#i swear the minumum is 2 hours
dontmoviedrama · 1 year
I'm suddenly really into Bollywood movies for some reason (Bollywood specifically for now, I'll get into Tollywood, Kollywood, etc another day).
The current plan is to watch (almost) all Bollywood movies available on my streaming platforms. Do you have any recommendations for what to watch next?
List of movies I've already watched in the Keep Reading.
Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania
Bride and Prejudice (maaaany years ago)
0 notes
scarletwinterxx · 4 years
First and Last pt. 2
For my other works you can check them out here, and for my other story series’ you can check them out here.
All works are copyrighted ©scarletwinterxx 2020 . Do not repost, re-write without the permission of author.
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It’s been almost two months since the party, alsmost two months since Y/N and Donghyuck started to pretend they were dating. Things were surprisingly going okay, none of Donghyuck’s friends questioned him when he found them at the party with Y/N beside him, their hands intertwined.
“Haechan! What took you so lo- oh, Hi” Jeno stopped midsentence as he sees his bestfriend arriving hand in hand with a girl
“Went and looked for her, didn’t want her to get lost in the crowd. These are my friends by the way, that’s Jeno, the blue haired one is Jaemin and this is my roomate Renjun” Donghyuck said as he points out his friends one by one, all of whom are kind of gaping at the sight before them
“This is Y/N, my girlfiend” the words flew out of his mouth like he has been saying it forever. Not a trace of lie could be detected. 
Meanwhile, Y/N awkwardly waved at the three boys. Already feeling a bit anxious under their intense and shocked stares. She started to tuck herself behind Hyuck, which the boy noticed
“Stop staring, you’re scaring my girlfriend”: this got them to shake out of their stupor
“Sorry, Hi Y/N” Jaemin said with a bright smile on, “Hi” she answered
“Didn’t expect you to come tonight” Renjun said, catching everyone’s attention
“Yea, I wasn’t sure I was coming since I have alot of work to catch up on but Hyuck convinced me so...” she said then shot a quick smile to her ‘boyfriend’ which he gladly returned
“Hyuck? oh wow that’s so cute” Jeno muttered
Although Donghyuck did see Renjun staring at Y/N a couple of times, not because he was his type. He knew his bestfriend well enough to know that he was just trying to read her. 
After the whole thing with Lia, Renjun has always been very careful and silently taking care of Hyuck. Hyuck understood that Renjun was just looking out for him, which made him feel a hundred times more guilty about lying.
Over the weeks they spent together, Hyuck got to learn more about his ‘girlfriend’. Like how she’s more different once you get to know her and she gets comfortable with the other person. How she’s the only one who calls him by his real name, even when the rest of school and his closest friends got used to calling him Haechan. 
He liked it. 
If he was being honest, there are alot of things he likes about her but he’s been keeping it to himself in fear that he might scare her away.
“Tiramisu cake is still better” Jaemin said
“It is good but Choco Mousse Cake is still top tier” Y/N countered, meanwhile Jeno was just looking back and forth between the two. It was lunch time and since they all had the same class before, they decided to go together for lunch. 
They’re currently debating which of their favorite cake is better
“But tiramisu just has this extra layer of flavor you know, Choco Mousse cake is like ice cream with cake but not really” Jaemin countered back
“It’s not ice cream, it says it in the name it’s literally mousse”
The two were too busy bickering that they didn’t notice the other two arrive, Renjun and Donghyuck. The two was half confused and half amused with the sight before them
“I’m going to buy a choco mousse cake and prove you wrong” Y/N said
“I’m going to make a tiramisu cake and prove YOU wrong”
“Are you two really arguing about food?” Renjun asked, breaking the banter of the two. He then took the seat beside Jeno while Hyuck took the seat beside Y/N
“I do like choco mousse cake, leave some for me” Hyuck told Y/N, making her smile at him. The boy just chuckled at his ‘girlfriend’, mumbling cute under his breath
“You’re only saying that cause she’s your girlfriend”
“What can I say, she has good taste” Hyuck said then held up his hand for a high five, which Y/N gladly returned
“I wouldn’t say that, she is dating you” Renjun said, Hyuck acted as if he was going to hit the boy making Y/N pull him back by the arm
“This is slander, she actually likes me for me you know” He boasted, hearing Y/N giggle from beside him and feeling her tighten the hold she had on his arm
“I’m glad to see you happy and all, but please keep the PDA to a minumum” Renjun said with a straightface on, the other two boys chuckling at his statement
“Can’t help it if we look cute together, right baby?” Hyuck said then turned to look at Y/N, the blush on her cheek getting more and more deeper. 
