#i realized my wording here might be wonky but idk how to fix it ๐Ÿ˜…
sweetmage ยท 7 months
medical misogyny sucks but you should find another doctor bcus i'm worried for you and no one on tumblr is a doctor that can help you. hang in there and try again to find one ๐Ÿ’™
Hi. I did not make that post to seek advice or medical help (I know my condition quite well, unfortunately ๐Ÿ˜…) or anything that like, I simply made it for the reasons I listed, those being that I just needed to vent to people (or the void!!) and my blog is really my only avenue for that. I just need to get things out of my head sometimes! But rest assured, I am definitely already taking the proper steps within my abilities. Also please do not worry for me! No one needs to do this, I do not want anyone to be worried :( Thank you though, I am still trying and will keep trying!!!
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