#i try not to think abt it but … what if my writing has gone stale
goldyeokki · 10 months
lowkey kinda insecure abt my yuta fic now.. does nobody read for 127? did i tag the piece wrong? ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;)
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presidentbungus · 10 months
um erm uhh idk how much you’ve talked abt demoscout on here but! who do u think caught feelings first and who was the first to do anything abt it. that and or whatever scenario youre thinking abt them in rn (or just brainrotting in general abt). i just want to talk about my sillies
okkkk:) (writes 1000 words)
I def think scout caught feelings first and didn't really figure out that was what was going on for the month or two it took them to become really close friends. as soon as he kind of figured out it was a romantic thing he fell like a rock, but by then they were already like friends and trying to rizz demo up like he does all his other chicks would be too weird.….. thus ensues an awkward few weeks where scout, World's Worst Secret Holder Ever, does a very bad job at "trying" to "hide" his massive fucking thing for demo by getting weird and twitchy around him and occasionally talking about it very loudly to anyone in the immediate vicinity as long as demo's not within his eyeline.
demo catches on basically instantly, of course, and has been nursing his own little (dramatically subtler) thing for scout over the course of their friendship, but gets stuck in a kind of weird spot where he's too worried to bring it up or even just try and push it further for fear of alienating scout, since scout is notably keen on just running away from difficult situations, and demo thinks that maybe they might just be better off separate anyway. he still flirts back, that said, in subtle and unsubtle ways, and it makes him just a little guilty but it’s so cute to watch the way scout glows up red and shrugs it off, and there’s always the hope that he’ll maybe, just maybe, take the hint, though of course he doesn’t trust himself to go further than just hints.
thus begins a strange waiting game where they're both kind of waiting for the other one to make the first move, resorting to awkwardly flirting-but-not-flirting with each other every five seconds as they start spending more and more time with each other until they're basically dating already. everyone on-base wishes they would just shack up already, since they're tired of the sincere lack of resolution in their relationship (and not even the fun kind—it's just a kind of tragic infinite loop of missed chances and the gossip's getting kind of stale), but it's declared code not to interfere with developing relationships since the general emotional environment in a place with as many screws loose as this one tends to be very fragile, and to be honest everyone's also just kind of waiting with bated breath to see who finally takes the initiative, naturally.
and, well, scout can't hold his liquor despite getting absolutely fucking plastered with demo twice a week, and absolutely fucking plastered demo is still more sober than absolutely fucking plastered scout, and something was bound to slip between the cracks eventually. one night a few weeks in scout crawls into demo's lap (altogether not too uncommon of an occurrence) and, through an impressively thick film of snot and tears, starts to tell him everything, and one thing comes to another and they’re making out by the second or third sentence. demo pulls away, feels so extremely guilty about taking advantage of scout when he’s not thinking straight (despite how deeply wasted he is too), and says we gotta stop here, if we wanna get entangled and whatnot we’ll talk about it when you’re sober and I’m only half-drunk and you can understand what you’re getting into.
and it kind of hurts to say that, for sure, when all this time he’s been waiting for scout for so long and scout just had to go ahead and do it when he wasn’t in one piece of mind about anything, and he’s not sure scout’s making the right decision here going with him anyway—it’s a whole big clusterfuck and they shout a few slurred lines at each other over it, too far gone to argue coherently but certainly awake enough to yell, but when they both end up falling asleep not long after it’s still draped across each other, scout stuck to demo’s side like a bloody limpet. when scout wakes up first he doesn’t remember fucking anything but he’s so hungover and demo’s got an arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him in, resting his chin on his head and drooling a puddle into his hair, and he definitely gets the general idea. he nudges him awake and demo opens his eyes and immediately starts spilling into a slightly-tearful explanation, pushing away from scout and almost pleading that he’s sorry, and he let himself go and should’ve given him more space and time and he wasn’t thinking straight then and he’s probably not thinking straight now and it’s so fucking stupid that scout just puts a hand on either shoulder and climbs up and kisses him again, right there, and at least, at the very fucking least, that shuts him up.
followed by a slightly more fruitful makeout session, followed by a long boring conversation where demo desperately tries to discuss boundaries while scout wonders why they can’t just get on with being boyfriend-boyfriend already and regularly chimes in to say that man, if I didn’t want to go out with you, I wouldn’t’ve freakin’ kissed you, cool your ass ya big freakin’ sadsack. and that, at least, feels kind of normal, even if nothing about the rest of the situation is remotely normal.
