#i think you could bodge it with missy
rowanthestrange · 2 years
Obviously the Master is a control freak, but I like this idea that he understands, certainly by Yaz’s speech at the end, that the difference between him and the Doctor, is that he doesn’t know how to make people love him. Which would definitely be how he’d see it. What are you doing? What inputs are you putting in to get that result? I want it. Give me it.
It really makes me wish we could have another ‘Doctor’ worth of character development in that sense (in the form of that Master, or just following the thread with a new one), because where it leads is very obvious, and pretty horrible, but also…heart-wrenching. And in its own way, perhaps progress. The Master works best as a foil, a counter view, a dark mirror of the Doctor rather than Evil™, and I think you need those little signs of light, even alternative light, like with Missy, for the character to remain interesting. The Master consciously learning the differences between manipulating someone so they love you, and doing kind things because you must be weak enough to love them to receive it…
And of course he doesn’t know how any of this works. Going with the Timeless Child(ren) base with the Boy On The Cliff and inferences, this is probably not a child who really received love, and who probably had that replaced with utility. If he was useful, achieving, doing big and incredible things - good. But nothing unconditional. And even the Doctor doesn’t provide that - he’s ‘loved’ if he’s doing what other people want. But he doesn’t want that, he wants to be his own Master, and if that means he can’t be loved, then he knows what is more important to him.
But it’s a desire I think he’s aware of. I wonder if in part it has any link to Dhawan!Master’s considerably increased flirty behaviour. A still acceptable viewing for a younger audience version of the classic ‘Sex=Love’ problem perhaps? And it’s something he seems to be at least peripherally aware of with his desire to ‘court’ Yaz into enjoying being with him. From calling her Yaz rather than Yasmin from the start and his greater focus on her in Spyfall, to that ‘Come on, can’t we just give it a go? Can’t you just play along?’ bit in the TARDIS.
I don’t know. But I hope next time we get the Master back, it’s to pick up this thread where we let off.
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