which was such a positive and uplifting experience that I now get the most relaxed and warm feeling in my heart when I see those blue waves.
There's so many experiences I would have left on the table in favor of like... putting more hours into a live service title or something.
Maybe, and no offense to my cousin or anyone else playing it, but maybe I'd be no-lifing World of Warcraft nonstop just stagnating my interest toward the skinner box mechanics of an MMO?
Some offense, actually but lightheartedly lol.
But beyond the entire games I've played for the blog, when I think retphienix I picture all the time making gifs, all those games I played on the PSP for short stints, buying a retron 5 to add to what I could explore and being stoked when they shipped a freebie box of old controllers to go with it, getting angry at the retron for being a Piece Of Shit lol, crying at the end of damn near every game with an emotional story because I'm a big emotional mess of a person who finds investing and crying at a story way too easy thanks to empathy pulls, oh!-
Getting excited whenever I found that I had a "*controversial*" opinion that no one would care about lol. Like the one that comes to mind is that I thoroughly believe that Dragon Ball Z II: Gekishin Freeza!! for the NES is WAY better than the fandom recognized and appreciated sequel/remake Dragon Ball Z: Legend of the Super Saiyan!
How many people do you hear talking about either game, let alone saying the NES game that is roughly half of the SNES remake is the better one :P But I stand by that! The SNES one is a remake of DBZ1 and 2 for the NES but it loses all the charm and some of the fun of the NES ones by being a lackluster SNES game!
I admitted wholeheartedly that this post would be a lit-
little directionless (gotta love the new tumblr poster making me break sentences like that), but to sum things up.
It's been 6 years. It's been an untold amount of work to be honest- liveblogging a game, at least for me, hasn't been the easiest thing. It's a lot of thinking out my thoughts (heh), it's a lot of learning tools to make the capturing process possible, it's a lot of experimenting, it's a lot of writing and editing, and, well, sometimes it's just tough.
I mean I went to school for coding, not video editing, not writing, not image processing, not this or that- but this hobby has introduced a lot of things even if only at a VERY base level (I admit fully to using online alternatives to make gifs for instance).
I learned a lot about, well, a lot of things in order to use this blog to learn more about games- and all that work has become part of why I've loved all 6 years of this blog.
6 years of gaming, work, and you all- and it's been worth the investment :) Here's to many more and all of you whether you stumble upon this post or not- literally anyone who's interacted in these 6 years, thank you, and anyone who hasn't I offer you well wishes as well.
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letters-from-eros · 3 years
The Scripture
➸ Rules, read before requesting.
This is a multi-fandom blog and there's a possibility that I might even start writing for even MORE fandoms. Each fandom has specific rules that I'm going to specify. If you plan on requesting a fandom from me, check the rules for the fandom.
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General rules
No explicit nsfw, its not something I see myself being able to write any time soon. Suggestive stuff I'm chill with.
One character per one-shot request.
3-4 characters per headcanon request is the limit. The Haikyuu fandom is the only fandom that works around this, I'll specify how in the Haikyuu specific rules.
Please when you request do characters from the same fandom, if you don't I'm gonna do separate post for each fandom you requested for separately. It would be easier for me if you just sent in multiple asks with the same prompt just with the character's separated by show.
I wanna elaborate on that a little cause I feel like I explained it sorta badly. If you request "Dating HCs with Izuku, Katsuki, Kageyama and Tsukishima" I would make two separate posts, one for the haikyuu characters and one with the my hero characters. I would prefer if you sent in two different asks. "Dating HCs with Izuku and Katsuki" and then "Dating HCs with Kageyama and Tsukishima" I don't mind the spam.
If the character is below the age of 16 I only write platonic stuff with them (The my hero boys are 16)
I write all genres but I'm still trying to get the hang of angst.
I can do mini text SMAU's. I'm open for you sending in concepts for a SMAU series that I would ofc credit you for. I've been thinking about doing one for a while, but no ideas have hit me.
Please be specific with your requests, I need more than "Fluff with xxx" but like slightly more detail than that is the bare minimum.
I don't care if your request description runs long, I'll work with almost anything, slightly vague or really specific.
I'll take requests where the reader's appearance is the prompt.
I do POC!Readers as well, I enjoying being inclusive.
I'll write for, but won't romanticize mental illness/disorders in readers, like I said I like being inclusive, but keep in mind if I don't have that mental illness it'll take longer for the request to get done because I want to educate myself on it. If I feel like I won't be able to capture it well I may deny the request.
