#i ship joanna and edgar so much
toloveawarlord · 3 years
The Jack of My Heart (Ch.1)
You can find my masterlist in my bio!
Pairing: Joanna Clemence x Edgar Bright
Tagging: @plumpblueberry​ @thetwinkims​ @youreawizardharr​ @starry-starry-night24
A/N: I finally have a solid story planned for genderbent Jonah series! Edgar and Joanna are already in a relationship at the start of this story. Cooper Aldrich is the Ten of Hearts, a new oc that resides in this universe!
Enjoy! Merry Christmas!
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“Good morning, my Queen.”
Most in headquarters would still be sleeping soundly in their beds, the day not ready to begin for them. The sun was not above the horizon, only soft hues of red and orange brushed along the navy sky signaled the coming day. Joanna removed one last book from the shelf for reference, amber irises flickering over to catch a glimpse of him, widening in surprise at how close he’d become.
Ever so silent.
She took a step back only to hit the wall, caged in as he leaned his arm against the hall above her head. “You didn’t sleep well last night. I do hope it wasn’t on my account,” Edgar teased, brushing a mint strand away from her face. Not many would notice the tiredness on her otherwise perfect features, but the Jack had spent more time than most studying her.
“Don’t flatter yourself, Edgar. I had a lot of work to complete.” What a ridiculous notion. 
Why would it matter to her that he’d been away on family business the whole of yesterday and failed to return until an hour ago? She’d only happened to be passing by the window when she’d spotted him coming through the front gate. Of course, she wouldn’t tell him even if she had missed him a minuscule amount.
The Queen of Hearts wouldn’t waste her precious time on something so trivial.
“Oh? What work?” Jade irises focused on the curve of her pink lips, parting and then pressing together in irritation. He didn’t need her to admit it. He knew that she completed all her work in a timely manner, as expected of a Clemence. 
It was oh so adorable when she denied her feelings so adamantly.
“You see, I have a theory that you missed me so terribly that it affected your sleep.”
Her nose turned upward. “A fantasy. I’ve no such feelings. In fact, I’d rather you’d be away today as well, as I’ve much to complete and having you begging for my attention-- what are you doing?” Amber eyes were drawn down to where Edgar had sunk to one knee.
He took her hand, placing a kiss to her knuckles before meeting her gaze. “Would you like it if I begged? I surely don’t mind showering my lovely Queen in affection.” He teased as easily as he breathed, but it always worked in his favor.
Joanna bit on her lip as he turned his head to pepper kisses on her thigh over the fabric. His fingers laced with hers, no resistance, or complaints. He could expertly undo her like no one else could.
But their relationship was still very much a secret. Only a handful of those in the army were privy to that information.
The door handle clicked, signaling new arrivals. A small spark of anxiety rose in her chest. Even after she called his name, Edgar only egged her on with a hum of a response and another kiss to her stomach where he’d managed to tug her pink button up out of her waistband.
It was clearly his fault. Utterly, entirely his fault.
Her boot connected with his shoulder, shoving him off balance and onto the floor. Not hard enough to actually harm him, although with the giddy grin on his lips, Joanna imagined he might enjoy it. He must be alright if he could look at her like that.
Like he was daring her to come down there with him, to give into her desire to kiss him until she had no air left and feel his skin against hers.
But the door was shoved open as Joanna managed to shove her shirt back into her pants. It would be suspicious to attempt to throw on her army jacket, so she refrained from reaching for it. Her shoulders relaxed at the sight of Zero and Cooper assisting a half-awake Kyle into the office for the morning meeting.
“This is not your personal quarters,” Joanna fussed as Kyle lazed across the couch, one arm over his eyes and the knuckles of his other hand brushing the floor as he groaned. Amber eyes shifted to the Ten of Hearts staring at her with a curious expression. “Do you need something, Aldrich?”
Cooper crossed his arms, head tilting to the side. “I’m simply trying to remember if I’ve ever attended a meeting with you not in full uniform.” His gaze flickered to his superior on the other side of the desk, but Edgar shrugged his shoulders as if he’d no idea.
Joanna took her jacket off the back of the chair and slid her arms into it. “It’s not any of your concern. Wipe that ridiculous dumbstruck expression off your face before King Lancelot arrives.” She smoothed out the jacket with both hands.
The only noise that filled the quiet space was Kyle’s constant moaning and groaning as he rubbed his temples. All four standing officers straightened when Lancelot entered the room. He took a seat at the desk before speaking. “You are all aware of the letters we received both last week and yesterday. Reports.”
“Well, according to my informant in Black Territory, the Black Army also received similar letters a year back, and they had three cases of arson varying in severity before the guy went underground,” Cooper started, bypassing his superiors to speak first. 
