#i mean he's been back for awhile
maxsix · 2 months
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DAY6 | Park Sungjin
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ruporas · 9 months
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on the run!! (ID in alt)
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try-set-me-on-fire · 5 months
Me: this one will be a slow burn I think
Eddie Diaz: no actually i need to tell him i love him immediately
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aemiron-main · 28 days
All Happy And Gay: They Used The Exact Same Technique That They Used To Tell Us That Will Is Gay To Tell Us That Henry Is Gay
It’s funny to me when people assert that the “i like the Gay Ones best” line directed at Henry in TFS doesn’t mean that Henry’s gay because “that line means gay as in HAPPY,” which yes, on the surface that’s true, but also, a.) subtext exists & this line is delivering subtext about gay Henry and b.) they did the exact same thing with Will in S1 where they used the word “gay” as in happy to deliver the subtext that Will is gay:
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Like, why do people insist on imposing a double standard re: Henry’s gay coding? They used the exact same technique for Will’s gayness, but suddenly when it’s used for Henry, it magically doesn’t count?? When Will gets the “all happy and gay,” line, it’s clearly subtext about Will’s gayness, but when Henry, a guy also called One gets a line directed at a him from a girl who has a crush on him/likes him about how she “likes the Gay Ones best,” that’s just suddenly meaningless?? Cmon.
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starlooove · 2 months
Racist white ppl who don’t realize they’re racist getting mad about gojo is so funny
#y’all do the same shit#making them hot cheeto girl edits using AAVE USHER!!#helloooooo call in house etc.#but also I’ve been saying this for awhile#where ppl don’t want complicated characters or interesting arcs bc then they have to think about themselves#I’m not just yapping y’all u can look back#this is the second time feeling so vindicated#bc when it happened with Sokka and everyone was confused I literally said this is a product of this mindset#like grand scheme the reason they removed that from Sokka is that y’all can’t stomach ur faves having biases even when they improve#look at how y’all are reacting to gojo#I may tell a joke but I will never tell a WHAT#well no I lie a lot sorry#anyways point is y’all running to say gojo isn’t racist even tho the point of the scene is him unlearning that bias#and then turning around and saying you want complex characters#like it’s so telling when the only flaws u give ur characters is insecurity and maybe assholeish tendencies that don’t actually mean a lot#like y’all want these ppl to be you till they’re actually you#ugh#anyways y’all are so lucky I resisted adding my hate for another character for this#you ALRDY know who#just know he’s in here too#oh obvious obligatory duh ppl didn’t write sokka or gojo bc of eachother I’m talking about behavioral trends across media consumption dont#piss me off like with the way y’all act I wouldn’t be surprised#I’m not saying they’re related Like linearly or whatever I’m saying this shit isn’t coming out of nowhere it’s YOU!
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mattodore · 3 months
okay so because previous anons asked about sex, I wanna ask about aftercare, how they act after sex? oh and i’m curious how their sex life change after being together for a while
xoxo <3
their aftercare isn't always aftercare-101, if i'm honest. theo is very bad at it and doesn't really... ever... do that for matthias. and matthias may be very good at giving aftercare but theo is incredibly resistant to it. i mentioned earlier that theo really gets off on praise, but... he also flinches away from it. he's so twisted up about so much of what he wants and he's really, uh... well. he makes it really hard to get close to him and offer comfort despite how much he desires it. matthias can't say certain things without scaring theo off (and i mean, like, theo will quite literally run away), so he has to talk around what he wants to say and what theo needs to hear to prevent theo from bolting before he can bring him down.
matthias takes a long time cleaning theo up and massaging his muscles after, and he'll hum or talk to himself in polish so theo knows he's still there touching him (but isn't stirred before he comes to himself on his own by english he can understand). when he's finished, he'll ask theo very simple yes or no questions that let matthias know how theo's feeling without outright asking how he's feeling. he also checks on theo throughout the day, but he has to be even more subtle there or theo starts to feel smothered. is your body okay? do you want me to get you dressed? does your head hurt? do you want me to read to you? he focuses on asking about the physical and what theo wants to do rather than theo’s emotions. matthias has learned that asking if theo's feeling okay after is a quick way to trigger a very, very negative response in theo. it's one of the reasons why i think matthias is constantly asking theo in the heat of sex how he's feeling, because that's when theo is so preoccupied by the physical aspect that the emotional effects leak out without him fighting to keep them in. it takes a few months for theo to get comfortable with the feelings he has after sex with him before matthias can really give him proper aftercare. that’s why the sex they have early on is never anything too crazy. matthias coaxes theo into a better place first.
