#i need muriel to become crowley's dad next season
raggedy-spaceman · 10 months
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S02E03 I Know Where I'm Going
Like father like child ❤
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kowalskiology101 · 5 months
Patiently awaiting Good Omens S3
I happily await season 3, but my knowledge of the past seasons kinda fading a little because it's been three months since I saw them.
What i remember:
S1: I guess Adam and the kids aren't traumatized and living their best lives and they have a new not-a-witch adult friend who gave them candy and her boyfriend I don't care about. Aziraphale and Crowley got kidnapped at the end but 'twas a TWIST these geniuses came up with. Did Hastur die? I think Hastur died. Hopefully Warlock and his family didn't get stranded in the desert, but what becomes of him now? Do they just say 'well that was a really weird thing, but ok whatever'? And Adam still has godly powers, but we're just not going to train them or anything?
S2: Aziraphale wanted Crowley to go to heaven with him for some asinine reason forgetting the whole 'I got a thermos of insta kill in case I need it because I got tortured for saving a person' plus the whole reason he's a demon is because he questioned Plans. Metatron maybe influencing and don't think I forgot him calling Muriel 'the dim one' plus pretty sure the music said 'ominous', but I already didn't trust Metatron. Beelzebub and Gabriel faded away to live their best lives in the cosmos even though Gabriel at least deserves a slap for telling Aziraphale to die. Yes, it's not enough that he actually almost tossed himself out the window. Then that kiss. THAT kiss. The one Crowley poured out his emotions into.
Everyone else is better at analysis and theories than I and a lot probably, most likely, definitely went over my head tbh.
Who would be cool to see s3- Obviously our main duo and the complete fallout of the kiss and leave that happened. God, maybe? Was God even in s2 in present day? See, I don't remember. Nina and Maggie. Inspector Constable Muriel. The new 'bosses' of Heaven and Hell. Satan because he popped up all angry, Adam said 'ur not my dad' and he faded away but was most likely not dead bc a kid shouted at him. I wouldn't mind Adam and his friends maybe as a cameo seeing how they're doing. I'm indifferent to Anathema, she's not wildly cool to me, but not boring. Not me forgetting the whole reason Aziraphale went to Heaven is because he's the next archangel.........
Who I don't care for: Newt and Shadwell. I-I don't know how to precisely explain and maybe I'm the outlier, but I just do not care for them. I was slightly amused by Newt's ability to create power outages, but then I lost interest when he came across Shadwell. Not saying Neil or anyone wrote them bad at all and nothing against the actors, I just found them incredibly uninteresting. That being said, if for any reason they're written back into the script, I will not go on a tumblr rant...i've already done a tumblr rant and I'm a little scared of Neil Gaiman's powers...he has powers, right? Pretty sure he does.
Anyway, no matter what I am excited for season 3!
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