#i said I'd put out a gale-related prompt next but I got the banner for this one done first so dkjfhgskdhfgs
hermits-hovel · 2 years
Micro story 12. candles
12. candles
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‘Don’t think it’s escaped my notice—You haven’t slept a wink since we got here! It won’t do to let the Warrior of Light run on fumes, so off to bed you go!’
Those had been Tataru’s exact words, and she’d spoken them without a second thought; Ancel was always one to work himself to exhaustion, and she was quick to note how wound up he seemed to be since arriving in Ishgard.
For a mercy, he was compliant—albeit reluctantly so—and had retired to his prepared chambers in Fortemps Manor a couple of hours prior. The moon had long since risen by the time Tataru decided to do the same, and she had begun traversing the dark, ornate hall with a dim candle to light her way.
She would have most certainly proceeded as planned—but thuds and clatters and biting curses rousing from behind Ancel’s door were, however, causes for concern.
She tried his name—the one he seemed to prefer.
There was no sound, and no answer. Had he even heard her?
With trepidation, Tataru tried the door, opening it slowly and just enough to accommodate her small stature. Leading with the candle, she stepped inside and tried to locate her associate.
“Who goes there,” came Ancel’s roughened voice; the words were spoken with breathless haste, and more like an accusation than an inquiry.
Sure enough, there he was—kneeling on the floor by his bed, surrounded by scattered belongings, hunched and bedraggled like some kind of creature. This was a man she had never actually seen under the cover of the goggles and masks he so insisted on wearing all the time, and she was beginning to understand why that might have been. His pupils were slit like a snake’s, and the faint gleam of fangs flashed underneath his panting lips. 
Abnormal, almost monstrous—but if his terror-filled eyes had failed to indicate any sign of turmoil, the glint of tear tracks on his cheeks revealed by the candle’s flame certainly hadn’t.
“Y-you—There was a noise, and…” Tataru swallowed thickly, trying to control the discomfiture in her voice. “Are you alright?”
The Elezen sucked in a breath and turned his face away, as though he knew how he must have looked. He smoothed the urgency from his features, subtly reached up to wipe the corners of his eyes, and brought his knees up to his chest. He strangled most of the vulnerability from his voice when he spoke next.
“I feel ill.”
“O-okay,” she puffed and nodded. “Okay. Okay…” Dashing some of the remaining worry from her face, she offered a warm smile. “Well, then? Tell me what you need. I’ll fetch it for you.”
“Nothing. I just—“ He cleared his throat. “I needed… The candle went out. I was trying to relight it. That’s all.”
Tataru looked toward the object in question, unlit atop his bedside table—and in that instant, she was able to piece the situation together.
Ancel was afraid of the dark.
… Maybe. Potentially.
“Well, a suggestion, if I may.” Tataru approached the unlit candle and lifted her own to it, pulling away once the wick caught the flame. She turned to face Ancel then.
“If… You’re having trouble sleeping,” she ventured, “why don’t I keep you company? I can rest right over there.” She gestured to a sizeable armchair sitting in the corner of the room. “How does that sound?"
Ancel looked at her as though she’d suggested freefalling off of Witchdrop—and yet, after a moment of silence, he averted his eyes sheepishly.
“That... would not be unpleasant.”
thank you so much for the prompt @ffxivtribehydrae!! I initially wrote this from Ancel’s perspective (and I could still post that), but Tataru’s was better for what I wanted to accomplish ;w; plus I just wanted somethin a little nicer than like 5 paragraphs of a grown man losin his damn mind (again) <3
I wanted to keep writing this one hgkldh this would’ve been during HW where Ancel and Tataru actually like... start becoming good friends lmao
[prompt list!]
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