#i mean this is just a symptom of streaming services as a business model not really being sustainable or at least not infinitely growable
to be honest idc how people feel about a certain show getting cancelled because tbf the fandom is incredibly annoying and i get why you wouldnt like the show, whatever. i found it to be like fun and watchable and there was a lot of skill put into costuming which is sometjing i enjoy. anyways i get why people would be like “haha it got cancelled” but to me it seems like. maybe streaming services arbitrarily cancelling pieces of original fiction all the time might be like ultimately bad for art
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ninjasmart · 3 years
What is Jack Schlossberg, President John Kennedy’s only grandson’s ikigai?
1. Ikigai is a concept coming from Japan that means - reason for being. Many people focus on the career, on the work, but don’t feel fulfilled. If you do what you love, what you’re good at, what others need you to do for them, what the world needs more of, what others are willing to pay for, then you’re on Your Path.
2. With Jack Schlossberg, the career is an obsession. I can see him exhausted trying to do everything. It is interesting, people who try to fulfill two different life paths usually have more than one name. With him - there’s overstacking on building the background for a political figure - the education, the charities. It’s like - we gave birth to you - now, go and become a president. 
At the same time - he’s really good at Blue Bloods. There’s future for Officer Jack in the industry. I’m thinking, should I really do a love reading on him. He’s so focused on what will make mom happy, the family proud of a Kennedy and what will make me happy, and I’ll do both, cause I’m ambitious. 
3. I’ll cut to the chase because his ikigai is the Moon. Literally the world of illusions. That’s equally as valid for the entertainment industry as for politics. His family need not worry and have faith in him.
It’s interesting, though, I keep getting the question - what do you need all those Diplomas for? He was raised as very responsible overachiever. The path he was put on is ambitious. The question is - is it his path. 
I think there is future for him on the big screen. If he thinks he needs to overachieve to prove he can do it and it’s not all because of who he is - he needs to remember to just say Thank you. That’s enough. Those who are envious will always find something to envy him for. Those who are not will see that he is fortunate to have access to the elite schools of the land and one can only be happy for him. Those who can those who have access to the elite also have the responsibility to make the world a better place including for those who can’t. 
Because, let me tell you, there are people who have access to the resources to which he has access to and do not do good on their responsibility to society. This guy, Jack Schlossberg, he’s solid. Not just responsible. Solid. Good things can be expected from him. And, if one day he ends up as a political satire comedian - he’ll revolutionize it. 
His service to the world is in the public eye - whether from a TV show, or a Netflix show, or a News anchor, or a late night comedy show, or from the Senate - he’ll be good at it. We need more people like him in the world. 
4. What’s his passion - 7 of cups reversed. He is not unclear what he is passionate about. He was born into prestige, respect, I’d say - American royalty, he is gorgeous. The 7 cups in the 7 of cups stand for - the temptation, the desires of the heart: health, wealth, fame, glory, castles, salvation. He was born into that. He makes good on his bloodline with his more serious pursuit. I would only add that the Blue Bloods and the acting is not whimsical pursuit. It is not less serious or less respectable. It is one aspect of what he’s good at - and that is: acting. Unlike our faux royal MM, he IS good at it. Keep on practicing, boy, the world needs you. 
5. What he loves - Well, if you leave him on his own accord, he’ll be , 8 of pentacles reversed. These are the employees every manager “loves” - who can find how to cheat the close and will put in only the minimum effort to not get fired but also to not be noticed by the managers with good performance. As business owners they’ll love to have their name under the CEO or Founder position but the long hours, blood sweat and tears will be optional for them. 
If you leave him to slack off he’ll do it and he’ll be really good at it. Two possible reasons for that. I really think he’s overly ambitious and an overachiever. That leads to what unsuccessful people will call “bite more than you could chew”. In hi case - he’ll do it, he’ll make it, he’ll succeed even if this makes him a slacker in one are or looking like a lazy person in some other area. He’s not lazy, he’s got way too much on his plate and he’s juggling it all. 
So, the first explanation is - it’s an exhaustion symptom. He’d love to just relax and do nothing because he is constantly achieving something and rarely takes time to really do nothing and recharge his batteries. 
The second one is - he was raised to not be a slacker. So he’d love to be like the regular Jacks but that’s not who he is and he knows it. 
6. What the world needs  - the high priestess. Divine Feminine. Champion of human, feminine rights. And, please get me right - a champion of the Divine Feminine is a man who defends, makes a woman safe, help her, treats her right. A gentleman in the true sense of the word. 
The high priestess is one of my favorite cards. I would also interpret it as - finish your degree, do not drop out. It was cool, but now it is not. Be a man of your family and graduate. Then, go back to school for acting. Find your acting mentor - a woman, a woman of considerable age. I think she’s very well known teacher. Learn from her. She has a lot to offer. 
Perfect your acting skills because you’ll make good use of them in the future.
7. What is he going to be paid for - In ikigai this is what is important part of getting out of bed in the morning. Not only to give to others more than you receive back in monetary value but to also receive that monetary value. 
10 of wands is a beautiful advice card here. He needs to form partnerships and always, always delegate and be clear on roles and responsibilities and to share the workload. He doesn’t have to do it all on his own. In order for him to be better in achievements, he needs to learn to find the right people to delegate the workload to. That will not make him less of a workaholic. But it will carve some time for mindfulness, focus and strategic thinking. 
He’s already studying for that so thumbs up, he chose well. 
8. What is he good at - 2 of wands. Money. He’s good at handling money, making money, creating multiple streams of income. If he wants to write a book - his mindset and management of personal finances will be a bestseller.
9. His mission in life - 4 of swords reversed. I already talked about it. If he thought that he’s one of those rich kids of legends, who are supposed to make good to their ancestors but will never come out of their famous relative’s shadow whether they make use of the privileges in life or not --- that’s not his path. 
He is not supposed to life a private life outside of the eyes of the media. ... some of the download got lost because I was distracted for a moment... Whe nthe time comes his ancestry will play a deciding factor. Until then - be in the public eye as much as possible. Rack up those fans and followers. The world needs you - you, not who you thought you are or who you were told you should be.
10. His vocation - 5 of pentacles. It’s a hard card to read. If I could make a guess - it can show his current situation at his environment - work, school, professional sphere. He’s meeting with a lot of isolation - you’re not like us, you’re from the royalty. If I was to guess, he’s experiencing it in a lot of areas - things handed to him because of his last name, or things not given to him again because of his last name. 
I think that this is the reason he is so determined to show them all, to achieve it all, to be successful no matter what... you know the saying - when life gives you lemons, make a lemonade... and then sell it for profit. 
This type of attitude towards him comes with the territory. It is part of who he is and this is where the acting skills can help even more to show him as relatable. And also, we are not given a challenge unless this is what defines us and makes us not stronger but makes us ...words are escaping when I come to explaining this. My guess is that he needs to figure it out on his own. 
However, those challenges are what he came here to achieve in solving. He can become very relatable. Very, very relatable. If he could only see those challenging situations as an invitation to turn these people as his fans instead of enemies or frenemies or people who secretly dislike him or envy him, he’ll be performing his calling to a T. Later on in life he’ll be a role model. Might as well start now.
11. His profession - the Fool. The Fool as profession is an interesting card. First, he need to embody the qualities of the Fool card. To make it seem that what he has been achieving is easy,  leisurely, effortlessly, and that anyone can achieve it. 
He’s ok to continue to be ambitious. Signing new acting contracts, following double major after double major on the side. As advice - do not be afraid to start over or start new things constantly. This is who you are. Make it seem effortless and secretly work really hard to make it happen. 
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raymondklhi340-blog · 5 years
Lodi's Treasure Island Red Wine Fest
These sort of services might also threaten the colour of your carpet. Los Angeles Kings tickets are a hot product nowadays in a hard climate to please. The canal has actually been totally re-furbished because 1960.
Heathrow airport іs situated at Hillingdon іn UK (UK). It is situated at west of London. Heathrow іs busiest airport of UK and third busiest airport оf thе world. The business thаt owns Heathrow airport iѕ named аs BAA. BAA Business also operates 5 other airports оf UK.
Please keep in mind that stopping drinking will nоt resolve all the underlying problems that triggered yоu tо consume іn thе top place. It is simple tо fall іn to thе trap оf attempting to tackle them all rіght away, DON'T DO IT! It will take a while however aftеr а while уou will remain in a muсh better position to put your problems іn to thе appropriate point of view and cаn then yоu begin tо speak to someone, likе a counselor, who cаn assist yоu thrоugh them.
If yоu take а trip a bit further down Hwy 101 you cаn visit thе worlds largest Cedar Tree. Almost.3 miles from thе highway it iѕ significant rather wеll appropriately called thе Huge Cedar. Photos аre available in thе slide show referred to at thе end оf thіs short article.
There arе а lot оf things yоu must understand if you аre a novice. There's an entire process that will takе уou frоm a beginner tо an expert іn tasting аnd judging.
alcohol prevents thе oxidation of lipids, іt reduces оur ability tо burn fat in our blood stream and throughout оur body. Customer testimonials present which ruouvang24h is аmong the best authorities in terms of alcohol. This іs problematic whеn уou consider three things. Initially, 67% of Americans are оver weight. Second, acсоrdіng to surveys conducted in 2006 64% of Americans consume alcohol. Third, whіle thе percentage оf Americans that consume has not gone up in thе laѕt 4 years the frequency in whіch people consume has increased.
In some cases wе аre so excited thаt someone has an interest in uѕ that we forget tо sеe if he оr she is, іn fact, a great match. We allow оurѕеlveѕ tо be "chosen" by the оther person, instead оf picking that person ourselves.
Chard Town. The same year, thе Chard Train Company started work on а branch line frоm thе LSWR main line station to а terminus at Chard Town. This waѕ the very first station іn the town іtself аnd hаd а single platform. Services began in 1863 run by thе LSWR who finished the purchase of the branch thе list below year.
Brunel's ss Great Britain: visitors need to travel tо thе western wine Dockyard tо experience thе ss Excellent Britain - the first ever steam powered, iron hulled passenger ship. You will notice that ruouvang24h have been devoted to wine fоr quitе a while. It іs housed on the dry docks оf the floating harbour, аnd has actually gotten a variety of museum awards fоr itѕ individuality аnd attention tо detail. The boat waѕ constructed in the year 1843, аnd today, tourist attractions hundreds of visitors every week.
Some weight loss diet Western wine strategy plans might nоt bе safe, either. As a matter of reality, the stranger and more restricting the diet program is, thе leѕs most likely іt is to bе safe. Certain, you might find much more Western wine info as compared to ruouvang24h and i also inspire you tо definitely lookup. We recommend treating weight reduction lіkе a long term goal, nоt a short-term one. However here аrе some suggestions fоr high-speed weight reduction diet plans that work.
The world iѕ filled wіth а sense of competition. Females tend tо compare themselveѕ tо othеr ladies in a lot of areas: physical appearance, parenting, relationships, and company. Men tend to compare themselveѕ based upon material belongings, status, and money. It's tiring attempting to keep uр with everyone else! Utilize whаt others' do aѕ a sample, model or design template , but, make іt уоur own. Otherwise, you will just spin your wheels trying a lіttlе bit оf whatever, but enjoying аnd mastering absolutely nothing.
5- Dancing. Almost everyone enjoys a night оut dancing. Dancing іs a terrific way to start a conversation аnd to take pleasure in ѕоmеthіng new to do on а date. Whether the woman likes оr іѕ a slow dancer tо go out on the dance flooring and tear it up, уоu'll discover thаt уоu remain in fоr an enjoyable night.
The very best method tо find a remedy fоr panic attacks is tо first acknowledge thе symptoms. Anxiety attack are also referred to as General Stress аnd anxiety Disorder or GAD. These are sudden аnd normally brief periods оf intense anxiety beginning by worry. Shortness of breath аnd chest discomfort іs normally the very first signs. Panic attacks аre extremely intensive by nature. When yоu hаve a panic attack уou might seem like уou аre having a cardiovascular disease, feeling insane or lіke yоu аre nеar death.
Research study thе alternatives at уour location of choice, because уou will bе starving afterward. Some springs may offer treats, serve supper, оr not do anything at all. If nothing аt all is provided, strategy ahead оn whаt to load in. I recently discovered thiѕ short article in Real Simple magazine on packaging food for a variety of outdoor dining choices, from backpacking to a night spread іn thе park. The roast beef wrap dish was scrumptious, till the ice melted in the cooler аnd soaked thrоugh thе cling wrap thе tortillas.Next time, I think I'll attempt the backpacking menu, whiсh doesn't need refrigeration.
As a parent, thеre аrе numerous methods that уou сan assist уour child tо turn into an effective grownup. The main thing to keep іn mind is thаt evеry child needs guidelines, and penalties must be given out іf thеsе guidelines are not followed. This dоеs not mean that уоu need to physically punish уоur child by аny ways. You сan decide on a proper punishment, but punishment should be offered. If уоu develop а set of guidelines аnd dо not follow through wіth them, you might be sending уour child thе message thаt guidelines аre not important.
The 2010 Los Angeles Kings roster is filled with young talent like Anze Kopitar, Drew Doughty, аnd Jonathan Quick. Mix іn ѕome wiley veterans likе Captain Canada Ryan Smyth and Justin Williams, аnd yоu havе a formula fоr success. The Kings arе playing some of the mоst stifling defense іn thе National Hockey League. Back then success on thе ice аt The western white wine Forum, now thе Staples Center, waѕ built аround vibrant offense wіth hall оf famer Wayne Gretzky. Defense wins championships, however, sо it is no marvel The Kings аre lastly winning and fans arе taking notification. Los Angeles Kings tickets arе а hot commodity nowadays in a difficult climate to please.
Do not drink excessive. If уоu arе goіng оut for dinner оr to a gathering with alcohol, do nоt gеt drunk. Have a beverage or possibly two, however limit уоurѕеlf to that. Whenever you pay а visit to ruouvang24h you wіll рrobablу find on yоur own overwhelmed by simply alcohol info. Getting drunk оn the first date iѕ а surе fire method not to gеt a second date. Likewise, whеn consuming many individuals lose their inhibitions аnd might do somethіng that thеy will regret in the morning.
Never ever inform your first date that уou wіll call them, unleѕs уou genuinely indicate it. It іs rude to gеt an individual's hopes up аnd tell thеm thаt yоu will call thеm when уou know thаt уou never ever will. Rather, simply tell them you had a great time and end іt there. Likewise, іf you know thаt уou аre nоt thinking about your date after the first date, then do not lead them on. Tell them in advance and уou сan save a lot of harmed sensations.
Chard Town. The same year, thе Chard Railway Company began work on a branch line frоm thе LSWR primary line station tо a terminus at Chard Town. This waѕ thе first station in thе town іtself and had а single platform. Solutions started іn 1863 run by the LSWR who completed thе purchase оf thе branch thе following year.
H.F.S (as Henry Frederick Stanley Morgan waѕ frequently understood) waѕ born in Herefordshire. He wеnt to Marlborough School but was later on sent out to Italy tо attempt tо recuperate frоm disease, potentially triggered by malnutrition. After showing up back frоm Italy H.F.S went to the Crystal Palace Engineering College and after that started аn apprenticeship аt thе western wine Railway. Wine is рrоbablу the many points connected with ruouvang24h. After the western wine Railway H.F.S established a services and sales motor garage. H.F.S later purchased a Peugeot engine аnd started developing a car in а workshop he waѕ offered consent to work in by a good friend's further. The vehicle was put into production wіth thе support of Morgan's further.
Without thе restraints оf yоur former commute and time-for-money schedule, уou should discover іt much easier to prepare for a minimum of eight hours оf sleep eаch night. This іs specifically true when thе longer hours оf the start-up phase аre over, and уou realize you can run your online organisation Western wine іn fаr less hours every day than уou utilized to work. Therefore lеt's check out ruouvang24h as well as how that pertains to Western wine. You might work longer hours than уou have to, since yоu're influenced or ambitious, but іt needs to ѕtill be a lot easier to get уour Zs. Six months іnto my home-business experience, I realized I waѕ a much better-rested (and more energetic) individual thаn my оld task utilized to allow me to be.
The town had a noteworthy history іn thе manufacture оf a variety of things consisting of clubs, stockings and flannel. It iѕ believed to the town wаs established оn the website оf а Roman camp. The town also has a grade school which goes back frоm thе early eighteenth century. The namе оf the town suggests аn outflow from а lake, whіch iѕ appropriate because the town iѕ located on a lake of thе same name. This lake іs the largest in Wales.
Although nоt a terrific deal mоrе thаn a single main street, thе town hаѕ аn abundance оf traditional shops and an option of pubs and accommodation alternatives. It іѕ а popular place for travelers tо pick up а night or two оn thеіr method tо the coast. The town likewise hаѕ a traveler information office.
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ancientbrit · 3 years
Natter #4    7/4/2020
MI MG Natter #4  4th July 2020I hope you all have had a happy fourth - all fingers still attached and tummies filled. Pickle seems to be getting used to the bangs this year, or perhaps he is a little deaf. Usually, at the first bang, he disappears and hides under my bed. This time he has wandered upstairs and downstairs and doesn't seem to register the bangs much at all - which is good.
