#i sketched out my ideas and Bumi did everything so perfect!
kamuyagi · 10 months
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Elated to have commissioned this sprite set and vid from the wonderful Bumi over on Twitter!
I've always thought the dance battle sprites have so much charm! Now it's Kaathe's turn on stage, hope he wins ヽ(´▽`)/
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soccialcreature · 4 years
Ranking the Avatar seasons
this is purely for fun, and also bcuz ik a lot of this is gonna b controversial and yall know how i LOVE stirring shit up. also id love to hear yalls opinions. (worst to best)
7) Legend of Korra Book 2: Spirits
ok this one isnt controversial lmao. everyone knows this season is ass. it’s especially bad bcuz i feel like it gives this series a bad rep when really it’s just this season thats so bad. obviously i know that it’s only this terrible bcuz the series was supposed to end with season 1, and i am glad overall that the series didnt end with season 1, but this season did not help it’s case. awful things included the lore retcon, the re-introduction of the stupid love triangle that nobody wanted, erasing everyones character growth from season 1, and everything they did with bolin. there are good things tho. like what they did with kya, tenzin, and bumi. and overall, i appreciate the decision to leave the spirit portals open because that’s a really bold move and shows how korra is willing to listen to her villains and consider their point of view. and it’s a great setup for season 3
6) Legend of Korra Book 4: Balance
this one is miles ahead of season 2, but overall it’s nothing special. the ideas are good, and i was super into this season before they brought in the giant robots bcuz giant robots is never a good idea, but ya. kuvira was cool. i liked korras character arc. i think prince wu was hilarious. and the ending ended up being perfect for the show. korrassami walked so that modern lgbt characters in kids cartoons could run
5) Avatar the Last Airbender Book 1: Water
ok listen. i appreciate what this season did for the series, and all the setup and character introductions were necessary, but other than a few standout episodes like The Storm and The Blue Spirit and The Siege of the North, it’s not super enjoyable. when im binging the series with my friends or family, season 1 is always just something we have to get through to get to the real good stuff. it’s very monster-of-the-week kiddie-cartoon style, which can be great and is something that the show perfects in seasons 2 and 3, but ya. basically i like everything in this season that everyone else likes, and there are no real glaring problems, but its just not as enjoyable as the seasons higher on this list
4) Legend of Korra Book 1: Air
yes this one has lots of problems. namely the love triangle and the fact that the characters are just... not great, but i feel like its existence is justified and it’s really fun to watch and super engaging. the moment water bending was a thing, every viewer who’s taken 3rd grade biology was like “so can you bend... people?” then they do one episode about blood bending and just kind of forget about it. it was cool to get to explore blood bending in this season, especially through tarlok, who i liked a LOT. he was super cool. amon was cool too but being able to take away someones bending with blood bending is difficult to get behind. and the bender vs non-bender issue is something that in a a universe like this, kind of had to get brought up, but i just wish they had done it better. (side note: i liked the flashbacks to adult gaang). overall, fun season. also, the fights all looked incredible
3) Avatar the Last Airbender Book 2: Earth
this season is so good. the only reason it isn’t higher than season 3 is because it still feels like a lot of setup for season 3 but its still incredible. i love the aesthetic, i love everything they do with the characters. azula is a great villain. toph is such a great new character. ba sing se is an awesome setting (i love how creepy and sketch it is). Zuko Alone, Tales of Ba Sing Se, Crossroads of Destiny, etc etc are some of the best episodes in the series. issues: i didn’t really like the episodes set in the dessert, and the finale kinda seems like it comes out of no where when you’re watching.
2) Avatar the Last Airbender Book 3: Fire
ok this season is basically perfect. is what i would say if the first half of the season didn’t exist. other than just “the first half is boring”, there isn’t much criticism i can say about this season. ig energy bending was kind of an asspull? but that’s basically it. from day of the black sun onward, everything comes together so nicely and it’s so so enjoyable and fun and incredible and i love it. the characters arcs are all perfect (though zuko is really the star of the season), the story progresses in such a satisfying way, and everything just... makes sense. best television finale ever (ok tcw also has the best finale ever but thats not the point). its impossible not to love this season
1) Legend of Korra Book 3: Change
LETS GOOOOO this season is HYPE AF. SO BADASS. SO FUN. ALL THE WAY THROUGH. i love this season so much. i wudnt give a single fuck about this show is not for this season. since im ranking the seasons individually, this is at the top, though i don’t think lok is better than atla (even though i LIKE IT better. but thats a conversation for another time). it took the good things from season 2 of lok and expanded on it, while fixing all the issues it had. the love triangle is FINALLY gone, we get some great character development, we FINALLY leave republic city and do some good-old-fashioned traveling the world with the avatar, and the villains are incredible. (side note: this season shudve been the air season bcuz its where we actually get to learn about the element of air). this season also introduced lava bending into the avatar universe, which is just SO COOL. and it makes SO MUCH sense. like if water benders can shift between the solid and liquid forms of ice, than of COURSE a really powerful earth bender can do the same with rocks. again, every single battle is awesome and badass as fuck and they’re all different from one another, too. oh and zuko is awesome in this season. he’s awesome in every season, but i love what they did with him here. no, i don’t think its pandering. i just think it’s cool.
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