#i think it's bc I have some unpopular opinions ?? we're not on twitter so I should be fine but.
sweethome-thoughts · 2 years
Officially changed the name of the account !
As I said nothing will truly change, I'll still post incorrect quotes, headlines (you guys seem to like them 😭 thank you btw ! 💕) so don't worry lmao, but I was maybe thinking about sharing headcanons too ?
Idk if that's interesting for you, you mostly followed for funny headlines and quotes not me talking about what's in my brain 💀
Anyway, idk, feel free to let me know, as said in my bio I'm a bit scared of the internet as I never shared anything before like I do here 🙏 maybe when I'll feel less anxious to share I'll do it
I even made some reference sheets for some of my favs characters on my Insta private story so ! Maybe I'll share them here one day idk
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utilitycaster · 6 months
🔥 general CR fandom mood during c3
I don't know if this will be an unpopular opinion per se, but it will be an opinion, and I think after this is a good place for me to take a break and settle back in and fold the laundry I did not fold before leaving on Wednesday before returning to whatever else is in my inbox; in fact, with that, any unpopular opinion question received after 10 pm Eastern Time on Dec. 17 2023 will be deleted (unless it's a really fucking good one).
Speaking only for Tumblr because the subreddit has many problems I've covered previously and Twitter is garbage and always has been, honestly I think it's fine by now. I think people who prefer Campaign 1 or 2 to 3 but are still enjoying 3, myself included, are pretty open about that, ie, we are not expecting this to be our favorite campaign but we're interested in what's going on. I think a lot of people for whom Campaign 3 is their first campaign and who started due to TLOVM or EXU Prime or just a new campaign are also having a good time. I think you will always get a certain number of people who are constantly complaining and miserable and you will also always get a certain number of people who constantly complain about the constantly complaining people, and you should block and ignore as needed.
I do think that this campaign had a rough start, and the vibe earlier was rougher, but honestly the only people who are unhappy now are, as I've said before, either the people who are really invested on how Campaign 3 is the best specifically because it's the most bonded found family when that's a dumb metric to use in the first place and objectively wrong; or the people who started watching because of The Big Ship and have found that a good chunk of the fandom is unimpressed with said ship because the canon is unimpressive and so they have been throwing a slow motion tantrum because they dislike the idea that a nearly 9-year-old fandom hasn't stopped rotating on its axis to cater to their specific tastes. I also do think that people super invested in C3 being the best who haven't seen C1 or 2 are kind of struggling and unwilling to admit it because so much of this campaign is reaping what was sown in previous campaigns and indeed Matt has repeatedly stated that he always wanted to do that. So because of that I do, again, think that there's a sizeable portion of people who are both deeply invested in Campaign 3 being better than Campaign 1 or 2 but also genuinely wish there was the balance of downtime to story and lack of reliance on previous campaigns of C1 or 2 and so that leads to a weirdly bitter and cognitively dissonant vibe among them, but everyone else is chilling.
I also think that the fandom is in a good but transitional period that I've been thinking about bc D20's fandom is several steps behind, namely, the toxic positivity (and deep resentment around the edges) present in some of C2 is mostly gone, but now people need to figure out how to criticize in a way that is meaningful and constructive (and/or keep emotional dislike on their own blogs - and respect other people's right to dislike things untagged on their own blogs). D20 is still in the fawning toxic positivity phase, for an example of that.
Basically: it's in an understandably weird place for a number of reasons but overall it's fine. You will never have total consensus or a perfect vibe so it's not worth aiming for that, but there's some good stuff and it's pretty easy to curate out the rest.
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vole-mon-amour · 11 months
Unpopular opinion apparently, but I genuinely have nowhere else to go other than tumblr. Tumblr is the only place for which I can make gifs and edits and get some sort of gratification and feedback for it. Everywhere else eats its quality even worse and gets stolen even quicker. Even the fact that people go on tumblr and steal gifs to other social media tells a lot.
I absolutely hate what staff is doing and how they're making it so much worse for content creators, artists and gif makers, but I literally have nowhere else to go. It's either tumblr or nothing. I'm not going back to twitter where gifs are a) basically become the sites property now, once you post them and it can be used for anything, including to make profit b) are fucking mp4! are you fucking kidding me?
And I'm definitely not going to some livejournal to post gifs and expect them to be reblogged or whatever. It's literally either tumblr or, if it collapses, some Google docs or (bc Google wants to feed it to ai) a word document to express my thoughts.
I understand that whatever the staff wants to do, they're probably gonna do. Even if you give them money, they can use it to roll out changes that we're against and get more users instead of paying off some debt. Still, I don't think that making them 30 billions in debt instead of 30 millions is a way to go, either.
Sorry if I want to keep the only tiny island of social media that I can still be myself on, interact with like minded people, and feel content and at home. When every other social media feels like a pool full of lava that's supposed to kill you instantly but for some reason it still keeps you alive, so you're bound to suffer the entire time you're using it while feeling absolutely miserable. I don't know about you, but I can't spend on Instagram or twitter more than 2-5 minutes. It makes me feel awful. Their algorithms are the worst.