(and for the record, demo puts up such a fight at first and everything, but once he’s figured out scout’s really fine with it they’re sucking face on the kitchen counter about the second day of proper dating-dating. everyone quickly discovers a bad problem absolutely has the possibility to turn into a worse problem, because arguably watching them stumble through a long list of conversational pick-up landmines was preferable to having to listen to them giggle and make out and get all grabby-grabby on the couch next to you when you’re just trying to watch a goddamn movie)
all this is to say: thfey’re silly. I like tghem
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gildead · 11 months
a stranger lucifer asked:
hi this is luci and i'd like to hear abt ... 5, 17, 10 and 18!
Vetra's Hot Munday Takes
5. dash commentary
I think it's pretty safe to say at this point that I'm a huge fan of dash commentary? It's one of the most fun ways for me to get involved in whatever conversation or event's going on on the dashboard, and it's led to some of the funniest shenanigans I've ever been involved in. A good example from this blog was the time when Ben and Gold were cursing up a storm, and you only need to go back a few pages to see how everyone got involved in some way or another.
If you're having trouble getting interactions, dash commentary and responding to open dash commentary posts are a great way to get your muse involved in some wild stuff. Just make sure the other person's good with that, obviously.
10. anons
Believe it or not, I've only gotten... one anon hate message in my entire RP career? It was back when I played as Wolf-- somebody sent me a message telling Wolf to kill himself? I think it was directed to him? Either way, it was really out of pocket and I ended up having to take the anon to task OOC because I was not in a good place during that time.
In my experience, anon hate has been really uncommon and that's partially because people are learning how to IP block and make fun of people hiding behind anon to be assholes, which is a trend that I hope keeps on going.
I'm not holding out hope it's gone entirely-- hell, I know there's gonna come a day where someone didn't read Gold's giant warning page/rules closely enough and is gonna come on anon crying because they didn't know the creepypasta muse was gonna do creepypasta things. The least I can do is cover my own ass.
17. fanon interpretations
This is specifically gonna be a Fire Emblem-related take, so if you have no idea what I'm talking about feel free to skip on down to 18.
I REALLY have found myself getting irritated when people on Twitter put a ton of analysis and thought into the Black Eagles and Blue Lions, but when it comes time for the Golden Deer they immediately get brushed off as 'hehe funny meme house' without the same amount of effort getting put into them. It's starting to get to the point where it's not cute anymore, it's annoying and dismissive as hell to Golden Deer fans. I myself am a Black Eagles stan and I think we should be giving them equal time and effort.
There's actually a LOT you can say about the Golden Deer from an analytical standpoint. Here, we have a house where practically nobody save Claude and maaaybe Hilda have any loyalties or ties keeping them to the Alliance and will jump ship without provocation. Perhaps it's the culture of self-preservation and backstabbing propagated by the nobility, where you feel like you can't get close to anybody without them using you for their own gain. Only through the player's direct intervention can these guys grow past that and work to create an Alliance that's more willing to work together than be at each other's throats.
...but sure, tell us about how Claude's the funny upside-down meme man for the fifty-morbillionth time in a row, I'm sure that joke hasn't gotten stale in the slightest.
18. shipping
The RPC's over-reliance on shipping can be really alienating for people trying to roleplay different types of muses.
Like, for example, Gold's dead AND a very young teenager. Aside from a very select pinchful of characters who are also dead and young teenagers, he's basically going to be locked out from any muse looking to ship. Even then, most shipping memes/relationship prompts are SO NSFW/romance-based that there's very little room for anyone who wants to write any other kind of relationship.
And that's not even limited to Gold. I'm talking muses who are minors, muses who are older than the early-mid 20s demographic most characters are in the RPC, aro/ace muses, nonhuman muses... it can be very tough to navigate the RPC when a lot of people are looking for shipping and it's oversaturated.
I think it's worth noting that there are plenty of non-shipping related relationships that get overlooked but are just as valid and rife with plot ideas. Like... Luci, you know what I'm talking about. Looks at your Jeralt and my Shez.
also gold's shipping rule is mostly in terms of smut/overly charged shit. i'm fine with 'awkward teen's first relationship' fluff. didn't know where to say that so i'm just dropping that in here.