“What did I just say? I swear next time you two are sitting apart”
Y/N just chuckled at Renjun while scooting a little closer to Hyuck, while the boy rest his arm on her lap. 
No one in that room would even doubt the two were dating.They looked so natural together, how they just gravitate towards each other was evident to everyone who has a pair of eyes. No one would think this was all an act. 
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“Hyuck? Are you listening to me?” Y/N said from beside him, snapping her fingers in front of his face and breaking him out of his trance. Hyuck took the hand in front of his face and held it, tucking it underneath his chin and laying his head on it
“You’re zoning out again” she said, pulling her hand that was tucked under Hyuck’s head but he held his ground
“I don’t think my brain can process anymore of this” he sighed, with his eyes closed he could still see Y/N roll her eyes at his statement
“We barely even started”
“We’ve been doing this all day, when you said you were coming over I thought we were going to hang out” he mumbled.
When Y/N called early this morning saying she was coming over, Haechan felt a bit excited. He wasn’t trying to hide that from her, but he wasn’t exactly being upfront about it. .
“I called because I needed a place to study, my roommate invited her boyfriend over and practically shoved me out” as she mumbled out her explanation a little pout formed on her lips, Hyuck thinks it’s the most adorable thing.
“You could’ve went to the library or a cafe” Hyuck countered, but in reality he was happy she was here. 
Another thing that is new after the whole reveal at the party was they spend a lot more time together in public, now that Hyuck’s friends know that they’re ‘dating’ they spend almost everyday together.
“I can go now if you’re tired” Y/N said then pulled her hand from Donghyuck’s grasp and started to gather all her things
“Ya where are you going?” the boy asked
“You said you’re tired, I’m gonna go to the library or something” her tone changed, Hyuck already knew what was going through her mind. 
Y/N was never the one to be vocal when it comes to her feelings but rather it shows in her actions or the expressions. She’s never been in a relationship, fake or real, so she doesn’t know how this whole thing goes. 
She knows they’re only fake dating so she set these boundaries in her head. Even though Hyuck has been very nice and friendly with her even when it’s just the two of them, she’s still very cautious around him. 
When Y/N said she didn’t have anything to lose, apparently she wasn’t totally right. 
“You don’t have to go”
“Go rest, Hyuck” she said as she pulls the straps of her bag on her shoulders, Hyuck was just about to say something when Renjun walks by and stopped by the door
“Hey guys, I brought some food. Do you want some?” He asked, Y/N took this as her chance to exit the dorm 
“Thanks but I need to go, see you later” she said then excused herself, the sound of the front door opening and closing. 
Renjun looked between the door and his bestfriend who is now sitting at the edge of his bed, 
“Did something happen?”
“Nothing” Hyuck mumbled, already gathering his stuff that’s on the bed and moving them to his table
“Did you guys fight or something? I swear you had the biggest smile on your face before I left”
“We just.. I just” Hyuck didn’t really know how to explain it. 
He shouldn’t care this much about her but he does. He worries about her a lot. As they spend more time together and started to actually be friends, he also witnessed how everytime she’s about to open up a sudden switch flips and she’s closed off again.
He understood if she didn’t feel comfortable enough with him yet, they weren’t really dating but they were friends at the very least. 
Hyuck wanted to know more about her but it’s always a step forward and three steps backwards with her.  
“Want to talk about it?” Renjun asked, sensing his bestfriend’s frustrations
“It’s okay, nothing big to worry about” Hyuck answered with a tight lipped smile
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The next day, Hyuck made it his mission to find Y/N after her morning classes. He knew she only had one class for today, from 7am until 10am. 
Usually she goes back to her dorm and wait until Hyuck calls to grab lunch together after his own class ends. Now, Hyuck didn’t bother calling and went straight to look for her instead. 
When Y/N reverts back to her thoughts, she rarely talks to anybody. Hyuck noticed that about her. When he says something, there’s a certain look on her face or a sudden change in her voice that tells him she’s starting to overthink about it. And when that happens, she doesn’t answer any of his calls for a couple of hours or until the next day. 
After that she pretends nothing ever happened. 
Hyuck made his way to her dorm, he’s only been here a couple of times to wait for Y/N but they rarely hang out there. 