I'll do platonic and familial x readers, but DEFINITELY no incest
The only triggering/sensitive topics I won't do is s**cide and s*lf harm. But some topics I might feel uncomfortable doing, no hard feelings if I deny the request because of it.
I'll never do teacher x student.
I won't do character x character, or character x oc
But I love hearing about your OCs!!!! The only reason I won't write for them is because I don't think I'll have a good understanding of their character. But if theres a scenario you relate to your OC that I can manage to put into reader insert form I'll do it! I don't care how specific the scenario is!
I offer a shit ton of loopholes to combat me not doing character x oc stuff! And I encourage you to find some that I don't specify here in the rules.
I'll do song requests... If I like the song. I'm really not picky with my music, though (My playlist is 20+ hours long and the only way you can achieve that is with not being picky with music)
It's totally okay to ask for a prompt I've already done but with different characters.
I do emergency requests when I feel like I can get a piece done within a week. I can be a fast writer when I want to be.
School can and will hit me like a truck sometimes, if you're request ain't done fast I'm probably underneath a mountain of schoolwork, please have patience. If you rush me I might just delete your request.
Treat me with respect. Its the barest minimum.
I don't do matchups unless its some sort of special occasion.
I write for all genders but fem and GN the best, male isn't completely off the table, though.
I don't do yandere themes.
I don't do poly requests simply because I feel like I wouldn't be good at it.
I am very biased. There's a 90% chance that if you compliment me in your request I'll get it done quicker I'm not gonna lie to you.
I'm a really lenient person and if your request doesn't obviously go against these rules there's a 9/10 chance I'll do it.
My hero academia rules.
I write for almost all the characters except for Mineta and the extra boys in 1A that get like a line per season (Sero is NOT included when I say that, he is a king who I will write for). I don't write for Overhaul, Endeavor or any characters only introduced in the manga, either though.
I write for the girls and women of My Hero.
Quirk specific requests are a-ok (Another loophole around me not doing character x oc)
But when you do request something revolving around the reader's quirk please provide a thorough explanation of it.
I refuse to accept Katsuki's hero name as Dynamight so yeah we still call him ground zero on this blog 😐
I'll age the 1A boys up to the point where they're pro heroes if the prompt calls for it, but not for nasty reasons.
I know the my hero fandom is so much more than just toxic but it does exist, so please don't bring any stuff onto this blog, this isn't even a "request rule" per se. I'm never up to date with fandom drama like that and I'm not very interested in it 99% of the time.
I just want good vibes.
Haikyuu request rules
When I said that haikyuu didn't follow the 3-4 character rule limit, I meant that sometimes I do writing that includes the entire team.
Its usually short little headcanons, though. Nothing too full fledged and they might not even be reader inserts.
I write for almost all teams and characters that have been introduced thoroughly. The only characters that are pretty popular that I don't write for are: Makki, Ennoshita, Terushima, Hoshiumi, and Kinoshita.
All other characters are pretty much on the table.
I believe in pretty setter supremacy.
Although I don't read the manga, I know what all the Haikyuu boys' occupations are post-timeskip so feel free to request something pertaining to that.
I can't think of anything else so that's it for haikyuu specific rules.
Bungou Stray Dogs rules.
I'm trying to catch up on the manga, but as of right now I do not write manga-only characters.
I don't write for Fyodor, either but other than him I don't think I have a problem with any other characters. I don't enjoy writing for The Guild (with an exception being Poe) but they are still on the table
The only time I would feel comfortable writing about the triggering topics I said I wasn't gonna do is when it comes to Dazai, its his main personality trait so its unavoidable lmao.
I'll do requests that have the reader with a specific ability!! (One of the loopholes of me not writing for OCs)
But please provide a good explanation of the ability.
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Character Spotlight 1, P1
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I do not own zoophobia. Zoophobia would belong to the lovely Vivian Medrano (I believe that's how her last name is spelt? Meh, I'll check later), otherwise known as Vivziepop
Also, while yes, this is a series where I am going to be critical of the source material, this is NOT a critique of vivziepop herself, as zoophobia is...2, 3 years old? It'd be unfair to judge her and her writing skills based on something she did a while ago.
I'm not doing this because I hate the source material either. On the contrary, I love Zoophobia. The reason I'm doing this is because I believe that if we find flaws in media we enjoy, we could all learn something valuable from it, and apply it to our own work.