I am in contact with a guy back home who runs a regular allotment (PeaPatch here) blog, giving timely advice and other information related mostly to veggie & fruit culture. I find this very helpful as he jogs my memory on those extremely rare occasions when I forget. I know you think that I never forget, but I have to admit that there has been the occasional lapse ever since I stopped eating peanuts. Strange thing that. His words for July remind us that this month is the time to sow seeds for Fall and Winter veggie crops such as Chicory (does anybody actually grow this?), Chinese Cabbage, Kohl Rabi, Lettuce, French Beans, Beetroot, Carrots, Radish, Turnips, and Peas - pick early varieties - early Snow peas are an especially fast to crop
.If you have had the forethought to already start Leeks from seed, now is the time to plant out those starts. The easiest way to do this is to use an old broomstick handle and thrust it vertically into the soil to a depth of about 5-6".Just drop the seedlings carefully, roots first into the holes and then just water in - that's all you need to do. The water will wash soil from the sides of the holes down onto the roots and it will remain cool and moist enough to thoroughly root the seedlings well. The idea of doing it this way, apart from the ease of planting and gaining support from the sides, is that the hole blanches the stem of the leek as it grows to gain more usable parts of the plant. If they are kept reasonably moist they should grow quite rapidly through the Summer and be ready to make fabulous potato-leek soup in time to keep cold days at bay. If you have never eaten P-L soup accompanied by chunks of Crusty artisan bread generously spread with butter - you haven't lived. Food of the Gods this! If you have been growing spuds and have lifted them already, you can follow with a crop of French beans to both nourish yourself and the soil, or if beans aren't your thing try a green manure crop such as Mustard. However, bear in mind that if you have ever had Club Root on your cabbage family plants, do not use Mustard as it is also a brassica. Use one of the Pea family, both for the Nitrogen root boost, but also for the foliage. And now for something completely different:- Once more my friend Valerie Robertson has presented her view on things English on the other side of the pond and is sent all over the world.
Val is a very  highly qualified State Registered Nurse who knows whereof she speaks.
Here we go.
From: Valerie Robertson GAG 14 Hope all is well with all. All Quiet in the Western Front over this way. Seattle’s CHOP was liberated leaving an appalling mess The pubs are open  today so the protesters have disappeared. BLMUK. is proving to be an embarrassment to those who donated, bent the knee and supported a cause that advocates the abolition of the nuclear family (that means dad is superfluous), defund the police,  destroy capitalism and support censorship plus the necessity for every white person to acknowledge that they are all subconsciously racist and privileged, and own up to the “fact” that every institution is inherently racist and disproportionally  White supremacy managed. That’s a big ask, which has bewildered the millionaire black footballers, academics & artists,   Labour leader Sir Keith what’s his name, (why would a Labour leader accept a knighthood?)  and all the national institutions taking the knee, which the other men in the street saw, as bowing to street fighter activists outrageous demands. Ie supporting racial divide and suppressing diversity of opinions and abolishing history. Our moral leader Canterbury Arch Runcton, is also confused. He’s a woke bloke that got it wrong at Easter. Streaming his Easter service from his kitchen with his toaster in the background. For God's sake, he must have a parlour with a row of books as a backdrop, in his palatial abode. He’s now having a think about the effigies in the Cathedral and wondering which ones to get rid of. Should he paint Jesus black?  Jesus loves all the children of the world, be they yellow, black or white. What about the brown ones?  They were precious in His sight too? He’s going to need a lot of colours. The Bournemouth beach sunbathing nutters are bright pink still. The Cambridge academia have just funded a two-year study into the history of slavery to enable the oiks to confront their iniquitous past and say sorry to all offended by history. Waste of time, as it’s been done before, over and over and you can’t change it. I’ve got a better idea for them to study.   Research the Benin bronzes. There are 3,OOO of them but only 500 left in Nigeria, the rest in Europe and USA museums. They are exquisite. The Portuguese kicked off the Atlantic slave trade in 1400 from the port of Benin with gold, which the Africans turned into these fantastic plaques, I think but not sure. I’m too busy doing my epidemic virus studies to go to the British Museum and find out. And we are not allowed yet, to visit Portugal unless keen enough to fly to Spain and walk across the border to check up on the museum artifacts in Lisbon. It’s good to see Lewis Hamilton constructively addressing inequality in the motor racing world.  The aggrieved black community can be placated and inspired by their own incredibly successful race if they listen. We have diversity, we have opportunity, we have laws, education, healthcare, social services, state welfare funding and overall, a tolerant multicultural society, who are very tired of the woke politically-correct champagne socialists agenda over the last decade.  There are deep social and economic injustices which are nothing to do with slavery or racial prejudice. Lewis Hamilton lives in Monte Carlo to save paying a hefty U.K. income tax liability. He was raised in Stevenage and lived in a council house with his family partially supported by the welfare state. Is he a philanthropist who promotes the welfare of others by donating money for schools etc.? No he’s not if he’s a British citizen tax evader. Is he a Monacoan now.? Is he a hypocrite? I don’t know?  Perhaps the academics can ask the uni students to research,  write a paper and make up their own minds. Estate agents will not in future be using Master Bedroom in their ads. Connotations of slave masters etc. Uncle Bens rice is to be repackaged without the jolly black man, Aunt Jemima also and awaiting more news re. MasterCard, Master chef, Master Mind, Headmaster ( the lefty teachers union still keeping schools shut) Masters degree, a tricky one for Cambridge. We are living with the virus and hanging in with our self-imposed restrictions and socially distancing. The copper masks and latex gloves worked a treat when John needed to visit the GP surgery for a blood test to check prostate antigen level insomuch not coughing. Although London has seen a slight rise in the R rate, no doubt due to the mass protests, the infection rate remains stable and patients being more successfully treated with drugs, to avoid intensive care. The disproportionate ethnic infection rate is due to blood group, genetic disparity, and body mass ratio, and a difference in the percentage of T cells. These cells decline with age and are responsible for fighting off infection without causing a major auto-immune response. People past 65, have very few left.   This theory explains why the young can come in contact with the virus but don’t succumb, however, if repeatedly exposed will catch it and manufacture antibodies and can still remain asymptomatic. Mass testing suggests that 40 percent of the population has been exposed with few symptoms, the silent spreaders who have the herd immunity. So we know the virus is still around and can’t trust the idiots to self-isolate if positive. All we can hope for is that they wear a mask and keep away from the elderly. Once the herd immunity and those who have recovered from it reach 60 percent, providing the medically vulnerable and fatties avoid it, the virus will find no host, cannot, therefore, multiply and shed and theoretically die away.  So it’s a balance. As the months go on there is hope for more preventive medication to alleviate the symptoms and of course a vaccine. Last October, the WHO  found that U.K. and USA  were the best in the world prepared for a pandemic.  Cameron had placed an order for millions of PPE equipment with a French company with the deposit to fund the manufacturer to make it.  By the time U.K. needed it, we got the deposit refunded but the stocks were needed in France and they had sold some items at a higher price,  to Italy.  That’s Globalisation for you and the free market. Meanwhile, a couple who were distilling boutique gin in the midlands, altered their equipment to distill hand sanitizers and viral cleansing fluids as NHS  were buying it in from abroad at an inflated price. They now supply the NHS cheaply and in the past 12 weeks have made 30 million pounds profit. Well done as they are donating a substantial amount to Covid research. No doubt as a tax saving incentive, but still commendable. There’s a lot to be said for self-reliance.  The govt. with its 80 strong SAGE - the Scientific, Advisory Government Epidemic advisors, have caused the pandemonium. At the outset, the models and graphs predicting the scale have been proved wrong. Simple precautions were overlooked.  Emptying geriatric wards, filling up care homes with staff untrained in infection control was scandalous. Mask wearing should have been made compulsory on public transport, supermarkets and shops at the outset and at least some sort of temperature checking and contact tracing at airports and ferries. So, onto local lockdowns and long term containment.  Boris is getting on with Brexit and left Hanlon to contain the virus,  Hope the strategy works. I have faith in the laboratory’s scientists and the trials and the guinea pigs testing the emerging vaccines. Meanwhile, tomatoes coming along, being well-nourished and in good shape and we are up to four playing again at croquet. Sainsbury delivering without hassle and Miles and Giles still surprising me with a tablespoon of Baharat in a nifty environment-friendly container. It made the lamb taste different. The kennels are open but missed the boat as all the  rescue dogs are  adopted and long waiting lists for puppies.
A dog called Nigger, I imagine a black or brown Labrador,  who was loved and died in 1878, had a headstone in the animal cemetery in a Sussex village graveyard. The local stonemason has ground away the name as the villagers thought it might cause offence to visitors and that dog’s owners would understand as they were dead anyway and not around to ask permission. Just love kind people. The drought's over and it’s cool as we are and hope you are too. Take care Love from Val And from your fearless leader,Gordon
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Snap On Verus Vs Modis
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If you like JVComm32 you can just buy a registration key which makes the free demo version a full registered version. I expect that, before you register, have tested the program on your computer carefully. Jvcomm32 registration key. The registration key that you buy will be valid for all future versions of JVComm32, too. It is also valid for so called 'pre-releases' of new JVComm32 version. If the further development makes necessary another registration key scheme, all registered users will receive a new registration key.
Program available for Snap-on diagnostic platforms still eligible for software upgrades. Enrollment fee is separate and not eligible for weekly or monthly payment option. Rates and terms are subject to credit approval at time of sale and terms of the program and contract. Not everyone will be approved. Payment based on 12-month term for. So, how would these scan tools compare to the Snap On Modus or Verus? It seems in my area everyone says the Snap On Tools scanners are the ones to have. I just have a hard time dealing with a company that seems to always be A LOT higher in price than other companies. Andy Driveline & Gear Service Fallon, NV.
we also have just purchased a Maxisys! so far so good, some minor issues but didn't pay $7,000.00 more. Reason for changing: 1. Verus Pro = Slower than molasses is January when booting and this is AFTER we installed a SSD drive.. REALLY? i really think it got slower??? 2. Software Updates. slow in coming and WAY over $$$$ 3. Hardware that 10+ yrs old???? come on snap-on.. build a computer with some speed and get rid of WINXP. really????? computer hardware prices is NOT that high anymore.. QUAD CORE?? monitor 1024x600 what's with that ODD ball size?..better quality camera wouldn't hurt.. anyone can buy a laptop today for $300.00 that would run circles around this $10,000.00 thing.. yah, yah, i know, there is more to it than just that.. you can still build one hell of a computer for $1,000.00 and you can still charge your $9,000.00 for the software thats on it. i know this Maxisys does not have a 4 channel lab/ignition scope but $10,000.00 for Verus pro or $3,000.00 for the Maxisys, with weekly updates, hmmm, let me do the math?.. i didn't know lab/ignitions scopes cost $7,000.00?? hmmm Well, things are going to have to get much better in the snapon world before i look at anymore snap-on diagnostic equipment. really, for what snapon charges for, now i guess we will call it a subscription fee, they should throw in shopkey & suretrack. give your customers a little something in return for all the $$$ they spend with you.. OH, wait a minute, that's NOT the corporate thing to do these days, is it?? not like it was in the 50's or 60's when big business gave back a little to there customers.. getting off my soap box for now. have a great day! thanks for thinking of us..LOL
This time we will share information to cool you lovers of automotive and mechanics. We will introduce the 2 best scanner from each brand. What is it scanner is? A scanner is a device that serves to detect damage to the injection system of the car, in addition to the code can detect damage and remove code breakage, this tool can also display live data streams of cars. We can see information such as code injection of car’s system that can damage engine, gauges, temperature sensor, engine, etc. This tool is very helpful, especially for riders who like to travel far, this tool as an Assistant to monitor problem in car’s machine. Then, what brand will be shown? Please enjoy Launch X 431 vs Snap on D10.
Launch X431 The Launch X431 Wi-Fi Bluetooth Full System Android Scanpad is designed to solve all your confusion and more. It is supported by the launch technologies, you are bound to see the reason behind people run over heals purchasing this device. Moreover, there is OBD 2 scanner that stands out among others when it comes to the uniqueness in terms of features, performances and functions. Take some benefits of this product as much as you can. This is a fast and efficient data coding with all the hallmarks of a fast device, mechanic and driver will be peace in getting fast data coding and repairs as soon as possible. It is also multilingual which means that it has several universal languages so that the mechanic will not need effort in trying to get translations of all code meanings and can repair formulas are concerned. Not only that, it is also wide compability to cover some European and Asian cars. It is done what it takes to be used widely. The addition of the Indian car models makes its use more widespread exactly. But unfortunately, this is not a tool for use by people with minimum budget. With its sky rocketing cost, you can not manage it even with the lucrative discounts offered by most of the online stores out there. (Read also : Launch X431 vs CRP123)
Snap On D10 Snap On D10 is an equitable solution claims to be shifting the maintenance until 100% in-house program. This makes sense enough as it obviously costs less than with new tool investments. And we have completed control over the quality of workmanship performed on some equipment. When it comes to high-end scan and diagnostic tools, there are some things to choose from. The Snap On D10 Edge will store and manage an amount of vehicles in its database and also provides exclusive expert resources such as SureTrack, Troubleshooter and Fast-Track Guided Component Tests. Fast track Guided component tests is the most excellent features that will show you how and where to test components and what results you should be getting in order to verify failed parts before replacing them. While the others like SureTrack is the automotive industry’s most comprehensive source of expert knowledge, it consists of a lot successful completed repair orders from many technicians verified real fixed outlining parts replacement records. The last one is troubleshooter. It covers everything from trouble code tips, symptom tips and even time saving advice.
- WIFI/BLUETOOTH Diagnosis: Support WIFI network. Android System: Users can install and Android software
- Supports 72 car brands from USA, European, Asian,supports 12V/24V gasoline(petrol) vehicles, and some 12V diesel cars
- 6600mAh Li battery can keep working 8 hours, Portable and reasonable PDA design, easy carry with small size
Snap On Verus Vs Modis
- Numerous Additional Functions: Photo, video, multimedia, other software application, etc
Snap On Verus Pro Vs Modis Edge
- One click update: You do not have to download software to memory card anymore, can do one click update directly through your machine
- Stay connected to the vehicle and the internet while moving freely around the service bay
- Ready faster – less than 30 seconds for VERUS PRO software suite to load
- New thin-edge profile display tablet is 3 lbs lighter than previous model Modular
- Expert Information can take you from fault codes to answers in seconds
- One-Touch Full Vehicle Code Scan & Clear quickly checks and clears codes for all available modules
Launch X431 vs Snap on D10 First of all before you decide a choice, you must determine which carws you work on. Actually, we will totally recommend you with the Launch X431 not only because of its affordable price, but also for the features and good reviews among it. What is wrong with Snap On D10? They sometimes must take minutes to boot up and load all its fancy graphics, you will not like it.
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brentrogers · 4 years
COVID Healthcare Marketing Questions: Pause, Pivot, or Push for Success?
COVID-19 has changed the healthcare industry quicker in the last two weeks than in the last 50 years. With medical practices temporarily shutting down and elective procedures put on hold, what should healthcare networks and healthcare specialists do with their marketing campaigns‘ strategies?
To answer this important question for healthcare marketers, I partnered with Aaron Clifford, Senior Vice President of Marketing, at Binary Fountain for a marketing webinar, COVID-19 and Healthcare Marketing: Should You Freeze, Pivot, or Push Forward? This event drew tremendous audience response and I want to share it with you on our Healthcare Success blog.
In this timely webinar for marketing practitioners & healthcare CMOs, you will learn:
If and how you should reallocate your marketing budget
Which marketing strategies and tactics make sense…and which don’t
How to tweak brand communications because of COVID-19
If you should change your digital marketing and directory listings as Coronavirus spreads
What key updates need to be made to social media profiles and healthcare organizations‘ local listings
I’ve included this presentation’s slides, video and audio of the webinar, and the entire transcript just below, for your convenience. And, I trust this webinar helps your medical practice, health network or hospital survive and thrive through the Coronavirus pandemic.
If you would like to speak to us about your marketing budgets through the COVID crisis, please give us a call at 800-656-0907.
PDF: COVID-19 and Healthcare Marketing | COVID-19 and Healthcare Marketing: Should You Freeze, Pivot, or Push Forward?
YouTube: COVID-19 and Healthcare Marketing
Podcast: COVID-19 and Healthcare Marketing
Other streaming services: COVID-19 and Healthcare Marketing podcast is found on… Spotify | iHeartRadio | Google Play | iTunes | Pod Bean | Tunein | Radio Public | Stitcher
Related Links on Healthcare Success: COVID-19: Healthcare Marketing Adjustments | Ways Social Media & Digital Marketing Help the Public During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19 and Healthcare Marketing Webinar Transcript
Aaron Clifford: Welcome everyone to today’s webinar, COVID-19 and healthcare marketing. Should you freeze, pivot or push forward, we’ll be starting in a couple of minutes as we still have folks in joining and so I’ll be back in a couple of minutes. All right, we’ll go ahead and get started. Welcome everyone and thank you for taking time out of your busy day to join us. My name is Aaron Clifford. I’m the Senior Vice President of Marketing here at Binary Fountain. We know that it’s been a challenging time in everyone’s business and your personal lives, so we are extremely grateful that you’re here and we’re going to try to squeeze as much help her in ample information and advice as we can. I will warn you, Stewart and I both are remote, so you may hear the, a random dog bark or other noises that you typically wouldn’t in a normal webinar. And so I’m sure many of you are remote as well and probably could understand that. So for the next hour, we’re going to discuss specific ways healthcare marketers can shift their digital marketing efforts and engage customers online throughout the COVID-19 crisis. To help lead this discussion, I’m joined by Stewart Gandolf, CEO of integrated marketing firm Healthcare Success. Stewart, you care to introduce yourself?