It mattered little, so Joanna let it go this time.
“Black Territory was probably a testing ground, but an entire year is a long waiting period for someone who caused so much damage,” Zero continued. Most arsonists accelerated, growing bolder with their targets.
Lancelot nodded in grim agreement. It was unlikely that this person simply stopped causing fires. He could not allow someone so dangerous to roam free within his country. “The decoded letter left us with a location, did it not?”
“Yes, and with permission, I’d like to go investigate it personally. The message was much too easily deciphered, and I believe there could be something of value to be found there,” Joanna said. It would be careless to simply send a soldier.
Cooper didn’t hold back his loud, resigned sigh. “Respectfully, my Queen, it’s clearly a trap.” He’d mapped out the coordinates to find an old sawmill in the countryside. Going there would be doing what this psychopath wanted. “My suggestion would be to wait it out.”
“Wouldn’t we be risking angering him by not showing up at his first location? Arsonists are known for being narcissists,” Zero said.
“They also like to watch their handiwork. This first letter is taunt to see if we are listening. It’s worth going, and I also don’t remember asking for your opinion, Ten.” Her voice sharper than her blade. He had a tendency to speak however he felt, regardless of his rank.
The tension in the room became thick. Amber irises narrowed; the Queen of Hearts annoyed at the defiant expression on Cooper’s features. Two opposite plans clashing into each other.
Lancelot turned to the third highest ranking officer, who hadn’t said a word. “You’ve been oddly quiet.” Most of the time, it meant he was up to no good, but for important matters, it simply meant Edgar was analyzing all the information.
“I’m in agreement with Joanna. It’s undoubtedly valuable to see what is so special about the sawmill.” The Jack was more than intrigued. Whoever this person was, they might cure his boredom for a while.
The King folded his hands together, regarding his officers with absolute authority. “We cannot risk the lives of our citizens. I want this solved as swiftly as possible. Joanna will be in charge of the investigation; you will all report directly to the Queen. Dismissed.”
With his final words, the four officers vacated the office, leaving the sleeping Kyle behind. When the door closed with a thud, only then did Cooper speak again. He did not approve of this plan at all. “You should reconsider. It’s the wrong move.”
“As opposed to what you proposed? Do you really think that ignoring a narcissist is going to bode well for our citizens? We can’t predict how they will respond if we don’t go. I, for one, am not willing to risk a town burning to the ground because you were too frightened to go to the given location,” Joanna snapped in return. The two clashed often but never to this degree.
Cooper looked as though he would draw his sword and challenge her to duel at any moment. Anger swelled up inside him. “You might be my superior, but you aren’t always right, Queen.” Golden irises brimmed with aggravation. This mistake might cost them their second highest in command, and that would reflect badly on the army. But he refrained from arguing more, instead taking a deep breath. “Don’t be reckless.”
And he stalked off in the other direction, needing to cool down before he trained his squad.
“Well, that was certainly heated,” Edgar commented. He never inserted himself unless absolutely needed, especially when it came to Joanna. There were plenty of rumors about the two, saying that their relationship might cloud their judgment.
Joanna brushed her hand through her mint hair, irritation etched into her features. She hadn’t the time to deal with Cooper’s little tantrum. “Zero, I want a list of all the suspicious fires in Red Territory and Central Quarter mapped out by the time I return.”
With a salute and confirmation, Zero left the two as well.
Silence hung in the hallway. Cooper made plenty of valid points, of that she was sure. It didn’t, however, change the truth of the matter. This was not a random location. It had to mean something to the arsonist. The Queen had far too many questions and not nearly enough answers.
It wasn’t until a pair of jade irises were peering into her amber ones, gloved hands holding her face, that Joanna heard Edgar speaking to her.
“I was asking if you would like to-”
“Come with me.”
The Jack of Hearts quieted at her sudden command. Whatever she meant, his answer remains the same, but he’d wait until she’d elaborated. Her porcelain cheeks now tinted with pink. He wanted to kiss her so badly, making her oh so flustered.
“What I mean is, it would be irresponsible to go alone, and another set of eyes would be a little helpful.” Her gaze flickered around, unable to settle. She shouldn’t have blurted that out, as he would tease her endlessly about it. “Not that I need you specifically--”
Edgar grinned, thoroughly enjoying the panic as she tried to cover up what she’d said. But it was too late. “The two of us, alone, on a mission? I would be honored to join you, my queen. Then I can kiss you whenever I like without the constant worry that someone might see.” His lips brushed against hers, but ultimately denied a true kiss.
