#i started thinking about this for linguistic purposes (obv) but it expanded.
engagemythrusters ยท 1 year
okay. I've been doing a lot of thinking about a no-Order-66 au, and where the now-relieved-from-duty GAR clones would go. And, obviously... clone planet. I think most people stumble upon that, kind of, and I know the brothers are so devoted to each other that I doubt they would want to leave each other behind. I'm sure many groups would split to their own planets, because that's just the way people work--not everyone is going to want to go to the same place.
And I'm thinking a lot about the culture that would develop over time.
First: there would be a bigger clone culture--they all went through the same training and war, same facilities on Kamino. There's so much that they share, other than just their faces. It links them all. So there's that.
Second: cultures within battalions/corps/etc. After all, not everyone had the same instructors on Kamino, and not everyone served under the same generals and commanders, and not everyone went on the same campaigns. Those experiences influenced how they turned out as people--after all, Plo Koon is a very different Jedi than, say, Depa Billaba. The cultures that influenced individual Jedi influence their clones, along with personality and all that jazz. AND clones would grow differently in different experiences. Like, those who stayed planetside the whole war have totally different jargon than those who served solely on ships. Not to mention, brothers who served with each other are going to group naturally to their own, rather than others. Of course, there's going to be some that are similar! 212st and 501st would band together, having formed such a close bond with their generals' lineages. They knew each other very well.
Thus, Clone Culture reigns supreme on Clone Worl, with its own intricacies colliding and collaborating to create a rich, varying society.
And that's even before clones settle down.
They obviously have to bring in new people to the planet, because... obviously they would not be able to reproduce with one another. These new cultures from these new partners would influence everything! The children from these families would have clone culture and the culture from their other parent(s)! This would shape the next generation, and the next, and the next! The culture grows infinitely more diverse, and yet still cements itself into the growing civilisation of Clone World.
And, considering they're all related, it would be some time before the generations of children could intermingle with one another. They're all cousins, and I'm not sure how many generations it would take for it to not... fuck up their kids real bad... if they reproduced.
So, in response to that, I'm thinking maybe there's going to be some... ritual? Rite of passage? That occurs when children grow to adults. Leaving the world to go experience other cultures, and to find someone to love (yes, as an aroace I do understand the allocentrism (?word?) involved, but. this is for a survival of a culture, man! i dont want inbreeding). This creates its own challenges to the culture (what arises when you find someone you won't love in many years but do now, and make them move to your homeworld? what happens when you leave your world behind for theirs? and all that). There's always going to be the ugly parts of a culture, and this can bring beauty and this hideousness.
Also, I don't know what to say just yet on how the advanced ageing of the first generation (unless they fix this!) influences the culture, but it's sure gonna do something!
I have many, many more thoughts, but this is all I can process into written word at the moment. But just... Ugh! Clone culture and its future!
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