#i think yorg went okay jesus christ. u are a baby.
moonshynecybin · 23 days
I’m still thinkingggg about that ask bc like. imagine jorge in 2013. you’re being terrorized by a (almost) teenage prodigy (the title that used to be yours) and also that prodigy is fawning all over your legendary teammate who you have a strained relationship with but also is racing him no holds barred and you’re waiting with petty glee for the moment he turns all the media and societal capital he has against that upstart when he goes a bit too far…. fast forward two years and you GET that but you’re now older (by two years lol) and see things you didn’t before (you also get death threats) and the knowledge that you wanted that turns sour in your mouth
with jorge specifically i think it’s also like. he gets some therapy and maybe starts evaluating some wants vis a vis competition and life that might lay outside of what has been chosen for him in the past. like sepang for sure lays a lot of sympathetic groundwork— building a common adversary in a way (bitching about your crazy ass coworker is a scared bonding ritual imo) and lumping them together media wise into the same group. but there’s also jorge saying he didn’t fucking even LIKE marc until they were teammates, which is interesting to meeee as like YEAH you’re spending time together getting to know each other it makes sense that you’re gonna warm up. BUT. compellingly. marc also kicked his ass six ways to sunday on that bike, and traditionally in motorsport that does not inspire new feelings of friendship? especially after knowing someone like 6 years?? so i’m forced to look at what exactly changed in their relationship around this time and then use a lot of delicious psychological conjecture:
first. dani gone. a ghost is haunting that seat at honda and they BOTH know it. can’t talk with the guy they want to talk with so now they have to talk to EACH OTHER ! DEAL WITH IT
second. marc vs vale as a teammate undeniably a different experience. marc at that time was so overwhelmingly dominant ESP on the honda im struggling to see a reality where he bothers stepping to jorge in any way mind games wise (he’s not putting up a WALL in the garage he’s not doing corporate espionage for jorge’s workout routine. marc marquez maybe one of jorge’s more normal teammate experiences which is CRAZY.) AND jorge was at the end of his career and dani (his closest peer) had just retired… like i think he had an inkling. maybe got some new perspective just from getting older (and. therapy good lord. shout to jorge lorenzo for actually and for real getting therapy when so many other motorsports guys with weird relationships with their dads did not) and once he realized marc was actually and fr pretty nice off track i think that also helped… i think jorge will meet your energy in lots of respects ! like there’s marc as rival/competitor who he doesn’t know that well versus getting to know him and being like damn. alright guy. which is SO funny to me
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