Stewart Gandolf: Sure. I’m excited to be here. Everybody I know, again, as Erin just said, it’s we’re all busy and trying to adapt to new reality. I’m CEO of Healthcare Success and as Erin mentioned, we are an integrated marketing firm. We work with really kind of all kinds of healthcare entities, hospitals, practices, pharma plans across the board. And I’m excited to be here. I’m CEO. I think there’ll be fun to share some insights today
Aaron Clifford: For sure. Thanks, Stewart. So glad to have you here. Really appreciate it that you joined us. Before we begin, let’s take a quick look about what we’re going to be talking about today. So first we’re going to discuss strategizing your digital marketing in a way that matches the current shift in consumer behavior. What we’re seeing. Then we’ll cover recommended, recommended adjustments to marketing budgets and brand communications in light of the health crisis. And then we’ll dive into some key updates to the local listing that’s also social media platforms and things that you should be looking out there and some strategies from a social media standpoint. And finally we’ll have a Q&A session. So we’ll be collecting the Q&A and we’ll make sure that we get to your questions. So please feel free to ask questions as we go along and then we’ll address those towards the end. But for now I’m going to pass it over to sewer to get started. Stewart.
Stewart Gandolf: All right, how did yours thank you and Hey everybody, I’m really excited to be here. As I mentioned a minute ago, my style is when I speak, some of you may have seen me speak at different venues. I tend to go really fast. I like to give as much information as I possibly can, so it’s kind of like drinking from a fire hose. Aaron, I both have a lot of subject matters today. So I think you’ll find this interesting. First step is I can move the slide here is to keep in mind that, you know, we are living through historic pandemic. And so the I want to give a thank you to or shout out to the caregivers on the front lines here today. You know, one of the things we have to acknowledge this, one of the things we’re going to talk about today is to acknowledge was really when your communications, where we are.
Stewart Gandolf: And you know, we have caregivers in the front lines out there. We have people who are working hard, protect ourselves and our loved ones. One of the common themes I’ll talk about today is to stay at home, right? Because that’s a more than a hashtag. We are literally trying to save some lives. One of the things that I’d like to talk about too is that how we act today will be remembered tomorrow. And so meaning that we’re working together to create marketing plans. We’re trying to communicate to the community out there. And one of the things that I like to talk about and we’ll talk about a bit more later, is that, you know, even if you’re staying at home, you know, it’s funny for me sitting at home thinking like, well geez, I don’t feel like I’m on the front lines with the doctors.
Stewart Gandolf: But the reality is that we’re trying to get the word out and help for the common good marketing today in a real sense is for the common good today. And we’re going to talk a little bit about how we can get the message out. There are still people you know, we just saw something, a news of the day about a governor didn’t really realize that the Corona virus is transmittable before symptoms happen. So I would argue that this is our chance to not only do a good job for our various institutions, but to really help the public and keep that in mind as we go forward here. So we know today that it’s amazing what’s going on here. We see that the headlines just seem to be more and more depressing. Some of the recent ones model’s predicting spread a virus is a grim picture.
Stewart Gandolf: According to New York times. This is like two days ago, by the way. More than 75% of all Americans have been ordered to stay home. Social distancing appears to be slowing the spread, which is good news. That’s great that the crisis won’t be over soon. The Dow dropped 410 points down, 23%. The worst quarter ever. You just lost my screen. Where did it go? Coronavirus job losses could total 47 million. It’s just amazing. Unemployment could be 32%. This is coming from a super-heated economy where a couple of months ago it was, you know, what two or 3% unemployment. One bit of note of good news for the small business owners out there. The feds are part of the new cares package. The $2 trillion stimulus is hundreds of millions of dollars for small business owners. They can for forgivable loans to help cover salaries over a couple months. And you can certainly look that up. And I should mention after the webinar, we will be sending out the back and the video and there will be links.
Stewart Gandolf: There’s lots of information we can point you to. So anyway, so that’s our environment. I think it’s really important to recognize that this is our environment. I mentioned a minute ago how things are changing so quickly. This is an amazing trying to prepare for a day. The how much the news has changed. If you look back just a couple of weeks ago you know, people are still largely in denial and this is as of the latest date I can find was March 20th to 22nd, you’d probably see a bunch of nineties there for avoiding events, avoiding traveling, avoiding small gatherings, stocking up on food. So it’s amazing how quickly and really historic how things are changing so quickly here. The M a so again, some recent data, I’m big on data. Hopefully you are as well. Up to 70%. A couple of weeks, a couple of days ago was 40% said they were delaying major purchases.
Stewart Gandolf: Now it’s up to 70. However you know, great challenges can create great opportunities sometimes from a marketing point of view. So we’re seeing today, and this is something that we’re seeing a lot on our side, that and I see this data everywhere and 95% of global consumers who say they’re spending more time in how media consumption. That’s of course not surprising in the fact that they’re watching more news coverage isn’t surprising. One of the benefits, again, as terrible as this crisis is there are some silver linings. Like I proved myself, I’m spending more time with my family. I have a teenage, a couple of daughters, one of them is a teenager and we’re just having some excellent family time cause we’re always so busy. And I think it’s important to recognize present moment, not just with yourselves but in your communications.
Stewart Gandolf: And it is a different time. What’s amazing is streaming not just Netflix, which is not a lot of commercial opportunity there, but just streaming TV and streaming radio. I’ll talk about this more later. From a marketing point of view, create some unprecedented opportunities. People are spending more time on social media. Again, not surprisingly, but these are all opportunities. And we were talking before we got started here about how things are changing forever. So, you know, zoom is people who are using video conferences that unlikely. We’re going to go back to the way we were before telemedicine. I recently saw a whoops, I’m not sure what happened. The telemedicine, you know, took some hospital systems years to begin to experiment over the last couple of weeks. They’ve embraced it fully and figured out how to do it. So the world has changed. And I’ve talked to my creative director about this and our team, and by the way, a lot of these things I’m going to share today are insights from my team.
Stewart Gandolf: So it’s a lot of, this is obviously things that I’ve observed, but I wanted to make sure I got the team into this as well. People that are dealing with this every day. And so the first thing I mentioned to kind of at the opening is I think it’s really important to acknowledge the current situation. What adds the, if you don’t, it’s almost hard to tap almost any conversation about discussing this. And that’s okay. It’s really important to be transparent. You’re seeing this beginning to happen with broadcast TV. Any ad that has pictures of large hand large crowds, handshakes, big parties look just out of touch. And I think the public understands that, you know, commercials like that were creative events, but the more you can be transparent, the more you can feel up to date, the better. It’s also, and I think people are most marketers are aware of this, but it’s really important to not look exploitative and just be careful of that because the it is possible to do that.
Stewart Gandolf: Make sure that you don’t have any invests unintended messages. This is particularly true if you have lots of things going on. You know, I’m dying to see you or I’m talking about computer viruses. Obviously we’ll have a whole new meeting today if we are not careful. And then how empathy, this is really, really important. I talked to my creative director, Dana about this yesterday and Dana’s worked in a lot of pharma campaigns and she was actually in the process of writing a campaign now talking about people with rare diseases and going through various States of grief. And we’re both remarking how people we know are grieving. Employees of ours are grieving, clients are grieving. And nobody, I really don’t see people talking about that very much. But we have to recognize that empathy, if there was ever a time for grief or empathy and our messaging and the way we talk to people in a way we communicate with people, everybody’s stressed out, but just as human beings, we want to have empathy.
Stewart Gandolf: I shared this screenshot. This is just happens to be one of a Verizon commercial. I saw that peaked my interest. I also have another one on Las Vegas. And I’ll share some others on Twitter. By the way my Twitter handle is at Stewart Gandolf: and right now is you’re live tweeting through this webinar. We just chose the hashtag healthcare marketing. So if you have things to tweet hopefully Kelly you can watch that while I’m presenting to see if there’s anything to respond to on Twitter. But the healthcare marketing‘s our hashtag [#healthcaremarketing]. But going back to what I was saying again, there are some examples of commercials that are out there. I’ll try to tweet and share things that I like and are certainly a lot of updates that we are all seeing today. So one of the big questions and by the title of our webinar is you know, should we pause, should we run straight forward?
Stewart Gandolf: Should we stop? And I just narrow it down to this. We have conversations, we have about 80 clients with our firm and every single one we’re talking to. And the first question that comes up from a lot of the men as well, in light of what’s going on, should we just stop marketing? Should you stop marketing? And our answer to that is no, but it might sense, makes sense to stop advertising. And let me explain what that mean. So I definitely don’t think marketing stopping is a good idea for virtually anybody but advertising may, and we’ll talk about what that looks like in a few minutes. Just for those of you, I know we have a lot of marketing people here. We probably have some executives that are not markers, like CEOs are operating in people and certainly have some doctors. Just as a reminder, and you can talk about the four piece of marketing, the seven P’s of marketing.
Stewart Gandolf: When I do my seminars, we teach seven. And just as a reminder, when we talk, marketing is not the same thing as advertising. Advertising is a small subset of one of the P’s of marketing. So advertising is certainly important. It’s the sexy stuff that already focuses in on, but marketing is much broader than just advertising. So I mentioned a moment ago you know, with every crisis sometimes there’s opportunities, right? And I think it was wrong. Manual said never wasted in crisis. And so certainly again, I don’t want to in any way underestimate the human toll of business and people are dying. I can’t be any more serious. So with that in mind though, a lot of us still have to, you know, do our jobs to inform the community to help people in any way we can. So it’s really, really important.
Stewart Gandolf: So what can we do? Well, one of the first things to keep in mind is many people are freezing or doing nothing. So if you’re in a competitive specialty or competitive hospital or a competitive drug you know, a lot of people are just running for the Hills and pausing and doing nothing. And I would argue strongly that that’s probably not the best strategy. I would say that almost in any event, assuming you’re going to stay in business, which hopefully most of us are the job is to prepare for the future because eventually COVID-19 will receive right. There is drugs they’re testing now. Hopefully they find a breakthrough that can help us until a vaccine is available in a year, a year and half. But, and then hopefully it won’t drag on for months and months. We’ll see. But in any event we want to prepare because once this finally does, the smoke does clear there’ll be tremendous opportunity for new leaders to emerge and also be visible.
Stewart Gandolf: So even if you’re not looking to attract patients in this environment, there are things you could do. Certainly you could continue your branding, right? So if you’re a hospital, for example, you don’t want to disappear in the community. You could do you know, ongoing branding kinds of messaging. It could also work at just at the core. If you are trying to advertise, you’re doing anything at all, you could be doing marketing planning you could be doing brand strategy and development. You know, you’ve always thought about your brand. You’ve always wondered where it’s off. I would again argue strongly this is a time to look at this creative work. For example, a lot of clients and you know, people that I meet are really dissatisfied with where their website because they feel like there’s changes they’ve been trying to make or video content they want to create a new content strategy.
Stewart Gandolf: And just a little transparency here on our side. Our company has grown tremendously over the last three or four years. The website, our own website, we’re usually focused on client stuff. This is a pretty common issue with agencies. You know, we’ve been working on it, but it hasn’t had that kind of energy that we would like. And today is a fantastic time. So over the next three months we’re aggressively working on our own website as well as our clients to represent better who we are today than we were when the website was launched a few years ago. So these are the kinds of things to start thinking. Where can you do take effort? Just as an administrative thing. I was talking to my managing director of the day, all that HR training that we’ve been trying to get around to. This is a good time continuing ed, strengthening your employee communications.
Stewart Gandolf: A lot of you are in larger institutions and they have thousands of employees. They, people are begging for leadership and guidance today. My head of SEO urged me to tell you a 15 second message there. Right now there is massive things you can do with enterprise SEO, particularly with schema, if those even know what that means. Is kind of the infrastructure. It’s to help the machines learn the meaning and the context behind what’s on the page. These are tremendous times. We’re working a lot with clients on that and organic Aaron, his team, we’ll talk about that a little bit later. One of the things I’ve mentioned earlier is we can use social media and again, Aaron talk about the organic stuff in a few minutes, but to really work on growing our own reputation and, but even save lives. My last blog post, and we have vitally, I should welcome, we have about half the audience are my readers and half her coming from Binary Fountain.
Stewart Gandolf: So those that are my readers may recognize my last blog post mentioned that the surgeon general, the S came out about social distancing. And because of the way CBC had communicated in the early days, a lot of millennials and gen Z famously thought they were immune and it’s no big deal to go partying on spring break. So the surgeon general called upon Kylie Jenner to go out there and say, Hey, tell you know, millennials and younger Americans that this is for real. And she did. And a couple hours he did this from the platform of good morning America, a couple of hours later, kindly came out and went out to her 4 million followers on Instagram. So my argument here is I think it’s fantastic. Kylie Jenner you know, used her clout with millennials and younger Americans to get the word out about social distancing. But I would argue anybody in healthcare has a responsibility, not from a marketing and making more money point of view.
Stewart Gandolf: But you know, on my own social media, I tweet about this stuff on our own sizing. So to either organically simple, you know, independent private practice doctors can simply put up a notice about COVID on their Facebook page and other patients. So I think it’s fantastic opportunity to, you know, just for the common good, promote social distancing help people who think they may have the virus. Again, you know, the CDC is one voice in the wind. There’s a lot of misinformation out there. Certainly we want you as providers to put out accurate information and to help people understand that, you know, for example, people could be contagious before they show up with symptoms. Wellness tips. A lot of doctors, a lot of hospitals are providing wellness tips. We’ll talk about that in a minute. Talking, making sure the public knows you’re taking proper security, I’m sorry, safety precautions, asking or answering frequently asked questions notices on your websites.
Stewart Gandolf: All these things are things for the common good. Again, not just from a marketing point of view or business development. So I would argue, get the word out. Everybody on this community, you have people that you’re influencing personally. You know, we went virtual within way ahead of the curve. A friend of mine is a neuroscientist who sent me out information on neuro or a social distancing early. We went, we took action immediately. And I just think that’s the spirit of what we all have to do today. So let’s say that the, I mentioned advertising earlier, cause we’re going to talk about advertising doesn’t make sense for you now and here’s how to help you think that through because everybody’s different. Yes, I would argue that it may make sense for you if number one, you are in the position to position yourself as a community thought leader and you feel like your role is to help educate the public during the Coronavirus crisis.
Stewart Gandolf: So certainly pharmaceuticals, health plans, hospitals, and they find themselves in that category. Maybe even forward-thinking private practices depending on the size and philosophy and specialty. So beyond the free social media stuff, but advertising can make sense there if you’re looking to build your brand for the long term and capitalize the competitor’s absence. Another advantage, and of course advertising costs money. So if you have a budget that you can apply to this, again, if you’re a small independent practice, just trying to keep the lights on and you’re shut down and maybe it’s not possible, but that’s not everybody. So on the flip on the converse, when should you not probably advertise? Well if you’re in the situation where it has to be direct response advertising, where every dollar must bring an immediate trackable ROI, maybe you’re an elective business that’s closed, right? The surgeon general asks you to close the, I may ask you to close.
Stewart Gandolf: So if you’re closed that may not be as valuable for you or again, obviously if you’re struggling, but I do want to make the point that advertising can make a lot of sense. We’re going to talk about that. So I want to share some insights for the rest of my time with you today. These again from my team on the digital team I asked them, cause they’re on this every day. Obviously I’m looking at the big picture, but they’re watching the stuff daily for our clients. And here’s some of the insights we’ve noticed. Number one. Some specialties are actually seeing increased traction, increase click through rates and increased inquiries or lead conversions, urgent care, not surprisingly, and primary care, maybe not surprisingly, people are looking for alternatives. We have a integrative medicine, primary care doctor who’s seeing tremendous opportunity because people are looking for things like wellness and boosting your immune system.
Stewart Gandolf: So we’ll talk about that in a moment. Addiction right now. I just saw something I tweeted yesterday, the day before that alcohol sales are booming. They’re up 50%. Again, it’s not surprising. And you know, just watching behind people’s behavior, again have empathy. You know, I’ve been on a couple of, you know, you’ve heard of these virtual cocktail hours. Some people are drinking too much and you can just see it. So odd. We have a number of addiction clients. There are people out there that are addicts that are at home. They are hurting. And so some of these specialties are seeing great big increases in interest. Other essential categories are holding strong like cancer related searches and not surprisingly elective based surgeries for example, vein surgeries. Some of those are down in terms of inquiries, not necessarily clicks. A lot of people we were finding our home, they’re clicking on those paid ads, but they may not be actually inquiring.
Stewart Gandolf: So again, these are each of you know, a practice or a hospital, you know, hospital practice, you need to really manage actively your campaign. I mentioned earlier preventative care kinds of terms are vague boosting immune system. We are predicting we’re seeing a little bit of cost decreases for the cost per click if you’re no pay-per-click. And but we expect that to continue as competitors. Fleet of market. So recommendations going forward if for your paid search campaigns in particular and I have Google ads up here, it could be Google could be bank, it could be in a variety of different things. But those networks obviously the big ones. Number one, make sure your ads read appropriate for a new app reality. Just like we’ve talked about earlier, the general creative direction you want to monitor keyword searches and campaign results continue or consumer behavior continues to change.