If you disagree with something stated here, that's alright. Feel free to tell me what you think and ask questions. I'm not telling you what to think. I simply hope you enjoy.
I apologize for wasting your time.
......So, I'm back.
I've already talked about Dame before in my favorite zp characters list. I've already stated why I like him. For anyone who might not have seen that list, let me give you a spicy recap. I found Dame to be one of the more entertaining characters throughout the comic and he was one of the better written characters during the 5-ish chapters we got from this series. I've already stated what I like about him, so let's just get into some things I don't like.
Oh come on, let's be honest. We all know why we're here. We all can see how much attention my least favorite character list got compared to my favorite list (even if admittedly some of that attention was me thanking people, which btw is something I should really do more often ). You're all here because you want me to tear a hole in this series. It's the same reason most people watch car racing. We don't wanna see who wins. We wanna see some epic car crashes.
Still, I want to start with critiques towards this character I don't agree with.
1. Damian is a bad main character because he only has negative character traits
A character having only bad character traits does not in itself mean a character is bad. If that character is poorly written, then it's a bad character. Also, I'd advise you read chapters 3 and 5 where Dame is shown to have some good traits about him. (Ex. Chapter 5 where he expresses concern for Addi )
2. Damian's design is too bland compared to other characters
While I agree with this to some extent, something I want to say here is that Dame is not unique in this regard. You could apply this to Spam, Vanex, Jackie, and Kayla as well. This is more aimed at those who single Damian out as the only one with this problem.
3. Damian is a bad villain
Damian is not meant to be the antagonist. He has been confirmed to be apart of the main cast, and you'll notice that in all of Vivz's villain line ups, he is not present. At most, he may a rival or adversary to either zill or Jack.
4. He is unoriginal as a character.
.....and any other characters in media today are? It's very rare in this day and age to come across anything 100 % original. It's even been proposed that there are no longer any original ideas left. Besides, a character being bad does not mean the character itself is bad. At most, it's a reflection on the writers laziness.
5. He's too edgy.
Ah yes, a commonly used complaint you'll hear spouted by angsty 13 year olds who think (despite the fact "edgy" characters are often fan favorites since they often turn out to be the most interesting / relatable characters ) that edginess = bad, and that anything bad happening to a character like, I dunno, EMOTIONAL ISSUES THAT REAL PEOPLE DEAL WITH makes that character edgy by default. Edginess can be done wrong, but not every edgy character is bad. Shut your pie hole, and hustle your buns out of my Italian styled soup kitchen, you cotton headed ninny mugginses. *cue air horns*
Also, hunny, if you hate edgy characters, oh boy, you do NOT wanna read ANY of my stories.
There. Now onto the main event. The butchering of a popular character. Let's get ready to break the hearts of fan girls everywhere! MUAH-HAHAHA!
Actually, I wasn't really able to find too much wrong with a character save for a) something completely subjective, b) something related more to a problem a have with zp's pacing as opposed to the character and c) a concern about how the character is written.
A) Damian being too much of a jerk. I disagree with this, but I didn't mention this above because. ...yeah, some people can feel that Dame is too much of a jerk, and I get why. It's more subjective as this attributes more to a subjective opinion on the character.
B) Damian's freak out in chapter 3. It's just the pacing in that scene that gets to me. It feels as though Dame goes from 0 to 6 in only a few frames and that entire segment where he's slowly becoming angrier and angrier feels rushed. According to Dame's character sheet (shown above ) Damian is supposed to be good at hiding his more demonic tendencies, but you would've never guessed that from this scene. This is something that kind of happens throughout zoophobia where the pacing with be slow, then all of a sudden, we just speed through an entire scene. For instance, the start of chapter 5 is pretty slow. However, we speed through the scene with Tom so fast, his appearance doesn't really do much or become really memorable. This more of a story problem and less of a character problem.
Now.... onto c.
First of all, by concern, I'm referring to something that might be a problem depending on how the rest of zoophobia turns out. The problem with both critiquing and defending Zoophobia is that we only have 5 chapters to go off of to determine its quality. This is something more like the tangent I had about Addison in my least favorite character list. I suggest for this, you grab a spoonful of salt and force it slowly down your throat as you read this as my concerns could easily be proven wrong here.
