#i realised servals are also big cats
myeonnerism · 1 year
fav star rail detail is not only the Canonical Sibling Violence between serval and gepard but their names literally just meaning Animals
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caliginousarchitect · 2 years
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Vongola 10th generation squad (+Byakuran and Kyoko) based on @bonesetblues​‘s KHR/BNHA crossover curiosity kills the cat (but satisfaction brings it back)
As yet in the fic only Tsunayoshi and Byakuran have actual established cat forms, so I was like,,, WHEEEE Tsuna I did him as a cinnamon classic tabby longhair. Not actually doing him as a Norwegian Forest Cat, but I did base his facial structure on one a bit. (And it is quite funny to envision him going from being one of the smallest of his agemates to having a good kilo on them) Byakuran Longhair, high white spotting over lilac (with a carried point gene because even carried it can affect the eyes sometimes). Also wings. He came out kinda Eh sadly, I think Hayato Mediumhair blue silver spotted mackerel tabby. Something about him gave me spotted tabby vibes (and hey, kinda a shoutout to Uri), and I got to make his facial markings be a shourout to his glasses. Takeshi Shorthair black solid, very low white spotting. Homozygous for Japanese Bobtail (fun fact, Japanese Bobtail is a Partial Dominance gene- with only one JB gene, the cat has a shorter than normal kinked tail instead). I actually concluded that Bobtail was a very fun idea for Takeshi, because it’d make him a lot harder to read. You can’t really see the emotions the tail would convey if the tail is that short, after all; like how Takeshi generally gives off cheerful vibes all the time, shrouding his actual thoughts. Kyoya Black solid mediumhair, with very oriental-type build and head structure. Lambo Did him as a kitten because, well. him young. Gave him Laperm-type curled fur, since Lambo has fairly curly hair (he’d be medium or longhair, but, well, kittenfluff) and curled ears (to reference his lightning horns). Black solid with medium white spotting forming patches to reference his general cow theming. Chrome Blue solid shorthair (pale/light blue). Gave her some white hairs to indicate scars because,,, how, exactly, did she end up losing an eye and internal organs and not have scars? (even if the accident didn’t leave any somehow, surely there were medical proceedures at some point that would have?) Mukuro Blue solid mediumhair (dark blue). You know, I didn’t realise his other eye was blue until right now? (Although I’m a manga reader so) Also his Eye of Reincarnation is drawn in its third path, Path of Beasts, because I Thought It Was Funny. Ryohei Shorthair blue silver classic tabby with extreme ticking and rufousing, and a little white spotting. I actually have other incarnations of Ryohei. Still a bit iffy on how our attempt at his markings/colouration came out here. (alternate version that can’t be put here because of image limit is a red tabby with very high white spotting, with his red patches being in more unusual spots than you’d usually have, and slightly higher rufousing than Kyoko)
Kyoko Longhair red classic tabby with extreme ticking and less extreme rufousing than her brother, and low white spotting on her nose. (have an alternate version is the same but just, classic tabby instead of ticked classic tabby, but again, don’t have the image allowance to put that in this post) Other characters who we are considering doing: Xanxus- gives me real strong longhair/ medium-high rufousing / black classic tabby vibes. Probably built like a maine coon. Big beefy boy. Squalo- It’d be kinda funny to have him be a shorthair? Just because imagining how he’d flip out given the reason he has longhair is mildly amusing. Blue silver broken mackerel tabby to go for shark gill/scale vibes. Maybe some white spotting? Reborn- author of the fic thinking melanistic serval, me over here going “would a black savanna cat or a very small black cat be funnier?” Like, a savanna cat is 100% going to cause chaos, they’re leggy and they’re a hybrid breed that’s still using the rather unfortunate wild ancestors (unlike Bengals which are now a... what’s it called, a fixed breed? and no longer use their progenitor species) so the non-domestic genes are still very much there. A savanna is tall enough to open your doors easily. But on the other hand, having a tiny black thing doing all the same things despite the size IS very funny to think about. Expected vs unexpected chaos, I guess? those are the only other ones that really wandered through my mind while I was doing these, but maybe others will in time
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the-mxster · 8 months
Dump your tensimm headcanons on me please.
You have no idea what you have unleashed. Literally went through months of messages with my gf to find the ones I told her.
The Master will just randomly bite the Doctor. He swears he doesn’t bite that hard but fuck does it hurt. The Doctor lives in fear of being bitten when the Master is in the room. Even when he’s not, just in case he’s hiding so he can pounce on him like a cat.
The Doctor cannot cook. He offers to cook a lot to be nice and the Master foolishly accepts cause he doesn’t like cooking. He also forgets how awful he is cause he erases his horrible creations from his head. They tend to eat out or order food a lot cause of this.