​i also think it’s important to clarify that it’s not like they’re always having kinky sex. still, theo usually needs physical touch after vanilla sex as well. matthias himself always craves conversation afterwards, so he waits for theo to stir awake (because he often falls asleep after sex) or come back into his body fully to talk to him.
as for changes to their sex life after they’ve been together for awhile… i believe i've talked about this before, but their sexual dynamic turns on its head after a few years. theo starts to take control of the reins and gets more comfortable asking for and doing what he wants. with theo he just has a lot holding him back and it's only after he's grown as a person and worked past a majority of his intimacy issues that he can act on the desires he's been burying waaay down. there's a sort of brattiness that theo starts to have a lot of fun with during sex—a lot of pushing and prodding, withholding, insulting... matthias is having the time of his life lmao, like he loves being challenged and pushed around. matthias takes on a more submissive role during sex as they age, which is fun for him. plus it's kind of the dynamic they've always had outside of sex anyway. of course, there are never any set roles in their sexual life so i'm not saying that it's always like that, but theo enjoys telling matthias what to do and how to do it. they have a lot of fun with it.
#river dipping#asks#anonymous#oc extras#nsft#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#a burning house to live in#echthroi#finally done..... actually patting myself on the back for being able to answer all of these in a day and a half like#normally being asked anything abt my ocs takes me forever to get to bc i just take everything so seriously#......................................exhibit a: this reply jnjhkjfnghk#my ocs are just really complicated so i feel like i have to really expand upon each new bit of information#like theo is NOT ! well adjusted in the slightest#and while matthias can read people very easily it doesn't mean that there aren't times where he messes up#theo is very closed off and he will lash out at the slightest thing that spooks him#and he also... is not really experienced in having good sex yk? so he's so bad at aftercare which i guess is like. well.#good thing your partner is someone who's used to being left to his own devices after experiencing major physical and emotional stressors#matthias can usually take himself out of a scene just because of the nature of his past...#but i think theo does pick up on what matthias does for him after awhile and he tries incorporating it into 'aftercare'#but................. i don't think he really understands what all he should be saying and doing for a few years like not until he's#domming matthias more frequently and has taken the time to look at The Internet lmao jkfjnhkjn i imagine it shocks him a bit#matthias may be good at sex but he does have his blind spots and those normally involve himself… so he never told theo that what he does#for him should be reciprocated………… additionally matthias is very much a giver not a taker#like he doesn’t expect or even really want theo to ask how he’s feeling. but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need that.#….have been rereading this for the last thirty minutes idk why this is what i’m like Yikes ! about responding to 😭#whatever post ‼️ theo isn’t good at sex i’ve said it before who can be surprised he gives zero aftercare
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seventh-district · 1 year
why have i suddenly been gripped with the desire to get back into fishkeeping
#Seven.txt#fish stuff#fishkeeping#fish keeping#fishblr#i’m not complaining cause i’ve lowkey missed feeling so passionate about the hobby but. my brain couldn’t have picked a less convenient tim#me: trying to spend less money and manage my time better#my brain: hey hey hey you know what you should do? you should get back into a really expensive and time-consuming hobby!!! it’ll be fun!!!