#i mean giving baked goods to people i like is basically my default action anyway
bilbao-song · 6 years
I just saw your 10 facts about Jeff ❤️. Please can you maybe do more sometime? (No pressure of course)... I loved it. You mentioned that you kept coming up with anecdotes and observations and I think those would be a great addition too for those who don't know a lot about him yet but want to (like me)💞 thank you in advance ☮️
awwww thank you, i’m glad you liked it!! 😭💖 it takes me sooo long to think of things that are like??? worthy of including??? like idk what would be entertaining enough to everybody lmao but!!!! after much consideration here are some more assorted Jeffrey Things (public apology if read mores aren’t working on mobile atm bc this is sooooooooo long rip):
just so u know this is probably not going to be as organized as the last one and more like me just listing random things lmao but nevertheless here we go
according to some person who knew him for awhile Back In The Day he once tried to play one of his gold records on a turntable and iirc the end result was that it was just some random album coated in whatever they use to make them gold lmao
this is 100% not even a fact necessarily (i mean. it kind of is but it’s also an opinion whatever) but i would just like to call attention to the fact that he has rlly pretty handwriting????? (here is like...the most obvious example i can think of [also just!!! i adore that whole entire thing and one time i showed it to my mom and she was like ‘omg...a novel...’ rip]) also he’s exceptionally cute and sometimes he dots i’s and exclamation points with little circles......
i haven’t been able to find the thing where i read this in like 96 years despite the fact that i’ve been actively looking for it ever since so don’t quote me on it but unless i’m just totally misremembering it he got??? thrown off a horse once or something???
also i recently read this lil newspaper snippet thing from 1976 that somebody posted in a facebook group in which he broke the neon elo sign by running into it while receiving an award lmao so can we please like...wrap him in bubblewrap or something
a few years ago when he was on the sirius xm town hall thing (which was in general just really wonderful so i hope it’s still on the internet somewhere although i haven’t heard it since i listened to the original airing) he told this really adorable story in which roy orbison (who apparently called him jeffy 😭 same) would bring cakes to the traveling wilburys sessions and let him be the first to pick which one he wanted 💖💖💖💖💖💖
apparently!!! he recorded a lil christmas album with his dad lmao so i’m definitely really jealous of the people who experienced That
again i feel like this barely even qualifies as a Fun Fact lmao but on the subject of christmas i always look forward to hearing this song on the radio every year at christmastime not only because it’s just an excellent song but also because at the veryyyyy end...There He Is
and again. not a fact??? i guess??? but since i feel like not enough people know about this i would just like to remind the world that this happened bc i love them both so much (see also: x 💖💖💖)
oh? and can i talk about how they gave him pumpkin bread at his lil hollywood walk of fame ceremony in 2015? like i genuinely don’t even know what that was about and i don’t think anybody else does either bc it was the most random thing in the world but i was really entertained by it?? like i honestly don’t know if that’s just a Thing that they do or if somebody just felt inclined to give him some pumpkin bread (if so...same) but it was an experience
anyway!!! that’s basically everything i can think of atm so thanks for coming to my ted talk and pls feel free to keep sending me asks like this lmao because even though it takes me forever to come up with an adequate response i just!!!!!!! gotta emphasize the fact that i could talk about jeffrey every single day of my life
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sunareii · 4 years
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wc: 2773
suna grits his teeth, the light's too strong for him to see. he close his eyes shut, having no intentions to torture his eyes at the glow infront of him that is brighter as his mothers cellphone brightness. a deafening sound screeches at his ears like metal scratching another metal, oh how annoying that sound is.
he squints his eyes slightly as if his default eyes wasn't squinted enough. he could see a person, a female he assumes by their figure alone whose back faced towards him but the luminescence made his sight blur, he couldn't identify who it is
voice echoed insignificantly, he doesn't know whose is it nor where it's coming from except the voice started to scratch him in the head displeasingly
rintarou! rintarou! rintarou!
sunas eyes blinks open once to be greeted by his mother scowling after he has bestir himself from a horrible dream. he could hear a small voice saying 'oh no' inside his head as it's definetely not the first time he woke up to an angry face
"do you have any idea what time it is?" his mother barked, her face continues to grimace at her son. suna sits up groggily and reached for his phone beside him
12:47 pm
"how many times to i have to tell you to not stay up late!" she berates before pulling his cushion up, causing him to fall a bit from his stance and gets hit with it
"ow─! you just hit me with a pillow!" suna winces, strands of his dark hair are all over the place
"better than a slipper or your face would look even worse than just messy hair" the mother threatens before leaving the territtory so casually like she had not scolded anything at his sons ears. senzo could only choke a laugh at the freaky scene that occured upon his room, he had identified his apathetic relative as a fellow who would only shrug their shoulders when being rebuked or insulted. suna is infact a 'take no shit' kind of man, he's just wholesomely a bit playful with his mother.
