#i often flop comparitively so i have a lot of feelings about things i was expecting people to really like
blaintism · 10 months
16, 26, 30 !!
16. easy answer!!! i work really well with charcoal but i really hate the mess so i only ever do it for assignments
26. i'm not sure i can think of anything crazy misinterpreted?? so much of what i actually post is fairly straightforward. the closest i can think of was the au i posted a little bit ago where i put klaine in resi 4, simply because a lot of people in this fandom probably aren't also familiar with the game and some people talked about the fanfiction-ability of it, but they have no idea how actually weird the plot of an average resi game is lolll
30. many of them, really. i've rarely posted anything that got hugely popular but if it had to pick a few it would be my most recent bc goddamn i'm proud of that coloring, this drawing of klaine bc again i just impressed myself with the coloring and rendering, this ellie tlou bc fuck its just good man??? and this klaine from over a year ago bc i just really really like it
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