“This isn’t permission to do as you please! We’ll be working.”
“Of course, but...” Edgar bent to whisper in her ear, hot breath sending a shiver down her spine. He continued to wind up tightly, patient enough to wait until she released all that pent up desire. His voice low, speaking solely to her. “Once we’re finished with all the day’s work and retire to our private room in a small, hidden inn, I promise I’ll bring out that naughty side of yours.”
Joanna lost the ability to focus on anything other than the sound of his voice echoing in her head, repeating the same words over and over, like a sexy broken record. It became too much for her to bear. She shoved him away, turning her back to him as he snickered.
She couldn’t admit it, but she was looking forward to seeing if he’d deliver on that promise.
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isaidnotostatusquo · 7 years
******** VERY IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ ************
So ... I think this is the first original post I’ve written in four whole years of having this Tumblr, but I legitimately can’t think of a better reason to break my internet silence! For those of you who have been living under a rock/have an actual life outside of social media, the Tin Can Brothers (Corey Lubowich, Joey Richter and Brian Rosenthal) are currently in the midst of Kickstarting their latest project: a 10 episode webseries/podcast called ‘The Wayward Guide for the Untrained Eye’! This project is sure to be incredible and you can find out more specific details by following the link below!! 
The Tin Can Brothers are the same guys behind the smash-hit musical: ‘Spies Are Forever’, which has amassed hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube (if you haven’t seen it yet, it’s pretty dang good, and you can watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vd3aJl930YE&list=PLlF0gFzOX4tD1KJ5ZEnvhD55Qhnz-K0X2)! 
This year, they also released their first ever short film, ‘Flopstoppers’ (again, you can watch it for free here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lipp_4fco3w). 
On top of Kickstarter campaigning, they’re currently uploading weekly episodes of their hilarious one-act play, ‘The Solve-It Squad Returns’. You can watch the first six scenes here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEA0hNs0M98&list=PLlF0gFzOX4tDiqbhfmx5036ZFKD6LAoQN and/or you can purchase the show in its entirety (along with Behind the Scenes content) here: https://www.tincanbros.com/stage-productions! 
Marketing aside, these guys are wholeheartedly committed to producing consistent, quality content that their fans can access easily and cheaply. Their work is witty, original and extremely engaging! Additionally, their projects always include badass female characters with distinctive personalities and independent motivations, who are allowed to be vulnerable AS WELL AS strong; just like real human beings! As a long-term fan of the TCB, I’m 100% positive that ‘Wayward Guide’ will live up to these standards!
However, at the rate that the Kickstarter is moving, ‘Wayward Guide’ is NOT currently projected to be fully funded by its final day (24/09). If it doesn’t reach its $100,000 goal, it ain’t happening! No cards will be charged, no rewards will be given out, and it’ll be like the whole concept never existed! But YOU can change that! By donating just $1 (approx 70p for my fellow Brits), you’ll be helping this project come to life! If you donate $5 (approx £3.80) you’ll not only play a key part in the creation of ‘Wayward Guide’ but you’ll also receive exclusive updates on its progress, right up until its release; all for the price of a Starbucks! There are additional rewards available at increasing price tiers, so the more you donate, the more you will receive! At the moment, the Kickstarter needs to be making around $4000 per day in order to reach its goal! It’s a lot of money, but I’m confident we can do it! As Tescos say - Every little helps!
And if this hasn’t got you convinced, here’s a list of the people who we currently know to be involved in the project, and some things you may know them from! (Additional cast members are constantly being announced as various Kickstarter goals are met, so this list is by no means definitive):
- Benji Dell is Director of Photography! 
If you’ve watched ‘Flopstoppers’ or the ‘Spies Are Forever’ Kickstarter video, he was also DP for both of those! His work is BEAUTIFUL and based on what I’ve seen of him in the ‘Flopstoppers’ BTS featurette, he seems like a really chill guy!
- Chuck Criss is Composing! 
He’s in the band ‘Computer Games’, along with his brother, Darren, who you mayyyy have heard of before! He’s also in indie rock band ‘Freelance Whales’. His musical style is EXTREMELY cool, and if you watch the Kickstarter vid for this project, you can hear some of his tunes first-hand!
- Corey, Brian and Joey! 
In addition to writing and producing ‘Wayward Guide’, the Tin Can Brothers are taking an even more active role! Corey is also going to be directing the project, whilst Brian and Joey will both be acting in it!
- Mary Kate Wiles! 