So what problem could I possibly foresee? Well, for an example of what I'm about to discuss, let me take you to a dark corner of the internet. The RWBY fandom. Specifically, let me introduce you to one of it's main cast
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Blake Belladonna.
For anyone outside the loop, Blake is (currently ) one of the most hated characters in the series. There are many reasons why, but for this, I'm going to lock in on one problem in particular. Throughout Volumes 1-5, Blake was notorious for being an inconsistent character. Granted, in volumes 1 and 2, this was not a problem unique to Blake as the writers were still trying to figure out how to write her and the rest of the characters. They couldn't decide weather they wanted Blake to be the introverted, bookworm, straight man character, or to be silly. In later volumes, however, the problem just got worse. While all the other characters were sorted out and had settled on their own personalities, Blake's character seemed to change whenever she was in a new scene. While it's not bad for a character to have multiple sides to them, this is not how you want to do it. One scene, Blake was a bitch who wanted nothing more than to be left alone. Next scene, she was an emotionally mature figure helping her gay chameleon friend with issues. Next scene, she was a trauma victim. Next scene, she was a freedom fighter fighting oppression. Next scene, she was a badass haunted by her past. Next scene, back to bitch.
You see the problem?
This made Blake a hard character to fully connect with, and eventually, the fandom ended up agreeing that Blake is better whenever the scene isn't focused on her.
So what does this have to do with Damian? Well, one thing I noticed with him when I first dipped my toe into this fandom was the three main interpretations of Damian's character there seemed to be. One, a flirty, yet cartoon villainy jerk; two, a misunderstood, rebellious boi who was somewhat mischievous; or three, an overposessive, yet tolerable brat who hated not getting his way. Just to clarify, I'm referring to fans who had only read the comic and had not seen any posts about him from Vivz.
I pondered why during the third zoophobia rewrite, and I eventually came to this conclusion : the type of Damian fans seemed to remember depended on WHICH Dame they remembered best, Ch2, Ch3, or Ch5. Why? Well, it basically wolloped me upside the head after reading a post where Dame's personality was described as "diverse". Because yeah.... It's diverse alright.
Let's put Dame under a microscope for a second and go through each of his appearences, and his character sheet which (someone correct me if I'm wrong ) came out between ch. 2 and ch.3.
His character sheet lists the following about his personality : he ranges from mischievous to a downright brat, he loves entertaining and messing with others and making them laugh, he's flirty, he's open, he can be spoiled or arrogant at times, he gets bored easily, and he is secretly lonely but hard to impress and has an enormous heart. He also has a dark side he's good at hiding
CH 1. Appears to be that one kid who enjoys messing with others, acts slightly flirty towards Kayla, and doesn't seem to take much very seriously.
Ch 2. I've often described this Dame as sociopathic, because honestly, he kinda is. He doesn't care about anyone here but himself. He acts flirty towards Kayla, and torments both Zill and Jack just to further his goal of charming a girl he supposedly knows will "give into temptation eventually " and he's outright manipulative here. He even finds Zill's pain amusing to some extent and mocks him and Jack while aggressively leaning on his cousin (probably to assert dominance (can aggressively leaning be the new t-posing? Please? ))
CH 3. Dame still has some lack of empathy, finding the idea of his cousin being burned alive funny, however this seems to be limited to just Jack. He's a lot more fun loving here, as seen in him running around town with his friends. He darker side makes an appearance. We see him entertaining others at the beginning, and oddly enough, he's more self conscious here. He gets embarrassed by Tenta, is bothered when he is teased about his nanny, and is triggered by the priest spouting that tasty religious bull shit. His conversation with his parents also makes him seem like he needs his daddy's approval, and may have daddy issues.
CH 5. Here, he's more of a brat. He's possessive of Addi, and at the beginning, he's more flirty and care free.
Thus far, Vivz seems to switch between various sides of dame depending on what she needs him to be for a certain scene. As scene with Blake, this isn't something that really works out well. And it's not like Vivz can't write characters with different sides to them. We see her do this with Jack, Kayla, and Cameron. In one chapter, these characters can show more then one side to them. In Damian's case, he's like play-doh. He just molds into whatever Vivz needs instead of just being his own character.
Like I said before though, this is a concern. Future chapters can easily prove me wrong here. This is just the sad ramblings of a Canadian who is obsessed with covering themselves in glitter. Tell me what you guys think and if you enjoyed!
Now to wait for zoophobiapika to either message me or reblog this, quoting a line from it.....
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