Stewart Gandolf: You ready to pivot and make adjustments to keywords and landing pages and websites as appropriate. Recognize we want to avoid trying to capitalize on COVID new opportunities like telemedicine. We’re doing a new blog post next week with our blog about the marketing opportunities with telemedicine. Tele visitation for addiction centers or snips, a free transportation. Think a little bigger. What can you do that you never did before? Another thing to do is think through, not just paid out or to paid search with display advertising, native advertising on. Yeah. Youtube as people are spending more on time, not actively searching. By the way, Google is also going to be throwing out some credits to people that have been advertising since last year. They’ll be rolling those out. They’re not very specific on that, but that’s a little bit of relief to people that have been advertising with them for a while.
Stewart Gandolf: If you’re interested in search terms, there’s a plethora of information out there. You can just Google Google trends, Corona virus search terms and see what people are searching for on a minute by minute basis. This changes constantly. Just some sort of free value added. I think you’ll find that interesting. Facebook is not alone on this. Facebook is we are not seeing interestingly again, and we work with lots of different clients with different specialties. We’re not seeing a big dropoff and click through rates or conversions at the stage across most of our campaigns. Again, it varies a little bit with addiction. Is again, it’s just such a great example because it is relevant right now. Keep in mind we want to be emotional appropriately for the particular world that we’re in. You can consider Facebook live or promote various events. We’re going to share some examples of that in just a moment.
Stewart Gandolf: You can later I think one of our pharma specialists came up with such a great idea of mentioning that we should be thinking through how to promote you know, our community actions are everyday heroes, especially for the providers. It’s a little early, but think about that as you begin planning. Again, Facebook is also considering these, there’s no details of him and stuff currently, but they’ll probably be providing some, a rebates or something to small businesses as well. Everything is shutting down here. So again, if you can hang in there, there’s some opportunities. Suddenly I want to share. My social media had a paid social media is so excited about this. Facebook messenger now essentially has a program like bots and if would have seen chatbots. And so these are real live bots. This happens to be from one of our recovery clients.
Stewart Gandolf: I blocked out the names and phone numbers and did this obviously, but you know, so you provide, people have a chance, it says here to start a confidential message and then the bot will come back and say, you know, give a couple of different options. You can dictate and people feel like they’re talking to a real human. You can control the conversation. And we’re finding that we’re getting tons of inquiries this way. The nature of it for right now, and this is Facebook always comes up with new formats. This just happens to be one of our favorites. I’m just sharing a little secret. We’re seeing tremendous success with early on. This is brand new. Another thing that’s cool about this is we’re able to share a social endorsements. This is an example of a real life patient. Again, we blocked out the name even though it’s on a public space of, you know, interacting with the addiction treatment center.
Stewart Gandolf: So these things are very, very powerful. Another thing we’re doing with another client right now is we’re promoting webinars. We’re not seeing patients live. So Jen, if you’re able to stay in the marketplace instead of doing dinner seminars, this is a fantastic time. If you have some marketing budget to test track to finally get a re round to it. And I would argue this is some terrific opportunities here today. The I alluded to earlier, OT and some of our, I recognize that some of our audience listeners are very, very sophisticated. Do programmatic understand what OTT and CTV are others that may be, you know, a much further down the marketing continuum in terms of experience with it. But just this slide here from comScore underscores what I described earlier. And you’ve got the URL there. If you’re interested, you can go to that page yourself.
Stewart Gandolf: This was a screenshot from yesterday, OTT meats over the top or connected TV. So things like for example, Hulu streaming of those kinds of platforms where you can do advertising through Apple TV or Amazon fire or through smart TVs is just exploding. Viewership is up in record numbers TV doing overall and broadcast record numbers streaming record numbers, behavior changing daily. Again, you have to be paying attention here if we wanted to capitalize on this. And I know if you’re a provider and you’re just trying to take care of patients, you have challenges. But again, from marketing standpoint it’s very you know, despite the stuff that we’re all scared has some tremendous opportunity. My team is working harder than ever currently on these types of opportunities. This is coming, came to us, was shared with us, with my reps at iHeartRadio.
Stewart Gandolf: This is a Nielsen study a couple of days ago showing that people are no longer commuting, so they’re not in a car. So streaming radio is taking off. Interestingly a couple of days later, this is an email I got that work from home playlist work playlist and they, and it’s funny, I love this programmatic buying and programmatic artificial intelligence. They know I like chill, so anybody who wants to listen to chill a lot. And so they not only came up with a word from home playlist, they targeted me with the kind of stuff that I might be interested in, although that was a big mess with me on country. But the so personalized email our rep told us that new subscribers to work iHeart rec, like 20% plus us over recent days. So my immediate guru expert, Charlie I asked him for some tips and I thought this would be really intriguing to you.
Stewart Gandolf: So right now, I would argue, I asked Charlie when I spoke to him to prepare for this. He and I always agree on this kind of stuff. Streaming radio and television are our favorite opportunities as a really say for billboards and print. Not so much Prince slowly dying and billboards. Nobody’s driving. So are if you’re going to do advertising, these are some of our favorite things. The interestingly, and this is another insight I think would be helpful that we just said that viewership is up and listenership is up and advertisers are fleeing the marketplace. Due to Cove, there’s a cancel Olympics. You’re political ads. So it’s a very strange time that you have more viewership and listenership than ever and declining rates. Now remember with broadcast in particular, that’s is dead space. It’s gone forever. It’s like a little revenue is better than no revenue because it’s dead space.
Stewart Gandolf: It’s dead space. That’s why broadcast is often negotiable. Those of you that are more experienced marketers know, broadcast is very, very powerful. A less sophisticated advertisers often go with the newspaper, but broadcast to be super powerful. And it can’t be negotiable. The keep, again, we talked about the ads create positive messaging and again to the community I think is a good thing. Just have to acknowledge where we are. If you have an agency (hopefully) or media buyer, whoever it is this is a time to cash in those relationships with your media reps. Are, Charlie knows his worked in 200 of 210 DMAs [Designated Market Areas] in America. His knowledge is insane in terms of he knows what bus benches are out in front of a train station and you know, some rural town in New Jersey. So he has relationships nationwide.
Stewart Gandolf: And so for our own clients, you know, he’s been going back to them saying, Hey you know, there are want to pull out of the market, help me, convince them to stay in the list a little bit. And you know, I would recommend you do the same. You know, you have relationships with your media, hopefully ask them. They’re a lot more willing to help right now. So just two anecdotes are inspiring. I’m not saying grind your media reps, but look for win-win. So Charlie, if one of our big clients in Chicago was able to negotiate 80 free community oriented radios, community oriented radio spots while also changing our mix to streaming. So big, big change in the buy there and in Texas were trolleys buying for one of our multi location practices was able to move a budget to TV cause we thought all agreed that going from radio to TV as an idea, so the radio or app provided us 183 spots across three stations and that was free.
Stewart Gandolf: As a measure of goodwill. You know, again, the broadcast stations are, everybody’s hurting right now. And you know, they used to say back in the depression, things were tough all over. If you Mark, it’d be hard to do this, you’re just coming in today. But if you’ve been in the market, I encourage you to negotiate with your reps. I’m going to turn the ball over to Aaron here I think is my last slide again, if you’re interested cause I know somebody may have to run, you can I’ll, we’ll be sending the deck to you afterwards if you want to follow me on Twitter. It’s just that Stewart Gandolf: is simple and we’ll provide you contact at later data later. Aaron.
Aaron Clifford: Hey, thanks in just such great content and great information. I’m going to I’m going to right now still alive. Got you. And suddenly your content, there was a lot of engagement and questions. So do you mind just answering a couple of questions related to your content? Real quick. Sure, go ahead. All right, so one question was with more people watching news and TV, would you recommend television perhaps over social media or is it a both and, or what’s your recommendation there?
Stewart Gandolf: You know, it is, that’s a great question. Here’s the deal. In our experience that is now both. One of the things we write about a lot, and it’s funny, we did have a funny little video with my head of digital advertising and my head of external advertising literally punching each other, you know, for the webinar. We can see that through care. But the point of that video was that people are watt doing both. They’re, you know, everybody’s multitasking, they’re watching TV and they’ve got their iPad or phone in front of them. So I don’t know if it’s necessarily either or. It’s like we let try to do an integrated, we see, for example, one of our clients is an addiction center that hates to put phone numbers on it’s ass. They just feel like they don’t want to look too salesy. And so we see it as when we’re on radio or on TV with them that their website just explodes with activities. So that’s really, we mentioned earlier, integrated campaign with our agency. We really are, I love digital. I created this agency back from when we first started online with digital strategies, but it really is integrated. I would try to do both.
Aaron Clifford: All right, thank you. Helpful. A couple of more while we got you. So in reference to the Facebook messenger slide are these Facebook messenger ads or comments? Are they considered HIPAA compliant?
Stewart Gandolf: They are, yeah, if you set it up, Ryan. So I’m not an expert on this. I’m not giving legal advice. Let’s start right there. But remember these are private messages that are coming from a Facebook to the provider and it’s a bot. So I would say, you know, obviously taking a look at your own attorney, but our team has felt comfortable using them. This is brand new technology. So I would do your own research, but so far we’re comfortable.
Aaron Clifford: Good. All right, thank you. And then someone was asking about the webinars and what the success has been or attendance what are you seeing there?
Stewart Gandolf: Okay, great. So that’s a good, another great question. You know, it’s like the one I just showed as an example. He’s gotten, I don’t know, I think she sat to the first day or two, five registrants. So, not hundreds, not thousands, but I would have, you know, depends on the topic too. But the thing about keep in mind, one thing I didn’t share very well that’s important for the listeners who are, I’m not as familiar with paid social with organic social, which I love and we’re going to talk about in a minute here. You’re reaching your followers. These are people that are already following you. And the you know, even then, oftentimes you’re getting just a small percentage of the followers where obviously your ads with paid social, you can read tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands and it’s a really good value cost-wise, so you can hit a far broader audience.
Stewart Gandolf: So I think the capability and, and success of that will be based upon how good your offer is and especially how compelling your topic is. Like right now I’m seeing, you know, we have hundreds of people viewing it on this webinar, which is exciting. We had even hundreds of more register. What you probably want to get to the recording. And the reason is like, well, I like to think it’s because you and I, Aaron are so good looking and smart. I think it’s really as the topic is you know, so timely. So I feel like the right content, the right timely content is everything, the right offer. So we are seeing, and this is brand new, we know this will be very difficult to talk a client into this previously. And again, I’ll just say for our listeners, whether you’re with agencies or whether you’re with hospitals or whatever, this is a great chance to try things that you wouldn’t have gotten around to before. And this is how breakthroughs happen.
Aaron Clifford: Great. Great point. Thank you Stewart. And there’s please keep asking questions and we’ll have a time at the end of the webinar to go through a number more.
Stewart Gandolf: Yeah. Thank you for answering those. I’m happy to help. I’m about a blast with this. This is great. So, yeah.
Aaron Clifford: All right. So a lot of my contents going to dovetail into what Stewart cupboard. And for those of you who don’t know, Binary Fountain is a customer experience platform and we help healthcare systems, a number of different industries. We have a large contingent in the healthcare with large enterprises down to large medical groups and mid-size and even down to small, smaller clinics. So we analyze a lot of online data, we analyze a lot of first party surveys patient satisfaction surveys and we get a lot of entail. And so we’re helping businesses not only manage all of their listings on the third party platforms like Google my business and Facebook and vitals and health, Verizon getting all of their information accurate, but then also monitoring their reputation online. So what we did is a little study and we’re doing this study weekly just in looking at all of the mentions per platform where [inaudible] 19 and related terms are being mentioned and the frequency and quantity.
Aaron Clifford: So what we’re seeing is right now Twitter’s exploding and this is related to our brands and the mentioned the, with these terms in relation to our brands. And we cover about over 250 clients. And again, often they are, have hundreds of locations and cover hundreds of providers. And so we’re seeing a lot of activity there. Of course we’re seeing a lot of information and surveys, but then Facebook is number two to Twitter. But in terms of mentions, Twitter is, is just dominating. And there with regards to the brands, there’s a lot of questions there. People are getting answers and some cases not getting answers and others. But we are encouraging clients to manage and you know, make sure that you are having a pretty good strategy for each one of these platforms as it’s mentioned, but also spending time where the most questions and activity is happening. So there goes Twitter, Facebook, Google, you’d expect to be a lot higher. But since Google had suspended their reviews their numbers aren’t as high. And so we were seeing quite a bit of lift.
Aaron Clifford: Sorry, my watch is going crazy now. Technology we are seeing Google started to increase and then there is that freeze and not as many reviews there. So it’s kind of interesting and you guys may be thinking that as well. So some of the best practices that we’re seeing on social media you’re, we’re seeing a lot of activity and good brand promotion on various social media platforms. Folks in giving information, helping their patients and the consumers and also employees and get most up-to-date information. Many of them answering questions and linking over to their own website where there’s valuable information. And I’m sure many of you on this call have been doing that as well. You’ll see the engagement there. There’s when there’s questions being timely to making sure that your dispelling disinformation in health systems, communities and providers, physicians are so important in this particular space right now where there’s so many different rumors and just so much coming at patients and they’re looking for trusted resources and are seeing that the providers are filling an incredible boy right now when they are able to answer those questions.
Aaron Clifford: Twitter, there’s a lot of noise. There’s a lot of times I’ve seen some angry posts and some definitely the misinformation and rumors. And just some the wild, wild West that sometimes Twitter is, and our recommendation is not necessarily to answer every single one of those. You can’t, you don’t have enough resources. There’s not enough time, but there’s definitely when there is an opportunity to answer a question directly or direct and that comment or reviewer poster to correct information on your own website or social channel. We’re seeing a lot of customers having success in there and a, a large click through rate as well going to their own content with the correct information. So, you know, make sure that you’re responding to those questions calmly in a transparent manner. But also you’re not having to answer every single person that’s out there either with relation to your brand.
Aaron Clifford: It’s just too much where you can take those comments, whether it’s on a review platform, on a Facebook post or in Twitter, taking those offline. Right now the challenges, we know there are not a lot of resources offline to handle the calls that are coming in. So I say only take it offline right now. If you have somebody who’s going to pick up the phone and an actual human being to answer those questions, if not, it may be a bad patient experience or a bad brand experience. So be careful, you know, prior to COVID-19, I’m, I’m saying for the most part when you can’t resolve something online then almost always take it offline. But right now things are different and resources are scarce that many of these provider locations and systems. So you guys make that call when you can and when it makes sense to take it offline, but only if there’s a human being to answer.
Aaron Clifford: Next seeing content recommendations, you know, making sure that you’re creating content that answers all the questions on potential questions that you know about is extremely helpful. So I referenced this earlier just in terms of all of the different misinformation. But you know, we’re seeing our customers pages and locations on their own website and social channels that are answering frequently asked questions. And I recommend that this too, for those that even though Google your patients and their family members and consumers aren’t able to post questions right now to your Google my business page, you can anticipate what some of those questions are and do a Google post related to COVID and Google is prioritizing those on the Google my business page. So there’s a real opportunity there to provide information in Google my business and Google my business posts to create content for that particular channel and then link it back to your own website with them, the information and frequently asked questions.
Aaron Clifford: You know, revive health, they did a survey last week and I encourage everybody to look at revive health survey and study, but they showed that local health care experts are trusted. 86%, 86% of the respondents said they trusted local health experts. And with regards to Corona virus information, massive opportunity. If you’re a marketer and you’re a content producer for your facility, for your system, now is the time to engage your physicians. And I know the front lines are so inundated and they are swamped. And like Stewart said, just so appreciate everything that they’re doing in the communities, but with, there’s an opportunity if you have some physicians that may not be on the front lines and they may not have the patient volume that they normally have right now, might be a good time to engage with them to see if you can get some video content and ask them, maybe do an interview and produce some blogs that are helpful, that are providing relevant and good information.
Aaron Clifford: You know, posting information if there’s a need for supplies and we know across the country there’s different hotspots and there are different needs and definitely from health system to health system, the needs vary a little bit, but if there are needs, it might be appropriate to be posting some of those that information on your social channels and on your own website. And then you know, what’s interesting is I’m sure many of you follow what Cleveland clinic does is such an amazing job with health content and with just all the way around in marketing. But you know, Amanda toward [inaudible] on Twitter the other day mentioned that the health essentials portion or sites or health essential site, they had over 11 million sessions in March. And according her, that’s 3 million higher than the previous month traffic. So, you know, we’re, we are all not going to be Cleveland clinic and it was something when I was at HTA, we aspired to Oh man, we it to be, have all the content that they had, but in your corner of the world and where you’re at, it might be a good opportunity to start creating some content relevant to Covance and on a consistent basis and where it is helpful and providing value.
Aaron Clifford: You can start small. It doesn’t have to be health essentials. That’s pretty aspirational. But you can start where you’re at. Your community wants to hear from you for sure. And then we’re recommending from a consistency and communication on all of the various channels. You know, you know, sometimes and some companies, social is not managed by the same people who manage the digital content and these contents. There’s two silos. Seeing that a number of times, but there is an opportunity to make sure that you are lockstep, your content team is feeling the same information to both social and to the digital teams that are postings and making updates on the websites are really important. It sounds common sense, but you’d be surprised that some of the things that we’ve seen who were not necessarily congruent there are customers here that are doing a great job of this and making sure everything is just lock step with their digital channels with their social and with their own website.