suna goes down the stairs slothfully as his body might not be running his blood yet and he took a bit too long to go to the dining room where his food rests on the table cold as a corpse
"if you have woken up ealier it would have been warmer" his mothers interrupts from the living room. suna rolls his eyes then sneers  at his mother from the room
'i wasn't even complaining but i am now' he thought as he opens the large plate that covers his meal, his boiled eggs as soggy as ever
he sits down at the at the table then started contemplating about his recent dream, was it even a dream? though it seems a bit vague but vivid when he was still in a slumber. suna reckons it was just another weird hallucination. he has quite plenty of those so this one is no special, except that this peculiar reverie didnt have any sort of plot unlike the time he dreamt about the miyas and some random player from karasuno that he'd only seen once have a bachelors party at a couple he had seen in a movie before while also drinking blue liquid which now is extremely questionable but that was just an example of the long list
suna hears a soft thump going down the stairs, he glance to see his cousin all dressed up for the day
"hey sen, are you going somewhere?"
"uh.. yeah, why?"
"can i go with you?"
senzo probably didn't sound sure himself, well that's because he isn't used to people wanting to join him to go outside or anything at all and he was receiving a small friendly treatment from a cousin he didn't knew existed and vice versa.
the two went out briefly after suna changing into some proper clothing for the day, the walk is quiet like the usual though they do give some comments here and ther. the sun sweltered upon them while two or three clouds wafts against each other.
"im going this way, is there a place you wanted to go?" senzo asks after an abrupt stop
suna truthfully didn't have a particular destination, he went with him 'cause he felt like it. they went far for him to just go back, he thought for a long minute before a specific location passes in his head.
"yes, actually
"i'll see ya later then" senzo says before walking away
suna felt awkward since his destination is far from where they had gone to
he doesn't know why he's making his way there, for fresh air? for the scenery? for someone?
suna halts as he sees a narrow space in the side of the hill, he figured it's also a path way up to the old patio he visited. he begins walking upwards and repents at his decision mid-way. the path is rocky and hard to stay still on because of the numerous inconsistent rock shapes. it doesn't help that there's a hot atmosphere around him as he continues to go up carefully.
sweat drips down his forehead, his tiny strands of bangs sticking along on it. the heat annoyed him as he reaches the top of the mountain hill, the sun beams directly at the crest where he now stands but once he finished catching his breath the brightest star seems to appear infront of him.
somehow the fieriness of this evening─the reason he's such a sweaty mess─suna doesn't seem to mind it anymore as he watches the the girl he had came across twice stand infront of him. she was there, like she had always been, tossing a ball over her head for who knows how long.
'wait, she does volleyball?'
i mean, he could see it but at the same time not so much?
though you were tad bit taller for an average height of a female and you don't look like you hold any outstanding physical attributes either but he can't really underestimate you that quickly can he?
sunas being remained unnoticed due to her keeping her concentration firmly. she tosses the ball up into the air, patently going to do a jump serve. from her evident zealousness you would be tricked that she'll actually spike or even jump with experience. she was slow and her legs looked stiff when she leaped, hell, she didn't even swing her arms in time, she barely even touched the ball.
'uhh.. that was an awkward serve' her attempt to serve was futile and funny even, suna can't help but to chortle instead of detaining it, his attempt to be discreet wasn't great either. she let's out a light gasp as soon as she heard him cackling from the side, she already was embarrassed at her shot but now that the same cute boy she saved from the market is a witness at her own frustration made her embarrassment go off the line than where it should be
"that was an impressive serve you just did" suna starts sarcastically whilst disturbingly taking little steps towards her. she could only scream her embarrassment deep on her palm, peeking her eyes through one of the gaps to see him, picking up the ball from the ground.
"how long have you been here?"
"long enough to see eveything"
"pleas erase it from your memory" she says blatantly as she finally regains her composure, suna shrugs at her as he hands the ball back to her, she unhesitatingly grabbing it back only for him to extend his arm up. the ball being too high for her too reach since the boy teasing her is intimidatingly tall.