The Master watches the Doctor draw. He barely use to draw but does it a lot now cause it relaxes the Master, especially after an overstimulating day like a big adventure or the drums being too loud. The Master tries to draw along side with him but he gives up easily when it doesn’t go to plan.
Their sleeping patterns. The Doctor rarely sleeps and only sleeps for short periods of time. Though, if he pushes it off too much he becomes grumpy and less likely to sleep out of spite. To me the Master is just a cat (considering the fact he was actually a cat boy once) and will just nap anywhere and everywhere. The naps range from 30 minutes to a couple of hours. He’ll also go into ‘hibernation’ every couple of months for a day or two, I know that isn’t cat like but he just really likes sleep. The Doctor will occasionally snuggle up to him and read but rarely falls asleep with him. The Doctor will also get jump scared by the Master just asleep standing up in a random hallway cause he will just fall asleep in any position.
The Doctor’s facial hair. He’s tried to grow a beard on serval occasions just to see how it looks but every time the Master had shaven it off while he was asleep. It took a couple of times for it to happen for him to figure out what was happening. The Doctor has considered shaving the Master’s facial hair (both with his stubble and goatee) off several times but realised he shouldn’t if he wanted to stay alive. He doesn’t like how it feels when they kiss/cuddle/etc but the Master just said ‘tough luck’.
Time war nightmares. They both have nightmares (one of the reasons Doctor doesn’t sleep much), the Master listens to the Doctor about his but refuses to talk about his own. He doesn’t like talking about his feeling at all. The Doctor notices that he doesn’t get them as much if he sleeps with the Master but he’s noticed that he actually gets them more if he sleeps with the Doctor.
Appearance. They both have a wedding band, the Masters is from when he was married to Lucy (swears it’s not) while the Doctor’s is just a scrap piece of metal that’s been made into a ring and painted gold. When the Master first moved into the TARDIS the Doctor didn’t trust him to be in the same room as anything sharp so he couldn’t get his hair cut. It got pretty long and he kept moaning about it so the Doctor caved in and cut it for him and always cuts his hair (he went to hairdresser school for a bit of fun)
When the Master doesn’t get his way. Obviously he’s not allowed to do everything he wants cause one of those things are killing someone and the Doctor has just to drag him away and say no. The Master will just start shouting at him and same some awful things (he ‘apologises’ for it after) He’ll then threaten to hurt the Doctor but that never works so he threatens to hurt himself. This is where the Doctor will allow him to do what he wants if it’s something like petty theft or something that won’t affect people in the long run.
The Master’s hiding spaces. He just gets sick and tired of the Doctor sometimes and wants to go somewhere he can’t be found. Obviously, he can’t go to his room so he’s found some hiding spaces to just chill and cool down. The Doctor knows about the hiding spaces cause the TARDIS snitched to him but let’s him have his space. He’ll only go get him if something serious has happened and he needs the Master’s help.
NSFW. I’m not really sure if I should share them on here so I’ll just share the least explicit ones. The Doctor likes to kiss him all over softly while the Master likes to leave hickeys as a way of claiming him. The Doctor also always trying to get it on in the weirdest of places while the Master likes a bed or sofa since it’s more soft so it doesn’t hurt as much when he’s being rough. The Master tries to top but always ends up bottoming cause this is the only time he actually does what the Doctor tells him to do. They’re also both obsessed with each other making noises and praises each other for it. They also have a bath or shower together after then go their separate ways. The Master always takes a extra long nap after.
Thank you for asking me this 😋
I’ve got tons more but I only did a few cause I wanted to go into detail but I might do just a long list later on if I can be bothered
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jessiewre · 4 years
Day 65
Mon 9th March
Safari Day 3 - Serengeti & Ngorongongo Park
Some would say a wet mattress is a sign of bad luck.
Sean & Jane would probably sit in that category.
They both looked KNACKERED the next morning at breakfast and I cringed as I asked them how their night was. I had to ask though, I’m British! It’s what you say!
‘Awful’ she replied. She was looking straight at me and there was a strange look in her eye. Did she think...no, she can’t think...
‘We’ve basically had no sleep’ she continued, her eye contact wavering at this point. ‘Well, Sean’s had a bit and I’ve not. How was your night?’
Ok I was sure I was started to detect a hint of accusation in her tone. Maybe I was imagining it.
It was weird though, because we were constantly trying to get a balance between bigging up the tour that they had recommended to us, so that they felt good about it, but then also not having too good a time incase we were having a better time than them. Which we clearly were.