#and i mean. it’s not like i truly ever got out of it i just sort of dialed back the number of tanks and fish i have over the past few years#so i’ve currently got a bunch of empty tanks and equipment sitting around collecting dust#i do still have three fish that i thought would be my last for a While. i’ve had them for a number of years and they’re all old by now#so i’m just trying to help them live the rest of their days as comfortably as they can#well. Paprika and Thing One are near their end but in spite of the Mystery Growth on Thing Two’s head that little guy is still doing fine#so he could still be here for awhile. who knows. but anyways#fishkeeping was one of my first really intense and long lasting special interests/hyperfixations so it’s such a strange feeling#to have it come back so strongly and for no obvious reason. but. that’s the nature of fixations i suppose!#insert Drake and Josh ‘I do not control the hyperfixation’ meme here#anyways. the project to finally set up the 75gal that’s been sitting empty for years is finally underway!!! so that’s exciting!#now i’ve got to make a list of things i need and find somewhere to set up a quarantine tank. hrmmm#and also cry over the fact that the filter i need is 200 dollars ahahahaaaaa why did my brain have to latch onto this hobby oh my god#oh man. i’ve gotta order the snails and activated media before the weather gets any warmer or they’ll cook in the bag on the way here ugh#This Post Brought To You By- me sitting here refreshing my email every 10 mins. waiting for Cynthia to let me know if she still has#these two adorable Sakura Ranchus avaliable to purchase. i mean. they were listed in Sep. 2021 so i will be Shocked if she still has them#but maybe the universe will smile upon me and i'll get lucky!
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bloggirl8842 · 7 months
I feel like one of my friends is being weird with me but I’ve got no proof all I know is I asked her for another friend’s number (someone I haven’t spoken to in 4 yrs 😟) and she stopped texting me back and liking my posts. Which could be entirely incidental like it should just be entirely incidental but I am getting a weird vibe
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Tayston =‘]
#been meaning to draw smthing like this for a minute#i.e. tayston kiss where maybe simultaneous laughing / [smiling As Good As a laugh] is getting in the way of that kiss but not a problem rly#didn't really want to have to choose between taylor smiling harder / laughing aloud Or Not so i didn't choose between them#winston billions#tayston#corned beef#why Not include affectionate touches but you can believe the hands are also included to emphasize the [heads together Heart Shape] too#yes winston's as undressed as taylor yes i included his glasses b/c i felt like it. might have put them back on after awhile w/o them; might#have only Just removed a tee w/enough room in the collar to not dislodge his glasses as he did so; or i can't stop anyone from imagining#that just out of frame on his shoulder we could see like a spaghetti strap to a tank top. god bless#i also went ''am i gonna be more like subtle/muted or w/e & Not include little sparkles / hearts'' then 5 min later was like lol as though#you Know i'm gonna do it (include the little sparkles and/or hearts)#oh my god lmfao again also with the bi palette. definitely separate pink purple blue in there. all Except the yellow highlights...#like not that that happens accidentally lol like ofc i'm selecting colors to my tastes & who doesn't love blue/pink/purple like what a team#but only after the fact do i recall the bonus lol....Could've ended up say; Not using one of those three colors....but here we are#have been working on this for....nights#me at 5am last night like haha i'm Almost done but better save it for later#and in this final stretch i have definitely been at it since uhh. well it's now two a.m. and i started in on this pre sunset est#not that it was Constant work w/o frequent breaks lol but the lack of sustained focus is itself kind of that constant factor l o l#so it goes. just glad to post it early enough for some other taystonheads to get to see it Now. happy pride
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cherry-shipping · 10 months
i think its awesome how every single one of my f/os, romantic or otherwise, would smoke weed with me EXCEPT dave. hed joke about it but if i asked him he would be so fucking scared. mf would never
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spring-lxcked · 1 year
it's so so so important to me that william's motivation for his initial killings is just like. because he wants to. he's a serial killer, he doesn't have some deep emotional motivation. the discovery of remnant is just like. additional motivation beyond Enjoying Murder.