"it's not that easy" suna replies as he looks down at the figure shorter than him giving him an irratating frown, "what do you know about volleyball?" she mumbles, her eyes looking elsewhere.
"alot of things" he remarks with a heavy stare. the girl infront of him  seems surprised and asked "do you play?" which he answers with a curt nod. the silence after that is conscious and creates a long stare-down between the two, in addition to that is the beating heat of the sun baking them from below like they weren't perspiring enough from the exercise they had done in such a time.
"i'll just take this back then" she says as her feet tip-toes close to his level, the tip of her fingers hardly brushing off the ball. suna just stands there leisurely as he watches the girl he doesn't even know struggle into obtaining her property back.
suna gazes down at her meek nature, her cheeks faintly glows a pretty shade of pink, her hair  cascading down her neck every now and then, the sun rays paints her skin too perfectly
suna smiles slightly as he pokes a little fun with her and having fun himself except to the part where he begins to feel her chest nudging his whenever she jumps and immidietly gave her her ball back smoothly. "here" he says before walking away from his agitation
she cocks an eyebrow at him when she turns around to face his retreating figure, his phone buzzed at his pocket, opening it to get a message from his mom and the second years groupchat, well maybe third years for noow on. yet suna couldn't be bothered to open either of them seeing as his mom just texted him some chores whilst the groupchat is just filled with the twins nonsense.
"could you play with me for a little while?" she asks reluctantly, dugging her nails on the air-filled ball
suna is bewildered at the instantaneous request but he figured it's better to take up on her behest than do his mothers errands anyway
turning his heel back, he meets her big eyes with his flat slanted ones and his actions seems to answer her offer
"what made you think playing straight under the sun was a great idea?" suna complains, panting heavily as the sun eventually plummets down. they stayed up on top for hours and instead of actually playing suna ended up teaching her the basics of volleyball for goodness sake she was an extremely slow learner.
"what do you mean? i like it up here" her tone filled with confusion as she questions him
"the sun literally fried us"
"you don't look that good to me"
"huh?" suna's brain is now all muddled by her statement causing him to give a repulsive look, she didn't seem too bothered by how she voiced her proclamation and only started walking down the stairs, suna following behind.
"you must be thirsty, i'll buy us some drinks, my treat" she announces as she holds out her baby blue colored wallet, turning left as they reached down the stairs, the vending machine is conveniently there aswell. "any preference?" she inquires only for suna to shook his head
"water is enough" he answers shortly
their drinks clank down at the bottom of the machinary and some gulping could be heard subseuquently. suna exhales lowly after drinking some refreshment. the wind passes and gives a cold whisk ontop of their skin, the sky is painted deep orange along with pale red. they soon walk in silence with the cold bottles, hers being a can of juice in their hands.
"can we play again?" she unexpectedly mutters shyly
suna glances at her, the tip of her ears turning incredibly red. "don't you have your own friends?" he mentions as he takes another sip. "i know quite a few people but only one or two are actually my friends and neither of them plays volleyball" she explains with her eyes shut
"if you're that wishful to learn the sport why not join your school volleyball club?"
she groans "i can't, my father doesn't let me join any after school activities"
"why?" sounding invasive only crossed his mind once she gave him an answer
"my dad is very strict, i need to be home before five he says" she mocks her father at the end of her sentence in a playful intention
"you're already pass your curfew, you child"
"you look the same age as me though"
"oh really?" they banter and it felt like they have known each other by a relatively long time. he enjoys her company it's fairly not too solemn and to him it feels nice to have a friendly jest with someone who won't intend to cause any issues unlike some two other people..
the usual tranquil in every interaction seem to be becoming consistent and recurring, they soon throw their bottles away in the trash bin sitting down the street like any other decent person
"so can we play again?" she asks the second time with a little more anticipation
suna didn't answer and only looks at her emotionlessly. does he really want to? she was nice but she's rather tenacious, there was a moment where he wanted to leave during the whole session. it seems the longer he stayed quiet, the more she  became impatient
"come on! the guys who plays at the public court always looks intimadating"
"and i'm not?" he snickers while his eyebrow rose
"well, i didn't have the ideal impression of you at first though but now you seem like a cool guy" she explains giving him a small thumbs up
"do you mean when you rescued me in the market?"