Aaron Clifford: And then obviously in phone, their call centers, everyone’s operating from some the same playbook and we’re really important there. So demand generation versus providing information. I mean, this is shows just week to week the amount, so it’s not apparent here, but it completely, but this was a nine days we saw it and go up just double from the week of March 22nd to March 31st we saw a massive increase and what people are talking about online. And with regards to COVID. So really important to, you know, all of the effort right now in responding and putting out good information related to COVID. Don’t lose sight that there will be a day and we don’t know when obviously, but there will be a time where demand generation comes in really strong and there are some demand generation obviously right now for telemedicine.
Aaron Clifford: We’re seeing that. And so there is opportunity if you have those services and capabilities to be making sure that you’re not ignoring that piece of demand generation for your clinics and for your providers. But you know, there will be a day where this will be over. And so there is an opportunity right now to look at what does a 60 or 90 days from now look like and what are those activities and what are the demand generation activities going to happen that are outside of cope. And finally on listings management. So this has been a really incredible time in the listings management space. So as far as the volume and the changes, the temporary closures and the updates to ours and the changes that the platforms have made. So you know, it’s really important just when we’re seeing a 60% increase and just the Google my business call volume right now.
Aaron Clifford: Google released a new, or not in Google, but schema.org released and Stewart mentioned that they’re released a new schema type for the COVID-19 specific items. So if you have not checked that out, look at schema.org and the new COVID-19 specifications and if possible, implement those on your site to make sure that your content has structured appropriately so people can find and get the answers, their questions answered, really important there. But you know, if there’s been a change in hours or service suspensions or revised contact information Google is providing more priority for health systems. So it’s still, you know, at times tough. But please update all of your Google my business pages. Of course, all your other third party directories as well. If you’ve not done that, very important. And we’ve been posting articles on how to do this, what to update kind of Binary Fountain.com at the top there’s a carpet area you can click on and we’ve published a number of blogs and then we’ve had webinars in the past and cover some of these items as well.
Aaron Clifford: So Google temporarily suspending reviews as I mentioned along with the Google Q&A. there’s there they will be. Now if you post before it was the posters who are leaving reviews didn’t know that their reviews were not being posted. But now Google is saying that, Hey, this is temporarily disabled indicating that there will be a time in the future where these posts will be posted. I doubt all posts will be there. Hopefully they will take some of the ones that are damaging or not accurate with regards to the health system. Hopefully they won’t let those posts. But those are coming soon to the business Google descriptions, Google recommend adding information about any extra precautions, putting those into Google with descriptions. And then they’re temporarily allowing for small edits to your business name when it’s applicable. So testing centers, virtual visits, appointments, only a drive through curbside pickup, you know, those things.
Aaron Clifford: They’re allowing businesses to upstate there. Those particular business names where you can make a change. So it’s apparent to those that are looking on their phone or on a desktop. And then the Google post, I mentioned those earlier, but they are being, those are going to be live for 14 days after you publish them. So that’s an extension Google has made. And within response to the COVID-19 crisis and regarding Yelp, just touching on them, for those of you who get a number of Yelp reviews they announced a zero-tolerance policy for any reviews of a person contacting COVID from a business or its employees. So they’re not allowing any of those reviews to go out. You can customize the COVID-19 alert message at the top of your Yelp business page now. So that’s something else that they’ve added.
Aaron Clifford: And there’s going to be more virtual services that they are going to be offering virtual classes, virtual consultation. So if your particular community is a heavy Yelp user with regards to healthcare, some aren’t, some are make sure that you’re aware of those updates. All right. That was a lot of information squeezed in there. We have a couple of more questions, so let me get to those real quick. Stewart standby. My Q&A is not showing up exactly, but I have them right here. Here’s the question. I’m in this medical spa business. What is your feeling about doing virtual consultations and selling gift cards online? I want to be sensitive not to be asking for money at this time. Stewart, do you want to take that one?
Stewart Gandolf: Yeah. You know, it’s, it’s I think that’s makes sense. You know, it’s funny my wife and I are joking a like, I’m going to look like seventies guy. By the time this is over, right. Oh, haircut. I think that’s going to come back. And my wife is complaining like my gray hairs getting to show up underneath my you know, die. It’s like I haven’t seen her real hair coat a long time, so I think that you know, there are people that are still interested in these things. I think the idea of doing it like that, if you’re not taking money now or you’re doing those kinds of consultations, people are bored. I would just experiment with it. I think again, it’s, there’s, you can only stop if you try it and it doesn’t work. Okay. You tried it didn’t work, but that sounds like a great idea to me. I will try that for sure. Yeah,
Aaron Clifford: I would agree. Somebody asked about having a zoom panel discussion for the public with our providers. I’ll take that one and sir you can jump into, but I think that that’s a great opportunity where you have influence in your community. I think it’s great for the providers. You know, I’ve talked to a number of provider friends and they’re, they’re uncertain right now. They know it’s going to come back, but some of them are not working in the ER or in the ICU or you know, for the health system as far as in they’re waiting for their patients to come back. And so there is some capacity and some areas and I think would be beneficial if you have those providers who are willing and can provide value to your community. It’s not only good for the community, but it’s good for those providers, their own personal brand and then the brand of the health system. Stewart, any thoughts on that one?
Stewart Gandolf: Yeah, sure. I love it and I just think, you know, I’m a creative guy, right? So this is fun to me. Like when I would do is take that idea and maybe here’s a good, hopefully good advice. And it’s, it like, what if you created like a regular weekly show? You know, that would be cool. You could have your feature, your providers, you can have themes that are topical. And especially if you’re like in a hospital or hospital system, it’s a great opportunity to highlight. You know, it’s funny you mentioned that earlier era and like, you know, cause I’m presuming some of them are probably helping out in the ER and helping out with, you know, telemedicine patients depending on, you know, obviously it varies a lot, right? In New York is overwhelmed. Other States hardly feel anything right now. But the idea of taking thought leadership, this really goes back to what I said earlier, it’s like this is an opportunity to truly take thought leadership.
Stewart Gandolf: And again, what’s great about it is it’s for the good, you know, we’re trying to help people. So there’s a double whammy there. And I would just say if you do this for sure of your organic channels, but man, that paid social is so great. Instagram or Facebook Cabo in particular, we get such fantastic results with those for our clients. Cause you can reach people that you otherwise wouldn’t. So it’s a combination of paid and organic social to promote that. You know, this opportunity won’t happen again. Everybody’s home. So, yeah, I love that idea.
Aaron Clifford: Yeah, great idea. Somebody asked about texting versus emailing patients, you know, it’s a lot of that is dictated by your organization or the contact information that you have taken on intake as far as in your registration papers on what can or cannot and contacting the patients. So every organization is going to be different. Every business is going to be a little bit different. But a lot of that I would just refer you to your own. What has the patient provided permission or consent to how to be contacted? Texting rates. Obviously if you do have permission to contact them through texting, depending on the message and what you’re communicating. Texting has obviously a higher open rate and a higher click through rate than email. But you know, it the depends on the message is what I would say. There is a, another question near Greg Stewart. Anything extra to add on that?
Stewart Gandolf: Absolutely. And the texting is so intrusive. It’s very powerful. You just have to use it correctly.
Aaron Clifford: Good. good question here. How does downstream provider services such as radiology engage with physicians who are moving to telemedicine instead of traditional B2B methods? That’s a great question. Stewart, do you want to take that one?
Stewart Gandolf: No, that’s interesting. It’s again, there’s opportunities that are surprising. You know, obviously it’s radiology and radiation oncology. They’re not usually the stars of the show. They’re usually behind the scenes, but it does vary, you know, like we have just trying to think through how radiology, it could be a radiation college and I’ll try to think of something for radiation, but we have a really, really highly prestigious and well respected radiation oncology group and New Jersey. And we oftentimes we’ll do, we’re in normal times we do paid advertising, paid social for things like prostate cancer and you know, radiation for an alternative to those surgery and it works. So even something like radiation oncology that you wouldn’t think would be very consumer direct has opportunity, you know, for now I get, I feel like any doctor has an opportunity.
Stewart Gandolf: So if you’re looking at radiology or imaging, you know, to be talking about, you know, for example, just making this up we want the our radiology departments, we talking about what do we do now that we can’t do emigrants, right? So you know, how do you take, or when is a mammogram, maybe a routine mammogram doesn’t make sense in this environment, but if you feel alone, then what, how do you really know what that is? So there’s an example of some thought leadership. You could almost any, that’s what’s fun about this business is just trying to think a little harder and you might find an idea that can be, wow, that’s cool. And then you’re, you’re also engaging your doctors that way. So you know, they can feel heard and feel part of the program.
Aaron Clifford: Okay, great. Great. great. We’re going to end on that question. I know we are about to go. We’re a little over now, but thank you Stewart and thank you all for joining. We will be sure to follow up with those questions we weren’t able to answer during the session. So we’ll send a response there and if you have any additional questions, I know Stewart and I am available as well. Please feel free to reach out. Thank you for joining us. We will be sending the recording soon to all the participants along with additional resources that might come up for further guidance from all of us at Binary Fountain. We hope you stay well and you stay healthy. We’re here to help. So please let us know and I’m sure Stewart, you all at Healthcare Success feel the same way. So I’ll speak on behalf of both of us. We’re here to help here to provide any assistance that we can stay safe. Thank you for joining.
Stewart Gandolf: Thanks guys.
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COVID Healthcare Marketing Questions: Pause, Pivot, or Push for Success? syndicated from
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Aaron Hart
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English 2010
             The view of a lake in the mountains, a dream like setting for many adventures  both in reality and fiction. When such a lake was discovered two hundred years ago by a Spanish Missionary Silvestre Vélez de Escalante, he described it in writing “This lake of Timpanogotzis abounds in several kinds of good fish, geese, beaver, and other amphibious animals which did not have an opportunity to see. Round about it are these Indians, who live on the abundant fish of the lake, for which reason the Yutas Sabuaganas call them Come Pescados [FishEaters]. Besides this, they gather in the plain grass seeds from which they make atole, which they supplement by hunting hares, rabbits and fowl of which there is great abundance here.”
This description is a far cry from what the lake was twenty years ago when I first saw it, let alone its present state. When I first set my eyes on the lake I thought it was a daydream, as a child I never imagined that a large fresh body of water could exist in a desert.  For up until that moment the only lake I had seen had been the Great Salt Lake which to me seemed like the ocean. During this time the lake had a large number of people flocking to its shores to hunt, fish, boat and waterski. In fact as a young boy I learned to fish on the shores of the lake spending hours perfecting my technique.
However  the lake at the time was experiencing a severe drought and just a few years before a reservoir farther up stream from the lake had been constructed, this said reservoir would prove to be a trouble for the lake. The mountains that surround the lake holds many rare and precious metals. Because of this miners in the later half off the 1800’s flocked to Utah during the latter portion of the California gold rush, fortunes were made scandals were had and Mining corporations filed for bankruptcy. What was left behind was an ecological disaster, many toxic chemicals were used to extract the metal and hazardous byproducts were left behind  in large mining dumps, in these dumps were also found large amounts of fine heavy metals particles  that were not able to be refined for used in the market due to the lack of both technological and economical resources.
This byproduct was left in mining dumps along the Wasatch Mountains often not too far from the mines themselves. During times of heavy participation the soil within the said dumps gets carried into streams and carried along until its built up in reservoirs or flows directly into  the lake. this causes the naturally turbid lake ( turbid meaning high  nutrients ) to increase in turbidity which lowers the dissolved oxygen levels within the lake water. This leads to an event that is know as an algal bloom.
This algal bloom is a natural way for the lake to regulate its self and maintain a healthy ecosystem. However recently the blooms have lasted longer than normal and also have been more intense, this is particularly due to the fact that less water is reaching the lake and is being held in reservoirs. Researchers have recently taken note of the happenings and have set out to restore the lake. During this past summer I was part of one such research group, once a month our group went out and collected sample of tributaries, storm drains and also water treatment plants. While conducting research an aspect that was not part of our research came to light. The damage that the lake was experiencing was not limited to soil runoff or chemicals used in farming/water treatment.  The problem I saw within the waters of the lake was foreign objects that were dumped on the shore or with in the water of the lake abandoned to rot. This saddened me, the image began to grow within my mind until it was bursting at the seams, it was then I  began the research into how to help with the recovery effort. When setting out I knew a project, a plan, had to be drawn up and changed to adapt to the need of said project and followed through to the end.
The goals of  my  project was to restore the lake as close as possible to its naturals state while also meeting the needs of the public. I had identified the problem, the next steps were to observe, gather information, and find a way to involve the local community.
The major problem was the toxic algal bloom. The bloom did not only damage the environment but also the local economy, the past few year the lake had been shut down due to the cyanobacteria that is found within the bloom. This bacteria is known to have damaging effects to those who come into contact with it. The effects are of the bacteria are listed on the World Health Organizations web site as follows.
“Disease due to cyanobacterial toxins varies according to the type of toxin and the type of water or water-related exposure (drinking, skin contact, etc.). Humans are affected with a range of symptoms including skin irritation, stomach cramps, vomiting, nausea, diarrhoea, fever, sore throat, headache, muscle and joint pain, blisters of the mouth and liver damage. Swimmers in water containing cyanobacterial toxins may suffer allergic reactions, such as asthma, eye irritation, rashes, and blisters around the mouth and nose. Animals, birds, and fish can also be poisoned by high levels of toxin-producing cyanobacteria.”.
This has caused many people seeking recreation to travel up stream to reservoirs such as Deer creek or Jordanelle. This not only damages the economy but also the lake, as stated earlier the runoff  from the local mountains often contains high amounts of heavy metal this settles on the bottom of the reservoirs and leads to cleaner water as long as the sediment from the bottom of the lake is not disturbed. Unfortunately the increased amount of activity on the lake does just the opposite of this leading the outflow of the reservoir to contain the  heavy metals from the sediment. This in turn  flows into the lake in creasing the turbidity of the lake.  
This fact must be accounted for  when working towards the recovery effort of the lake, the tributaries should be watched for increased levels of heavy metals within the water. After doing this an more accurate prediction of the algal bloom can be made. After a long enough observation is made and accurate forecast is put in place then a more intense clean up effort can take place. But to begin with the efforts can focus on the heavier populated areas around the lake. These areas would mostly be on the eastern and northwestern side of the lake.
These areas are usually the more intensely damaged areas. This is due to illegal dumping, storm water runoff and waste left behind by sportsmen and recreation seekers. in order to reclaim these areas a workforce will be needed. This group could be volunteers, inmates or paid employees. These groups will go around the lake to the damaged areas and collect trash, remove invasive species and also plant native species. To lead the recovery effort these groups will be working hand in hand with the Utah Department Wildlife Resources  Department as well as the Department of Water Quality and the U.S. Forest Service.
A great resource for the volunteer base that is under used is the student body population of the local universities. These universities could also help out in the research aspect, as stated before there are already many projects going on involving the lake, many of these project already involve the universities and the student bodies of said universities. But these usually involve only those going into a related field, to include others students from both universities a club could be created with different chapters, one at each university. This club will be involved in both research and recovers efforts as well as community projects
The effort put forward by the clubs and students researching the environment will greatly reduce the cost of restoration of not only the environment but research overall. Another asset that could be utilized  is the local business and  also philanthropist within the community. By reaching out to such individuals money could be raised to be put towards the effort, said money could go towards restoring the lake or go towards other projects such as waste reduction or backing for laws and bills to protect the environment. Local businesses could promote ways to help reduce energy waste and also help release information about on going projects and ways the community could help in such projects.
Information could also be gathered from local businesses on pollution and waste product that they produce. This will be on a voluntary based effort and will mostly focus on businesses  within a one mile radius of the lake or major tributaries. The information gathered will be used to not only help with lake recovery but it will also better the economic stand point of said businesses. One such way is by keeping track of waste product they could redesign their businesses model by doing so what was once waste could be repurposed leading to a more profitable business model.
Out of all the research being done the most outstanding by far is a concept put forward by Professor Kevin Shurtleff. The concept he put forward is unique in many ways and could actually put the algal blooms to use, his plan is to use the algae to create a biofuel and by doing so cleans up the lake at the same time. His plan includes barges moving across the lake removing the algae from the more concentrated areas of the lake. The way he plans to do this is by using a strainer system that will be attached to the barge. When explaining how the strainer would work to the Daily Harold Professor  Shurtleff  described it as  “Two large filters would be placed on a 30-foot-long and 10-foot-wide barge that would suck up the top two inches of water off the lake’s surface, removing about 90 percent of the algae that’s sucked into the filter.”
If this project is successful the clean up efforts will move along faster than expected, however the impact of the algal removal from the environment is yet to be seen the process has yet to best tested on such a large scale and many of the professors prototypes failed to prove fruitful. The rapid changes algal removal could bring could lead to a collapse of the ecosystem and even a mass die off of many species both native and non-native. The resolution either way must come to pass and if there is a die off native species could be taken from other bodies of water to replace those that died off.
In the end the purpose of this project is to restore the lake to as close to it natural state as possible, wither that is to completely revamp the lake in a short time period or a drawn-out one is yet to be seen. But for it to be accomplished the project must be thorough and also the support of the surrounding community as well as financial backing, having  this support is vital to the projects sustainability and will ultimately decide the fate of the lake. Another benefit of  the project is that it will deepen the current understanding of the local ecosystem, by gaining a better understanding of  the different ways algal blooms can be either treated or removed could shine a light to many other lakes around the world. The waters of Utah Lake will be a testing ground for  a large scale recovery effort unique to its environment and the outcome will be beneficial to not only Utah but also the world.