You may know her as Tatiana from the TCB’s previous project, ‘Spies are Forever’, or from her prolific work with fellow internet comedy group, ‘Shipwrecked Comedy’! (’Kissing in the Rain’, ‘Poe Party’ and the upcoming ‘Case of the Gilded Lily’) She also appeared as Lydia Bennet in Pemberley Digital’s Emmy Award winning webseries ‘The Lizzie Bennet Diaries’, and has enjoyed starring roles in the short film ‘I Ship It’, and in the webseries ‘Muzzled the Musical’ amongst many others! (Basically she’s done almost everything there is to do and I’d be here all day listing her credentials!) She also has a YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcw3_LYw-SuTdOaWjEJSvHQ, which you should definitely check out because she’s great and posts weekly! She’ll be taking a lead role in this project as podcast host, Artemis Schue-Horyn, and I for one, can’t wait!
- Steve Zaragoza!
Steve was an original member of the popular YouTube channels,‘SourceFed’ and ‘SourceFedNerd’, which have amassed over 2 million subscribers in total! He’s also starred as Iggy DeLacey in Pemberley Digital’s ‘Frankenstein, M.D’ and has recently appeared in some Disney Channel and Disney XD shows. He’s a new addition to the TCB universe, and is sure to be wonderful! 
- Dylan Saunders!
You’re sure to know Dylan from his work with Team StarKid! He’s appeared in the ‘Very Potter’ trilogy, ‘Starship’, ‘Holy Musical B@man’ and, most recently, ‘Twisted’! I think we can all agree that he has one of the best voices on the planet, and he’s also one of the most laid-back and friendly guys I’ve ever had the privilege to meet! I’m so excited to see him working with these guys again!
- Joanna Sotomura!
Another Pemberley Digital star, Joanna appeared as the title character, Emma Woodhouse, in the series ‘Emma Approved’! She’s also a new addition to the TCB world, and I can’t wait to see more of her!
- Jon Cozart!
Yep, that’s right - ‘Paint’ himself is going to be involved in this project! Jon is probably best known as the creator of ‘Harry Potter in 99 Seconds’, a.k.a one of my FAVOURITE videos of all time! He’s amazing and extremely creative and you should definitely subscribe to his YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/Paint
- Nick Lang!
One of the founding faces of Team StarKid, Nick has been involved in some way in pretty much every creation of theirs to date! Also, he once taught my Dad a magic trick, which my Dad has never managed to accurately recreate. Further proof that Nick is the best!
- Clayton Snyder!
You’ll probably remember Clayton from his wonderfully intense portrayal of Fyodor Dostoyevsky in Shipwrecked Comedy’s ‘Poe Party’ (as members of Shipwrecked have said, he was basically in his own movie). Also, he’s Ethan Craft from ‘Lizzie McGuire’ so that’s pretty dang cool!
- Sinead Persaud!
A founding member of Shipwrecked Comedy, Sinead has co-written, produced and starred in every single one of their projects to date! Last year, she appeared as sassy ghost, Lenore, in ‘Poe Party’, which was a perfect role for her! In this, she’ll be appearing as a ‘Macabre Mortician/Taxidermist’, which is an EVEN MORE PERFECT role for her! 
- Titus Makin Jr!
Titus has done a looottttttt of TV work over the years, (like seriously, so much!) but you’ll probably remember him best as David the Warbler from ‘Glee’! He’s also got a budding music career going, so he’s very talented! Another TCB newbie!
- Tara Perry!
Perhaps you’ll remember Tara from when she coughed a lot and was reallllly into trees on Shipwrecked Comedy’s ‘Poe Party’. If not, she also played boss lady, Vivian DeMarco, in the Tin Can Brothers’ short film ‘Flopstoppers’! I’m also pretty sure that I saw her once in an art gallery in Glasgow, but was 100% too scared to approach her, so who knows?
- Gabe Greenspan!
If you’ve been keeping up with the Tin Can Brothers recently, then you’ll for sure know Gabe from their most recent show, ‘The Solve-It Squad Returns’! He plays a complete a*sehole called Keith, but somehow manages to still make him loveable! Also, he’ll be appearing in Shipwrecked Comedy’s upcoming ‘The Case of the Gilded Lily’, so keep your eye out for that!
 - Ashley Clements!
Ashley is probably best known for her titular role as Lizzie Bennet in Pemberley Digital’s, ‘The Lizzie Bennet Diaries’. Other webseries she’s appeared in include ‘Poe Party’ and ‘Muzzled the Musical’ (as a well-dressed villain both times)! Most recently, you might have seen her in the Tin Can Brothers’ ‘The Solve-It Squad Returns’ where she acted opposite Gabe Greenspan. She’ll be doing that again and it’s sure to be hilarious!