"no, earlier than that" suna thinks for a moment to the point of looking up on the dark sky before the memory finally getting into his head
"oh, you mean the birdnest hair? yeah i remember now" he teases with a little smile
"it's not like you looked any better with your own hair at the time"
"so─!" she starts a little louder than her monotonious voice before smiling at him keenly exactly how she eyed him the last time they met "how about it city boy!"
suna sighs and scrunched his nose at the nickname, he presumes because of his unfamiliar dialect "you're that persistent, and why city boy?"
"i never got your name after all this time, you know" nor did he ever got her name
suna looks down for a moment, he couldn't fathom what is wrong with him just telling her his name, it's not like he won't get hers when he answers.
"suna rintarou" he replies blankly
"suna rintarou?" she says questioningly, he nods his head
"suna rintarou... suna rintarou" she repeats in a breathy whisper as if engraving his name in her mind
"l/n y/n" she introduces herself back, "nice to meet you, suna" suna didn't reply much and only says "likewise" back and continuous the conversation where they have left just before the introduction.
suna rests his hand in his pocket, "you seem too willing to hang out with someone you only met thrice"
"i like you anyway so it's fine!" she beams a little too bluntly and it didn't help how she closed the proximity between them, literally doesn't intend to let him go off the question.
"sure"  he mouthed rather than openly saying it
"i said i'll think about it" he claims as he turns his back to her to turn on the side of the sidewalks, "see you! you should know by now where to find me if you ever want to see me" she emphasized, waving her hands at him which suna imitated briefly before disappearing to her sight completely.
"curse you gate!"
the door slides open revealing her father staring at her expectantly waiting for her with his arms crossed just rught after she got inside the platform
"what's your excuse this time?" he awaits, his finger tapping his forearm
y/n stops her foot on the soft muck as she faces her humble abode. she struggles to open the gate as quietly as possibly but the damned steel gate really wanted her caught, huh?
"i.. was playing volleyball.." she says with all honesty as she step infront of the doorstep
"alone again?" his father assumes, he doesn't understand why she keeps sneaking out outside just to be doing things all by herself
"nope, with a newly found friend this time" y/n murmurs as she takes off her shoes before entering her home nonchalantly. she wouldn't mind getting in trouble for the day and her father takes note of her uplifted mood quizzically
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chasholidays · 7 years
You're awesome for doing this again! How about: Clarke is internet crushing on a food blogger and flirts with him over the comments, but he doesn't put his real name online and she has no idea what he looks like. ALSO, she's real life crushing on her BFF's brother Bellamy. Surprise - they're the same person. (please and thank you, I love all of your work!!)
Not to be completely shallow or anything, but Clarke starts reading Grumio’s blog because of a screenshot of his hands.
His hands are the only parts of his body that are really visible on any part of his website, but they’re more than enough for her to decide to follow up on him. She’s always had a thing for hands, and Grumio’s are basically perfect. Clarke is aggressively here for smart boys with perfect hands who know how to cook.
Granted, he knows how to cook in the dorkiest way possible, but Clarke’s kind of into that too. She likes people who are passionate and dedicated, regardless of what the passion is for or the dedication is to.
Unless it’s passion about racism or something. Fuck that.
But Grumio is passionate about Roman cooking. Well, okay, he seems to be passionate about Roman culture in general, but the focus of his blog is on researching and recreating historical cuisine using period-appropriate ingredients and tools. It’s not really the kind of thing Clarke is usually into but, again, he has amazing hands. Every once in a while, he’ll do a video, and even though he just plays music in the background instead of speaking, they’re still pretty much her favorite thing to watch.
And, yes, she knows how sad that is. But Grumio is interesting. He’d have to be, to have gotten the following he has. He’s a popular internet dork who cares deeply about history. She’s not the only one who thinks he’s cool.
Which is probably why she decides to tell Bellamy about him.
There is an irrational part of Clarke that feels wrong, talking to Bellamy about Grumio. After all, Grumio is her internet crush, and Bellamy is her real-life crush, and it feels as though talking about one to the other is crossing the streams. But Bellamy teaches Latin, so she’s brought him up a couple times in her comments to Grumio, and it seems only logical to bring Grumio up to him.
If she’s honest, it’s felt logical for a while, but she was putting it off, and Bellamy reminds her of exactly why as soon as she does it.
“Have you heard of Cooking with Grumio?” she asks, and he frowns in a way that suggests less that he isn’t familiar with the blog and more that he’s confused she that she is.
“Have you?”