I blame the Romanians.
‘...yeah, it was fine’, I began, ‘My mattress was a bit wet too but it was ok when I turned it over...’.
Was that the right answer or the wrong one? I just couldn’t tell. It’s like saying ‘Yeah my mattress was wet too, so it wasn’t just you guys who suffered, but hey look at me - I just got on with it!’
It felt like we couldn’t win.
If we’d had a perfectly good night sleep it was unfair, but if we’d had a bad night sleep, it was like saying they couldn’t complain cos we had it just as bad as them - when clearly we didn’t.
What can you do other than just tell the truth and hope they will take it well?!
We guiltily began to feel grateful that the Jeeps groups were being kept apart for dining and went off to enjoy breakfast with our happy Romanian friends.
We started off with a beautiful sunrise safari in the Serengeti and it was a bit of a pinch me moment. Pink and orange skies and grasshopper safari sounds all around us. I could practically hear music from the Lion King on repeat in my head. We watched the hot air balloons beautifully glide overhead and kept our eyes peeled for any early risers of the animal kingdom. We saw hippos and birds and a serval cat very briefly - but no big cats. The overnight rain had caused a major problem to the roads and we realised that we were quite limited with where we could go due to the muddy tracks. At one stage, we had travelled for an hour seeing NOTHING at all, then got to a point in the track where loads of vehicles were struggling on an incredibly muddy single vehicle track. As one jeep tried to pass another, it had to go sideways up a bank - but as it did so, it slipped down the bank side on with the other jeep and crashed into it!
Luckily it was all quite slow and there was no major damage, but now these two jeeps were in a sort of V shape squashed together blocking the track for everyone.
By the reaction of the drivers, it was just another day on safari! They were so relaxed about it.
Eventually it got sorted and we drove off in search of animals again but apart from the amazing sunrise, it had not been a particularly fruitful morning safari. Oh, apart from our driver - Alfani - helping to fix a broken down jeep. Our driver was not amazing at spotting wild animals we’d realised, but he sure knew how to fix a car!
Then suddenly, we got a tip off from another vehicle that there was a lion nearby and we headed to a potential cat spotting area as quickly as the muddy tracks allowed. We zoomed through the savannah trying to avoid the huge muddy puddles, crossing all our fingers and toes that we’d get a sighting.
And then there she was.
A huge female lion!
She crossed the road and ran up a tree to pose and yawn in front of us while we (I) snapped away with my camera.
Then she stayed in position for OVER HALF AN HOUR!
We felt so lucky.
We looked around at all the vehicles arriving, desperate to see Jeep 2 somewhere amongst them. C’mon we are nice people, OF COURSE we wanted the Irish couple to get a sighting of the lioness too.
Mainly to avoid a very awkward conversation later.
But we couldn’t see them. Oh gaad.
Luckily, when we got back to the campsite to collect our belongings and have breakfast before leaving the Serengeti, they confirmed they too had seen a lion. PHEW! They seemed pretty happy now too. Perhaps the bad nights sleep was just a distant memory now. Maybe this was the turning point we’d been hoping for. Maybe all prejudice in the world will stop soon and there will be equality for all.
Yeah. Maybe not.
The drive back through the Serengeti didn’t feel as long as the day before and we spotted hyenas, vultures, giraffes as we headed to the evenings campsite. We were crossing our fingers that the campsite would be a step up from the previous night, but mainly praying that we would be the first car to arrive so we could choose our tents and use the showers first! Screw equality for all, we wanted a nice tent!
And rumour had it this campsite had HOT WATER. Can you imagine it? Hot water in the middle of the African plains. Plus people had definitely cottoned on to the first come first serve vibes, so we really needed to be selective about our jeep stops along the way. On Day 1 we would have stoped for a bloody dragonfly. But now we were old hat at safari! Professionals mate. Pah, another wildebeest? BORING. Hit that goddam pedal dude, them tents aren’t going to pick themselves.
We finally got to the campsite as dusk was falling and luckily, we WERE one of the first jeeps! Oh sweet lord! And it wasn’t raining! You don’t realise how much you love NO rain, until it rains while camping with an ancient tent and lack of hot water. Not tonight though!
We got our pick of the tents and I quickly grabbed my stuff to head to the showers.
I practically skipped there, humming a little tune to myself.
The thing with rumours is that they are often false. I’d forgotten that.
The shower I went in was absolute dog shit, a pathetic excuse of a shower. I attempted to wash my hair under a cold trickle of water but I gave up after about 5 seconds. It’ll have to be a basic body wash this time, I thought, shivering under the cold dribble.
As I left the cubicle, I noticed the one next to me had the distinct sound of flowing water. WTF.
