#i stilk like the movie and alistair but I'm tired boss
ben-the-hyena · 1 month
Quick lil vent to ignore
Me before watching Haunted Mansion 2023 : "I'm gonna hate this the trailers are unfunny and I hate how the Hatbox Ghost is gonna be evil when Guillermo del Toro probably would have made him much more interesting as a true fan, this new movie sounds like a bait"
Me after watching it "ok I actually loved it and take back what I said, only those who made the trailer suck then ! The humor was nice and you felt it was made by fans who understood the lore and put their own twist to it, it truly felt like the spirit of the ride more than the 2003 movie. As for Alistair Crump, sure he will never be Hattie for me not just because he was evil because Hattie already was before in another adaptation but just because he was too different in term of character and I maintain he should have been the Phantom because he feels EXACTLY like him, he was still a great scary charismatic villain. Ride Hatbox Ghost and movie Alistair can cooexist !"
Me nearly one year later upon seeing the Hatbox Ghost tag is now almost exclusively filled with Alistair Crump posts and fanart, half of them thirsting, many calling the ride one Alistair, almost everybody seeing Hattie as evil like his movie self with his backstory now and good luck to find fun, shippy or silly posts about him like you used to using his ride or fan designs and fan backstories "...ah. maybe it was a mistake after all"
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