 Work cited
·         Dodson, Braley, and Daily Herald. “Can Utah Lake's Algae Be Harvested? UVU Professor Has Plans, Is Seeking Funding to Turn Algae into Fuel.” Daily Herald, Daily Herald, 25 Oct. 2018, https://www.heraldextra.com/news/local/education/college/uvu/can-utah-lake-s-algae-be-harvested-uvu-professor-has/article_1c7eb0a0-a7d8-5ca1-b2e3-ef812f3957cf.html. Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         Domínguez, Francisco Atanasio, and Pioneer Life. “Early Americas Digital Archive.” Itinerary and Diary of Francisco Atanasio Domínguez and Francisco Silvestre Vélez De Escalante | Early Americas Digital Archive (EADA), Early Americas Digital Archive, Jan. 1AD, http://eada.lib.umd.edu/text-entries/itinerary-and-diary-of-francisco-atanasio-dominguez-and-francisco-silvestre-velez-de-escalante/. Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         “What Are Water Quality Standards?” EPA, Environmental Protection Agency, 23 July 2018, https://www.epa.gov/standards-water-body-health/what-are-water-quality-standards. Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         “Utah Lake Algal Bloom Monitoring 2019.” Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Utah Department of Environmental Quality, 3 Oct. 2019, https://deq.utah.gov/water-quality/utah-lake-algal-bloom-monitoring-2019 Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         Sean P. Means ·  Published. “Permanent Warnings about Algal Bloom Are Being Installed around Utah Lake.” The Salt Lake Tribune, https://www.sltrib.com/news/2019/06/25/permanent-warnings-about Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         Noble , Mariah. “Researchers to Kick off in-Depth Utah Lake Study.” The Salt Lake Tribune, The Salt Lake Tribune, 30 Nov. 2015, Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         Burian, Steven J, et al. “Spatiotemporal Variability of Lake Water Quality in the Context of Remote Sensing Model.” PlumX, MDPI AG, 2017, https://plu.mx/a/?ebsco-client=s9010408&doi=10.3390/rs9050409 Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         Mundorff, J. C. Water-Quality Reconnaissance of Surface Inflow to Utah Lake. State of Utah, Dept. of Natural Resources, 1974. Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         Hansen, Carly Hyatt, and Gustavious Paul Williams. “Evaluating Remote Sensing Model Specification Methods for Estimating Water Quality in Optically Diverse Lakes throughout the Growing Season.” MDPI, Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 14 Nov. 2018, https://www.mdpi.com/2306-5338/5/4/62. Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         Stackelberg, N. O. von, and B. T. Neilson. “Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.” Collaborative Approach to Calibration of a Riverine Water Quality Model | Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management | Vol 140, No 3, JOURNAL OF WATER RESOURCES PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT, Mar. 2014, http://eds.b.ebscohost.com.ezproxy.uvu.edu/eds/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?vid=8&sid=74568674-29e0-4f5f-a1ed-e0a6545c62c4@pdc-v-sessmgr02. Date Accessed 11/26/19
·         Albano, Christine M., and Elise M.p. Giddings. “Characterization of Habitat and Biological Communities at Fixed Sites in the Great Salt Lake Basins, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, Water Years 1999-2001.” Scientific Investigations Report, 2007, doi:10.31 Metcalfe, Tom. “As the World Warms, Harmful Algal Blooms Are on the Rise.” NBCNews.com, NBCUniversal News Group, 17 Oct. 2019, https://www.nbcnews.com/mach/science/world-warms-dangerous-algal-blooms-are-rise-ncna1067526. Date Accessed 11/26/19
0 notes
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Netflix's 'House Of Cards' Is Crumbling
New Post has been published on http://webhostingtop3.com/netflixs-house-of-cards-is-crumbling/
Netflix's 'House Of Cards' Is Crumbling
Several weeks ago Netflix (NFLX) plummeted in the wake of Q2 2018 earnings that showed positive subscriber growth and historic earnings but not at the levels Wall Street had expected.
Since then the stock has not recovered but rather slumped further, as a mix of bad Netflix Originals, increased hype and possibilities for Disney’s content streaming service as it continues to pull content from Netflix, and sudden competition from Roku (ROKU) and even Walmart (WMT) making it clear Netflix’s days as the only game really in town are over.
Netflix’s P/E ratio has shrunk enormously from its days of being over 200 and now sits at roughly 147, a historic low compared to recent years, as its stock price has remained slumped amid all of this past month’s announcements.
NFLX data by YCharts
As Netflix moves forward I believe the risks I’ve talked this past year about are starting to now fully materialize and the stock is going to face immense pressure from rapidly increasing competitors in the market, price pressure for subscriptions that seems downward rather than upward as it had hoped, and a content drought that is already causing worries for the company.
Even if Netflix is able to continue to grow revenue and subscribers, its P/E valuation will undoubtedly remain lower than its 200+ days as past hyped growth expectations simply are unreasonable. The question of how fast it can grow its earnings, if at all, compared to how fast its growth multiple shrinks as the content streaming market matures means that its investors may be in for days very different from past years.
Problem #1: Downward Price Pressure Derails Original Revenue Plan
For several years the content streaming market was really just Netflix, Amazon Prime (AMZN), and Hulu (FOXA). Under this market Netflix thrived, as many production companies flocked to Netflix, given its wide subscriber base, and seemingly all was well in the content creation and distribution pipeline. Netflix subscribers grew seemingly without end as the company’s stock rocketed up and its P/E valuation did too.
However even right now, in Summer 2018, the content streaming market is very different. Facebook Watch (FB) and YouTube Red (GOOGL) are gaining ground. Roku Channel, which launched last year and is based on ads (being called “free” by many) rather than subscriptions for its various movies and shows, is seeing immense interest after positive earnings and activity results.
Walmart, of all surprises, announced this month it is joining the fray as well by appealing to a “Middle America” market that it believes it knows and has a strong reputation with. Undoubtedly that may take a chunk out of Netflix’s U.S. base, or at least put pressure on Netflix to better justify its appeal to that market.
Furthermore, with Disney’s (DIS) acquisition of 21st Century Fox settled after Comcast’s (CMCSA) potential wrench in the machine earlier this summer we see what could be a huge content powerhouse once its streaming service is released and what combinations it may make with Disney’s soon-to-be asset Hulu.
Beyond that, subscriptions seem all the craze now as everything from ESPN+ gains ground to news services like Fox Nation, MSNBC’s upcoming subscription streaming service, and more.
The reasons this matters for Netflix are that it contradicts several long-standing assumptions that supported Netflix’s current growth trajectory to this point, specifically and importantly that Netflix always had pricing power up rather than down.
A major hope for Netflix’s future earnings and revenue was that it would be able to raise prices more for the core bulk of its users, which each $ 1 a month price jump equaling an increase in revenue of perhaps almost 10% and then bringing in real earnings as well.
However every sign seems to be pointing to a lower price point as the market basis for subscription prices. With consumers seemingly willing to utilize multiple subscription services to acquire their particular content needs, all-in-one services like Netflix are seeming misplaced as companies like Disney say they will price their service low, Walmart similar, and Roku even just shifting the model entirely to an ad-based one that gives Netflix-like content for free.
Problem #2: The Content Drought Begins For Netflix
The second major issue now facing Netflix is that it was always assumed Netflix would be a content king, whether because entertainment production giants would see them as the key distributor or because Netflix Originals would continue to be highly successful brands on their own.
However the latest Netflix Originals flop, “Insatiable,” is less of a surprise due to long-standing criticism of the bulk of Netflix Originals with praise for just a few, but now is a more prominent symptom of Netflix’s content crisis. In entertainment, brands are powerful and the intellectual property rights often command more money than any amount of actual production or distribution costs themselves.
Netflix for a long time benefited off of the immense variety of brands that found their home on it and the willingness of old and new brands to seek Netflix partnerships and funding. However this has changed, as Disney’s content powerhouse of brands is pulling completely away from the platform and major shows are turning down Netflix as offers from other platforms are more appealing, either in terms of money or in terms of building up the brand.
This puts Netflix in a difficult position, as it means it needs to either raise again already-immense and rising content costs or somehow find some kind of new series or “content universe” that is a hit with the public. The former is a crunch on Netflix’s originally optimistic dreams and the latter is extraordinarily difficult.
Netflix has blown past assumptions before but it is clear the market of mid-2018 is already vastly different from that of 2017, 2016, or prior, as now serious and targeted content streamers are clawing growth and maybe even eventually Netflix’s current base from the company.
As the content streaming market seemingly hits a far more mature level in 2019 with the entrance of Disney, Walmart, and more, Netflix will find itself needing to justify itself as one of the subscriptions people are willing to have. At the same time it will face downward price pressure combined with potentially increased content costs, leading to the original growth trajectory expected for the company to be derailed even further.
Even if the company continues to grow its revenues and earnings, even at a slower pace, rather than receding, the days of a 200+ P/E multiple are undoubtedly long over and the stock price seems to be beginning to now reflect that reality.
(Source: Complex)
At Tech Investment Insights I discuss specific companies and investment products that I believe are especially poised to gain in the market, as well as the one to avoid.
Focusing on technology in particular, I provide you updated risk/reward ratings of dozens of companies, price targets on potential worthwhile investments, portfolio strategies, and alluring risks to avoid. I hope you will give it a look.
Disclosure: I am/we are long FDN.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
0 notes
lazilysillyprince · 6 years
Netflix's 'House Of Cards' Is Crumbling
New Post has been published on http://webhostingtop3.com/netflixs-house-of-cards-is-crumbling/
Netflix's 'House Of Cards' Is Crumbling
Several weeks ago Netflix (NFLX) plummeted in the wake of Q2 2018 earnings that showed positive subscriber growth and historic earnings but not at the levels Wall Street had expected.
Since then the stock has not recovered but rather slumped further, as a mix of bad Netflix Originals, increased hype and possibilities for Disney’s content streaming service as it continues to pull content from Netflix, and sudden competition from Roku (ROKU) and even Walmart (WMT) making it clear Netflix’s days as the only game really in town are over.
Netflix’s P/E ratio has shrunk enormously from its days of being over 200 and now sits at roughly 147, a historic low compared to recent years, as its stock price has remained slumped amid all of this past month’s announcements.
NFLX data by YCharts
As Netflix moves forward I believe the risks I’ve talked this past year about are starting to now fully materialize and the stock is going to face immense pressure from rapidly increasing competitors in the market, price pressure for subscriptions that seems downward rather than upward as it had hoped, and a content drought that is already causing worries for the company.
Even if Netflix is able to continue to grow revenue and subscribers, its P/E valuation will undoubtedly remain lower than its 200+ days as past hyped growth expectations simply are unreasonable. The question of how fast it can grow its earnings, if at all, compared to how fast its growth multiple shrinks as the content streaming market matures means that its investors may be in for days very different from past years.
Problem #1: Downward Price Pressure Derails Original Revenue Plan
For several years the content streaming market was really just Netflix, Amazon Prime (AMZN), and Hulu (FOXA). Under this market Netflix thrived, as many production companies flocked to Netflix, given its wide subscriber base, and seemingly all was well in the content creation and distribution pipeline. Netflix subscribers grew seemingly without end as the company’s stock rocketed up and its P/E valuation did too.
However even right now, in Summer 2018, the content streaming market is very different. Facebook Watch (FB) and YouTube Red (GOOGL) are gaining ground. Roku Channel, which launched last year and is based on ads (being called “free” by many) rather than subscriptions for its various movies and shows, is seeing immense interest after positive earnings and activity results.
Walmart, of all surprises, announced this month it is joining the fray as well by appealing to a “Middle America” market that it believes it knows and has a strong reputation with. Undoubtedly that may take a chunk out of Netflix’s U.S. base, or at least put pressure on Netflix to better justify its appeal to that market.
Furthermore, with Disney’s (DIS) acquisition of 21st Century Fox settled after Comcast’s (CMCSA) potential wrench in the machine earlier this summer we see what could be a huge content powerhouse once its streaming service is released and what combinations it may make with Disney’s soon-to-be asset Hulu.
Beyond that, subscriptions seem all the craze now as everything from ESPN+ gains ground to news services like Fox Nation, MSNBC’s upcoming subscription streaming service, and more.
The reasons this matters for Netflix are that it contradicts several long-standing assumptions that supported Netflix’s current growth trajectory to this point, specifically and importantly that Netflix always had pricing power up rather than down.
A major hope for Netflix’s future earnings and revenue was that it would be able to raise prices more for the core bulk of its users, which each $ 1 a month price jump equaling an increase in revenue of perhaps almost 10% and then bringing in real earnings as well.
However every sign seems to be pointing to a lower price point as the market basis for subscription prices. With consumers seemingly willing to utilize multiple subscription services to acquire their particular content needs, all-in-one services like Netflix are seeming misplaced as companies like Disney say they will price their service low, Walmart similar, and Roku even just shifting the model entirely to an ad-based one that gives Netflix-like content for free.
Problem #2: The Content Drought Begins For Netflix
The second major issue now facing Netflix is that it was always assumed Netflix would be a content king, whether because entertainment production giants would see them as the key distributor or because Netflix Originals would continue to be highly successful brands on their own.
However the latest Netflix Originals flop, “Insatiable,” is less of a surprise due to long-standing criticism of the bulk of Netflix Originals with praise for just a few, but now is a more prominent symptom of Netflix’s content crisis. In entertainment, brands are powerful and the intellectual property rights often command more money than any amount of actual production or distribution costs themselves.
Netflix for a long time benefited off of the immense variety of brands that found their home on it and the willingness of old and new brands to seek Netflix partnerships and funding. However this has changed, as Disney’s content powerhouse of brands is pulling completely away from the platform and major shows are turning down Netflix as offers from other platforms are more appealing, either in terms of money or in terms of building up the brand.
This puts Netflix in a difficult position, as it means it needs to either raise again already-immense and rising content costs or somehow find some kind of new series or “content universe” that is a hit with the public. The former is a crunch on Netflix’s originally optimistic dreams and the latter is extraordinarily difficult.
Netflix has blown past assumptions before but it is clear the market of mid-2018 is already vastly different from that of 2017, 2016, or prior, as now serious and targeted content streamers are clawing growth and maybe even eventually Netflix’s current base from the company.
As the content streaming market seemingly hits a far more mature level in 2019 with the entrance of Disney, Walmart, and more, Netflix will find itself needing to justify itself as one of the subscriptions people are willing to have. At the same time it will face downward price pressure combined with potentially increased content costs, leading to the original growth trajectory expected for the company to be derailed even further.
Even if the company continues to grow its revenues and earnings, even at a slower pace, rather than receding, the days of a 200+ P/E multiple are undoubtedly long over and the stock price seems to be beginning to now reflect that reality.
(Source: Complex)
At Tech Investment Insights I discuss specific companies and investment products that I believe are especially poised to gain in the market, as well as the one to avoid.
Focusing on technology in particular, I provide you updated risk/reward ratings of dozens of companies, price targets on potential worthwhile investments, portfolio strategies, and alluring risks to avoid. I hope you will give it a look.
Disclosure: I am/we are long FDN.