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angrylizardjacket · 4 years
its all you know
Run to Paradise & Charlotte Lee 'verse
Summary: Sometimes Nikki wonders what it would be like if their respective youths hadn't been a living hell.
A/N: @misscharlottelee said she missed my lola content and i was thinking abt a hs au for the pacl (which i still might write, i have genuine ideas for a legit hs au) so i wrote this on my phone on a whim. ft. mentions of Charlotte and Nikki and Lola's lowkey possibly joking possibly not crush on her (and TW for brief mention of suicidal ideation)
Nikki looks at Lola sometimes and wonders about how things would be if life had been kind. If her dad had been around, and her mom wasn't a bitch, and her whole life hadn't gone to shit, would she still be in his arms, telling him she loves him by telling she loves his songs, with that sincerity in her voice, in her eyes, that melts his heart's defenses without her even meaning to.
What if life had been kind to him, if his dad had stuck around, if his mom wasn't a raging cunt with a string of asshole boyfriends, that couldn't give a shit about Nikki. Would he still be here in this golden Thursday afternoon, tracing patterns on Lola's scarred back, telling her that she's beautiful with his lips against her shoulder when he can't look her in the eye for fear of her seeing his honesty.
What if they'd grown up together, white picket fences side by side, normal kids with normal lives; Nikki still plays music, there's no reality he can see himself in without it.
"Dad would have loved you," he remembers Lola once saying. She'd thought the world of him, sometimes Nikki would have liked to have met him. If he'd been around, Lola would be different, and probably more well adjusted. In this fantasy Nikki's created for himself, a childhood not stolen, her dad probably comes to Nikki's gigs; he would have liked their style, after all, if what Lola says is anything to go by.
Sometimes Nikki envies Tommy and Charlotte, who didn't have to grow up too fast, who went to prom, and on cute dates, and who got to have reasonably normal lives. Sometimes, in this fantasy world he's creating for himself, this youth that he was never allowed to have, he brings them all together, pieces out a life from the stories Charlotte and Tommy and Vince have reminisced about. He wonders about prom, about laughing at Vince in a white suit, who agreed to go with Charlotte when her first choice turned her down, and he thinks about Charlotte and Lola getting ready together, laughing and talking and smiling, still able to smile without reservation or hesitation.
In this idealised world, he thinks he might even work at Lola's dad's takeout shop; the old man takes a liking to him for his music after all. Tommy would complain that he's still unemployed, but somehow, even in this fantasy, Nikki's looking for excuses to stay out of his house. Old habits die hard.
And this Lola would be sweet, would still have a dad to idolise and teach her right from wrong, lead her on a better path than any she was destined for the moment he'd passed. But she's still Lola, a bit rough and tumble, a little bit rock and roll, but she doesn't feel the constant need to prove herself. She'd laugh at Nikki's jokes and call him an old fucker who likes dad music, but she'd be his favorite person to work with, because she'd always be the first to hype up his new music.
Nikki claims to be too cool for prom, but ends up driving the rest of the gang, and Lola stays by his side the whole night, and shares the flask of vodka she'd borrowed from her dad. He won't be too mad; he could never be mad at Lola. She rides shotgun on the way back and Nikki's got his hand on her thigh and doesn't move it, even when Charlotte, Tommy, and Vince notice and loudly tease them. He kisses her before she leaves, and it actually would give him butterflies.
But they wouldn't be the same people.
The world is unkind, even to those who don't deserve it, and if they had met bacm in high school, Lola wouldn't have looked him in the eyes, a frightened and downtrodden mouse of a girl. Nikki knows he'd only be interested in corrupting her, not caring what consequences it would wreak on her life when he got bored and tossed her aside.
"What do you think would have happened if we'd met in high school?" Nikki asks softly, and Lola shifts a little in bed in order to look at him.
"You probably would have terrified me," she tells him with a sharp smile, on her side, one arm reaching across his belly to pull herself a little closer to him, "mom wouldn't have let me think of you, let alone talk to you, and between supressing the urge to kill myself and piano lessons, I didn't exactly have a lot of time for new friends." And though her tone is light, Nikki's expression still crumples, sympathetic to her struggles, given his own rocky high school years. But Lola makes a considering noise, which brings him back to the present.