And did she have hot water?? I couldn’t resist asking.
‘Hey! Excuse me! Is your shower HOT?’
‘Umm, I wouldn’t say hot...but its not cold’
Well that was enough for me to decide to wait for her shower and go for Hot shower take 2.
So I waited. And waited. And waited. I swear to god this fecker seemed to think that there would be a limitless water supply and took AAAAAAGES. By the time she finally came out, there were 3 more people queuing for it. I’ll tell you what really does my nut in, its when there are limited showers, such as a situation exactly like this one, and people STAY in the cubicle to fully dry off and get dressed and brush their hair and blah blah blah. NAH babe, GET OUT OF THE SHOWER CUBICLE there are another 100 stinky safari bitches out here and we ain’t got all night ffs!
And breathe.
So anyway.
Moving on.
This was going to be the Romanians last evening with us, as they were doing one day less safari’ing than us - so it was sad times! But they were still going to be with us for the full day the next day, so it wasn’t over quite yet. And we were already planning our trip to go and visit them.
We went to the dinner room and saw the separate tables again, giving Sean and Jane a little wave. Then I thought, frig it - we should make the effort and join the tables. Even though part of me didn’t want to, I felt like it was the right thing to do.
So I suggested it to them and they looked pleased, ‘Yeah great idea, lets do it’ they said. 
Phil and I walked over to their table and helped to carry it along with their chairs and plates over to join the end of our table to make one big long table. Great!
Except it wasn’t really, was it.
For some unknown reason, our table was way better than theirs. In so many ways.
We had proper chairs, but their chairs were camping chairs WITH NO BACK ON THEM. I watched Jane’s eyes hover over to our plates, ‘Wow you guys have fancy plates and stuff. Ours are basic’
How was it so awkward so fast.
I prayed Jane wouldn’t spot our metal cutlery. I’d already seen they had plastic. I COULDN’T TAKE ANY MORE OF THIS.
In hindsight, having their table right next to ours was a terrible idea.
Every dish that came over to our table was scrutinised by them to see if it was better than their food. Which of course, it was. Even if it wasn’t, it just was.
Their table was quiet and their conversations were forced and, well, kinda boring to be honest.
Our chat was better, our laughter was louder and our Romanian love story was blossoming right before their eyes. I reckon it almost felt like we’d invited them over to sit with us so we could show them just how much fun we were having. We hadn’t. (Really. We hadn’t. I swear).
The difference between the two now-joined groups was so starkly opposite that it probably just confirmed to them that we were solely responsible for their safari being second best. Which in a way, it really was.
We even offered them some of our food when we’d all been served but they politely declined of course (its the principle don’t you know).
I was sat on the join of the tables, so at least tried to make an effort with conversations across the border - whereas Phil was chugging back the rum and having a jolly old Irish-Romanian time learning some Romanian slang phrases such as ‘F*** my feather’ & also ‘F*** your dead ancestors’ (which seemed particular unnecessary).
I tried my best to chat to their side of the table without having to miss out on the fun vibes of our side, but I kept having to repeat myself so they could hear me, as Philly’s hilarity was causing very loud laughter.
Yep, it was pretty cringe.
We couldn’t really avoid the obvious safari chat so I tried to say something positive. In a backwards sort of way.
‘Our driver is not a great wildlife spotter to be honest’ I said, ‘YOUR guy seems great though!’.
Jane replied, ‘Yeah he is actually, he is really good at spotting stuff. He spots the most out of everyone in our vehicle!’.
And that meant a lot considering they had about 12 people squashed into their jeep 😬.
I thought we’d made some progress there, but then she just came out with it.
‘Yeah, thats the one we’ve beat you guys on and to be honest, its a really important one’.
Ok so up until this point, no one had actually said out loud what this safari trip had turned into. No one had said that it had become a weird competition, a battle, to see who had the best tent / best food / best time. And me and Phil really hadn’t paid much attention to it because, well, we were busy HAVING THE BEST TIME.
But now it was confirmed. They were constantly comparing what they had to what we had and it was clearly wrecking with their heads. I’d had my suspicions of course, but this was a proper penny-drop moment.
She meekly smiled as though trying to shrug it off as a light-hearted comment. But I could see right through her.
From now, it was GAME ON.

Ok not quite.
I actually still felt sorry for them and a bit embarrassed about it all. And Phil was just drunk at this point.
I decided I’d wait till the morning to tell him about it all and see what he thought. Maybe I’d read it all wrong.
And as crazy as it might sound, in between these moments, we did kind of enjoy a sort of pleasant evening with them. Honestly. We DID 😬.
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