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inutaffy · 2 years
thinking the real reason we start seeing less of mike in s3 and then less in s4 is because it's trying to show how he's slowly drawing into himself and that he's closed off/emotionally repressed, we as an audience quite literally have no clue as to what he's thinking
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suckd0g · 2 months
i remember when i was 18 i really wanted to get into the local punk scene but was having a hard time finding shows and i remember being so excited when i started college because i finally met people who had similar music taste to me but for whatever reason nobody i knew was into hardcore punk… and i remember asking one of my classmates if he knew any local punk bands and he was like “yeah”, recommend me a band, they were pop punk and fairly popular. and now im over hxc shows and punk bands playing at bars … for the most part… i think if i told my 18 year old self that they’d think i was just being lame !
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I put much more thought into my middle name than my first (still very little thought tho), but I still frequently just. Forget that my middle name exists. Despite having chosen it.
#so my first and middle names are austyn jace#for austyn i legit just went through a baby name site and read masculine names until i vibed with one#cuz when i chose ny name i thought i was a trans man#i chose austin. then as i discovered im nonbinary i changed it to austyn#its the feminine spelling of a masculine name so its kind of in the middle#but truly i just chose austi/yn because i vibed with it. like macimum 15 minutes of thought went into it#for jace i wanted a middle name that started with j so i could go by aj if i wanted#i considered james and liked that but there was a kid at school named james and he was a dick#jace has a similar sound and vibe to it so i chose jace#thats one i chose from my brain instead of the internet. and for a specific reason#sometimes i wish i had put more thought into my first name because it doesnt have any special meaning and isnt super unique#but irs mine. for awhile now ive been considering going by jace because its more of the nb vibe that i like#but recently one of my friends changed her name to jase (pronounced the same) so i simply cant change it to that now lol#ive been austyn for so long i wouldnt want to chsnge it. i love it#but occasionally i do regret not putting a little bit more thought into it#and i frequently forget my middle name tbh#'whats your middle name?' 'um.... jace!'#sometimes i switch back to my old middle name#whoch i dont hate. its lynn#but its a family middle name belonging to my mom and her mom and probably moms before her#and my mom was super transphobic when i came out so i got rid of that name super quick. killed that family name#if she hadnt been such a bitch i probs wouldve kept it#truly adds to the androgyny of the name#but i wanted to cut my connections so the family name died with me#austyn lynn is pretty tho#the y in both the names vibes together really nicely
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Harleys started watching horror game playthroughs with me lol
#the jumpscares get her more than they get me lol#not that surprising#shes jumpy in general#there was a hose sitting in a bag by the back door for like a month once and she jumped every time she saw it#if we put something new up on the wall but she doesnt SEE us putting it up she jumps the second she notices it#shes a scaredy cat#but she seems weirdly fascinated by horror games#jumpscares hardly phase me anymore#they used to but ive watched so many horror game playthroughs on youtube that ive been almost completely desensitized#every once in awhile one still gets me#i was also never scared going through haunted houses#i mean i havent been to....well any haunted HOUSES actually#haunted train ride in baldwin was fun#wouldve been more fun if my friend wasnt cutting off circulation from my arm from gripping it so hard#and also if hadnt gotten sick afterwards#but i did make a werewolf self conscious so sorry about that man#told my friend to just say ''whats up'' to the monsters and just fake confidence and the werewolf got right in our faces to say it back#and he had bad breath and was scaring my friend so i told him he needed a tic tac#at the time it was funny but now i feel kinda bad about it#but it had the effect of calming my friend down which was really all i was going for#cuz she seemed on the verge of an anxiety attack and her parents and sister were just telling her to shut up and deal with it#anyway the next year they went without me and she got banned for punching one of the actors when they jumped out at her#hopefully mr werewolf was able to write that off as an 11 year old being a little shit#which i wasnt doing intentionally. id just heard that joke before and was trying to help my friend be less scared#and that was the first thing that came to mind when plan ''feign confidence'' didnt work#the other haunted thing i went to was a haunted canyon tour in the Wisconsin dells#that was fun#the scariest part was a dude walking next to me while dragging a (running) chainsaw on the ground near my feet and i was wearing sandals#and like. im sure you do this every night and youre trained for it and everything.but i dont really know or trust you enough for this my guy
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futuremercifulnerd · 9 months
Buggy really got me wanting to cosplay again
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