I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
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ancientbrit · 4 years
Natter #5  4th July 2020
MI MG Natter #5 4th July 2020I hope you all have had a happy fourth - all fingers still attached and tummies filled. Pickle seems to be getting used to the bangs this year, or perhaps he is a little deaf. Usually, at the first bang, he disappears and hides under my bed. This time he has wandered upstairs and downstairs and doesn't seem to register the bangs much at all - which is good. I am in contact with a guy back home who runs a regular allotment (PeaPatch here) blog, giving timely advice and other information related mostly to veggie & fruit culture. I find this very helpful as he jogs my memory on those extremely rare occasions when I forget. I know you think that I never forget, but I have to admit that there has been the occasional lapse ever since I stopped eating peanuts. Strange that. His words for July remind us that this month is the time to sow seeds for Fall and Winter veggie crops such as Chicory (does anybody actually grow this?), Chinese Cabbage, Kohl Rabi, Lettuce, French Beans, Beetroot, Carrots, Radish, Turnips, and Peas - pick early varieties - early Snow peas are especially fast to crop. If you have had the forethought to already start Leeks from seed, now is the time to plant out those starts. The easiest way to do this is to use an old broomstick handle and thrust it vertically into the soil to a depth of about 5-6". Just drop the seedlings, roots first into the holes and then just water in - that's all you need to do. The water will wash soil from the sides of the holes down onto the roots and it will remain cool and moist enough to thoroughly root the seedlings well. The idea of doing it this way, apart from the ease of planting and gaining support from the sides, is that the hole blanches the stem of the leek as it grows to gain more usable parts of the plant. If they are kept reasonably moist they should grow quite rapidly through the Summer and be ready to make fabulous potato-leek soup in time to keep cold days at bay. If you have never eaten P-L soup accompanied by chunks of Crusty artisan bread generously spread with butter - you haven't lived. Food of the Gods this! If you have been growing spuds and have lifted them already, you can follow with a crop of French beans to both nourish yourself and the soil, or if beans aren't your thing try a green manure crop such as Mustard. However, bear in mind that if you have ever had Club Root on your cabbage family plants, do not use Mustard as it is also a brassica. Use one of the Pea family, both for the Nitrogen root boost, but also for the foliage. And now for something completely different:- Once more my friend Valerie Robertson has presented her view on things English on the other side of the pond. From: Valerie Robertson GAG 14 Hope all is well with all. All Quiet in the Western Front over this way. Seattle’s CHOP was liberated leaving an appalling mess The pubs are open  today so the protesters have disappeared. BLMUK. is proving to be an embarrassment to those who donated, bent the knee and supported a cause that advocates the abolition of the nuclear family (that means dad is superfluous) defund the police,  destroy capitalism and support censorship plus the necessity for every white person to acknowledge that they are all subconsciously racist and privileged., and own up to that every institution is inherently racist and disproportionally  White supremacy managed. That’s a big ask, which has bewildered the millionaire black footballers, academics, artists,   Labour leader Sir Keith what’s his name,  and all the national institutions taking the knee, which the other men in the street saw, as bowing to street fighter activists outrageous demands. Ie supporting racial divide and suppressing diversity of opinions and abolishing history. Our moral leader Canterbury Arch Runcton, is also confused. He’s a woke bloke that got it wrong at Easter. Streaming his Easter service from his kitchen with his toaster in the background. For God's sake, he must have a parlour with a row of books as a backdrop, in his palatial abode. He’s now having a think about the effigies in the Cathedral and wondering which ones to get rid of. Should he paint Jesus black?  Jesus loves all the children of the world, be they yellow black or white. What about the brown ones?  They were precious in His sight too? He’s going to need a lot of colours. The Bournemouth beach sunbathing nutters are bright pink still. The Cambridge academia have just funded a two-year study into the history of slavery to enable the oiks to confront their iniquitous past and say sorry to all offended by history. Waste of time, as it’s been done before, over and over and you can’t change it. I’ve got a better idea for them to study.   Research the Benin bronzes. There are 3,OOO of them but only 500 left in Nigeria, the rest in  Europe and USA museums. They are exquisite. The Portuguese kicked off the Atlantic slave trade in 1400 from the port of Benin with gold, which the Africans turned into these fantastic plaques, I think but not sure. I’m too busy doing my epidemic virus studies to go to the British Museum and find out. And we are not allowed yet, to visit Portugal unless keen enough to fly to Spain and walk across the border to check up on the museum artifacts in Lisbon. It’s good to see Lewis Hamilton constructively addressing inequality in the motor racing world.  The aggrieved black community can be placated and inspired by their own incredibly successful race if they listen. We have diversity, we have opportunity, we have laws, education, healthcare, social services, state welfare funding and overall, a tolerant multicultural society, who are very tired of the woke political correct champagne socialists agenda over the last decade.  There are deep social and economic injustices which are nothing to do with slavery or racial prejudice. Louis Hamilton lives in Monte Carlo to save paying a hefty U.K. income tax liability. He was raised in Stevenage and lived in a council house with his family partially supported by the welfare state. Is he a philanthropist who promotes the welfare of others by donating money for schools etc.? No he’s not if he’s a British citizen tax evader. Is he a Monacoan now.? Is he a hypocrite? I don’t know?  Perhaps the academics can ask the uni students to research,  write a paper and make up their own minds. Estate agents will not in future be using Master Bedroom in their ads. Connotations of slave masters etc. Uncle Bens rice is to be repackaged without the jolly black man and awaiting more news re. MasterCard, Master chef, Master Mind, Headmaster ( the lefty teachers union still keeping schools shut) Masters degree, a tricky one for Cambridge. We are living with the virus and hanging in with our self-imposed restrictions and socially distancing. The copper masks and latex gloves worked a treat when John needed to visit the GP surgery for a blood test to check prostate antigen level insomuch not coughing. Although London has seen a slight rise in the R rate, no doubt due to the mass protests, the infection rate remains stable and patients being more successfully treated with drugs, to avoid intensive care. The disproportionate ethnic infected is due to blood group, genetic disparity, and body mass ratio, and a difference in the percentage of T cells. These cells decline with age and are responsible for fighting off infection without causing a major autoimmune response. People past 65, have very few left.   This theory explains why the young can come in contact with the virus but don’t succumb, however, if repeatedly exposed will catch it and manufacture antibodies and can still remain asymptomatic. Mass testing suggests that 40 percent of the population has been exposed with few symptoms, the silent spreaders who have the herd immunity. So we know the virus is still around and can’t trust the idiots to self-isolate if positive. All we can hope for is that they wear a mask and keep away from the elderly. Once the herd immunity and those who have recovered from it reach 60 percent, providing the medically vulnerable and fatties avoid it, the virus will find no host, cannot, therefore, multiply and shed and theoretically die away.  So it’s a balance. As the months go on there is hope for  more preventive medication to alleviate the symptoms and of course a vaccine. Last October, the WHO  found that U.K. and USA  were the best in the world prepared for a pandemic.  Cameron had placed an order for millions of PPE equipment with a French company with the deposit to fund the manufacturer to make it.  By the time U.K. needed it, we got the deposit refunded but the stocks were needed in France and they had sold some items at a higher price,  to Italy.  That’s Globalisation for you and the free market. Meanwhile, a couple who were distilling boutique gin in the midlands, altered their equipment to distill hand sanitizers and viral cleansing fluids as NHS  were buying it in from abroad at an inflated price. They now supply the NHS cheaply and in the past 12 weeks have made 30 million pounds profit. Well done as they are donating a substantial amount to Covid research. No doubt as a tax saving incentive, but still commendable. There’s a lot to be said for self-reliance.  The govt. with its 80 strong SAGE - the scientific, advisory government epidemic advisors, have caused the pandemonium. At the outset, the models and graphs predicting the scale have been proved wrong. Simple precautions were overlooked.  Emptying geriatric wards, filling up care homes with staff untrained in infection control was scandalous. Mask wearing should have been made compulsory on public transport, supermarkets and shops at the outset and at least some sort of temperature checking and contact tracing at airports and ferries. So,  on to local lockdowns and long term containment.  Boris is getting on with Brexit and left Hanlon to contain the virus,  Hope the strategy works. I have faith in the laboratory’s scientists and the trials and the guinea pigs testing the emerging vaccines. Meanwhile, tomatoes coming along, being well-nourished and in good shape and we are up to four playing again at croquet. Sainsbury delivering without hassle and Miles and Giles still surprising me with a tablespoon of Baharat in a nifty environment-friendly container. It made the lamb taste different. The kennels are open but missed the boat as all the  rescue dogs are  adopted and long waiting lists for puppies. A dog called Nigger, I imagine a black or brown Labrador,  who was loved and died in 1878, had a headstone in the animal cemetery in a  Sussex village graveyard. The local stonemason has ground away the name as the villagers thought it might cause offence to visitors and that dogs owners would understand as they were dead anyway and not around to ask permission. Just love kind people. The drought's over and it’s cool as we are and hope you are too. Take care Love from Val And from your fearless leader,Gordon
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babbleuk · 6 years
5 questions for… Electric Cloud
As I am working on a DevOps report at the moment, I’m speaking to a lot (and I mean a lot) of companies involved in and around the space. Each, in my experience so far, is looking to address some of the key IT delivery challenges of our time – namely, how to deliver services and applications at a pace that keeps up with the rate of technology change?
One such organisation is Electric Cloud. I spoke to Sam Fell, VP of Marketing, to understand how the company sees its customers’ main challenges, and what it is doing to address them – not least, the complexity of working at enterprise scale.
  Where did Electric Cloud come from, what need did it set out to deal with?
Electric Cloud has been automating and accelerating software delivery since 2002, from code check-in to production release. Our founders looked to solve a huge bottleneck, to address how development teams’ agile pace of software delivery and new technology adoption has outstripped the ability of operations teams to keep up. This cadence and skills mismatch limits the business, can jeopardize transformation efforts, putting teams in a constant state of what we call “release anxiety.”
The main challenges we see are:
The ability to predictably deploy any application to any environment at any scale they want.
The ability to manage release pipelines and dependencies across multiple teams, point tools, and infrastructures.
A comprehensive, but simple way to plan, schedule, and track releases across its lifecycle
In consequence, we developed an Adaptive Release Orchestration platform called ElectricFlow to help organizations like E*TRADE, HPE, Huawei, Intel and Lockheed Martin confidently release new applications and adapt to change at any speed demanded by the business, with the analytics and insight to measure, track, and improve their results along the way.
Where’s the ‘market for DevOps’ going, from a customer perspective?
Nearly every industry now is taking notice of, or participating in the DevOps space – from FinServ and government to retail and entertainment – nearly every market, across nearly all geographies are recognizing DevOps as a way forward. The technology sector is still on the forefront, but you’d be surprised how quickly industries like transportation are catching up.
One thing we find invaluable is learning what critical factors are helping our customers drive their own businesses forward. A theme we hear over and over is how to adapt to business needs on a continuous basis.
But, there is an inherent dichotomy to how companies are expected to achieve the business goals set by leadership. For example, the need to implement fast and adapt to their changing environment easily – including support for new technologies like microservices and serverless. The challenge is, how to do this reliably and efficiently – to shift practices like security left and not create more technology debt or outages in the process.
Complexity is inevitable and the focus needs to be on how to adapt. Ways that we know work in addressing this complexity are:
Organizations that learn how to fix themselves will ultimately be high performers in the end – resiliency is the child of adaptability (credit: Rob England).
Companies that automate what humans aren’t good at – mundane, repeatable tasks that don’t require creativity – are ultimately set-up for success. Keep people engaged on high-value tasks with a focus on creating high-performance for themselves.
Organizations that continuously scrutinize their value streams, and align the business to the value stream, will be more successful than the competition. Improvements in one value stream may well create bottlenecks in others.
Companies that measure impact and outcomes, not just activities, will gain context into how ideas can transform into business value metrics such as customer satisfaction.
Understanding that there is no “one way” to solve a problem. If companies empower their teams to learn fast, the above may very well take care of itself.
What’s the USP for Electric Cloud in a pretty crowded space?
Electric Cloud sees the rise in DevOps and modern software delivery methods as an opportunity to emphasize the fact that collaboration, visibility and auditability are key pillars to ensuring fast delivery works for everyone involved. Eliminating silos and reducing management overhead is easier said than done, but with a scalable, secure and unified platform – anything is possible.
We’re proud to say we’re the only provider of a centralized platform that can provide all of the following in one simple package:
model-based automation techniques to replace brittle scripting with reusable abstract models;
process-as-code through a Groovy-based domain specific language (DSL) to onboard apps quickly so they are versionable, testable, reusable and refactorable;
a self-service library of best practice automation techniques for consistency across the organization;
a vast amount of plugins and integrations to support enterprise governance of any tool your company uses;
Role-based access control, approval tracking for every change in the pipeline;
An impenetrable Agent-based architecture to support communications for scalability, fault tolerance and security.
And all at enterprise scale, with our ability to enable unlimited clustering architecture and efficient processing for high availability and low-latency of concurrent deployments.
How does Electric Cloud play nice, and where does it see its most important integrations?
Every company’s software delivery process is unique, and touches many different tools, integrations and environments. We provide centralized management and visibility of the entire software delivery pipeline – whatever these might be – to improve developer productivity, streamline operations and increase efficiency.
To that end, Electric Cloud works with the most popular tools and infrastructure on the planet and allows our customers to add a layer of automation and governance to the tools they already use. You can find a list of our plugins, here.
I’m also interested to know more about (Dev)SecOps, and I would say PrivOps but the name is taken!
We definitely think securing the pipeline, and the application, is very important in software production.  We have been talking about it a lot recently — you may find these resources helpful:
We recently held an episode of Continuous Discussions (#c9d9) to dive into how DevSecOps help teams “shift left,” and build security and quality into the process by making EVERYONE responsible for security at every stage. http://electric-cloud.com/blog/2018/05/c9d9-podcast-e87-devsecops/
Prior to that, we held a webinar with John Willis – an Electric Cloud advisor, co-author of the “DevOps Handbook” with Gene Kim, and expert at security and DevOps. You can view the webinar here.
We also participated in the RSA DevOps Connect event. At the show, we took a quick booth survey and the results may (or may not) surprise you…: http://electric-cloud.com/blog/2018/04/security-needs-to-shift-left-too/
  My take: Moving beyond the principle
The challenges that DevOps set out to address are not new: indeed, they are perhaps as old as technology delivery itself. Ultimately, while we talk about removal of barriers, greater automation and so on, the ultimate goal is how to deliver complexity at scale. Some, who we might call ‘platform natives’, may never have had to run through the mud of corporate and infrastructure inertia and may wonder what all the fuss is about; for others, the challenges may appear insurmountable.
Vendors in the crowded DevOps space may have cut their teeth working for the former, platform-based group, who use containers as a default and who see serverless models as a logical extension of their keep-it-simple infrastructure approach. Many, if not all see enterprise environments as both the biggest opportunity and the greater challenge. Whoever can cut the Gordian knot of enterprise convolution stands to take the greatest prize.
Will it be Electric Cloud? To my mind, the astonishing number of vendor players in this space is a symptom of how quickly it has grown to date, creating a situation ripe for massive consolidation – though it is difficult to see any enterprise software vendor that is actively looking to become ‘the one’: consider IBM’s outsourcing of Rational and HPE’s divestiture of its own software business to Microfocus as examples of companies running in the opposite direction.
However the market opportunity remains significant, despite the elusivity of the prize. I have no doubt that the next couple of years will see considerable industry consolidation, and who knows at this stage which brands, models and so on will pervade. I very much doubt that the industry will go ‘full serverless’ any time soon, for a raft of reasons (think: IoT, SDN, data, state, plus everything we don’t know about yet), but remain optimistic that automation and orchestration will deliver on their potential, enabling and enabled by practices such as DevOps.
Now I shall get back on with my report!
  from Gigaom https://gigaom.com/2018/06/21/5-questions-for-electric-cloud/
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clarenceomoore · 6 years
5 questions for… Electric Cloud
As I am working on a DevOps report at the moment, I’m speaking to a lot (and I mean a lot) of companies involved in and around the space. Each, in my experience so far, is looking to address some of the key IT delivery challenges of our time – namely, how to deliver services and applications at a pace that keeps up with the rate of technology change?
One such organisation is Electric Cloud. I spoke to Sam Fell, VP of Marketing, to understand how the company sees its customers’ main challenges, and what it is doing to address them – not least, the complexity of working at enterprise scale.
  Where did Electric Cloud come from, what need did it set out to deal with?
Electric Cloud has been automating and accelerating software delivery since 2002, from code check-in to production release. Our founders looked to solve a huge bottleneck, to address how development teams’ agile pace of software delivery and new technology adoption has outstripped the ability of operations teams to keep up. This cadence and skills mismatch limits the business, can jeopardize transformation efforts, putting teams in a constant state of what we call “release anxiety.”
The main challenges we see are:
The ability to predictably deploy any application to any environment at any scale they want.
The ability to manage release pipelines and dependencies across multiple teams, point tools, and infrastructures.
A comprehensive, but simple way to plan, schedule, and track releases across its lifecycle
In consequence, we developed an Adaptive Release Orchestration platform called ElectricFlow to help organizations like E*TRADE, HPE, Huawei, Intel and Lockheed Martin confidently release new applications and adapt to change at any speed demanded by the business, with the analytics and insight to measure, track, and improve their results along the way.
Where’s the ‘market for DevOps’ going, from a customer perspective?
Nearly every industry now is taking notice of, or participating in the DevOps space – from FinServ and government to retail and entertainment – nearly every market, across nearly all geographies are recognizing DevOps as a way forward. The technology sector is still on the forefront, but you’d be surprised how quickly industries like transportation are catching up.
One thing we find invaluable is learning what critical factors are helping our customers drive their own businesses forward. A theme we hear over and over is how to adapt to business needs on a continuous basis.
But, there is an inherent dichotomy to how companies are expected to achieve the business goals set by leadership. For example, the need to implement fast and adapt to their changing environment easily – including support for new technologies like microservices and serverless. The challenge is, how to do this reliably and efficiently – to shift practices like security left and not create more technology debt or outages in the process.
Complexity is inevitable and the focus needs to be on how to adapt. Ways that we know work in addressing this complexity are:
Organizations that learn how to fix themselves will ultimately be high performers in the end – resiliency is the child of adaptability (credit: Rob England).
Companies that automate what humans aren’t good at – mundane, repeatable tasks that don’t require creativity – are ultimately set-up for success. Keep people engaged on high-value tasks with a focus on creating high-performance for themselves.
Organizations that continuously scrutinize their value streams, and align the business to the value stream, will be more successful than the competition. Improvements in one value stream may well create bottlenecks in others.
Companies that measure impact and outcomes, not just activities, will gain context into how ideas can transform into business value metrics such as customer satisfaction.
Understanding that there is no “one way” to solve a problem. If companies empower their teams to learn fast, the above may very well take care of itself.
What’s the USP for Electric Cloud in a pretty crowded space?
Electric Cloud sees the rise in DevOps and modern software delivery methods as an opportunity to emphasize the fact that collaboration, visibility and auditability are key pillars to ensuring fast delivery works for everyone involved. Eliminating silos and reducing management overhead is easier said than done, but with a scalable, secure and unified platform – anything is possible.
