#i put a lot of work into the site!!! tbh most of the html kicked my ass
namari-hime-moved · 8 months
posting about my epic guide website for vocaloid song series namari hime again. Yippie!!!
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gorogues · 5 years
lupintyde replied to your text post: I've been off of Tumblr and came back to this madness. I wouldn't be surprised if they reverse this decision when half their users leave -_- I'm glad you're feeling better. This Tumblr thing probably hasn't helped the depression. *HUGS*
Thank you very much, that’s sweet of you :)  Though I'm not particularly bothered by the Tumblr issue, TBH, if only because I've almost left the site several times over the past 6 months.  The harassment I've experienced here has left a lot of anxiety about this place.
meinarch replied to your text post: Tumblr is honestly still fine if you're mostly a sfw blogger. For me, I'm just waiting for an overall consensus on where most of them are moving before fully committing. Migrations are part and parcel of fandom life at this point. :)
You're right on all counts; I think the only real issue is if someone doesn't want to leave but finds nobody else around.  There are a couple of sites I won't go to if the fandom happens to migrate over there, so I'll just have to wait and see what happens, I guess.
peppersandcats replied to your text post: DW posted a message for people leaving Tumblr at https://dw-news.dreamwidth.org/38929.html, and the DW pay with a bunch of details on how it works, including the feed option, is at https://conuly.dreamwidth.org/2785963.html
Thank you, that's really helpful!  I'm downloading/exporting my blog now (don't know if it'll keep downloading if I turn the computer off), and we'll see how it goes :)
peppersandcats replied to your text post: (I'm PepperCat over there, although I haven't coordinated anything yet.)
Nice!  I subscribed to you and granted you access, if that’s okay :)  (You don’t have to reciprocate)
lacommunarde replied to your text post: Deep hugs! Glad to see you're doing better and are back!
Thank you so much, I appreciate your kindness *hugs*
dullscythe replied to your text post: the two old posts showing up were likely flagged, that was happening during the aftermath. I had posts from 2011 kicked up to the top of my recent posts.
Huh, probably.  I didn't get any notification saying they were flagged, but wouldn't put anything past Tumblr's not-smart algorithim.  It goes without saying that they weren't sensitive material, but of course that's been happening to everyone.
An update about the WordPress mirroring of this blog: apparently it's been going all this time (I thought it had stopped), and has now reached its upload limit unless I buy more space ($5, $10, or $33 CDN a month, depending on the package).  So WordPress may not be a great mirroring option for people with big blogs.  
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