tarnsandtides · 8 years
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Road trip with my dad went amazing. I love stopping for a random paddle on a canal leading to Klamath Lake and just exploring with my little Olu. 
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
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I like to set goals using pinterest. It’s extra inspiring. Just don’t get sucked down the rabbit hole.
Yoga Goals-I definitely have a few. I used to never challenge myself in yoga and use it more for relaxing and stress reduction. That is wonderful-but I need to challenge myself a little more.
Be more Positive-It’s easy to get sucked into a negative spiral. Catch that early & knock it off.
Be Brave-I am not by nature a very brave person. Or at least I don’t feel brave. What I’m finding is that no one feels brave-just go for it.
Learn to Surf-I don’t care if I’m 50 I will be able to surf well someday.
Drink more Water-Other than my best friend, who does drink enough water?
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
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This weekend I did the Susan G. Komen event Weekend on the Water. Such a fun event. It's always nice to do events where everyone is having a good time, super chill with each other, and help to entertain my little explorer. I'm also thankful for such an awesome partner that encourages me to do these things and even pumps up my board.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
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Some things you need in order to take babies and toddlers adventuring: 
1: Comfortable appropriate shoes for everyone except the baby in the backpack. 
 2: Crayons & paper. 
 3: Kidcoe tent-life saver for snack time, nap time (if your littles will sleep in it), and meltdown command. 
 4: Snacks, snacks, more snacks-oh and juice and water. 
 5: Camera-obviously. 
 I forgot everything except numbers 4 & 5. Which are clearly the most important.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
Shark Week
I don't have cable-so I always have to catch Shark Week episodes as I can. That being said-during Shark Week I get my shark fix and then some. 
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Check these out:
 TEDtalks have some AWESOME shark talks. I especially love Simon Berrow's talk on Basking Sharks. 
 I also came across edX online Shark Course. It's one month long and I am in the first week and it is really awesome. One of your assignments is to track a shark through OCEAN. I'm tracking Carolina off the coast of North Carolina.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
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Oh so good. And Raw. And healthy. And give you energy. I can’t wait to hand these out tonight at The Medicine Lounge for Sunny and my class tonight.
1/2 c almonds 
1/2 c other nut (walnut? Macadamia?)
 -food process these first- 
1/2 c shredded coconut 
1 c medjool dates (Energy boost, bone health, sweetner)
1 lemon (juiced) 
2 drops lemon essential oil 
Put it all in a food processor. Roll into little balls and roll in extra shredded coconut. Place in the fridge. Try not to eat them all in one sitting. 😉 
 Adapted from:
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
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Exercise inspiration! These 4 ladies are super awesome in so many ways-but these are my go-to when I need to be inspired and I need a good workout that doesn't involve paddling or a trail run.
First one is local @sunnysisson who is always working out and eating yummy goodness. We're actually hosting a snack attack session at The Medicine Lounge this Thursday night! The handstand is @natalizollinger She did a great video series challenge (that my lazy prego butt did not keep up with) from Costa Rica. @goldfish_kiss posts all sorts of awesome but I really love her quick workouts. I have a total girl crush on the rock stars who put @inherelementblog together. Workouts, inspiration, and interesting blog posts. I'm off to do a quick workout-maybe @goldfish_kiss baby workout with Sanoe.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
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I'm pretty blessed by living in an area that provides endless exploring opportunities-but when I'm feeling stir-crazy I can live vicariously through these folks. 
The first set is DandMe on fb. My friends Damien & Sabrina are traveling around the world and posting their adventures. I'm pretty sure they have the biggest hearts and are 2 of the most awesome people I know. My goal in life is to be happy like Sabrina. The middle set of pics is my brother Rhane-also on fb. He is always off adventuring somewhere or taking troubled youth out into nature. We hear from him every 6 months or so with a "I'll be in Hood River on this date-will you be around?" (And yes, that is Rhane jumping into some very cold water buck naked). And the last set of pics is @sammyadventure a fellow @noandyo ambassador who I haven't met yet but is constantly traveling to amazing locations and taking epic photos and doing amazing things. So if you're if you're feeling sort of stuck-just go follow these folks and feel inspired. 👌
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
22 Things female adventurers will understand.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
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Fruit Bowl Goodness
Squeeze of grapefruit
Chia Seeds
Lemon Essential Oil
Pregnancy cravings are real-and I might be averaging a pineapple a day. Can't complain though, there are worse things.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
Home sweet home. I'm not sure if I will ever do white water paddling. But this video is beautiful.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
The ocean is full of amazing things. I just want to watch this video over and over.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
Monthly Subscription Boxes
I have always loved the idea of monthly subscription boxes. A random box of gifties always cheers me up- and one that is focused on exploring/adventuring sounds even better. I did ipsy for awhile, but ended up giving away the make-up. This one sounds like something I would actually LOVE. TheNomadik
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
There are still places to explore in this world. Don't forget the value of exploring and experiencing new things has on your soul. Whether they are untouched places or just untouched by you.
This video is so beautiful-a great way to start your day.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
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Hanging things pinspiration. For Brendan's birthday I got him a hammock, he has wanted one for forever, and because it's too cold outside to hang a hammock I've been looking for ideas on how to hang one in our large living room. Can't wait to see our Layback hammock up.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
I've just started following this blog and even though we don't eat completely plant based at our house-it's great inspiration to eat less processed and more importantly more veggies. My downfall is cheese.
We're pretty good at not eating processed things, although I've recently succumbed to some easy toddler snacks. B almost always makes us homemade salad dressing & we always make our own sauces. So thankful for resources and inspiration like this to keep me focused.
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tarnsandtides · 8 years
Little things I can do better in my daily life to help the environment:
Remember my water bottle-REDUCE PLASTIC
And along with that, remember grocery bags
Carpool. I work too far from work to walk/bike. Why don't I carpool? Because it's more, more time to plan, etc. Is it really that hard? No. I'm gonna do it.
When I see it-pick it up. I try to do this whenever I am out, pick up any trash I see.
Teach it. I'm a teacher-and I just found out that one of my students didn't know the word pollution! I think by 8th grade they should know, be taught how to be good stewards of their space, classrooms, hallways, forests.
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