We’re proud to say we’re the only provider of a centralized platform that can provide all of the following in one simple package:
model-based automation techniques to replace brittle scripting with reusable abstract models;
process-as-code through a Groovy-based domain specific language (DSL) to onboard apps quickly so they are versionable, testable, reusable and refactorable;
a self-service library of best practice automation techniques for consistency across the organization;
a vast amount of plugins and integrations to support enterprise governance of any tool your company uses;
Role-based access control, approval tracking for every change in the pipeline;
An impenetrable Agent-based architecture to support communications for scalability, fault tolerance and security.
And all at enterprise scale, with our ability to enable unlimited clustering architecture and efficient processing for high availability and low-latency of concurrent deployments.
How does Electric Cloud play nice, and where does it see its most important integrations?
Every company’s software delivery process is unique, and touches many different tools, integrations and environments. We provide centralized management and visibility of the entire software delivery pipeline – whatever these might be – to improve developer productivity, streamline operations and increase efficiency.
To that end, Electric Cloud works with the most popular tools and infrastructure on the planet and allows our customers to add a layer of automation and governance to the tools they already use. You can find a list of our plugins, here.
I’m also interested to know more about (Dev)SecOps, and I would say PrivOps but the name is taken!
We definitely think securing the pipeline, and the application, is very important in software production.  We have been talking about it a lot recently — you may find these resources helpful:
We recently held an episode of Continuous Discussions (#c9d9) to dive into how DevSecOps help teams “shift left,” and build security and quality into the process by making EVERYONE responsible for security at every stage. http://electric-cloud.com/blog/2018/05/c9d9-podcast-e87-devsecops/
Prior to that, we held a webinar with John Willis – an Electric Cloud advisor, co-author of the “DevOps Handbook” with Gene Kim, and expert at security and DevOps. You can view the webinar here.
We also participated in the RSA DevOps Connect event. At the show, we took a quick booth survey and the results may (or may not) surprise you…: http://electric-cloud.com/blog/2018/04/security-needs-to-shift-left-too/
  My take: Moving beyond the principle
The challenges that DevOps set out to address are not new: indeed, they are perhaps as old as technology delivery itself. Ultimately, while we talk about removal of barriers, greater automation and so on, the ultimate goal is how to deliver complexity at scale. Some, who we might call ‘platform natives’, may never have had to run through the mud of corporate and infrastructure inertia and may wonder what all the fuss is about; for others, the challenges may appear insurmountable.
Vendors in the crowded DevOps space may have cut their teeth working for the former, platform-based group, who use containers as a default and who see serverless models as a logical extension of their keep-it-simple infrastructure approach. Many, if not all see enterprise environments as both the biggest opportunity and the greater challenge. Whoever can cut the Gordian knot of enterprise convolution stands to take the greatest prize.
Will it be Electric Cloud? To my mind, the astonishing number of vendor players in this space is a symptom of how quickly it has grown to date, creating a situation ripe for massive consolidation – though it is difficult to see any enterprise software vendor that is actively looking to become ‘the one’: consider IBM’s outsourcing of Rational and HPE’s divestiture of its own software business to Microfocus as examples of companies running in the opposite direction.
However the market opportunity remains significant, despite the elusivity of the prize. I have no doubt that the next couple of years will see considerable industry consolidation, and who knows at this stage which brands, models and so on will pervade. I very much doubt that the industry will go ‘full serverless’ any time soon, for a raft of reasons (think: IoT, SDN, data, state, plus everything we don’t know about yet), but remain optimistic that automation and orchestration will deliver on their potential, enabling and enabled by practices such as DevOps.
Now I shall get back on with my report!
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mavwrekmarketing · 7 years
Times Square at dusk
Image: Getty Images
The authors of “Killing Marketing” say if you don’t evolve, you’ll die
“Marketing and innovation produce results,” wrote Peter Drucker, “all the rest are costs.” 
Sadly, in a world where over half of all digital advertising—an industry expected to hit $75.6 billion by the close of 2017—won’t be seen by an actual human… that assessment no longer stands. At least not when it comes to marketing.
The symptoms are everywhere.
Ad blockers, fake traffic, and bots (oh my). Toss in plummeting consumer trust and the skyrocketing cost of getting your message seen and, apologies to Mr. Drucker, but marketing is most certainly a cost.
The question is: What’s a business to do?
The thesis of Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose’s new book—Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses Are Turning Marketing Cost into Profit—offers a shocking answer:
“For the last 60 years, we’ve been operating marketing the same way, despite all of the disruptive changes that have gone on around us with digital, mobile, and everything the internet has brought.”
“What if everything we know to be true about marketing is actually what’s holding us back from being successful? And what if killing it was the best way forward?”
To find out why you should kill your marketing, I sat down with Joe and Robert. Turns out, getting away with murder comes down to three steps.
1. Audience is the asset
At first, killing marketing can sound revolutionary. And in many ways, it is. However, at its core stands one of business’ eternal truths: It’s not about you; it’s about them … your audience.
“Today,” says Joe, “there are no barriers of entry to building an audience nor for reaching whoever we need to. Because of that, it’s time to start looking at marketing in a different way: the possibility that marketing itself can be a profit center.”
Unfortunately, rather than take advantage of the new digital landscape as a direct access point, most brands still rely on the “gatekeepers of traditional media.” The result, in Robert’s words, is “interruption advertising on rented land.”
As Joe puts it, “Most marketing and communication experts are still running marketing as a disruptive force to generate sales for the current products and services they offer. This means revenue is dependant on one or two streams and ROI is wholly a matter of money spent versus money earned.”
Ironically, that assessment applies just as much to television commercials and print advertising as it does to pre-roll ads on YouTube and retargeting campaigns on Facebook. Regardless of the form, product-centric marketing stops the flow of an audience’s true pursuit and pays other companies for the privilege of that bothersome access.
Killing the old model starts with displacing products and services as the center of your marketing and replacing them with your audience.
“Amazon,” says Joe, “is a really good example. They sell a lot of different things, they’re getting into almost every industry on the planet, and they’re doing it by building a loyal audience first. Once you understand their needs, there’s no limit to product sales, service sales, running our own events, or launching our own media properties. You name it, we can do it.”
However, developing your audience means investing the right way in one of today’s most misunderstood buzzwords …
2. Content is the product
Content is a squishy term. Thanks to the online proliferation of all things written, visual, auditory, and interactive, it’s not exactly popular. But within that tension, as Killing Marketing reveals, lies a paradox: “As the production and distribution of content has become more commoditized … the value of original, high-quality content continues to increase.”
What separates good content from bad?
Treating content as the product meets your customers where they are. It begins with their needs, wants, problems, and desires. Rather than divert attention, good content capitalizes on it. A small but impressive minority are embracing this new model. 
Netflix started as a DVD rental service and now has 104 million monthly subscribers. Soon, more than 50% of Netflix’s content will be original productions. Not to be outdone, Amazon plans to spend roughly $2.6 billion on original content in 2017 alone. 
Or consider Starbucks who, through a partnership with former Washington Post editor Rajiv Chandrasekaran, invested in a series of TV and film documentaries centered on social issues. The classic example is Red Bull who evolved from an energy drink into a lifestyle magazine into documentaries, a TV series, live events, merchandising, and a music studio.
Of course, that’s all well and good for entertainment and product companies, but what about B2B services and ecommerce?
While not mentioned in the book, iQ by Intel is a shining example of just such a content-driven B2B initiative. Led by Managing Editor Deb Landau—a former investigative journalist—“the key,” says Deb, “is knowing the difference between a thing and a story.”
“Companies want to sell things. But things aren’t that interesting unless they mean something to people. You have to make a connection between what’s meaningful to your company and what’s meaningful to your audience. Things become interesting to people by telling stories about people.”
Good content creates an audience, and an audience leads to customers. But this symbiosis also offers something else important for long-term growth: data.
“Johnson & Johnson’s BabyCenter.com,” notes Robert, “reaches 23 million visitors a month and even though you’ll find sponsored ads from other companies, you won’t find a Johnson & Johnson product.” Instead, J&J uses the site to cultivate their audience and collect data, data that tells them everything from when new mothers start planning their baby’s birthday to what new products they want to which marketing messages resonate best.
At every step, content is the vehicle. The goal, however, is anything but content for content’s sake …
3. Profit is the goal
Good content provides value that both precedes and is distinct from traditional products. Unlike marketing, that content doesn’t interrupt your audience with a pitch, it serves them with an experience (one they already want). 
All this takes time, investment, and energy. But does that mean content costs? Maybe not.
“Marketing forces you to rent an audience’s attention on someone else’s land,” Intel iQ’s Head of Publishing, Luke Kintigh, told me. “Tactically, content may start with paid distribution and retargeting, but it retains an audience through subscriptions, so you can harvest them on land you own.”
That harvest is precisely where Killing Marketing offers its best insights. Joe and Robert plot ten separate revenue streams available to brands not only as a result of content, but through content itself.
Image: Image via Killing Marketing
Interestingly, even organizations committed to content often overlook the immense value in two of those streams. First, premium content: creating and selling guides, ebooks, traditional books, webinars, and training. Second, advertising: opening up your outlets to other company’s marketing efforts (e.g., Johnson & Johnson as well as branded-content powerhouses like The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Thrillist).
In fact, profit cuts both ways. 
While many of the businesses noted above are product companies who became publishers, publishers are also proving how lucrative products can be. Buzzfeed sells the Tasty One Top, The Chive’s ecommerce stores account for one-third of its revenue, and Mashable—at the risk of getting meta—sells online courses in everything from cryptocurrency to programming to (gasp) online marketing.
Plotting your marketing’s demise
Killing marketing is a big idea. One that can get you in a lot of trouble in organizations where campaigns and immediate ROI still reign. So, where should you start?
“The first step is to take the first step into an owned media experience,” says Robert. “What can you do to make a change, start to build direct access to your audience, and provide for multiple lines of value? It’s not about throwing everything out. It’s about investing now in a process that will pay dividends years from now.”
In other words, the worst thing you can do is try to dismantle marketing overnight. Far from being a wrecking ball, treating (1) your audience like the asset, (2) content like the product, and (3) profit as the goal can begin humbly. Regularity and consistency, no matter what medium you select, matter a great deal more than cinematic flash and excitement.
Just remember Robert’s final words: “There’s an evolution taking place and if you’re not in process of evolving, you’re in the process of dying.”
Aaron Orendorff is the founder of iconiContent and a regular contributor at Entrepreneur, Lifehacker, Fast Company, Business Insider and more. Connect with him about content marketing (and bunnies) on Facebook or Twitter.
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ralphmorgan-blog1 · 7 years
How to kill your marketing and profit from its demise
Times Square at dusk
Image: Getty Images
The authors of "Killing Marketing" say if you don’t evolve, you’ll die
“Marketing and innovation produce results,” wrote Peter Drucker, “all the rest are costs.” 
Sadly, in a world where over half of all digital advertising—an industry expected to hit $75.6 billion by the close of 2017—won’t be seen by an actual human… that assessment no longer stands. At least not when it comes to marketing.
The symptoms are everywhere.
Ad blockers, fake traffic, and bots (oh my). Toss in plummeting consumer trust and the skyrocketing cost of getting your message seen and, apologies to Mr. Drucker, but marketing is most certainly a cost.
The question is: What’s a business to do?
The thesis of Joe Pulizzi and Robert Rose’s new book—Killing Marketing: How Innovative Businesses Are Turning Marketing Cost into Profit—offers a shocking answer:
“For the last 60 years, we’ve been operating marketing the same way, despite all of the disruptive changes that have gone on around us with digital, mobile, and everything the internet has brought.”
“What if everything we know to be true about marketing is actually what’s holding us back from being successful? And what if killing it was the best way forward?”
To find out why you should kill your marketing, I sat down with Joe and Robert. Turns out, getting away with murder comes down to three steps.
1. Audience is the asset
At first, killing marketing can sound revolutionary. And in many ways, it is. However, at its core stands one of business’ eternal truths: It’s not about you; it’s about them … your audience.
“Today,” says Joe, “there are no barriers of entry to building an audience nor for reaching whoever we need to. Because of that, it’s time to start looking at marketing in a different way: the possibility that marketing itself can be a profit center.”
Unfortunately, rather than take advantage of the new digital landscape as a direct access point, most brands still rely on the “gatekeepers of traditional media.” The result, in Robert’s words, is “interruption advertising on rented land.”
As Joe puts it, “Most marketing and communication experts are still running marketing as a disruptive force to generate sales for the current products and services they offer. This means revenue is dependant on one or two streams and ROI is wholly a matter of money spent versus money earned.”
Ironically, that assessment applies just as much to television commercials and print advertising as it does to pre-roll ads on YouTube and retargeting campaigns on Facebook. Regardless of the form, product-centric marketing stops the flow of an audience’s true pursuit and pays other companies for the privilege of that bothersome access.
Killing the old model starts with displacing products and services as the center of your marketing and replacing them with your audience.
“Amazon,” says Joe, “is a really good example. They sell a lot of different things, they’re getting into almost every industry on the planet, and they’re doing it by building a loyal audience first. Once you understand their needs, there’s no limit to product sales, service sales, running our own events, or launching our own media properties. You name it, we can do it.”
However, developing your audience means investing the right way in one of today’s most misunderstood buzzwords …
2. Content is the product
Content is a squishy term. Thanks to the online proliferation of all things written, visual, auditory, and interactive, it’s not exactly popular. But within that tension, as Killing Marketing reveals, lies a paradox: “As the production and distribution of content has become more commoditized … the value of original, high-quality content continues to increase.”
What separates good content from bad?
Treating content as the product meets your customers where they are. It begins with their needs, wants, problems, and desires. Rather than divert attention, good content capitalizes on it. A small but impressive minority are embracing this new model. 
Netflix started as a DVD rental service and now has 104 million monthly subscribers. Soon, more than 50% of Netflix’s content will be original productions. Not to be outdone, Amazon plans to spend roughly $2.6 billion on original content in 2017 alone. 
Or consider Starbucks who, through a partnership with former Washington Post editor Rajiv Chandrasekaran, invested in a series of TV and film documentaries centered on social issues. The classic example is Red Bull who evolved from an energy drink into a lifestyle magazine into documentaries, a TV series, live events, merchandising, and a music studio.
Of course, that’s all well and good for entertainment and product companies, but what about B2B services and ecommerce?
While not mentioned in the book, iQ by Intel is a shining example of just such a content-driven B2B initiative. Led by Managing Editor Deb Landau—a former investigative journalist—“the key,” says Deb, “is knowing the difference between a thing and a story.”
“Companies want to sell things. But things aren’t that interesting unless they mean something to people. You have to make a connection between what’s meaningful to your company and what’s meaningful to your audience. Things become interesting to people by telling stories about people.”
Good content creates an audience, and an audience leads to customers. But this symbiosis also offers something else important for long-term growth: data.
“Johnson & Johnson’s BabyCenter.com,” notes Robert, “reaches 23 million visitors a month and even though you’ll find sponsored ads from other companies, you won’t find a Johnson & Johnson product.” Instead, J&J uses the site to cultivate their audience and collect data, data that tells them everything from when new mothers start planning their baby’s birthday to what new products they want to which marketing messages resonate best.
At every step, content is the vehicle. The goal, however, is anything but content for content’s sake …
3. Profit is the goal
Good content provides value that both precedes and is distinct from traditional products. Unlike marketing, that content doesn’t interrupt your audience with a pitch, it serves them with an experience (one they already want). 
All this takes time, investment, and energy. But does that mean content costs? Maybe not.
“Marketing forces you to rent an audience’s attention on someone else’s land,” Intel iQ’s Head of Publishing, Luke Kintigh, told me. “Tactically, content may start with paid distribution and retargeting, but it retains an audience through subscriptions, so you can harvest them on land you own.”
That harvest is precisely where Killing Marketing offers its best insights. Joe and Robert plot ten separate revenue streams available to brands not only as a result of content, but through content itself.
Image: Image via Killing Marketing
Interestingly, even organizations committed to content often overlook the immense value in two of those streams. First, premium content: creating and selling guides, ebooks, traditional books, webinars, and training. Second, advertising: opening up your outlets to other company’s marketing efforts (e.g., Johnson & Johnson as well as branded-content powerhouses like The New York Times, The Atlantic, and Thrillist).
In fact, profit cuts both ways. 
While many of the businesses noted above are product companies who became publishers, publishers are also proving how lucrative products can be. Buzzfeed sells the Tasty One Top, The Chive’s ecommerce stores account for one-third of its revenue, and Mashable—at the risk of getting meta—sells online courses in everything from cryptocurrency to programming to (gasp) online marketing.
Plotting your marketing’s demise
Killing marketing is a big idea. One that can get you in a lot of trouble in organizations where campaigns and immediate ROI still reign. So, where should you start?
“The first step is to take the first step into an owned media experience,” says Robert. “What can you do to make a change, start to build direct access to your audience, and provide for multiple lines of value? It’s not about throwing everything out. It’s about investing now in a process that will pay dividends years from now.”
In other words, the worst thing you can do is try to dismantle marketing overnight. Far from being a wrecking ball, treating (1) your audience like the asset, (2) content like the product, and (3) profit as the goal can begin humbly. Regularity and consistency, no matter what medium you select, matter a great deal more than cinematic flash and excitement.
Just remember Robert’s final words: “There’s an evolution taking place and if you’re not in process of evolving, you’re in the process of dying.”
Aaron Orendorff is the founder of iconiContent and a regular contributor at Entrepreneur, Lifehacker, Fast Company, Business Insider and more. Connect with him about content marketing (and bunnies) on Facebook or Twitter.
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