“Hi, is Y.N here?” Hyuck asked as the door opens up
“Uh and you are?” the girl asked back, Y/N’s roommate whom Hyuck had never met
“Haechan, Y/N’s boyfriend” he answered to which the girl opposite him frowned at
“She doesn’t have a boyfriend, please she’s had a long day” the girl said and almost closed the door again but Hyuck stopped her
“I am her boyfriend, you can ask her” he said, getting a bit annoyed with the girl infront of him. 
He just wanted to talk to Y/N
“You stay here, I’ll ask her” she answered in a snarky manner then walked to the direction of Y/N’s room
The girl already felt drained and it’s only 10am. After her morning class, Y/N decided to just come back to the dorm and waste the rest of the day. Now that she didn’t have plans to grab lunch with Hyuck, her schedule was empty. 
“Hey Y/N, there’s this dude at our door saying he’s your boyfriend”
The statement said by her roommate made her lift her head up from her pillows
“Hyuck’s here?” she asked
“He said his name was Haechan” her roommate replied, a bit confused
Y/N shook her head before standing up from her bed, “Yea, that’s him. Thanks” she grumbled before making her way out of her room
There she saw Hyuck standing by the door, rocking on his heels back and forth
“Aren’t you suppose to be in class?” Y/N asked making the boy look up at her
“Finished it like ten minutes ago, want to go grab lunch?” Hyuck asked back, he was hoping she says yes
“I have to get this paper started and i have a massive headache, why? are your friends going to be there?”
“Why do my friends need to be there?” with that question, Y/N looked at the direction of her roommate who was not so subtly listening to them. So she pulled Hyuck to her room, 
“Why do we need to grab lunch together if your friends aren’t there? We’re not really dating you know” she mumbled. 
And with that the truth came out. Maybe Hyuck was wrong to assume that they are friends if Y/N thinks he’s only hanging out with her because of the deal. 
“No, but aren’t we friends too? Plus knowing you, you probably haven’t eaten anything today” Hyuck answered, Y/N avoided his gaze which confirmed his assumption
“That’s why you have a headache, let’s go we’re getting you some food” he said the grabbed her arm
The real reason why Y/N has a massive headache was because she stayed up all night thinking about this whole situation with Donhyuck. As she get to know more about him, he really did seem like a good guy. 
She know understands why everyone gravitates towards him, why everyone can’t help but smile and laugh when he’s around. 
At some point yesterday when they were studying together, her mind took off and started to think too much again. She didn’t want to depend too much on Hyuck knowing his whole thing will end. 
She thought about when Hyuck said she could’ve just gone to the library or a cafe to study, like she used to, but instead she thought of coming over.  
The reality was she now realized she does have something to lose. She might lose this sense of security and companionship that Donghyuck is now giving her. 
“I really don’t feel well” Y/N mumbled, still not meeting Hyuck’s eyes
“We can just order in”
“No, it’s fine. I can just” “I promise I’ll go after you eat something” Hyuck cut her off.
He shouldn’t care this much, she thought. But she can see that he genuinely does care. 
“Okay okay, I guess I do need the fresh air” her answer made a smile creep up on Hyuck’s face
The two made their way to a diner style restaurant. While waiting for their food to arrive, the two was just sitting side by side silently. 
“Did something happen in class?” Hyuck asked, breaking the silence
“You just seem a bit down, want to talk about it?”
“Just didn’t sleep well, nothing new” Y/N answered briefly, Hyuck understood she wasn’t ready to talk more about it
Comfortable silence took over again, Hyuck was reading through the menu even though they already ordered while Y/N steal glances his way every now and then
“Can I ask you a question?” Y/N told the boy, making him look up at her
“Sure, what’s up?”
“What happens after this? Like we never really discussed when this whole thing ends” she said while gesturing between the two of them.
Her question made Donghyuck freeze for a second because he honestly didn’t have an answer too. 
“We can still be friends”
“Exes can be friends?” Y/N chuckled meanwhile Hyuck just rolled his eyes at her
“We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. For now, food” Hyuck said and just in time the waiter walked to their table with the food they ordered
“Hey, thank you” Hyuck heard Y/N say
“For lunch? we do this all the time”
“No, for just.. this” Y/N didn’t know how to put it in words exactly but the smile Hyuck had told her he knew what she meant
“No worries”
With that, the worries of yesterday were gone. It amazes Y/N how Donghyuck could start the storm in her mind but also stop it at the same time. How she feels this serenity with him but also feel so confused. She knew she could just ask, Hyuck was a straightforward person. 
But for now she sits beside him, worries at the back of her mind forgotten for a moment. 
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