“No, I put together a random string of syllables and hit a real thing. You know about it?”
“I’m a Latin teacher,” he says, voice gently teasing. “My students have mentioned it once or twice.”
“Okay, yeah. I probably should have seen that coming.”
“I appreciate the head’s up anyway.” He takes a drink of his beer, and Clarke’s worried it’s going to turn into an awkward silence, but instead it turns into an awkward question. “How did you find it?”
“How does anyone find anything on the internet? I followed a link and liked it enough to add it to my bookmarks.”
“Oh wow, it’s on your bookmarks,” he teases. “That’s the real sign of internet dedication.”
“What, do you not like it?”
He shrugs. “It’s cool, I guess. I approve of anything that’s educational but tricks kids into thinking it’s fun. I just didn’t think it would be your thing.”
“He’s a good writer,” she says, trying to be just as casual. “And it’s interesting. Just because I’m not an ancient Rome enthusiast, it doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate a cool project.”
“I guess so. Well, thanks for letting me know about it.”
“Even if I’m the thousandth person to tell you.”
He smiles; the expression looks a little off to Clarke, but she can’t really figure out why. It’s not like they’re really friends. Clarke is friends with Octavia, and Octavia is close to her brother. They see each other a few times a month, and Clarke tries very hard to not be into him, because, again, Octavia is close to her brother. There’s nothing inherently wrong with dating a friend’s sibling, but given how Octavia and Bellamy grew up, it’s more like dating a friend’s surrogate father figure. Which is definitely a little weird.
None of which matters, because Bellamy’s not interested in her anyway. He’s just an incredibly attractive person she hangs out with sometimes, and they end up talking mostly by default. Everyone else is kind of paired off.
“Hey, you could always hit the Latin thing I haven’t heard about. Stranger things have happened.”
“Are there Latin things you don’t know about?”
“If there are, I wouldn’t know, so–”
She laughs. “So I’ll let you know if I find any other cool blogs.”
“Yeah, I’d appreciate it.”
Comments on post You Asked, Grumio Drank Until He Was Okay With It: Time to Bake Bread
Sea Geez Have you seriously never made bread before???
GrumioDon’t judge, I’m not much of a baker.
Sea GeezReally? Why not? Baking is basically all I’m good at.
GrumioI don’t know. It seems boring. I like trying to figure stuff out, and when I’m baking, I basically have all the answers. Add this much, and if you add any more, you fuck it up.
Also, yeast weirds me out.
Sea GeezYeast weirds you out?
GrumioIt’s ALIVE.
Sea GeezYou eat meat. You know what meat is, right?
GrumioAnd in a life or death situation, I’d probably be fine killing my own food. But I still feel bad for yeast.
Sea GeezThat’s actually kind of adorable.
GrumioThanks, I try.
“So, uh, did you see that Grumio post about Saturnalia?” Bellamy asks. He sounds so profoundly awkward, she can’t help smiling.
“Are you trying to make conversation? Because you’re a lot better at it when you’re not trying. That was so awkward.”
“Thanks. I was just curious. I thought it was pretty cool.”
“Yeah, I liked it too. If I were better at cooking, I might try some of it out.”
“I feel weird reading a food blog where I never try to make any of the recipes. Like I’m missing out.”
He rubs the back of his neck, looking oddly nervous. “I’m not a bad cook,” he offers. “If you ever found one you really wanted to try, I could probably help out.”
It’s the first time he’s ever made any offer to hang out with her one-on-one, which is simultaneously awesome and kind of–suspect. Which is ridiculous, obviously. She and Bellamy are friends. There’s nothing at all suspicious about his offering to help her with cooking. That’s a normal, friendly thing.
“Have you made any yourself?”
“Again, Latin teacher. I do them all the time for school events. The kids love seeing stuff they recognize from Grumio, honestly.”
“So, do you have any favorites? Anything you want to show me?”
“I could probably come up with something. I won’t be offended if you don’t want to,” he adds.
He’s so nervous. About offering to cook for her, of all things.
If it’s suspicious, it’s the best kind of suspicious.
“No, that would be awesome. Was there something in the Saturnalia post you thought would be good? Anything you recommend?”
“The Roman cheesecake balls looked pretty cool. I could probably come up with something else to go with them.”
“A full Grumio meal?”
He smiles a little. “That’s the idea.”
Comments on post Walk Like an Egyptian, Drink Like a Roman
Sea GeezTop three recipes you’ve ever made?