I'd rather stay on and with tumblr at this point. I'm going down with this ship, I'm afraid.
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gaypleasantview · 2 years
Tank Grunt for 003
OF COURSE.......
How I feel about this character
listen i never even got to fully process this boy and the depths of his painful life and then this adult version of him was thrown at me and i honestly find him to be such a goofball he's so endearing but in the way where i insult him constantly (that is my way of loving loser boys in the sims)
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character
i play the ds game as Cassandra and i honestly ship them a little bit, i think they make a cute little friendship with mutual respect and secret kisses. i like to think that the ds timeline is an alternate version of some events that will actually happen to my pc-timeline Cassandra and yeah Tank is actually grown there but in my normal version of events he would be way younger than her which made me think it would be super cute if he had an embarrassing teenage boy crush on her lol. i thought he's gay but now i see him as bi or maybe some other sexuality bc this is really cute. or maybe it's a comphet crush idk, my Cassandra is such a girlboss who wouldn't love her
okay but if we're talking romantic relationships of teenage Tank, ive always liked him together with Johnny, yes that sounds toxic but im a sucker for a relationship dynamic where someone tough actually gets the better version of themselves out with the help of their s/o while also not abusing them (does this remind you of someone in pv) anyways i would really like to explore this ship further. haven't thought of many others for Tank
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character
need to really give this some thought... i don't really see Tank having a lot of friends as a teen aside from what he thinks is a friendship with his dad (actually toxic), maybe he has like 1 friend who genuinely loves him despite everything but idk who. i would think of Tank as the quiet one but considering that he wont shut up in ds and treats Cassandra like his twitter he's probably secretly an oversharer and runs a blog no one irl knows about, and it's either super popular with angsty teens or completely private and no one follows him (who wants to bet Ripp knows about it and reads it all the time from Tank's computer bc he also knows the password). speaking of, he could probably be friends with Buck but definitely not Ripp lol. all of this will hopefully change when he grows up and parts with his dad. i feel like i kind of give Tank the dustin treatment so i'll consider my possible options for him and maybe i'll think of something super great
My unpopular opinion about this character
i feel like all of my opinions about him are very popular lol... im afraid of writing about the military part of his life bc i genuinely don't know much about how generals behave and i also really don't anticipate getting into this topic at all for obvious reasons but. i have a few versions in mind of what Buzz could be like that don't really go with what ive been thinking of him so far (and they would actually make him kind of a better person too) so maybe there could be a more interesting story for the Grunts in general. stay tuned
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
nothing i can think of right away? would be neat if there was an even heavier implication that he might have a very soft personality and that he could be gay but we'll do with what we have. i know he's canonically supposed to actually follow his father's footsteps (if you consider console games canon) but i really don't want him to do that ever. it's just not happening
My crossover ship
lets say this is about megahood, then... idk imagine Tank hanging out with someone like Puck and Hermia lol. they would be so much fun together. and of course what i explained about Cassandra up there. Alexander would probably throw him off a cliff for that
thank you for the ask!!!
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nightglider124 · 4 years
i understand why dickkory fans hate what they did to dickkory. but at least they didn't break up, we still got to see them alive and "together" in the last few moments of that universe. we're lucky to see them unlike what happened to superman and mera where lois and arthur died.
I mean, its an unpopular opinion but agree kinda? Like i fucking despise what they did in this last movie. It just felt super unnecessary in every single way, personally. Including what they did to characters and ships.
But i get your point. I think most fans are more annoyed bc we found out from one of the producers on twitter that they pitched a movie with dickkory and a kory centric one with her going to tamaran to sort Blackfire out alongside what would have been dick completing tamaranean trials in order to marry kory.
But they didnt greenlight that and instead, we got this trashheap of a movie instead. So you can imagine why some are not exactly wanting to see what scraps we got given.
Now dont get me wrong, I hated this movie and it was such a stupid move on DC’s part; just to reset their animated universe. But, my small takeaway is like yeah they arent their normal selves anymore but they are still together. Its not ideal but i kinda prefer it more to them just being killed off. But, thats just me.
Now, i dont think dk fans should have to feel “grateful” or any of that shit tho. Like nah cos dickkory are continuously fucked over so its fair that some fans are tired of seeing their faves treated like dirt. I definitely wouldnt say we are “lucky” either.
DC could have done better here and not brutally killed off like its whole character roster and had an actually decent last movie but they didnt.
Anyway. I get what you’re saying but its not fair to think that all dk fans should think this way. Their anger and disbelief is valid af and honestly? We deserved better than what we got given in the end.
Especially knowing we could have got a damn kory centric movie on tamaran with dick wanting to marry her. Like cmon. If we had the choice between that movie and the atrocity that came out yesterday, i think we all know which one we would pick lmao.
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