- Corey Dorris
You’ll probably best remember Corey as Big Tallywacker in ‘MAMD’, Yaxley in ‘AVPS’, Kingsley Shacklebolt in ‘AVPSY’ and the Grandpa in ‘The Trail to Oregon’! When I saw the show in New York, his character was called ‘Ol’ Man River’, which is, in my opinion, the BEST NAME HE COULD EVER HAVE HAD! He’s also Juilliard trained which is prettttyyy cool!
- Sean Persaud
Another founding member of Shipwrecked Comedy, Sean has also co-written, produced and starred in each of their projects, along with his sister, Sinead. He played the titular role of Edgar Allan Poe in ‘Poe Party’ last year, where he exhibited his uncanny ability for deadpan hilarity! He’ll be playing a ‘Desperate Pastor’ in this project and I can’t wait! 
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toloveawarlord · 4 years
You can find my masterlist in my bio!
Event Masterlist: 50 Types of Kisses
Characters: Joanna x Edgar
Prompt: Kisses exchanged while one person sits on the other’s lap.
Requester: @thetwinkims​​
Tagging: @plumpblueberry​     @donthurtmeimbaby​​(Please let me know if you would like to be tagged!)
A/N: I ship these two so hardcore.
[This event is closed]
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“You should take a break.”
This made the third time he’d interrupted with those same words.
Truly irritating.
The drumming of his gloved fingers against the wood of the desk. His incessant humming. The glimmer of mischief reflecting in jade irises that refused to do anything other than stare at her as he leaned on the desk with one elbow, chin resting on his palm. A little too close.
Sat at the desk in the main office, Joanna refused to lift her gaze from the paperwork before her. The moment she did, the game would be lost. She couldn’t bear to let him have the satisfaction of distracting her.
God, he smelled so good.
Heat spread across her cheeks. Obviously, it was the new shampoo that she’d recommended that had caused her to notice. With how close he remained; it wouldn’t be outrageous to have such a thought.
Joanna cleared her throat, elegantly penning her signature across the bottom of the document. “I will take a break in the afternoon.” Too much needed to be done. King Lancelot was out for the day, meaning she had both her duties and his to attend to while he was away.
“It’s nearly six, my Queen. The afternoon has long passed you by.”
He’d gained her attention.
Amber eyes rose to find the clock hanging on the wall. “So it is.” Perhaps that was the reason for her foul mood. No soldiers had dared come in to bother her in hours, as she’d properly reprimanded some for inadequately writing their reports. A little too harshly, but they would never learn if not corrected.
Edgar had been the sole one not bothered by her prickly attitude, coming, and going as he pleased.
Her day had begun before the sun had risen and now it had begun its decent behind the horizon.
“It’s irrelevant. I have more work to be completed. And as I have no need for assistance, you can leave me be.” Joanna rose from the chair, papers in hand to file them on the shelf. Keeping her gaze fixed forward, she listened carefully but never heard him leave.
Turning to return to the desk, her eyes narrowed at the sight of the Jack of Hearts now occupying her chair. “Edgar. I’m ordering you to leave.” The endless stack of documents in need of approval or disapproval should be handled before King Lancelot returned.
“I decline to follow.”
She’d dump him out of that chair if she had to.
The moment she came within reach, Edgar snatched her dainty wrist, tugging the Queen off balance and down onto his lap. His arm slipped around her waist to hold her there. “You are quite adorable with that shade of pink across your cheeks.”
His teasing only deepened the color on her porcelain features. “Release me this instant, Edgar! Mmph-” 
Edgar silenced any more protests with a gentle kiss. He nearly chuckled as the tension melted off her, Joanna relaxing against his body. It was clear that she’d wound herself up trying to complete all of the day’s tasks for the two busiest soldiers in the army.
“We really shouldn’t. Anyone could walk in.”
“I believe you thoroughly scared them off for the day.” Whispers of the Queen’s foul mood had spread through headquarters since the morning hours.
A pout set on her lips. “It’s appalling that King Lancelot must review reports riddled with spelling and grammar errors.” They all needed a strict lesson in writing etiquette.
Edgar rested his hand under her ear, brushing his thumb over her cheek. “I’ll assist you in completing this paperwork if you’ll agree to eat something.” Skipping meals wouldn’t do well for her health.
She gave a resigned sigh but relented. “Not that I require assistance. I am capable of doing it myself. It will simply go quicker with two.”
“Of course. I never doubted.” A teasing smirk grew on his features only to be replaced by surprise.
Joanna leaned forward, hands gently holding his face as she stole a deep kiss. A silent and unspoken thank you. His persistence did make her quite happy. The moody clouds that had hung above her were gone. Perhaps, she’d reward him after all the work was finished.
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