#i need to be able to play piano NOWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
madwickedawesome · 1 year
a teenage boy who is on tumblr at all hours of the day and is known there for being crazy about a fictional youtube rapper and flowers
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livingdeadmlm · 2 years
Lipstick Stains; Anasui Male reader PT3
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Ah, valentines day. A day you dreaded not for why people would guess. It wasn’t that you were alone and had no company. You would prefer to stay in and have much-needed alone time to just lounge around your apartment. However today you needed to go to work for an ungodly amount of time due to a few of your fellow guards taking the day off before you were able to also call in.
You dragged yourself out of bed and got into your uniform as quickly as you could. That Friday you had gotten extra snacks for today as you had told them you were going to call out, but with those plans canceled you decided to treat them with some cookies you had made the day before.
Finally arriving at work you attempted a smile as the woman scorched your bag for any contraband. Once through you quickly made your way to the room to surprise the trio.
You slightly stumbled your way into the room catching a view of a slumped anasui and an exhausted-looking weather report. Weather crawled halfway out of the piano and gave a gentle nudge to anasui’s shoulder. When he didn’t respond to the touch the man grunted and fully left the piano.
“Happy valentines day (your name) I thought you were going to stay home today.” Weather got to his usual closeness. You sighed, “yeah I was but I wasn’t able to call out cause a bunch of my co-workers did before I could.” you stretched and heard weather mumbled about that being unfortunate.
“I just want to stay in I don’t want to be back out there the people who are working today are insufferable.” You felt him pat your back and that’s when it hit you.
“Shit I forgot to clock in” you dropped your lunch box and ran out of the room.
Your shoes clicked against the cold tile, but it felt louder, was it usually this quiet? Or were you just loud? Was everyone able to hear how loud your breathing was? You slightly stumbled that's when you finally were able to hear the second pair of footsteps behind you
You glanced over your shoulder and saw the cause of the paranoia.
“Oh! Father Pucci you really scared me.” while it was a relief to see him something still felt off. He smiled and continued up the hallway to walk with you
“I’m very sorry (your name) I didn’t mean to cause any distress. How are you today?” You sighed and explained what you had previously said to weather report.
“While I do love my job I gotta be honest with you father sometimes I really do just want to stay home and just become one with my bed.”
The priest waved a dismissive hand, “You are only human (your name) all of us want a day off now and then. Though if you ever need you may always come down to the chapel and we can talk.”
You nodded and thanked the man before walking into the breakroom to clock in. Hearing the click of the machine you lugged your way back to the room to rest and just play on your phone.
As you shoved open the door to the hall before the room you felt a sharp pain in your ankle. You held back a scream at the burning and kicked on instinct, your foot hit something and you took that as your chance to getaway. You ran to the entrance of the room and crashed onto the floor.
Your eyes burned at the pain, tears causing your vision to blur. You saw a figure you assumed was weather report rushing to check your wound. Your head was lifted and placed against something soft.
You shut your eyes and felt the pain subside at an unrealistically fast rate. The tears fell from your eyes as you rubbed your face deeper into the soft mass.
“(your name)! Who did this to you? I’ll kill them.” anasuis hands gently held your head closer into his lap. Still coming down from the shock you just shook in place labored breaths filling the room
Shaking your head no you sat up leaning against the man as you went to feel the wound. At that was left was a light scar against your skin. The pain subsided nearly as fast as it came.
Anasui pulled your head close to his chest. His heartbeat was racing, according to weather report it hadn’t been long since you left the room… how did someone get to you so fast?
Finally, you were able really to ground yourself. You pulled away from anasuis chest. His eyes were watering as they flickered around your face. His face went serious, “(Your name) I can never let this happen to you again, I will be walking with you and keeping an eye on you throughout the prison from now on.”
You nodded, maybe it would be best to have a watchful eye over you, things have been weird in the prison lately.
He didn't want to let go, not in the slightest, but you needed to stretch your legs and get some water into your system.
“I thought you were supposed to be home today (your name)?” you stood up and began to explain what happened while walking over to get a drink of water.
Before you could fully explain he was hugging around your hips while on his knees. He looked up at you, eyes wide and happy.
“You came back to spend Valentine's day with me, didn’t you! I knew you wouldn’t forget!” he rubbed his face into your stomach kissing at the soft skin through your shirt.
“Your soul is so beautiful, I’ve never met a more stunning and thoughtful man before! Please you must become my husband!” you felt like you were on fire, did he really mean all of this? Or was it some sort of cruel joke?
Your voice barely came out as a whisper, “Do you really mean that?” he quickly stood up and took your hands in his. A soft simple adored his face, his eyes seemed to be in a dazy dreamy state as he looked at you.
His hand reached for your face and rested against your cheek, then he continued, “I adore you (your name) I want to spend this lifetime and every other with you.” you smiled
“Maybe we can start as boyfriends and work our way up to husbands yeah?” he started bouncing on his tiptoes and nodded furiously.
“That works beautifully my love!” he held you close and swayed from side to side. Nothing can ruin this moment for either of you.
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