"Actually, I'm not sure," she admits, "technically we did meet in high school, at least for me." Nikki often forgets that she'd never even properly graduated middle school. "Why?" She asks, interested in his train of thought.
"Vince took Charlotte to prom once," Nikki says with a hint of a smile, and Lola pressed her laughter into his chest.
"Yeah I heard about that."
"I'm just thinking about what it would have been like if we had been normal too; what if we got to grow up together, all of us, with that whole happy families, white picket fence shit?"
"Do you think we would have slow danced?" Lola teases, poking him in the ribs, and Nikki snorts.
"I think we would have gotten drunk together -"
"Would we be a whole cliche? Take my virginity in the back seat of your beat up old car on prom night?" But she's grinning, her adoring little smile pressed soft against his skin as she looks up at him, falling more in love with him as she falls in love with the fantasy.
"But we wouldn't really talk about it, except that I'd come to your house in the week and throw rocks at your window until you snuck me in," Nikki leaned in and pressed a kiss to her hair. Lola sighs, tucks herself against him, warm and content in the moment.
"You'd be my backup date, by the way," Nikki teases, to which Lola made an indignant noise in the back of her throat, and Nikki elaborates on the verge of laughter, "I definitely would have asked Charlie, but she thought I was kind of gross and an asshole."
"You are gross and an asshole, not just kind of," Lola smirks, but continues with surprising sweetness before he can respond properly, "that's why I love you."
"How would we even know each other in this timeline? I don't know about you, but if my life had gone differently, there's no way I'd still be the same person," Lola asks, brow burrowing.
"Oh, we both work in your dad's restaurant," he tells her, like its the most obvious thing in the world, and Lola's whole being softens to something warm and fond at the mere mention of her dad.
"He really would have loved you," she confirms his suspicions with a soft chuckle.
"I don't think we'd be here," Nikki gestures to their bed, their surrounds, their life, "but we'd end up together. Somehow. In all my realities, I see you in the end," he admits.
"You've been blinded by love, you sap," but Lola's blushing, and Nikki can't help it as he pushes kt further, enjoying Lola's rare sweet and flustered state.
"Maybe I juat don't want to see a reality without you."
Lola's actually gone speechless, her fond smile and pink cheeks hidden where she's pressed her whole face against his chest. Nikki holds her just a little tighter, wearing his smuggest little smirk.
"Okay but what if Razz was in this little fantasy of yours?" Lola finally surfaces, resting her chin on his chest.
"I would make fun of his accent constantly," Nikki answers with probably too much certainty, "I am and I was an asshole," he reminds her, not that Lola's trying to correct him.
"Even if he was dating Charlie?"
"Especially if he was dating Charlie; you've seen her high school photos, Charlie was just as much of a bombshell back then. See she and Vince make sense going to prom together, both of them being hot as all hell, but that weird little English fucker landing Charlie while we're all in high school? I'm not even sure how he managed it as an adult." Nikki snorts, and Lola punches his chest and calls him an asshole.
"You're so mean to them sometimes," but she's smiling even as she rolls her eyes, "Razz is cute, you're just jealous."
"And you're not?"
"Every day, dude, obviously, but she's my friend and I told her I'd get you to be a little nicer."
"You can try," he says with his most shiteating grin before silence falls between them.
"Where would we end up, if not here?" Lola asks, so quiet her voice is barely a whisper, the hypothetical playing in her head on repeat.
"We'd be different people," Nikki muses quietly.
"Sounds like everyone around us would be different too, stable and shit, happy families."
"We'd probably end up just like them," Nikki says with a laugh that sounds a little hollow at the very thought, "you'd be a PTA mom and running your dad's shop, and I'd be teaching music, and we'd have Sunday brunch with the Lees."
"Not the Dingeys?"
"Charlie and Razz would move back to England."
Lola hums thoughtfully at the mental image, but something about the stale serenity of it all has Nikki's stomach turning at the thought.
"Is it bad that I'm glad we're in the reality where everything went wrong?" She asks softly. Nikki swallows hard, and in this moment, knows clearly, and with absolute certainty, that he is in love with her. She gets him, without even realizing, she understands him so completely.
"There's no reality I'd rather be in," he agrees.
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