GrumioThat’s like asking me to pick my top three children.
Sea Geez1. Is it?2. How many children do you have?
GrumioI see your transparent attempt to trick me into giving out demographic information and I’m not falling for it. But good effort. Here are some of my favorite recipes for your effort.
Clarke’s never actually been to Bellamy’s apartment, but when she told him about the incredibly sorry state of her kitchen, he invited her over to his place instead. There is something of a datelike feeling to the whole evening, and she’s doing her best to not read into it. After all, they’re already friendly, and this is a logical way to take it a step further to being actual friends.
It’s not a date. Definitely not a date.
When she knocks on the door, he just calls, “It’s open!” and when she goes in, she finds him in the kitchen, apparently reviewing his giant pile of ingredients.
“Wow. You really didn’t have to go to all this trouble.”
“It’s no trouble.”
She makes a show of looking at his crowded counter tops. “Yeah, that’s just clearly a lie. You went to a ton of trouble.”
“I saved the receipts, you said you’d Venmo me.”
“Yeah, but–it’s still a lot of effort. Not just money.”
“I like cooking,” he says, with a shrug. “I don’t mind.”
“You say that now, but you haven’t seen how shitty I am at cooking yet.”
“You can’t be that bad,” he says, with the confidence of someone who has never witnessed her in the kitchen.
“Don’t jinx it,” she says. “What am I doing?”
It should be unspeakably awkward, being not just alone with Bellamy, but in his kitchen, but to Clarke’s surprise, it’s actually pretty fun. He really is a good cook, obviously familiar with not only cooking in general, but all the recipes he’s showing her. And even though she’s about the farthest thing possible from an expert, Bellamy is mostly patient, and at least amused when she fucks up.
The two of them agreed on a menu without much trouble, and it is cool, seeing the dishes she’s seen online come together in real life.
And as she watches him chop some herbs, she realizes exactly how much what she’s watching resembles what she’s seen online. Her jaw drops, and before she can think it through, she says, “Holy shit, you’re Grumio.”
He freezes. “What?”
There’s no going back, so she just has to plow forward. “I recognize your hands.”
“My hands?” he asks, incredulous.
She should have noticed before, honestly. Of course Bellamy has nice hands, he always has. She’s caught herself on more than one occasion watching the way he gestures when he talks, but it’s hard to really identify someone from their hands alone. It’s seeing the way they look in action, cooking, that’s so familiar, and somehow she’s sure. Bellamy’s list of dishes was very similar to the one she proposed. He was always a little shifty about the whole thing. It makes sense, for all it feels impossible. Grumio could be anyone, but somehow, he’s Bellamy.
“I was going to tell you,” he says, slumping.
“When I figured out how. I didn’t think anyone I knew actually read it. O mentioned it once but just, you know, she saw a link.”
“So no one knows?”
“You know.”
“No one else.”
He shrugs, a little awkward. “I didn’t want my students to know, so it just seemed easier to not tell anyone.” He laughs, shaking his head. “Fuck, I can’t believe you recognized my hands. I didn’t think they were that special.”
“Maybe I’m just a big fan.”
“Are you? Do you comment or anything?”
Part of her wants to lie, but he easily could have denied his own identity, so it’s only fair. “Yeah, um. Sea Geez.”
He stares at her, and then starts laughing. “Holy shit. Seriously?”
“You’re my favorite commenter.”
A warm glow of pride fills her chest. “Well, you’re my favorite Roman food blogger.”
“Thanks.” He turns his attention back to the chopping, deliberate. “This was, uh. The best way I could figure out to use it as a pickup. If I’d know you were Sea Geez I would have just asked you out, honestly.”
“You were definitely flirting with me.”
“You were definitely flirting back!”
He grins. “I was. So—did this work?”
He gestures to his kitchen. “First date.”
“Does Octavia know it’s a first date?”
“Fuck, she always knows when I have a crush. It’s the world’s most annoying super power. She knows.”
“Then yeah,” she says. “Anything would have worked, honestly.”
“Awesome. Go check the meat, will you?”
“Romantic,” she teases, and he just raises one shoulder, smiles.
“I thought so, yeah.”
Comments on post First Anniversary Dinner for Poppaea
Helen of Troy, NYWow, that’s a really nice spread!! Poppaea is a very lucky woman. I hope she appreciates you ;)
GrumioYeah, don’t worry, I’m pretty sure she does.
Sea GeezWell, who wouldn’t?
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